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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 232 KB, 834x769, 1538012306844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13761063 No.13761063 [Reply] [Original]

Damn normies are really going off on the sherpa jacket this season. Time to burn mine

>> No.13761103

Sherpa denim was last season m8.

>> No.13761110

Yeah I know. But now it's so bad I'm seeing moms and little children wearing them

>> No.13761118

Who the hell cares if it's popular? If you still like it, then wear it.

>> No.13761167

Lmao, sherpa have been popular for ages.
Stop trying to not be "normie" anon, just accept that you are part of them.

>> No.13761304
File: 29 KB, 741x568, F4DA53A0-0836-4930-89F9-1F109BA5622F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sherpa jackets are borderline timeless. They’ve never been my thing and I’ve never worn or had one but I’ve been seeing them my entire life.
>this season

>> No.13761326
File: 86 KB, 558x595, 500 Bucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these instead, you filthy poorfag.

>> No.13761529

These were last season too.

>> No.13761535

I'll never understand the 4chan obsession of foregoing good stuff because "normal" people use it.

Might as well wear nothing then. Fashionable people are usually normies, not 4chan users.

>> No.13761553
File: 46 KB, 474x616, e52508ea2f58838aa394db980542d222--mens-corduroy-jacket-levis-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally just bought a Sherpa corduroy jacket
I was afraid that it was too basic, but fuck me is it comfy and warm. Like pic related but darker, thicker, and higher quality

>> No.13761557

The most normie thing I've ever seen. I bet you own Gucci socks as well faggot

>> No.13761607

I mostly either wear workware or vintage prep. I've just been binging on corduroy since I found this great pair of old straight-fit cord slacks, which are perfectly oversized and flow like bell-bottoms. Can't help myself.

>> No.13761658

kys yourself kill you’re self my man maiman

>> No.13761707
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Howdaere u

>> No.13762005
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Sherpa, the retarded cousin of a shearling

>> No.13762020

oh no! normies are going to buy some shit tier zara sherpa what will you do? MY HAND CRAFTED BRUNELLO DOESNT GIVE A FUCK

>> No.13762488

another sherpa thread is just what this board needed

>> No.13762496

Better than all of the Reddit threads, honestly

>> No.13762517

Seen some Sherpa Biker jackets this season. Karl lager decks

>> No.13762521

>its a timeless menswear piece that never goes out of style
can be said of virtually every trend in menswear. some things have been around for decades that doesnt mean they cant be a trendy item.

example: varsity jackets have been around for 150+ years but they were definitely the trendy item to have for one particular year recently. i put it at 2012 but ymmv. same thing happening with sherpa and shearling

>> No.13762549
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But you are the normie breh. Try wearing something unique for once you insecure sheep NPC cuck

>> No.13762607

>muh timeless

Fuck. I predict that in about 2-3 years people are going to be asking "are sherpas played out?" and this guy is going to be defending them because he chose the moment they became played out to cop one.

>> No.13762621

For my money the worst is when they're like..
>here's a picture of common trendy item
>i want to wear something like common trendy item
>it can't be this one, though. you have to find me one that is the exact amount of different to this to make me feel special for wearing it
>i also will not tell you what kind of difference i want.

>> No.13762654

dont forget the part where they dont tell you but they expect a link to an item under $50, with free shipping in their country

>> No.13762794

Let's make a B3 type jacket but we want to remove the cool thing about it and also give it an obnoxious color.

>> No.13763171

Lel, you're not wrong!

>> No.13763276
File: 178 KB, 1600x2400, 43788695_2017307408320865_8267429809890525184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i genuinely bought a sherpa because i thought it looked nice then i looked around and saw a couple people wearing it
im not gonna be an assblasted faggot and post on /fa/ about it though lmao

>> No.13763285

Just don't wear it for a couple of years and you'll be fine.

>> No.13763295

>take shearling jacket outside
>gets rained on
>get splashed with dirty water from a car driving by you
>$3000 jacket is ruined now

>> No.13763298

>puts shearling on during shitty weather

>> No.13763300

>lives somewhere where weather it actually predictable

Heh, what a pleb.

>> No.13763306

Honestly you're right. Who are commanderchephard and Ryan anyway?

>> No.13763334

>a warm jacket you can't wear in shitty weather

>> No.13763375

clothes are made to be used

>> No.13763436
File: 72 KB, 500x334, saging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're an expert trend hopper with loads of money, worrying about the wearability of a classic menswear piece is pretty retarded.

In fact, even if you meet the aforementioned criteria, it's still retarded. Just make sure it's quality and fits you well.

>> No.13763511

I'm wearing a bomber this season and there is nothing you can do to change this

>> No.13764234

I ranted about this before, but let me rant about it again:

It's not the overplaying of sherpas, shearlings, bombers or what have you during the past season and this one that bothers me.

It's the extra-long/oversized everything that Ican't stand.

Jackets that are designed to be waist-long go now past the hip.

Fuck, I've seen ankle-lenght trucker jackets and bombers.

They look horrible, stop wearing that shit.

>> No.13764286

>Fuck, I've seen ankle-lenght trucker jackets and bombers.

>> No.13764365
File: 24 KB, 500x500, shitbomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find pics, but here's the knee-lenght bomber jacket

>> No.13764370
File: 64 KB, 580x580, shitdenimjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the ankle-lenght trucker jacket. Saw a couple of dudes wearing a sherpa trucker jacket with this lenght.

>> No.13764960

>nothing personnel pardner

>> No.13764973

I was wearing my black bomber in the grocery store and someone mistook me for a guy who works in the back of the butcher department in the deep freezer

>> No.13764981

>hasn't Learned that when coats are too short they are basically useless as coats since they don't keep u warm. A long thin coat is warmer than a short thick coat, because it covers more of your body

>> No.13765608

That's why there's coats. You know, the pieces designed to be long. Not something originally designed to look short and then made hilariously long.

Tell me pics I posted look good.

>> No.13765624

These are the most disgusting things i've seen

>> No.13765638

We probably won't get sensible jackets back unless men are brainwashed back into high-waisted pants.

>> No.13765652
File: 93 KB, 803x1200, Dn7e6paW0AEsQAs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They are effay af.

>> No.13766665
File: 28 KB, 550x550, 1539474870657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck normies. they ruin everything.

>> No.13766687

>if normies wear it I can't
Normie as fuck

>> No.13767513

Why are these called sherpa jackets? I've seen actual sherpas, they mostly wear cheap locally produced North Face knock-offs.

>> No.13767941

>burning your clothing because other people wear it
peak autism

>> No.13767952

They probably marketed it as "sherpa fleece" to sound authentic and make you think of wool even though it's artificial fibres.

>> No.13768005
File: 3.52 MB, 360x360, my reaction for special situations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jus wear the clothes my nigga

>> No.13768038


>> No.13768135

Sherpa jackets/lined trucker jackets have always been work core. They have been around what seems like forever. That's because they are practical and perform their function well and at an affordable price. Corduroy sherpas are an attemt to "upscale" that look. It's the fickle effay crowd that shifts about, year to year, determining whats in or out, fashion-wise.
The normie work-core plebs will always be wearing them in obscure flyover land.

>> No.13768142
File: 44 KB, 151x196, 1506498300758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
