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13727610 No.13727610 [Reply] [Original]

anon what are some of your genetic lottery wins/losses?
(Nobody cares about your above average IQ)

>> No.13727619

wins: good hairline, thick wavy hair, good jawline, 6'4"
losses: droopy eyes, hook nose, 5 inch dick

>> No.13727627

Win: Curly hair, white skin (I’m Latino), great jawline, almost 7 incher, good lip area
Loss: Shitty eyebrows, 5’8, slight down turned eyes, nose looks weird from an angle

>> No.13727719

Wins: skinny af w/o maintenance, nice eyes (aegyo sal, almond, bold limbal ring), cheekbones, really thick hair w natural highlights
Losses: some acne, wide nose bridge, barely jawline, why the fuck does my penis grow less than an inch when I’m hard come on

>> No.13727727
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wins: 10/10 natural eyebrows (this is the only thing i have ever received compliments on) over 6 feet tall, naturally very skinny

losses: just about everything that isn't my eyebrows or my height/weight

>> No.13727730 [DELETED] 

wins: height, good hairline, nice eyebrows (idk if this counts, but meh)
losses: brown skin, wavy thick hair, huge chin, weird nose, and the best of all, Facial Paralysis sequels, my mouth looks like rambo's mouth.

>> No.13727734

Striking eye shape, good jawline, thicc necc,

>> No.13727746

Are your eyebrows enough to get you laid?

>> No.13727749

win: height and skin color
loss: everything else my dude

>> No.13727750

Wins:6'1 blue eyes 8inches
Loss: Balding, weak jawline

>> No.13727754

Sounds like a tall arab dude

>> No.13727758
File: 82 KB, 369x456, anne hathaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a virgin, but I don't get laid regularly either, at least not with attractive girls. Eyebrows can only do so much when the rest of my face looks like a troll.

>> No.13727760

white, tall (189cm), decent face, skinny even though I eat like mad, blue/grey eyes.

hairline kind of looks like it might recede in the future, being an eternal skeleton comes with looking like a weak twig.

>> No.13727768

>white, 6'3, 8 inch dick
>balding, shitty jaw

>> No.13727794

Uh, I guess I'm.not terribly ugly if I devote all my time and effort into maintaining my appearance. Decent cheekbones. I don't get fat even if I try. I'm almost 5'10 which I consider fine. I guess my hair isn't as thin as some guys's, but it's not super thick either.
I have bad body odor sometimes. I have some hair on my shaft. Hairy ass but no chest hair. Dick is just okay size and pretty ugly. Take fucking forever to cum, which isn't actually a good thing. Acne and dry skin. Massive, gaping pores. Mental illness and suicidal depression. Bad eyesight and hearing.

>> No.13727799

W: skinny without effort, thick long kinda wavy hair, thick eyebrows (I’m sure if I took care of them they would look good), decent jawline, long eyelashes
L: big nose, build like a twig (working on it) REALLY, like EXTREMELY hairy (body hair), average height
I think the losses outweighs the wins, or maybe I’m just insecure. The skinny thing can be a w and a l because I look like a twig but I can eat 4 big macs and never be fat

>> No.13727843
File: 196 KB, 1559x803, HEGHHHH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Win: Decent facial features, jawline,
Loss: manlet , prone to acne, eyebags,
Both: age slower (parents look young for their age but look like a dyke at certain angles)

>> No.13727851

Wins: soft hair, dreamy eyes, big ol' dong, lovely eyebrows, soft skin

Losses: long tendons that cause joint fuckery, lower jaw too far back and shit teeth (both fixed with surgery years ago though), shit vision, curly hair that girls like but I hate with a passion, pale as fuck, 5'11, dark circles, no feeling in my inner thighs

Is no chest hair at all a positive or negative? It's everywhere else but nothing on my chest at all.

>> No.13727858

>striking eye color
>big eyes
>high cheekbones
>strong jawline
>straight teeth
>good hairline (+probably won't go bald based on ancestors)
>full lips
>huge eye bags (I like this, but technically bad)
>skin requires high maintenance
>unfortunate fat distribution so I have to stay very low bf% to look skinny
>need glasses
>spotty facial hair

>> No.13727859

Let's make a club, I'm >>13727750

>> No.13727914

Hardgainer (which is also a loss when I want to get bigger when training), muscled without doing too much, strong
Balding, weak jaw and chin, weak facial hair, bad eye sight, dark circles, eczema and dry skin af, asthma, long legs short torso, gyno, hairy ass

Banged a chick this weekend and meeting up with another tomorrow so that's okay but I'm not happy with my looks. Good clothes make me feel great.

>> No.13727917

wins: fairly handsome, tall enough i guess [5'11], great browline/jawline/nose/face, decent facial hair growing ability, not socially autistic, good hairline, lips, good body proportions for the most part would look amazing with exercise

losses: could be taller, dick could be longer, slight acne, lower set of teeth could be better, shit eyesight [glasses/contacts], could have cooler eye color [green], could have looser softer hair but then id have less options like the ability to have dreads, wide hips

>> No.13727920

How to get your charisma

>> No.13727921

I wish I could last longer. Mine is bad and I fapped a lot. I always read that fapping a lot makes it harder to cum. Wish that was the case with me.
Oh yeah forgot, not tall, 5'7-9 or so, no idea what it is exactly because different converter sites gave me different results.

>> No.13727923

wins: thick wavy hair, 6'1, naturally broad frame, 7.5 inch dick, strong cheekbones, strong jaw
losses: big nose, broad forehead, oversized alien looking eyes, hardgainer, dry hair

>> No.13727951
File: 34 KB, 467x350, 1483865841010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wins: Tall, naturally quite strong, nice jawline, women love my collarbons. I've been told I'm quite handsome and have a nice Penis by both girls, gays and straight men. Also, people just love my smile

Losses: I dont smile very often, I'm built like a fridge (wide hips, wide shoulders, no butt). My headshape and hairline are shitty, no matter what cut I try it will never look good, also shitty blond-brown mutt hair. I'm talking with a light stutter thats phyiscally caused, so no real chance to get rid of it

>> No.13727952

thick hair, quite pretty face, long & dark eyelashes
meh side profile, I don't have that kind of metabolism that allows me eat whatever I want while remaining sticc thin, lips are not big enough

>> No.13727990

>thick, full hair
>almost perfect ottermode body
>told i have a nice voice
>good brow ridge

>asymetrical facial features
>corectopia in my right eye (hard to notice unless youre looking for it)
>shitty jawline and nose
>high hairline

>> No.13728049

>>nice straight hair.
>>almost perfect teeth
>>no offspring. shit tier genes will die with me

>>ugly skin
>>shit tier Asian
>>flat round nose. also big.
>>bad profile
>>downward eyes
>>terrible oval face shape
>>weak chin
>>terrible eye sight
>>face looks fatty, specially when smiling

i dont even think plastic surgery will help me. why did god let me exist

>> No.13728069

Wins: skinny, have been told eyes are nice, good hairline
Loses: only 5'10", average to below average face, 5 inch dick, eye bags all the time, not a lot of body hair, baby face

>> No.13728158

Wins: 6'1, almost 7" dick, blonde

Losses: Pigeon chest, thin hair, required reconstructive surgery on my forehead at birth so now i got hair that looks like im balding and a big forehead, celiac disease

Shitty luck but at least im not black

>> No.13728176

Seeing your race as a downside is cowardly, own that shit

>> No.13728182

Wins: thick luxurious blonde hair, intense blue eyes, great metabolism (I eat like a human garborator but I am in fairly good shape and strong), good facial bone structure, good skin.

Loses: just fucking below average height (FuckFuckFUCK), no chest hair but a gross ring of hair around my nipples, oh and I walk extremely duck-footed and it makes me look like an autisimo

>> No.13728196

great jawline
good eyebrows
low bodyfat
big dick
broad shoulders
good eyesight
not too short

flat feet
skelly thin
thin hair
bumpy nose
eyes too small
ears stick out
dry skin
lopsided mouth
long head (looks worse because of how skinny I am too)
terrible patchy facial hair

>> No.13728209

great hair
good looking face structure

average height
asian (korean)


>> No.13728224

didn't even notice your post but damn
are you northern european?

>> No.13728226



-Negro nose (truly my biggest insecurity) -Demon brown eyes.
-Gaps between the teeth of my upper denture ( makes my smile look awful).

-Easily blemished skin since I am yellow.

Oh yeah, manlet too (exactly 5'9 status).

-Strong jaw.
-Juicy lips.
-good hairline.
-My hair isn't awfully african so I can mold it and do some creative shit with it.

I cant wait to get my fucking nose fixed. I am tired of only having one night stands with mentally ill rosties that think I am exotic.

>> No.13728235
File: 36 KB, 389x248, 1900s_Postcard-You_Doun_Want_None_of_My_Lip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tooth gap
>negro nose
>juicy lips
>strong jaw
I know it's off the mark but I can't help imagining you as some kind of early 20th century black negro stereotype.

>> No.13728237
File: 12 KB, 645x773, ptosis wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was born with this along with a severe droop in one of my eyelids. The jaw wink is crazy rare as it is, and because of it the droop can't be fixed cosmetically. Genuinely feel like killing myself every single time I look in the mirror. No idea why I even bother trying to look good, I can't eat in public without closing my eyes, can't even fucking chew gum because girls think I'm winking at them and get their boyfriends to try and fight me. Completely and utterly ruined my life. Would be a solid 6/10 otherwise, but this flaw is impossible to look past. Symmetry is everything.


>> No.13728238

win: 9/10 face according to white ppl
loss: 5/10 face according to qt Asians
i dont even like white ppl feelsbadman

>> No.13728239

just dont eat lmao

>> No.13728241

i’m 6’1,
but my back is fucked up so it makes me 5’11 unless i try very hard to stand up straight because i was a big fat fucking nerd in grade school with a huge backpack that never tried to develop good posture til it was too late

>> No.13728243

I still look like I've had a stroke, my right eye barely opens

>> No.13728246

9/10 according to white ppl? wtf what r u

>> No.13728258

im the asian guy from the hair inspo thread

>> No.13728268

Wide hips and broad shoulders. Pretty shit at building muscle so I look more fat than anything.

>> No.13728274

skinny w decently round butt
masterrace hapa
pale skin
above average face
thigh gap
not too short or tall (165cm)

disproportionately broad shoulders
small wideset boobs
legs could be longer
smallish/sleepy looking eyes
constant dark circles
short neck
masculine jawline
asian nose looks flat from front

>> No.13728278

pale (but can tan well), blue eyes, good skin complexion, 6' tall, blonde hair (slighty curly/wavy when grown out), eyebrows always look good, nearly 8" dick, natural ottermode body, full lips, very little body hair, above average jawline

kinda big nose, bad hairline + 5 head, need retainers for teeth, 5" dick soft so massive bulge in slim pants, inability to stop loving my ex, depressed (?)

>> No.13728279

Nice eye color, thick hair, symmetrical face, naturally skinny while also not a calflet, can grow a beard easily

Hair is straighter than I am, skin is oily is fuck, too much body hair, manlet, face is too narrow and features are too soft imo

>> No.13728280

Nice eye color, thick hair, symmetrical face, naturally skinny while also not a calflet, can grow a beard easily

Hair is straighter than I am, skin is oily is fuck, too much body hair, manlet, face is too narrow and features are too soft imo

>> No.13728290


Face shape
White skin, no acne
Shoulders-waist ratio
Low body fat %

Hair structure
Big nose
Height (5'9 slav)
Hairy legs, arms and chest but shitty beard
Unattractive ass shape(for females)
Average size but thin dick

>> No.13728309

wins: i have a nice jawline, naturally curvy hair, 8 inch dick and i am 6 feet tall, can pull off facial hair at 19 yo
losses: my legs are fucking wide and kinda short in relation to my torso and also i have really ugly fat fingers and hands; my lips are big and my mouth looks like it was took from an ape and stitched to my face, idunno like nigger-mouth or something?

>> No.13728317

>Good eyes
>Good eyebrows
>Full lips
>Good skull
>Lanklet metabolism

>thin hair
>Norwood 2-3
>Asymmetric face
>naturally yellowish teeth
>Type 1 Diabetes
>Odd earshape
>shitty, pale skin.

>> No.13728320

Decently tall (6'1), Had a good metabolism as a kid so have always been skinny, gaining minimal amount, pretty good jawline
Aspergers so look retarded (only from the side too rip), Curly hair, any weight i gain goes to my ass, massive nose (almost jew like)

The whole weight thing is made 10000x worse because I've been barely mobile recently due to a foot injury that I won't be 100% recovered from until november.

>> No.13728326

7.5 inch aesthetic dick, not gunna go bald, good muscle insertions, masculine facial features

inflammatory bowel disease, roman nose (bothers me), 5'10" (was gunna put this in wins because Im actually pretty pleased with my height but I know others wouldnt take it seriously)

>> No.13728349

Win: 6'4", big brown eyes, pretty big dick, not fat not skinny, in good shape

Loss: baldy locks( but I keep my shit shaved), not the strongest jawline but nothing a little facial hair doesn't fix. Oh yeah I have no ass, like literally a back with a crack
My wife is fine so I really couldn't care less

>> No.13728351

Win: 6'4", big brown eyes, pretty big dick, not fat not skinny, in good shape

Loss: baldy locks( but I keep my shit shaved), not the strongest jawline but nothing a little facial hair doesn't fix. Oh yeah I have no ass, like literally a back with a crack
My wife is fine so I really couldn't care less

>> No.13728352

Win: 6'4", big brown eyes, pretty big dick, not fat not skinny, in good shape

Loss: baldy locks( but I keep my shit shaved), not the strongest jawline but nothing a little facial hair doesn't fix. Oh yeah I have no ass, like literally a back with a crack
My wife is fine so I really couldn't care less

>> No.13728357

>6'1 height and decent proportions
>Lighter skin for Asian
>Decent cheekbones
>Deep voice
>Very little acne
>Shoulders naturally wider (but bony)
>No body hair
>Will never bald

>Skinny (can cut easily but bulking is impossible)
>Teeth more or less naturally straight but nowhere near perfect
>Jaw is defined-ish but not really loss or win
>Small eyes depending on who you ask

>Shit-tier eyebrows
>Depression and other disorders
>Bad Anxiety (runs in family)
>Flattish round nose (not the worst desu)
>Face looks fat when smiling
>Asian porcupine hair (makes hairstyles a bitch)
>Large calves (genetic)
>Back of my skull is completely flat
>Weak flat chin

>> No.13728360

Wins: 6'2

Losses: Everything else

>> No.13728367

>jawline/facial bone structure,
>girthy and long penis
>thick and wavy hair - it's hard to control but nobody in my family has gone bald yet and my dad is in his 50s soon
>low hairline
>big nose
>brown eyes
>sand nigger

>> No.13728373

both of my grandfathers always had good hair and my dad still has a good hairline. I assume my chances are good right?

>> No.13728377

is this the new dick thread?

>> No.13728446

smiling is not effay anon

>> No.13728753

wins: pale (can get a good tan still), 6', blonde hair (wavy / curly when long) blue eyes, natural otter mode body, good eyebrows and lips, decent jaw line, nearly 8" dick

Losses: need retainer to fix teeth, shitty hairline + 5head, 5" soft dick bulges out too much, cant stop loving my ex

>> No.13729107

win: good hairline, strong jaw and cheekbones, good eyebrows, straight white teeth, symmetrical face, 7 inch
loss: 5'11, hazel eyes, skinny

>> No.13729110


>> No.13729132
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>decent bone structure
>nice eyes
>high test (980ng/dL) despite fairly heavy drinking and recreational drug use
>naturally thin with wide shoulders and tiny hips

>barely 5'10
>shitty high hairline luckily no balding on either side of my family at least
>sensitive acne prone skin
>slightly crooked teeth

>> No.13729189

>thick wavy/curly hair
>fast metabolism
>good jawline/cheekbones
>7” x 5.5”

>5’6” almost 5’7”
>Mental instability

>> No.13729222

Wins: Blonde, blue eyes, thick wavy hair, skinny, 6 inches, above average face
Losses: 5’10, born with high hairline, minor pectus excavatum

>> No.13729252

wins: 13" horse cock
loses: 3'11"

>> No.13729332

Thick blond hair, probably won't ever go bald
6' 2"
blue eyes
above average sized dick

no chin
horrible profile in general
baby face cheeks

>> No.13729351

>strong jawline
>high, prominent cheekbokes
>good eye color
>strong chin
>very long legs

>slow metabolism, hard to lose weight
>full lips, but theyre ruby red and look almost weird and swollen because of how pale i am
>face is notably not symmetrical around my eyes and mouth
>fine hair
>head is too short and basically looks like a cube

>> No.13729786

Wins: thick dark brown curly hair, green eyes with al slight gold part, soft skin, no weird body proportions
In between: Vitiligo, 5'11 (average for my country)
Losses: Stoned looking eyes, get breakouts pretty easily, depressed (clinically), severe abondonment issues, hairy legs

>> No.13729865

wins: 10/10 blue eyes (daily compliments from customers at work) , jaw, ez thinspo, 6.6 inch dick

losses: """"Average height:"""""" kill me, skinny too so no gf, nigger nose, solid hairline but my hairs thin n lays flat :(

>> No.13730205

>able to grow massive beard
>greying symmetrical on both sides of beard and where soul patch area
>easy to get in shape
>dimples when I'm beardless
>1 inch away from 6 feet
>Bald spot (no idea when I started balding since I've always shaved my head anyway)

>> No.13730216
File: 994 KB, 857x601, DSW30N1V4AAycqh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wins: naturally thin, good hair, decent jawline, decent skin
losses: short as fuck (5'5), hook nose, retarded eye shape, small lips, bad teeth (fixing this)

>> No.13730224

Wins: jawline, chin, cheekbones, 5'9 as an asian
Losses: nonexistent eyebrows, keratosis pilaris, crippling autism, wide hipbones

>> No.13730229

>thick naturally wavy hair
>strong cheekbones
>long eyelashes and striking eyes
>slim (pretty much no work)
>apparently "nice dick" - 7"

>need glasses (I actually like wearing them though)
>normal nose/lips shape (could be better, but not strictly bad)

>Face quite asymmetrical (eyes and nose)
>can't grow facial hair
>small feet

>> No.13730242

reposting from /fit/ thread

>no real chronic illnesses
>full black hair and no balding
>green eyes
>thick eyelashes
>eyebrows which made some girls jeallous
>pale skin, but like myself tanned better
>freckless (altho i'm not european)
>good jaw
>wide shoulders
>big butt

>had mild acne once and now got light scars on my face
>horrible stretch marks on my back and shoulders
>big-ish nose, I kinda like it but females probably don't
>fucked up front teeth with minor overbite
>a bit more hairy than average
>weakish chin
>wide hips
>6 inch dick with ED

>> No.13730255



Nice face, good skin, good jaw, green/gray eyes.

>nature why

5'10 (I'm actually fine with that, but being a bit taller would be nice).

Not skinny, but still a fucking wristlet. I mean, my wrists are literally 15 cm.

Hair. I'm fucked. My hairline is decent, but hair density sucks ass and I doubt this is going to stop. Can't grow a proper beard as well.

>> No.13730545

Wins: 190cm, broad shoulders,small waist, great shoulder/arm muscle genetics, put on muscle easily,decent dick (17.5x15 non bone pressed)

losses: ugly, acne on both face and body, noticeable front tooth gap, big head, curly,unmanageable hair, predisposed to depression, insomnia, anxiety,ADD

I'm a male butterface

>> No.13730756

i never have body odour, never used deodorant (genetic thing in some east asians)
long arms and legs
not allergic to anything
insanely good memory
thick, full head of hair
very little body hair
great cheekbones

bad stuff: short, eyebags, uneven eyelids, had to get braces for a year, weird earwax

>> No.13730774
File: 56 KB, 680x681, 341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large peener (about a 8x6)
>thick hair + no receding hairline
>easy to gain muscle
>decent face (aside from the lost feature)
>muscles are easy to lose as well (was sick for a month once and lost all progress)
>long chin
>monthly acne breakouts regardless of anything

>> No.13730794

Wins: 6’2” White
Loses: JEWISH FACIAL and every worse facial feature possible, as well as 3” hard. I’ll most likely not be alive in 2 years.