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/fa/ - Fashion

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13721564 No.13721564 [Reply] [Original]

why losers love trenchcoats so much?

>> No.13721567

anime movies etc

>> No.13721571
File: 378 KB, 860x612, 72F77185-BC7E-47F7-AB8B-C2434C182F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not /fa/


>> No.13721585
File: 39 KB, 570x381, trench-coat-featured-image-570x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trenchcoat are based

>> No.13721592

I'm a loser and I just wear chef's pants and Hawaiian shirts so it is not every loser that wears leather.

>> No.13721596
File: 1.67 MB, 3619x3549, IMG_1480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only looks good on objectively attractive men. Otherwise, trenchcoats look autistic.

>> No.13721599
File: 1.29 MB, 2288x1520, 1537617966360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly, why do people insist on calling everything longer than a suit jacket a trench coat?
Neo's outfit is far more reminiscent of a cassock if you ask me.

>> No.13721898

It is a cassock

>> No.13721905

Doesn't help that manufacturers don't give a shit and will call any coat a "trench" if they think it'll sell better.

>> No.13722026

They look good on professionals.
And of course not being fat is a prerequisite for fashion.

>> No.13722702

I know someone who dresses like this and he has a qt gf

>> No.13722715

Stop namefagging and post pics

>> No.13724191

For the same reason onionboys love beards. They have no idea what masculinity actually means, so they just adopt something that is typically associated with masculinity

>> No.13724286

Disagree on both counts. Beards genuinely do cover up facial deformity and that is why most of these guys are growing them. In most cases I bet they even have friends and family that tell them not to be clean-shaved because they look objectively worse that way.
I have owned both a fedora and a trench coat and I can tell you there was no
>lol, gonna look like a real man!
thought attached to that. By the way, I at least had the presence of mind not to wear both at the same time!
Why did I wear them? Well I thought they were cool and what I thought was cool had very little to do with other people because I didn't really have any friends or any view to getting laid.
It's when you start thinking of other people seeing you that you put constraints on what you wear.

>> No.13724609

>Beards genuinely do cover up facial deformity and that is why most of these guys are growing them
That's not true at all. Most onionboys have completely normal faces, I have absolutely no idea why you think they're doing to cover up ''facial deformities''

>In most cases I bet they even have friends and family that tell them not to be clean-shaved because they look objectively worse that way.
Wow you sure convinced me with that piece of personal fantasy you pulled straight out of your ass

>I have owned both a fedora and a trench coat and I can tell you there was no >lol, gonna look like a real man! thought attached to that.
Maybe for you. But fedoralords and onionboys think fedoras and beards respectively hearken back to the masculine ideals of the past. Fedoras make you look ''gentlemanly'' and beards make you look like a ''viking warrior''

>Why did I wear them? Well I thought they were cool and what I thought was cool had very little to do with other people because I didn't really have any friends or any view to getting laid.
Congrats in thinking that, these guys don't

>It's when you start thinking of other people seeing you that you put constraints on what you wear.
Which fedoralords and onionboys obviously do. If not their entire wardrobe would be grey tshirts and blue jeans. These guys obviously put a decent amount of thought into how they present themselves

>> No.13724647

1. Maybe if you think ferrets have normal faces they do. 2. All you're basing this on is other people shitting on these guys, m8. 3. Okay. 4. They really don't. Autistic guys are the truest case of "dressing for yourself." Someone that dressed in grey t-shirts and blue jeans every day would probably be someone that is trying to "grey man." ie. He is considering other people.

>> No.13724980
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1504821209348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decently attractive
>like trench coats
>be 5'9 manlet

why get so close and yet be so far

>> No.13725025

Can tell you had no friends because you clearly have no understanding of why people do what they do.

Not trying to insult you, you're just very far from reality in assuming everyone who dresses that way does it for the specific set of reasons you made up in your head.

>> No.13725110

ID on location? Finnland?

I kinda want to visit.

>> No.13725144

Probably emulating characters from media they like. Long flowy shit lends itself to melodramatic action things like the matrix and anime.

>> No.13725152

Lel, yes you are trying to insult me, my dude. You're trying to fanny fluster me.
Fact is being a loser gives me a first-hand experience of this kind of person that I'm not sure you ever had.
You belittle my experience but all you're coming at me with, as far as I can tell, is your own reasons made up in your own head.
I'd be willing to go with you as far as MAYBE there are a couple of these gentlemanly tips fedora m'lady guys.
But I think you have human nature more wrong than I do. In your mind an isolated, weird person defaults to grey shirt and blue jeans.
I think it's more the case that an isolated weird person goes increasingly towards being weird in some way.
Pop culture influences are such that a spergy dude often goes for these hats and these coats.

>> No.13725163

Just be urself

>> No.13725202

dunno i am pretty fucked but even i understand that i cannot rock a trench

>> No.13725472

please don't encourage him to join the thread.

>> No.13725902

That was not the guy you've been talking to. But anyways

>Fact is being a loser gives me a first-hand experience of this kind of person that I'm not sure you ever had.
Well guess what faggot. I was a loser too that at one point in my life unironically wanted to buy a fedora and thought beards were the epitome of masculinity

>You belittle my experience but all you're coming at me with, as far as I can tell, is your own reasons made up in your own head.
Reasons I've made up from personal experience, observation and logic

>In your mind an isolated, weird person defaults to grey shirt and blue jeans.
That's not even what I fucking said you dumbass. I said that people that don't put any constraint into what they wear will wear grey tshirts and blue jeans because they are the cheapest, most easily available, most inoffensive and NPC-core clothing in the world.

>I think it's more the case that an isolated weird person goes increasingly towards being weird in some way.
Well fucking of course. But that doesn't mean that their wierdness automatically excludes every other person in the world. You can be weird and still care what people think about you

>Pop culture influences are such that a spergy dude often goes for these hats and these coats.
Yes, because through the medium of pop culture, they absorb a masculine ideal that they want to live up to. Look at >>13721596, like half the items in that image try to evoke some fleeting sense of masculinity

>> No.13726189

You sweaty faggots are sure getting worked up about this. Let me offer some perspective.
>Tried the gray t-shirt and blue jeans for many years.
>Got bored.
>Bought a trench coat.
>It's cozy and keeps me dry.
>Cargo pants are more comfortable than jeans anyway.
>Look like video game characters.

I guess I'm a loser, in as much as I make < $100k/year and do not own any real estate.
I just like industrial rock and much of the associated fashion, and don't really have anything to prove.

>> No.13726790

wtf i love this

>> No.13726794

unironically based and redpilled fit