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File: 954 KB, 2152x1004, uniqloAndComfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13719175 No.13719175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13719178

These threads are getting pretty old.

>> No.13719181

I wonder (((who))) is behind this ad

>> No.13719220

Why's it always niggers tho
Asians are more of a minority in the west than them; even pajeets are.

>> No.13719244

lmao imagine if pajeets start being used as models

>> No.13719252

i have a feeling UNIQLO would be 1 of the fast fashion clothing brands along with benetton and american apparel to support white genocide.

also i love how football casuals used to wear benetton when it was such a left wing-associated brand

>> No.13719256

There are some handsome and pretty pajeets desu. Not all of them of course.

>> No.13719267

why only black people?
why not brown?

>> No.13719433

>100% pure.

>> No.13719437

you know why

>> No.13719467

bigger dicks?

>> No.13719538

Not him, but because they are basically the only ones who complain

>> No.13719540


Cause there are more Asians, Indians, and white people then blacks. can you pol faggots fuck off. You guys act like jews are every where but i couldn't shake a stick without hitting you faggots.

>> No.13719556

God, do I really have to explain this shit to you retards?

>Why's it always niggers tho
Marketing tactic to demonstrate that their clothing will look good on more than one race, an attempt to reach out to multiple demographics. Thing that sounds dumb? Well studies show that it works, very well.
Also consider that the person behind the line may have imagined a specific person wearing their clothing, and decided to pick the model who resembled that person, and surprise surprise, the whole world (especially not the fashion world) aren't all racist cocks like your average neckbeard is. Furthermore, they're trying to show that they share the values of the target group of this clothing line, which their marketers have obviously decided are progressive-ish young people, who generally believe people should do whatever they want so long as it harms no one. Depicting an interracial relationship is a good way to show those people you share their values.

So tired of hearing people go on about "disproportionate amounts of x race in film/advertising/whatever" as if the inclusion of a group that isn't you is going to end the fucking world unless it's exactly matching the percentage of the population they make up in whatever country you're from.

Mentally healthy people do not care about this shit, I hope you all realize this.

>> No.13719569

nobody, literally nobody besides batshit crazy feminist types are after the white race. Stop conspiracy theorying to compensate for why you're not doing well in life.

It's your own fault, man. No other races are holding you back, or even attempting to.

If you want to talk about why Israel is evil, i'd be inclined to humor you because that shit is a fact at this point. Your average jew living outside of that country doesn't give a fuck about zionism or whatever, probably only follow their religion because of family tradition.

Get outside, meet people, develop a real world view you fuckin' goober. A black dude helped me push my broken down car to the side of a main road yesterday after 50+ white folks just stared at me trying to do it alone.

People's race might indicate that they're somewhat more likely, statistically, to do certain things. But as far as individuals go, those numbers are fucking meaningless. Your average person of any race is just a person, trying to make money, have a family, not hate their life entirely. Yes, there are gang bangers and rapists and murderers and scum the likes of which should never breathe another breath.

And those scum are all races. Call them as you see them.

>> No.13719588

just want you to know I didn't read any of this

>> No.13719654

>if i ignore the people calling me out for being dumb as shit, then I'm not actually retarded!

Bless your retarded heart, anon.

>> No.13719722
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1535407852833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans get the luger...

>> No.13719774

Very based posts, 4chan is finally starting to wake up

>> No.13719779

What's your answer for it being black man + white woman almost exclusively in advertising asnd media while white man + black woman, asian x + white y etc. are incredibly rare?

>> No.13719781

This isn't even true you retard. Whites are the global minority out of all those races you mentioned. Blacks are one of the most populous groups.

>> No.13719788


>> No.13719792

thank you, anon

>> No.13719793

>A black dude helped me...

You know your own view is limited in that you don't really know what guys like the one you replied to actually think.
I'd tell you to go to /pol/ but, honestly, /pol/ has been attacked non-stop for years now and it's not what it was.

As an example a classic thing you guys will do will accuse us of black and white thinking about niggers.
>NOT ALL blacks are like that.
It's classic because you say that to us SHOWING A BELL CURVE IQ DISTRIBUTION of blacks.
ie. We're fucking telling you not all are like that. We have the nuanced position while you have this "not all x are like that" nihilistic bullshit.

>> No.13719796
File: 86 KB, 727x470, jaffe-memo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody, literally nobody besides batshit crazy feminist types are after the white race.

Look up the "jaffe memo."

>> No.13719801

They're not you insecure faggot

>> No.13719804

>Your average jew living outside of that country doesn't give a fuck about zionism or whatever, probably only follow their religion because of family tradition.
As a Kike myself I have to burst your bubble on this one. Many families I know are single issue voters as to who will support Israel. I agree with your views in general though.

>> No.13719805

Nice response, my dude. Now we'll just wait for some more leftypol to stop by and they can say they agree with you and I am a lunatic, right?

Everyone with their fucking eyes open can see that's the way, though.
eg. All the stores in Britain doing Christmas Ads showing it.
White man + Asian woman is the most common race-mixed couple in the Anglosphere but it's hen's teeth compared to black man + white woman.
If you were smart maybe you'd have said Asians and whites have too similar of a skin colour to make for good colour contrasts in the ad.

>> No.13719807

More nigs in than other minorities plus Americans default to token blacks.

>> No.13719813

Happens across the Anglosphere, though. And black man + white woman is rare in every Anglosphere country.
Check out OKC's article about races, for instance.

>> No.13719906
File: 335 KB, 1416x1600, 1521239891462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottomless söypit excuses:
- color contrast
- best costumers
- actual representation of the demographics

Have I forgotten something?

>> No.13719913
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 70BC16B5-0547-4352-97B0-2CEC75BC27E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren’t Pajeets “Aryan”

>> No.13719915

yeah, the psyops is getting pretty old to me too, but that's kinda the whole point. once images like this are no longer questioned, then they've won

>> No.13719923
File: 119 KB, 1300x866, diamondfinish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews subvert every culture they insert themselves into. it's a fact that they've been kicked out of every single country that they've attempted to settle in for thousands of years, and that's for a reason. specifically in america, the way to break down society is to make it culturally weak. if we're all "mixed" then there is no longer a sense of community, there is no longer a majority. black men are inherently seen as the strongest because of their predisposition for athleticism and muscle growth and large animalistic dongs. if the jews breed white women with blacks there will no longer be a majority identity in america.

>> No.13719927
File: 1.43 MB, 2392x1444, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at 11.01.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about brand of clothes to do shopping and out of curiosity check the website.
Well, TH is NOT for me tho.

>> No.13719940

have you thought about not buying clothing that's marketed toward niggers? you can't go on modcloth and complain that all the girls are fat, that's their market. or freepeople it's all waifish white girls. better comparison would be complaining that fred perry has black guys modelling now, but it's obvious why they're doing that.

>> No.13719963

I don't care. There are too many niggers in the world how it is. I don't need them being represented even more.

>> No.13719967

Cringe as fuck

Get over yourself

>> No.13719971
File: 142 KB, 853x1280, Balenciaga_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they(marketing fags) just make more non-degenerate stuff like pic related ?

>> No.13719976
File: 141 KB, 853x1280, Balenciaga_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13720103

>reaching out to multiple demographics
>it's always niggers
Pick one, nigger.

>> No.13720111

wow ian curtis looking good with bleached hair

>> No.13720115

Because it implies segregation

>> No.13720120

>100 pure

The jews are taunting us at this point

>> No.13720125
File: 298 KB, 1300x924, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he pregnant?

>> No.13720144

>White man + Asian woman is the most common race-mixed couple in the Anglosphere

You’re right, but most Asians don’t give a shit, the idea is that Asians who date whites are basically white people anyway. Moreover, whites and Asians mixing already happens on a massive scale, why would a brand try to virtue signal how progressive they are by using an interracial relationship which is basically accepted and tolerated worldwide?

White and Asian = at best, nobody cares because they can walk through anywhere with a population of over 50k and see it multiple times, at worst some Twitter mong whines about white men with Asian women

Black and white = at best, wow so progressive, I’ll buy there! at worst, a few people on 4chan talk shit about it and then they get even more progresssive points for alienating ‘incels’

>> No.13720304

fucking based

>> No.13720311

That dude is literally gay and that girl probably has a chad husband who gives no fucks whatsoever about her putting her arms around a gay black man for money

>> No.13720312

that's a myth, no actual study could ever prove it
jews are winning by brainwashing people to believe that though

>> No.13720313

Uniqlo should get more Asian models and Asian men they're an Asian company. Kick out the ugly white boys no one wants to see those.

>> No.13720328

100% cotton

>> No.13720378

imagine being so insecure about not having a girlfriend that a picture of a black guy and a white girl together makes you so mad

>> No.13720682

fuck off back to /pol/. you have to be the next level of insecure virgin to give a shit about who other people are fucking

>> No.13720696

absolutely based

>> No.13720958
File: 153 KB, 1890x1630, 1537645925018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more blacks so they use a black model. Black men are the epitome of cool so they're indirectly marketing to whites, asians, etc.

pls leave

>> No.13720964

Black people are cool? Imo they're not more or less "cool" than any other ethnicity desu

>> No.13721014

Where do you sheeple come from? At no point in the history of this board would this have been a non-laughable thing to say. Grow a pair you sad sack.

>> No.13721020

Whole /pol/ is a sheeple/shill board, believing in Trump, when he is actually a jew slave. At the same time /pol/ pretend to hate jews. Brainlets.

>> No.13721024

It's a stereotype. Hip hop culture makes suburban white kids talk and dress like nigs. Black guys are considered hyper-masculine and therefore cool.

>> No.13721051

But i thought hypermasculinity is toxic and therefore bad?

>> No.13721081

Black males are willing to spend a lot on clothing, in general. Marketers want that money. They advertise heavily to them. Making them think if they buy a retarded sweater they'll get a pretty white bitch is just standard marketing. It's the same reason they put models on boats, or surrounded by "friends" and smiling.
These threads are getting really old.

>> No.13721112

He was bailed out by the Rothschilds years ago and installed one of their men in the government. In their pocket ever since. /pol/ has literally been handed a Jewish conspiracy on a silver platter and choose to ignore it because it interferes with "triggering libs" and might result in criticism of a reality TV star they've come to worship. It's a fucking Reddit refugee board, no doubt.

>> No.13721123

This pretty much.
Blacks are vulnerable to status marketing, conspicuous consumption, and the like. If I spend shit-tons on Nikes and sweaters, then I'm fiscally irresponsible. But in Tyrone's community, he's actually gaining status from it, even if it's tacky shit. If we can convince Tyrone he'll get a whitewimin as a bonus, then so be it.

>> No.13721126


What >>13720958 said isn't exactly wrong, this idea of taking black coolness and attempting to sell it (even if it's with a white face) has been in effect since the heydays of Jazz, Rock, and Blues. Yes I know not every involved in the popularity of those genre are black but the pioneers, forefathers, and initial taste makers were. The trend hasn't slowed down. And this subject has been written about and documented to death already so (to anyone) if you don't have anything to add outside the typical 4chan spiel about the inferiority of blacks and how jews are controlling the media please don't waste your time typing it out.

>> No.13721138

this, its made for blacks

>> No.13721326

>people should do whatever they want so long as it harms no one
this old tired platitude

>> No.13721345

Blacks do not consume conspicuously

>> No.13721355

But "black coolness" doesn't originate from superiority but rather inferiority. It takes a Jew to convince others that black culture is cool. All the impressionable people, especially status-seeking Asians, only appropriate form Black people when the Jew-run media promotes it.

If all of these people genuinely liked black people and black culture they would gravitate towards it by themselves. They wouldn't need the media to tell them that it's cool and edgy.

>> No.13721371

thanks never buying from uniqlo again

>> No.13721380

based and redpilled brands?

>> No.13721386

>reddit spacing
>clear shill/leftypol posts
who the fuck do you absolute retards think you're convincing?

>> No.13721407

Bullshit dude. Maybe if it's a nike advert, sure, but a John Lewis advert or something like that? Yeah right. And Uniqlo, I don't see a lot of black guys in Uniqlo.

>> No.13721552

Only when it's white males. Notice how söyboys and feminists love trap music even though it's the most mysogynistic genre right now.

>> No.13721569

>I don't see a lot of black guys in Uniqlo
And when your goal is to make as much money as possible, that's a problem. And the solution to that problem would be advertising to black people.

>> No.13721575

leftypol spergs are more anti reddit than 4ch*n ever will be

this is not redd*t spacing

this is

>> No.13721658

No we don't you dumb cuck, we get kicked out because retards would rather blame a minority than their leaders and real elites.

>> No.13721715

you would know wouldn't you, redditor

>> No.13721729

that track suit top is looking good

>> No.13721733

hahahah look at the clothing in the ad they are not advertising to people interested in hip hop

>> No.13721739

So after white people genocide everyone who isn't white where do you go from there? As long as there are limited resources theres always going to be an underclass and a master class and something tells me none of you would be in that master class.

>> No.13721763
File: 89 KB, 804x628, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is the unofficial uniqlo thread i wanted some recommendations
been wanting to try the brand out but there's none near me. i figured i could order a basic supima tee, what else should i get? so i'm not paying shipping just for one item
i don't want to order pants or shirts without trying them on and its still warm out so nothing heavy either
i was thinking a polo or just another tee, maybe a black v neck

>> No.13721776

Uniqlo is a brand for white guys who want to look decent but unremarkable for relatively cheap. The brand is the antithesis of what black guys into fashion look for, so no, it doesn't make sense to try to appeal to them.

>> No.13721783

In the same vein: how are the uniqlo sweatshirts? Comfy?

>> No.13721821

>Wow this paid white female model sure must be in love with that black paid male model.

There are enough studies sugessting that the poorer/dumber/uglier a ww is the more likely she will date bm leaving her behind divorced, beaten, with mutt offsprings in the vast majority of all cases.

The mutts and general shitskin population will be no problem in the future since Globalist pushed the bow way too hard leading the main population to fucking push the right the hardest since post WW2. The EU and Dems are failing. I've never seen so many anti EU shitposting on usually normal Social Media parts after the kikes and Tusk the Polock who isn't a Polock but a Kike too decided to ban Memes.

>t. Former diehard libfaggot

>> No.13721877

Uniqlo U sweats hold the colour better when you wash them. But for the price they’re good mate, if just a little lightweight for my taste,

>> No.13721885

bummer. i was looking for a thick one

>> No.13721886


>> No.13721889

They’d be fine for autumn just not winter. And I live in the UK so the worst I have in the winter is only -10 Celsius

>> No.13721893

Playing it safe should mean they are "conservative" about their progressive virtue signalling, though. I'd argue that going that step further is not to get any significant market share.
There just aren't that many cat ladies in the world and they're probably too fat for Uniqlo.
If we look at Google's leaked meeting video we can see that it's not as simple as companies are responding to THE market.
Sometimes they may be responding to A market.
eg. Nike is running implicitly anti-white stuff because they don't care about alienating whites. It's the black money they want.

>> No.13721914
File: 452 KB, 602x659, 1530115786989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13721917

fuckin a bro don't hijack my post and then get a response

>> No.13721927

how well does supima hold its color?

>> No.13721991

You’re right, v neck jumpers are pretty disgusting

>> No.13722016

Well my winters are like - 20c. But i'm not even looking especially winter wear, i just like thicker sweatshirts. Any suggestions?

>> No.13722017

>what is feudalism

>> No.13722061

So was Ralph Lauren. But guess what? They realized they could advertise as a black brand and now black guys wear it and the company makes a shiton of money off of them selling the same shit they sell to whites and asians. Adidas was started by anactual member of the Nazi party, but nowadays black people love a pair of Adidas as much as the next white guy.
When there's an untapped market, they generally advertise to that market.

>> No.13722145

To the people in this thread who are complaining about how it's "always" a black man with a white woman, you only think that because you've been conditioned to notice it every time you see it. When people make a big deal about every instance of a BMWF interracial couple being represented in media and post about it everywhere online, it makes it seem a lot more common than it actually is. Get out of your bubble tards.

>> No.13722484

its a common knowledge on images boards
i know that you're new but don't worry

>> No.13722488

>100% pure

>> No.13722492

How closed off are you to freak out about the guy model being black? Do you guys forget that non whites exist?

>> No.13722495
File: 738 KB, 2880x4320, hmgoepprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOB aesthetics is the new look

>> No.13722498 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 2880x4320, facial aesthetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13722501

How can a genre be misogynistic?

>> No.13722504

Your crazy if you think uniqlo isn't just another gap. Get options from non /fa/gs

>> No.13722507

No, this shit is everywhere, even the local condo development in my small town has a black man and white woman advertising models. It looks like and episode of blacked.

>> No.13722544

You notice it because you've been conditioned to. Every non interracial couple you see doesn't even register, but once you see a BMWF you can't help but make note of it.

>> No.13722779

show me an ad with a white man and blacc woman then

>> No.13722789

I haven't been conditioned to do shit. I literally saw this with my eyes and I'm freely choosing to make note of it. I spend a lot of time in asia and they don't push niggers like this with asian women in their advertising. Why the fuck do you think this is normal is the question when it's only the USA and Europe that do this in their advertising?

>> No.13722802

>Uniqlo is a brand for white guys who want to look decent but unremarkable for relatively cheap.

This is me and most of my cops come from Uniqlo.

>> No.13722807
File: 2.70 MB, 2123x1000, ddddddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13722912

It's almost like different societies and different parts of the world have different norms and values lol.

>> No.13722984

Capitalism is what pushes these brands to play the "diversity" card. There is no deeper agenda than just moneymaking.
If in 20 years the media suddenly became against globalization and western progressism, then all the big brands would advertise accordingly.
Right now it's considered to be cool and hip to be somewhat politically active in libertarian leftwing politics or to be a self proclamed feminist. Just look at the latest pepsi ads with fake demonstrations, or all these teen brands that sell "feminist" t-shirts.

>> No.13722988

>that one guy who keeps replying "based" to his own walls of text

>> No.13723009

Black dudes spend what little money they have on clothes to look fresh
Black dudes prefer white girls

White girls spend all their parents' money in clothes
White girls love black guys

Fashion brands know who buys their shit, and their advertising campaigns show it, that's why you always see white girls with their black dude in their ads

>> No.13723015
File: 52 KB, 620x350, dark-enlightenment-nick-land2334683534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>media suddenly became against globalization and western progressism, then all the big brands would advertise accordingly.

but capital thrives off of globalisation and free circulation of goods and people (and migrants), it is inherently subversive and will labour to break down every border and social distinction

>> No.13723099

>white girls love black guys
t. shlomo
the dating preference of white women (relying on actual surveys here) goes white>latino>asian>black

>> No.13723162

It’s virtue signaling

>> No.13723166
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, 886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can it be now?

>> No.13723170

No I haven’t been conditioned to notice it, i notice it because in Canada black people are such a small percentage of the population yet every ad has an interracial family in it. I’m not even against that, or even, I hate the the virtue signaling from a corporation.

It would be ridiculous in South Africa too.

>> No.13723209

my nigga.

>> No.13723355


>> No.13723358

>incel who has to rely on goldigger stats from outdated dead dating sites


>> No.13723365


>> No.13723389

Explain to me why it is always black male /another race female in marketing terms.

>> No.13723701
File: 470 KB, 639x672, steve-harvey-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
>black men are the epitome of cool
really makes you think

>> No.13723740
File: 301 KB, 512x384, 1406498864962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black men are the epitome of cool

>> No.13723749

>100% pure

>> No.13723768

jesus christ how far this place has fallen

>> No.13723781
File: 59 KB, 700x566, 1397059821004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724025

just shop in store

>> No.13724457
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 6274A7545465498D9C4AC24C717D70DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank reddit and pepe for attracting them

image related

>> No.13724524

>no ur new!
you need to go back

>> No.13724532

this board has always been shit and filled with soibois

>> No.13724554
File: 41 KB, 720x406, 1c537205025309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.13724604
File: 46 KB, 324x322, 1522207508810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The female model looks like my ex ldr gf . Fuck brehs

>> No.13724656
File: 42 KB, 679x679, F2DFBA04-F1D7-4CFB-B91B-0C83F96E7072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724802

Segregation is good actually

>> No.13725419
File: 55 KB, 500x375, 1537930092460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13725475

truth brother hh

>> No.13725502

>Capitalism is what pushes these brands to play the "diversity" card

It's not just capitalism because these images don't directly convert they are used for expressing the brand image, so the company doesn't get feedback on these images to then alter them.

In reality it's just the SJW influence within US companies because of the ideological radical leftists coming out of US universities.

>> No.13725508

lol you searched white man with black woman and still a third of the photos are white woman with black men. Care to explain the discrepancy without contradicting your hook nosed rat snout

>> No.13725547

I searched "interracial couple ad" dum dum.

>> No.13726663

Lol this is art

>> No.13726687

?? Blacks are like 14-16% of the country

>> No.13726705

funny how this is such a revelation to newfags who unironically believe all the memes /pol/ is spouting

>> No.13726841

No. The "Aryans" were steppe people, and its generally agreed that they were the proto-Indo-Europeans. This is long before Egypt. The Brittania probably wasnt even inhabited by humans yet. We are talking Mesopotamia time period. The Aryans are from north of the fertile crescent. Think Georgia, Armenia, and Northern Iran. They were likely some of the first people to domesticate horses, and they used those to populate Europe and Persia. They also invaded parts of India, which is why the Vedic texts mention them. So yes, modern Pajeets likely have some Aryan blood in them, but Indians are not the Ayrans.

>> No.13726866

this but unironically

>> No.13726889

>Asians are more of a minority in the west than them; even pajeets are.
Because black people will be the next majority.
stay mad whitoids.
Hey Asians, lets work for a better future.

>> No.13726892

that guys head is so small, wtf?

>> No.13726904
File: 85 KB, 263x204, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face is so funny, wtf.
white women btfo

>> No.13727210
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, 1510427643456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has not always been memetastic Reddit "le triggering libtards" refugee faggots. Old /pol/ would've seen Trump as a Jewish puppet from day one.
>obsessed with e-celebs
Gee, I wonder what board fits that description best?