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13727390 No.13727390 [Reply] [Original]

Is it fa to be a dude borderliner?

Why can't I google up more than a couple male celebs with the bpd? Is it a faggy pd to have for a man?

>> No.13727394

Anything but NPD is faggoty.

>> No.13727397

mpd is based

>> No.13727400

>male borderliner

You are basically Hitler

>> No.13727402

thats rich, coming from an n

t. paranoid

>> No.13727408

BPD is more diagnosed in women, probably because they're more likely to act out in emotionally manipulative and controlling ways. Whereas men with similar brain chemistry will be quite obvious in their dickishness and possibly qualify as having a different disorder thanks to behaviorist diagnostic criteria.
And no, it's not /fa/ to have borderline. It's one of the worst conditions you can possibly have. People with BPD are often black holes of sucking need and manipulative awfulness. If you have BPD, you should look into the only effective therapy avaliable, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. That is, before you alienate everyone you know and get an awful reputation.
Don't glamorize this shit. It sucks.

>> No.13727420

I have long felt to have BPD. But can you elaborate on the manipulative aspect? Maybe I'm too low IQ but I feel I'm pretty bad at manipulating, I'm way too direct and rude. Although I tend to lie automatically too.

>> No.13727425

I mean, in my understanding of "manipulative" is someone charismatic like a merchant or psychopath.

>> No.13727477

manipulation can be crude, obvious, and unintentional. like with bpd its common to meet someone new and idolize them, and mimic their personality and take on their interests in an effort to gain their favor. this isnt necessarily something people with bpd do consciously, and its obvious to anyone outside of it.

>> No.13727514 [DELETED] 

People who have bpd are really self centered and any of the one's I've met are childish and needy. Not fa at all.

>> No.13727554

Also can you give some examples of who you estimate to be bpd among the male celebs.

>> No.13727790

What >>13727477 said is very accurate. I've dealt with BPD individuals who don't even know when they're quite obviously strong arming people around them, and will deny it ever happened. They have a different baseline and tend to project that baseline on to everyone else, thinking their behaviour is relatively normal.
Males with BPD can be more bluntly manipulative, but it is a psychosocial issue, so look at how you interact with others. Someone with BPD will often meet people who act positively towards them and treat them like the best person ever, however they will turn on them strongly as soon as that person does anything in opposition to their interests. It's sometimes called a "whipsaw attitude".
The only real advice I can give you though is to get a comprehensive assessment, or at least a psychosocial assessment. But only if it's causing you problems. As the joke goes
>doctor my brother thinks he's a chicken
>ah, well I will cure him
>no doctor, we need the eggs

>> No.13727876

I am laffing

>> No.13727879

At what?

>> No.13727882

The fucking joke you retard.

>> No.13727883

kill yourself

>> No.13727892

Oh man I didn't even read that.
Sorry, drunkposting is bad. Don't do it kids.

>> No.13727895

BPD doesn't really exist, it's just typical female behaviour turned up to 11. 100 years ago it would be treated with beatings and social controls but today we pathologize it so we don't have to own up to what women are like.

>> No.13727903

There is neuroscience behind BPD. It isn't at all a normal way of being for women or men, even though it may seem that way to the casual observer. Some people are broken in certain ways, that's just how it is. If you believe BPD is just standard female behaviour, then you either have no real knowledge/experience of BPD, or no real knowledge/experience with women at all.

>> No.13727908

>Thinking BPD is a real thing/something that matters

In my experience, BPD only really exists in women because its easy to blame this BPD boogeyman whenever they're making horrible decisions, being a shitty person, and just being annoying and obnoxious.

If you're a man that still does this, you're a pussy.

>> No.13727927


>> No.13728255

OP here. I'm a male and I have most of the signs of BPD. Am I a bitch now?

>> No.13728256

Show me some male celebs who exhibit the BPD traits.

>> No.13728266

i'm a male that's diagnosed with BPD along with a couple other things. been through all the standard alienating people and getting a bad rep and it's not that fun. all i can say is that it's hard to be self aware as someone with BPD. what others point out as manipulation to me is just me being me.

>> No.13728272

Dagsen has bpd - dagsen

>> No.13728275

t. woman

>> No.13728276

t. brainlet

>> No.13728324

lmao at you fuckers trying to make BPD look cool and part of your identity. it's just a polite word for psychologists to say you're a troublesome piece of shit.

>> No.13728337

jeffrey dahmer had bpd

>> No.13728340

I knew a guy with bpd and I think I would never want to be friends with someone like that again.

>> No.13728341 [DELETED] 

I've been friends with a guy who had bpd and all I can say is it's probably best to stay away from people like that.

>> No.13728496

I just got out of a relationship with a girl with BPD and it was awful most of the time. I literally could not follow what she was saying sometimes.

>> No.13728500


>> No.13728505

I would imagine that's awful too, ya fag

>> No.13728662

ASPD is seems pretty manly.

>> No.13728681

BPD is WAY more common in women than in men, in the same way that autism is almost strictly a male thing. Both issues are basically at the opposite end of the spectrum.

When you're a fetus your brain is susceptible to the hormones it does or doesn't receive. Receiving too much testosterone stunts your emotional development and can leave you autistic, receiving too little or too much estrogen can make you hype sensitive emotionally.

A good way to tell if this happened to you is to look at your index finger and your ring finger. In a healthy male the index finger is about .5cm shorter than the ring finger, in an autistic male it's about 1cm shorter, while in a feminised male (likely to have BPD) it''ll be about the same length.

t. Feminized male with BPD

>> No.13728689

too little testosterone*

>> No.13728704 [DELETED] 

>look at your index finger and your ring finger. In a healthy male the index finger is about .5cm shorter than the ring finger
no problem there wew

>> No.13728722 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 888x576, 20181002_192649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at your index finger and your ring finger. In a healthy male the index finger is about .5cm shorter than the ring finger
no problem in this area

t. BPD h aver

>> No.13728727

BPD is under-diagnosed in men.

>> No.13728729

there's no such thing as a BPD male. This mental illness only apply to females.

>> No.13728739

You don't have an idea.

>> No.13728742

Creative bait

>> No.13728760 [DELETED] 

male here

I often feel "empty."
My emotions shift very quickly, and I often experience extreme sadness, anger, and anxiety.
I'm constantly afraid that the people I care about will abandon me or leave me.
I would describe most of my romantic relationships as intense, but unstable.
The way I feel about the people in my life can dramatically changefrom one moment to the next—and I don't always understand why.
~ (who doesn't do drugs? also was juvenile delinquent. but i do have a decent impulse control) I often do things I know are dangerous or bad for me, such as driing recklessly, having unsafe sex, binge drinking, doing drugs, or going on spending sprees.
~ (before internet or ever knew "cutting" in the 90s in high school i would carve letters into my hand. but i didn't do it for long and quickly realized how infantile activity it is) I've attempted to hurt myself, engaged in self-harm behaviors such as cutting, or threatened suicide.
When I'm feeling insecure in a relationship, I tend to lash out of make frantic gestures to keep the other person close.

>> No.13728763 [DELETED] 

male here

I often feel "empty."
My emotions shift very quickly, and I often experience extreme sadness, anger, and anxiety.
I'm constantly afraid that the people I care about will abandon me or leave me.
I would describe most of my romantic relationships as intense, but unstable.
The way I feel about the people in my life can dramatically change from one moment to the next—and I don't always understand why.
~ (who doesn't do drugs? also was juvenile delinquent. but i do have a decent impulse control) I often do things I know are dangerous or bad for me, such as driing recklessly, having unsafe sex, binge drinking, doing drugs, or going on spending sprees.
~ (before internet or ever knew "cutting" in the 90s in high school i would carve letters into my hand. but i didn't do it for long and quickly realized how infantile activity it is) I've attempted to hurt myself, engaged in self-harm behaviors such as cutting, or threatened suicide.
When I'm feeling insecure in a relationship, I tend to lash out of make frantic gestures to keep the other person close.

>> No.13728764

Fuck off to adv or kill yourself fucking samefag

>> No.13728767

BPD is the worst shit ever. Even worse when you have shitty friends.

>> No.13728769


fuck off fag

>> No.13728843

is mental illness the new trend?
i feel like everyone is jumping on this.

>> No.13728847

follow up to this -- i've browsed fah since it's inception. Never saw a BPD thread until this year. It's come up a few times now.

>> No.13728854
File: 7 KB, 183x275, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, no it's just that BPD suddenly appeared in vetements, also Madonna had that song only supposedly unrelated to BPD.

I am sure I'm a real BPD haver and just want examples of male celebs.

>> No.13728865

What is truly efay is convincing yourself you are mentally ill when you dont actually have any mental illness

>> No.13728869

'border line' can apply to many illnesses. even ADD.

edgelord isn't enough these days
to prove your not a normie you have to have a mental illness to be nxtlvl i see.

>> No.13728879

Joji legit has autism

>> No.13728888

i have BPD, my mom was diagnosed with it back when they still diagnosed a lot of people, and her biodad is an incarcerated murderer

my psych said i had more than enough of the symptoms to be diagnosed with BPD.

it is not the worst thing in the world, better than schizophrenia or bipolar. i deservedly lost friends whenever i actually get close with anyone. never date (mostly incel anyways). and my relationship with my family is nonexistent.

yea. except i can sit alone right now and consciously understand what i was doing at the time. when i am with people or in any tense situation my brain switches modes, and i become shitty.

also true, it just organizes piece of shit behavior so it can fit people into archetypes and try to create somewhat generalized treatment for those groups of people

>> No.13728923

I always felt like I was a rotten person, shitty person. Very thin skin, crazy mood things, very judgemental, very possessive but aloof, etc

vidrel is the type of crazy mood things I experience


>> No.13728928

The male-female dichotomy theory in Autism is pretty outdated at this point.
And your finger shit is nonsense.

BPD is male as well, they're just likely to act out in different ways and since diagnosis is behaviorist as a rule, they are under-diagnosed.

I'd take bipolar over BPD. At least bipolar folks don't have as much difficulty being decent humans.

>> No.13728930


>> No.13728934

>I'd take bipolar over BPD. At least bipolar folks don't have as much difficulty being decent humans.

>> No.13728942
File: 664 KB, 2560x1440, great post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13729022

>behave differently
>normies call it a disorder and say you need quack treatment to be a boring prick like the rest of them.

>> No.13729024


If BPD is mostly in females, autism is mostly in males male and digit ratios are sexually dimorphic, then you're wrong.


>> No.13729026

No it feels to yourself like you are evil, but you can't do anything about it, it feels shitty

>> No.13729031

%100 this.

>> No.13729510

is having schizophrenia fa?

>> No.13729532

only if the voices tell you what to wear.

>> No.13729598

Everyone i ever met with bpd is sad, like...jesus this kid is fucked for life. maybe for 5 minutes you think they’re a cool suffering emo artist, but they open their mouth and then you realize they’re a walking fire dumpster with no real personality besides a black hole of gaping insecurity. If you think thats effay then sure, you are effay.

I met lots of people with bpd because i got diagnosed with bipolar and had to go to group therapy with bpd people. Maybe some of them made it. I hope they did.

>> No.13729614

dang igor i had no idea. that sounds rough

>> No.13729646

You grow out of all your mental illnesses at 23.

>> No.13729656

I've known two dude with BPD.

One ODed on heroin because he couldn't get over his ex (Whom he abused) and the other shot his mistress while she was working the children's museum kiosk at the mall (He was abusing his wife for nonexistent cheating while cheating on his wife.)

Thankfully I knew neither well, and sadly the latter guy didn't kill himself like the pussy he is.

>> No.13729676

You probably don't always mean to do it but it can be frustrating for the people who care about you. You might be sensitive sometimes or just overwhelmed by your emotions and unable to solve problems in your life (you might have never learned how). Sympathetic people in your life do want to help you but don't always feel like they're making a choice in doing so

This. DBT is really helpful, though sometimes really expensive (especially if you're in group and individual). There are some decent books that you can use to self-teach with but it's really hard to understand the relevance of some of it or to like know what to do when you're stuck on something. You need to have someone to understand and listen to you, and often that'll end up being your partner or parent, both of whom aren't really prepared to help. There were boys in group sometimes, but the boy to girl ratio was like 9:1.

>> No.13729693

>the other shot his mistress while she was working the children's museum kiosk at the mall
Coral Ridge?

>> No.13729708


>> No.13729717

Fuck I never knew the story. you knew that guy personally?

>> No.13729718

Actually dont answer me cia nigger fuck off

>> No.13729931

Worked in the mall when I lived in North Liberty and he would stop in and chat with me because he overheard me take a pro-gun stance.

Wasn't best buds with him, but knew him well enough to get the heebie-jeebies.

>> No.13730196

BPD is the fucking worst. I wont lie, it does create some sort of "cool" allure about you on the surface (especially if you're effay), but it's fucking shallow and Bpd will inevitably destroy anything and everything good in your life if you don't get help. Don't make mental illness your identity.

>> No.13730612

So then isn't being a shitty person basically not our fault? We are born this way. BPD makes you an asshole and there is nothing you can do about it, especially if you come form a poor family and are estranged from everyone, with no friends or support network.

>> No.13730648

>Don't make mental illness your identity.
What if your mental illness is your identity. I.e. dissociative identity disorder

>> No.13731715

as someone with crippling mental illness that has ruined his career, prospects, friendships, and relationships; STOP GLAMOURISING MENTAL ILLNESS.

personality disorders and bipolar and creative insanity might look good on a handful of people you see in the public eye. but life isn't s good for the thousands of others with mental illnesses. so many of us are creative geniuses trapped unable to hold down a steady job or maintain a relationship.

less /fa/ more homeless chic

im 24 and my batshit nuts brain is stable now, after a long period of psychosis aged 22 and another shorter one at 23.

thing is, at 22/23 its late enough to have fucked your life up completely.

>> No.13731872

That feel when BPD + social anxiety and avoidant. So it's hard to sign up for therapy because it stresses you out.

>> No.13731876

I didn't ask to be born with or develop BPD. It's not my fault ffs. I fucking hate this disordre that makes you seam like just a regular shitty person.

>> No.13731905

So of all the mental illnesses and pd's, why in the hell did they glamorize the Borderline? It's just people who come across as rotten.

>> No.13732000

Question. Is it a part of BPD to have these irrational hateful intrusive thoughts... For instance, you think of a loved one or a good acquaintance and you have this hateful irrational thought, like "that fucking bitch".

>> No.13732004

bpd is more diagnosed in women because there are more hetero male pedophiles

>> No.13732010

>because there are more hetero male pedophiles
What's the relation?

>> No.13732012 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13732015


>> No.13732021

I was a shitty little child ever since I have memories of myself, always apart from the other children and pouting and not content. I don't remember being sexually abused, however, I was physically and emotionally abused by father from young age.

>> No.13732369


BPD in men manifests differently than in women, and it is masked by the fact that society thinks that some men are just being assholes when it in reality stems from mental health issues.

>> No.13732380

Bpd does not exist.