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/fa/ - Fashion

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13726861 No.13726861 [Reply] [Original]

I have no friends, khv and I want to dress better. Please help me, I dont want to be loser anymore

>> No.13726865

just start out with easy mode: all black

black t shirt black jeans black sneakers. get some /fa/ interests as well, like music, literature and art. little by little the aesthetics will start to kick in.

also, dont worry bby it gets better after high school ;)

>> No.13726881

Buy dark blue chinos, light blue dress shirts in a thick material (not denim) and some casual shoes that aren’t bulky running shoes. That’s an extremely cheap look to put together. It’s very basic and won’t stand out, but it looks presentable and somewhat grown-up.
Make sure that the clothes fit.

>> No.13726885

>also, dont worry bby it gets better after high school
don't lie to him

it won't help
social skills are all you need and unlike most other skills there is no envoirnment where you can practice those without repercussions
basically you fucked up, everyone else is part of a network, all normies are only removed from each other by a chain of mutual friends and getting back into that system might be impossible

>> No.13726901

If it helps I am black, I know most style no good on black skin should I wear sporty stuff?

>> No.13726916

>should I wear sporty stuff
no, just dress minimally
black or white t's, black or indigo pants (no distressing), minimal sneakers or boots

dress like MC Ride. Don't get into sport clothing and other nigger shit if you're socially awkward and a looser. That shit only works if you're willing to go full monkey and jump around.

just dress nice and simple, make sure everything fits good.

>> No.13726918
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LOOSER oh fuck.
well, the point probably isn't lost

>> No.13726919


>> No.13726946

Should I lose more weight first before buying clothes? Im 6,2 and 215 lbs, ive lost 15 so far and I hope my face becomes better looking but I am unsure

>> No.13726956

Don’t know what your budget and shopping opportunities are, but I lost a lot of weight at some point and bought cheap stuff at H&M and the like on my way down.

>> No.13726960

I recently bought uni tops so I need pants, any recommendations?

>> No.13726967

Dark chinos or jeans are safe choices. Personally I mostly wear chinos, but whatever you like. Most important is that they fit you properly.

>> No.13727005

Thx fren, maybe with this I make friends soon! And I lose the weight

>> No.13727017

just dress like you're ready to play basketball every single moment.

>> No.13727024

I often get compliments on my clothes but I’m still a kissless friendless virgin.

Dressing better won’t help, OP. Notice how many socially successful people are dressed mediocre at best. It’s not the skill you need.

>> No.13727028

That said, while dressing well won‘t improve your situation, it doesn’t worsen either, so feel free to dress better.

>> No.13727031

You need confidence and positivity.
Dressing well can definitely help with that though.

>> No.13727169

I'm not going to tell you what style to dress in, but first thing is first. Find out what size you are.

I still see too many people wearing oversized nigger clothes. If you're small, wear small, not large. you look even thinner.

step 2, don't dress like an average redneck. find a style that works for you, whether it's casual or formal. stand out without dressing like a clown.

>> No.13727179
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>> No.13727349

It's better than nothing?
Or be miserable and guarantee failure.
It's not about "just be confident and positive", but if you aren't, then you might as well give up altogether.

>> No.13727358

I don't know how a nigger should dress to get nigger friends.
What you should do is dress in khakis and a white polo and turn up to Republican events and tell them you love Trump and Israel.
Then you will have about a thousand bros and job offers.

>> No.13727791


>> No.13727803

Dressing good won’t get you friends, but I’ll gladly be your friend!

>> No.13727815

nah, you can pull off a lot. the only thing blacks cant pull off is hipster and prep shit, and idk why you would want to. start with some basics, look at streetwear inspo. i know how you feel, im trying to make friends too. clothes dont help directly, but looking better means confidence which does help

seriously though just start with basics, versatile stuff that is good quality but doesnt break the bank.

id hang with you op

>> No.13727817

fuck off nigger

>> No.13727821

You're late.

>> No.13728307

>be social outcast black
>cop a nike t, some nike joggers and white nikes
>so i can go to the gym
>got mired three times yesterday
>also cute girl sat next to me last week

just follow the stereotypes, be chill and you will get friends easy.
I know i sound like an npc but its assimilate or die when it comes to normies

>> No.13728308

>be social outcast black
>cop a nike t, some nike joggers and white nikes
>so i can go to the gym
>got mired three times yesterday
>also cute girl sat next to me last week

just follow the stereotypes, be chill and you will get friends easy.
I know i sound like an npc but its assimilate or die when it comes to normies

>> No.13728431

begone nigger

>> No.13728967
