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File: 14 KB, 1160x390, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13741876 No.13741876 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I want to get this on my right pec
(not too big, like one inch in height more or less)
I was thinking about getting mirror image of the word tattooed so it'd look the right way in the mirror
What do you think about this

>> No.13741877
File: 10 KB, 1160x390, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how it would normally look in that case

>> No.13741907

Just put a normal A in there you faggot. It’ll still be a shit tattoo but it’ll be less annoying with a real A

>> No.13741938

please don't

>> No.13741985

ok, what about the normal way around

>> No.13742526

get something you wont regret the second you look in mirror

>> No.13742567

Lbsurd is what your tattoo says you put a greek L instead of an A

>> No.13742831
File: 876 KB, 1536x2048, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest. thought it was going to hurt on the inner bicep but it wasn't bad at all. also first time using saniderm and i'm a fan now.

>> No.13743453
File: 102 KB, 720x960, Tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this started last week, going in friday to finish shading and coloring.

But that aside I've noticed like pimples are starting to pop up, I don't know if they're razor bumps or like regular acne, but since some of them are on the lines or somewhere on the body, I don't know if it'll be an issue if the artist goes over these possible pimples or not.

Should I just leave them be or get like a acne cream and rub it down?

>> No.13743517

What made you think a naruto tattoo was a good idea

>> No.13743534

Wow ya fucking got me m8, you cut me like a hippie cuts hair

>> No.13743712
File: 30 KB, 701x668, DlxZQJUUwAAW4QA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do it, also while you're at it get a tattoo sleeve with all the dumbest possible shit: zelda, controllers, pokemon, etc. trust me man you'll be a choochie magnet in no time

>> No.13744137

I have an idea for a tattoo but it might just be totally retarded so idk if I should get it
I wanna get a tattoo of the day I got the tattoo so when anyone asks what my tattoo means, I can tell them my tattoo is just symbolizing my tattoo by being a tattoo of the day I got the tattoo
or I can go another layer deep and get a tattoo of a random day in the future and on that day in the future I'd get a tattoo of the day I got the first tattoo so each tattoo would symbolize the other tattoo
yeah they're both retarded

>> No.13744143

Are you fucking high right now?

>> No.13744255

not yet

>> No.13744296
File: 2.00 MB, 500x375, 1533619355602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've broken my collar bone 6 times
>All the same bone, 4 different break points
>Want to get an X tatooed on each point, with places broken twice having an O drawn around the X
>As I break it more times, I can add to it

Am I redarded or a genius

>> No.13744338

cringe and bluepilled
what kind of person thinks it's okay to draw fantasy skulls and rodents on their body? this is pathetic.
I hope a child sees this one day and calls you a faggot to your face. what a retarded tattoo.

>> No.13744339

You can try it out with a black textmarker.
Not a fan of tattoos myself, but it connects to your life which is fine and IMO unrelated images on ones skin are a sign of bad taste.

>> No.13744345

Absurd is a cringe-tier NS black metal band of a German autist that murdered someone for really retarded resons. Their logo looks different, but this was the first thing what came to my mind reading absurd and tattoo. Just a word of caution.

>> No.13744352

That's real funny Amy Schumer, probably the best sting I've heard yet

Well at least I learned google is smarter than the retards in this thread

>> No.13744367
File: 40 KB, 780x853, 14a5681ca87edc82e8c3296e362e87977d016150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you the skull fag or the fantasy slut fag? either way you fucked your body up, hahaha.

>> No.13744378

If you're talking about two people that frequent these threads, I have no idea what you're talking about, this is like my 3rd time on this board.

Either way I knew I fucked up my body when I joined the army, what a fucking mistake

>> No.13744385
File: 1.44 MB, 3088x2320, FA35A31D-5BA6-4F7D-98D1-65D66C83B464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time until you like it

>> No.13744708

you know that absurd is a pretty famous nsbm band?

>> No.13745070

Great tattoo, love the theme, it reminds me of Vermintide. And don't listen to other fags, it really looks decent, and if it covers the themes you like, why not put it on your body

>> No.13745082

The only thing i can see wrong with it is that it is not big enough, but it covers the heart, which makes it great all together. An evergreen motif, anon!

>> No.13745113

Is a good tattoo but I'm not a fan of where it is.

>> No.13745117

Looks like a weird nipple. Get another one on the other side

>> No.13745145
File: 149 KB, 564x804, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for ideas like this if anyone has some good photos to drop

>> No.13745231

Would put it 5 centimeters higher up, but still looks great, thinking myself of getting black sun somewhere more hidden

>> No.13745723

someone posted this link to a bunch of old french woodcuts in some museum, if anyone has that, link pls??

>> No.13746122

Well since I already got two edge lords giving me their opinion does anyone else wanna tell me they think about it?

>> No.13746178

you have to expect a bunch of shit talking posting here, and i mean, you did get a naruto waifu tattoo... i hope it turns out cool though and you're happy with it. i'm the guy with the rat/cat skull tattoo. i like anime but i don't think i'd ever get an anime tattoo. i'm kinda against pop culture tattoos in general though, but i don't think it's shit just because of the subject matter.

>> No.13746213

Yah I understand that, but I really don't mind since it's an original character a friend drew, and I think it looks pretty sick. But yah I'm not getting anything directly from a show or anime if even if I like it since I don't like the idea of it