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13746456 No.13746456 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate? How many times do you wear your clothes between washes?

>> No.13746469

Pretty accurate, I’ve had this habit now of washing only my underwear and my socks together because idk. Is that weird? Anyone else do that?

>> No.13746476

Nah, there's always some shirts and other stuff than needs washing. Never only socks and underwear.

>> No.13746479

This is probably for cotton socks and dress shoes combo. You can wear cotton socks with some breathable sneakers up to 3 days if it's not super hot. Same for wool socks and boots

>> No.13746480

not realy accurate, jeans can go a lot more without a wash, sweatshirts too, if you don't sweat in them, everything depends on the weather though, if it's hot outside, you wash your clothes more frequently than in winter

>> No.13746481

You can wear a t-shirt 2 or 3 days and jeans more like 5 to 10 weeks instead of days, but otherwise it’s quite correct

>> No.13746484

For what weather? Jeans can go a lot more without a wash, sweatshirts too, although if it's hot outside, you was your clothes more frequently

>> No.13746485

What about wool pants?

>> No.13746487

I know that but what I do is wash them separately, probably because I don’t want to have the feeling knowing my cum stained underwear is getting washed with my good shirts and pants.

>> No.13746566

Wash it if its fucking dirty. How hard is that?

>> No.13746568

>tfw haven't washed my work jeans in over 2 months
They're covered in metal dust, machine oil, and beer. People pay $$$ for weather denim, I just bought some $30 jeans from Target and have beaten the shit out of them over several months for a similar effect.

>> No.13746636

You can get away with 2 on shirts so long as you dont sweat like a melting candle. Dont do it consecutively and people will almost certainly not notice

>> No.13746645

Just wash things when they are dirty.

If you wear socks in bed on a cool night then obviously they don't need to be washed right away.

You can definitely wear the same tshirt around the house for more than one day.

If you wear a sweater on a hot day and it gets sweaty then it needs a wash.

Think about what you did in the clothes, was it dirty, did they get sweaty, etc. Some fabrics need to be washed a little more or less, but that's the basics.

>> No.13746651

Depends on wash and how often you buy new, plus environment and activity.

Sitting all day in new gear, washed with all kinds of good washed out chemicals in a clean air environment you might sit there forever.

>> No.13746678

Everything shirt that gets in direct contact with my body is 1 wear and second layer is 2 to 4 wears. Jeans is like 1 month of me and I handwash. Socks and underwear is 1 wear.

>> No.13747102

The only people who wash their jeans are people who don't wipe their ass

>> No.13747116

Do you not wear underwear? Why is your ass making your jeans dirty?

>> No.13747126

>wearing jeans at all

>> No.13747253

>he doesn't know what shit stains are
>he thinks doo doo flake odours don't transfer

>> No.13747962

I'll wear jeans for a year or two without washing them and even then it's only if I spill food on them.
Tees and tops I'll wear many times unless I get food on them or get smelly.
Underwear pretty much one wear.

>> No.13747968
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Unironically, how often do you guys change your underwear?

>> No.13747974

daily, you fucking pig

>> No.13747992

>he doesn't use a bidet

>> No.13748204
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, 8642135679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally been wearing the same pair of jeans for 3 weeks.
However I think I'll be washing them soon as yesterday I took a whiff of them and I could've sworn I got an adrenaline rush from all the hormones that they've been soaked in.
'Bout time put the next pair on the chopping block for my rank pussy to execute.

>> No.13748218
File: 334 KB, 308x459, 1513260821659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after i take a shower so every three days

>> No.13748276

socks, underwear, and gym clothes (that get soiled through sweat and touch the body a lot) are absolutely no more than a one time wear.

>> No.13748310

what the fuck is a bidet

>> No.13748316

Until it turns crusty with cummies.

>> No.13748323

>washing jeans after 5-10 wears

lol wat?

>> No.13748331

If you don't sweat much a dress shirt is good for at least 3 wears.

>> No.13748356


LIFEPROTIP: If you turn your underwear inside out you can get double the mileage before washing!

Didn't the LEVI's CEO say never wash your jeans and just freeze them once in a while to kill bacteria?

>> No.13749335


>> No.13749351

I generally stick to that table I guess.
I wear a lot of cotton/ flannel collared shirts that are obviously neither dress shirts or t-shirts and wear usually two days (one in summer) and any trousers two or three days in a row.
Underwear I'll go a second day if I haven't been outside that first one, I don't get shit stains because I'm not a fucking ogre

>> No.13749385

every day but ill often wear the same pair of socks for a couple of days which people itt seem to frown upon

>> No.13750523
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>CEO of large company gives advice that shortens the lifespan of consumable product
Seems legit, go for it!

>> No.13750546

What's wrong with jeans?

>> No.13750591

Do not rewear your socks thats really gross

>> No.13750798

Women are actually fucking vile.

>> No.13750916

Your feet sweat way less in leather dress shoes than in fucking sneakers. Are you retarded?

>> No.13750925

will confirm.
wool socks can be worn for five non-consecutive days without being washed

>> No.13752257
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>> No.13752541

Boxers every two days, less if it stinks or has a stain
Socks every three days, less if they stink

>> No.13752759


>> No.13752780

I wash my shit because work has a nasty evil smell. Longest I can go without washing pants is 3 days

>> No.13752811

For me dress shirts are a total question mark. If you wear an undershirt it's not much different conditions than a coat really, so as long as it is clean, wrinkle free and passes the smell test I figure you can get as many as 6 or 8 wear unconsecutivley if you just don't want to be running to the dry cleaners constantly

>> No.13752817

I've done the freezing thing, just hang it on the deck in the winter. Seemed to work. Why would cold temperatures ruin jeans?

>> No.13752827

The underwear thing is fucking nasty, I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.13753226

Boxers can go to two days depending on wear, socks are a one day only deal. I have enough stocked up to do a wash once a week or so of just those. Hoodies/sweatshirts/jumpers will stay unwashed until at least 5 or 6 wears, again I have enough that I can rotate them. Shirts I wear for work get dry cleaned every two weeks. they're nothing too fancy, just to keep them fresh.

>> No.13753539

i went a whole year once without washing my jeans because i never got them dirty

>> No.13753656

Not washing your jeans means dirt builds up between the fibers and leads to crotch blowouts

>> No.13753731

I have "home" underwear that I get repeat uses out of. Take off all of my clothes when I get home, put on my home underwear, go to bed naked, so it only gets a few hours of wear. it's a pretty good system

>> No.13754082

Underwear daily, mandatory, no exceptions. I would rather go commando than wear the same pair of underwear twice without washing.

Cotton socks I will occasionally wear two days in a row if I haven't been sweating, but usually change daily. Wool socks you can get 3-4 wears out of in between washes.

>> No.13754130

I don't understand why you dont just put a clean pair of underwear on at home. How do you not feel gross wearing the same thing every day

>> No.13754330

how the fuck you be wearing jeans so many times? never mind the farts just the leg sweat makes me itch to hell

>> No.13754441

Freezing stuff doesn't kill bacteria, it literally just freezes them. Once they warm back up they thaw and keep doing what they do. You'd do better sticking them in the dryer.

>> No.13755856

Come on, who the fuck actually throws a tshirt in the wash after one wear?

>> No.13756022

Lmao don't any of you just wear undershirts? You shouldn't be sweating at all on your clothes if you do it right.

>> No.13756714

Nobody is this disgusting

>> No.13756722


>> No.13756728

Are you me?

>> No.13756734

Not showering at least once a day???

>> No.13757099

>Think about what you did in the clothes, was it dirty

s-sorry mom...

>> No.13757125

if i'm just sitting at the crib all alone then i'll wear them for days. but if someone's coming over, or i'm going out, even just to the corner store, i'll shower and change that shit. you never know when you'll meet a girl or something.

>> No.13757147

Not OP but i dont sweat from my legs desu

>> No.13757453

do you feel dirty rewearing pajama bottoms? or are you okay with it because they only get a few hours of use and only in the house?