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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, 62439f4d5f8836b2e7360efad7372b6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13746158 No.13746158 [Reply] [Original]

Stop trying to express yourself and looking weird. You should be dressing the way women want you to, easiest way to be happy.

>> No.13746166

no girl i'd be interested in would find this attractive in the slightest

>> No.13746167

I dress like that sometimes and I dress weirdly sometimes too

>> No.13746197

The best way to be happy is to do what makes you happy not what some guy on 4chan tells you too.

>> No.13746211

ngl, i get way more female attention when I dress like this than when I dress the way I normally do

>> No.13746240

The dude in the middle doesn't even dress that way anymore and still has a high female following.

>> No.13746264
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Haha. Keep saying that to yourself while the girl in your fantasies grinds the chads. What ever makes you feel comfortable, anon.

>> No.13746271

>listening to women
this ain’t it chief

>> No.13746273

congrats, you win the prize for most retarded thread on /fa/ tonight, and you had some stiff competition.

first, women all have different ideas about what looks good on men. you will not have a coherent style unless you dress to a specific audience
second, you dont let womens tastes dictate what music you listen to, what books you read, what movies you watch, or whether or not you lift weights. same goes for clothes. wear what you want, not what you or someone else imagines other people want

>> No.13746275

What's his name?

>> No.13746277

Clothes don't really matter.

>> No.13746283


>> No.13746286

not like you can't do both

>> No.13746287
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Nice projection

>> No.13746291
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This. Just get /fit/ or win the genetic lottery, and you'll get girls.

>> No.13746294

>he follows the lives of Japanese beauty queens/News anchors and thinks we're the losers
Keep LARPing faggot.

>> No.13746298
File: 229 KB, 1022x1143, IMG_3863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross. Gooks are repulsive. Look at those teeth.

>> No.13746341

i dont see whats wrong with their teeth honestly

>> No.13746394

Cutie on the right. OPs got me convinced.

>> No.13746398

Those are Chinese girls tho, I hate when dumbass people post that shit vs Japanese women

>> No.13746403

a couple of the pictures are Korean. its so weird that some autist has saved a bunch of Korean schoolchildren for a meme about a race being ugly. can you imagine actually searching through tonnes of pictures of foreign children and saving them just to create a picture? what a fucking nonce loool

>> No.13746406

this is the most ridiculous post ive ever read, coming from an actual woman

>> No.13746407

>dressing for women
what a beta

>> No.13746410

>wearing full ASOS and dressing like a ‘trendy’ office drone will make me a chad!!!

fuck off you larping little dweeb

>> No.13746415

This won't attract the type of girls I'm into.

>> No.13746418
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Just spreading some knowledge. Happy people can frame everything positively. Remember, being happy is a choice. :)

I don't know your definition of a loser. I go out on dates with white girls if that's what you mean.

>> No.13746426

>Chinese, not Japanese
That doesn't even matter. You could go find loads of pictures of ugly girls from any country. Some people seem pretty upset about Asian women though. I wonder who?

>> No.13746439

>I wonder who?
I don’t know. please tell us.

>> No.13746459

>first, women all have different ideas about what looks good on men.

Basic Stacies have identical taste in men. If someone thinks that he doesn't deserve more that's his problem.

>> No.13746477

>stop trying to express yourself, we should all just dress the same so we (i really mean just me) can finally get a relationship and sleep with a basic whore. im not fashionable or cool enough to attract women so im calling on all men to help me by having all of us dress the same, please

>> No.13746652

This man speaks the truth. These 3 outfits look better than 95% on /fa/.

>> No.13746785

loser detected

>> No.13746810

>put on kill em all metallica shirt and black pants
>"anon your outfit is really good today"

>> No.13746815

>I wonder who?
are you done wondering? tell us already.

>> No.13746848

>Just get /fit/
Sadly not enough when you're a turbomanlet :'(((((

>> No.13746864
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Yeah that most likely works in your lowlife setting. In higher intellectual/artistic/social spheres though, you are rather expected to either dress in a distinctive style or to comply with the standards of your social class. Wearing designer shit and having my own style has gotten me in bed with women that would probably have been out of my league otherwise. Custom suits and shirts played their part too

No offence intended though, what matters in life is to be happy and as long as you enjoy yourself embracing the chad aesthetic and fucking the kind of girls that are attracted to that then good for you. But you shouldn't randomly assume that this is how it works everywhere, because I can assure you that it's not the case

>> No.13746871

>You should be dressing the way women want you to, easiest way to be happy.

LeL, so the only reason you care about clothing is women?

>> No.13747416

Like that fucking cunt has ever smoked a cigar in his life

>> No.13747431

dressing like a milquetoast conformist is no way to attract women.
.t woman

>> No.13747485

Keep having such bad taste in women that they think milquetoast Sears catalog shit is actually attractive.

>> No.13747496
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>> No.13747511
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>> No.13747547
File: 2.38 MB, 2208x3202, Six_renditions_of_an_older_boy;_the_normal_countenance_is_in_Wellcome_V0047353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, be careful with the salt! The basedboys here on /fa/ are naturally very salty.

>> No.13747564

what sort of a fucking uncultured faggot do you have to be to leave a collared shirt untucked, esp if it's covered by another layer so it's fucking dangling out christ

>> No.13747581

Bruh. You're posting the poor, genetically inferior Chinese girls. You could make an even more visually unappealing collage of girls from any country. Go to Shanghai and hang out around any of the fancy shopping malls or more expensive areas. Top-tier Chinese girls are seriously fucking hot and look nothing like the girls you posted.

>> No.13747726

And of how much them got plastic surgery

>> No.13747736

ID on the coat the left guy is wearing?

>> No.13747743

yeah it's "trash" by "the bin" from "rubbish collection"

>> No.13747758

>just be yourself man

>> No.13747987

My woman wants me to express myself.
Cope with that, faggot.