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/fa/ - Fashion

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13744538 No.13744538 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/.

I want a _real_ asian gf(i.e. not asian-american), but the asians at my uni stick together and don't talk to others. They all wear brand clothing and drive sick cars. Never going to parties, they just buy milk tea and go back to their abodes.

What can I do to get a deadpan asian gf? I am from an affluent background, so I have the money to buy these items if it will help. (if so, which items?)


>> No.13744786

Be tall and be white. This isn't fashion. Why did you make this thread.

>> No.13744829

They like designer brand so much, I figured someone here might have some idea

>> No.13744846

the only reason they have the designer clothes and the expensive cars is to signal their superiority to the other Chinese. Fuerdai culture is all about the flex. I don't think they ever consider what Americans think about their shit, or what Americans wear.

>> No.13744847
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I spent my whole Uni life exclusively with Asian girls as my social life.
Let me tell you how.
Go to some event where there are STEM students.
Discuss what you do and your future ambitions (assuming they are high status/profitable). Law, Engineering, professorship all are good.
Make friends within their social circle. If they ask if you want to study together, do it anyways even if you're not in the same program.
Compliment sparingly.
Narrow down the one within that social circle that is good for you. Remember to make sure they don't have super-racist parents.

Congrats, you now have a stupid rich qt Asian gf, and probably wife-to-be.
The best ones will not give a flying fuck about your style. They care about your future plans, ambitions and potential.

>> No.13744901

Find a Japanese transfer or a Korean.
Chinese always stick by themselves, and they're all clones of one another anyway. Same interests and outfits, they're dull

>> No.13744928
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why do those 2 look like their not human? their eyes are so lifeless

>> No.13744941

dont have many japanese people in my area so i cant speak for them but have been in with many chinese/korean social groups for the past few years (esp latter). just make friends with international student bros first. these guys want to make a foreigner friend but rarely have the balls to so they will be very grateful to you for reaching out. after you get close theyll likely invite you to party with them and you can meet qt asian girls and the nearby asian fob population through their network

>> No.13744949

circle contact lenses. the iris and pupil are very dark and fully shown so it makes them look nuts to us

>> No.13744978

Thank you all for your replies!

So I don't need to "flex" at all? Great. I don't like wearing branded clothing, walking around like a human advertisement.
So just tell them about me being involved in startups and crypto ventures etc?

When choosing social circle should I go for looks or attitude or what?

As dull as they may or may not be, this is what I am currently after.

Any special personal traits I should emphasize in conversation with these?

>> No.13744982
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>Any special personal traits I should emphasize in conversation with these?
not really as long as you arent an ugly sperg they will likely think you are pretty cool. just be nice towards them as you would any other people desu

>> No.13744991

I may be thinking that there is more of a social differens between "us" than there actually is... I am from a small town with few "outsiders", and I am very new to interacting (this closely) with other cultures.

>> No.13744998

ah thats something im not too experienced in desu so im not sure how my advice would help but im assuming your uni is in a bigger place/has a bigger asian pop than you are used to? there are definitely cultural differences to overcome but much of it can be done over a drink in my experience

>> No.13745101

What do you do if you're an impoverished and ambitionless neet?

>> No.13745119

how tall are you, are you white, do you go to the gym? just wear
>ralph lauren
>tommy hilfiger
>parry ellis
>calvin klein
or nice sportswear but don't dress like a drug dealer in high tops. actual Asians are weird af ro interact with but they have tight pussies. good luck anon.

>> No.13745139

Be a white guy and go on tinder or tantan. Done.

>> No.13745146

Feels like 50% of the students here are asian but maybe 0.5% of the girls on tinder are. Is tantan better?

>> No.13745242

Like 90% of those girls are Chinese dude. You literally do not stand a chance unless you are very very white. As in literally Nazi Aryan poster boy white in STEM. At least you're also affluent so you have that but why do you even want one, Chinese girls are fucking awful.

>> No.13745273
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Honestly? Just move over to east asia. The ones that come over here are really spoiled. At least over there you get more variety, and since you're not asian, you're bound to find someone. Just teach English or some shit, you don't even need a English degree from what I hear, just a bachelors in something.

>> No.13745326

Tantan is chinese tinder.

>> No.13745587

Guy who posted the first long reply here.
Startups and crypto ventures might appeal to a few, but many of them value reliability. They were rather you're aiming for reliable, high income or high status employment.
Don't listen to that anon shittalking the Chinese. It's a big diverse country. People stereotype all Chinese girls as Guangdong THOTS.

You're fucked and you need self esteem and confidence to find anyone nice in life. You can't get by on pity, self or otherwise.

If you want girls who are lonely and dissatisfied. They will have lower self esteem generally.

He has the opportunity to meet millionaire, hard working, academically successful girls. Why would he want some chick who is hunting for lose English teachers?

>> No.13745667

how weird would it be to go on tantan as a non chinese speaking white guy tho?

>> No.13745689

If you're in China you get endless matches.
If you're in the west, many less.

>> No.13745736

>He has the opportunity to meet millionaire, hard working, academically successful girls.

Do you really think this how life goes? Also why on earth would you want a wife that works wtf?

>> No.13745738

Most girls on tantan in the west are fat black girls who want to live in Seoul

>> No.13745757

Not weird. You only want the ones who speak English anyway because they're more likely to be sluts. I went on a few dates with a Chinese girl who didn't speak English, and I did not get in so... then she flaked and I was like nah fuck that. I speak mandarin okay though, just too thirsty for the puss and gave it away, shame because she was cute.

>> No.13745813

introduce yourself idiot

>> No.13745846

you’d be surprised at how open some of them are to speaking to you, I never even went to uni and I was fucking foreign masters students because I talked to them or went on tinder lol

>> No.13745876

Given that it's how things went for me, then yes. No woman I dated in University was from less than a millionaire family. I'm an upper-middle class white guy.
Also, hard working doesn't mean works while they have children you nimrod. Some may want to, most won't.
Don't project your insecurities and lack of confidence on others.

Dunno where you live. I'm in Toronto and they're all Chinese girls without exception. What kind of idiot would use Tantan if they're interested in Koreans? I've lived in Korea and they didn't even know what Tantan was.

>> No.13745878

>What kind of idiot would use Tantan if they're interested in Koreans

lol that was my point, I think Koreans would be the last to use something Chinese willingly. I live in England, mostly Chinese here as well desu. Some Koreans though

>> No.13745905

downloaded tantan and its 99% in chinese. it seems like its unusable if you don't speak the language. Cant read their interests, "about me"s, or even their name. I'm in a big US city as well, figured there would be some english speaking girls on here. How you boys do it?

>> No.13746065

>Just move over to east asia
Thanks dude! I had NEVER thought of this my guy!! Thanks!!!! Moving now, brb

>> No.13746135

law is always a great one, ok i dropped out but when i was studying law it worked

>> No.13746257
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>Ni shi Zhongguorenma?
>Hen gaoxing renshi ni
>Wo xihuan ni de yifu
All you need to know senpai

>> No.13746276

>tfw one course in Chinese

>> No.13746308

>They care about your future plans, ambitions and potential.

fuck are we really that transparent lol

>> No.13746425

Just talk to them in English.

You don't actually care about interests and bios, do you? Go fuck blindly, young one.

>> No.13746436

>I am from an affluent background
If this were even remotely true you wouldn't be asking for advice from 4chan

>> No.13747169

I had plenty of asian gfs during high school and uni. Depends what class of them you're looking for. All the ones I saw were pretty much as big losers as me and my friends were, so we were in the same social class. But then again, I'm Australian and the place is crawling with FOB asians.

>> No.13747786

lol what?
I am looking for more than "a fuck"
Some intelligence would be nice.