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File: 42 KB, 500x388, 1445284687337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13718495 No.13718495 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you out, it's a friday night anon

>> No.13718500
File: 499 KB, 1051x782, 1515243628637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you think I buy designer just to go out and get it filthy dumdass

>> No.13718508
File: 94 KB, 800x1023, Kadelxiawenju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday is the best day to go out

>> No.13718531

Only if you like watching reporbates, which to be fair I do too.

>> No.13718535

I am an incel with self-esteem issues

Like 90% of this board

>> No.13718557

sitting here wearing ervell and dior watching cx network stuff
feels comfy man

>> No.13718560

I'm up at 5am for work

>> No.13718610

run through yea light weight

>> No.13718613

it's 3pm you maniac

>> No.13718616

Got home from work and want to rest, ill go out with my gf on sunday

>> No.13718619

I'm having a nice night in with my gf :)

>> No.13718620
File: 136 KB, 312x433, kawgwFH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work early in the morning

>> No.13718627

out otu out

>> No.13718673

It's 5pm on the East coast. But I'm not doing anything later tonight either. Well, laundry and home depot.

>> No.13718682

It's not even 4:30 here yet

>> No.13718711

I prefer saturdays.

>> No.13718717


>> No.13718735

I'm going to see Primus at seven.

>> No.13719006

Spending the night in with my girl, Saturday’s are for the boys.

>> No.13719030



>> No.13719102

This desu

>> No.13719159
File: 95 KB, 645x773, IMG_4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a homebody loser and I have nowhere to go. It's alright, I'm a simple person who prefers shitposting to going out tbqh.

>> No.13719221
File: 76 KB, 276x238, 1531920782593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck am I supposed to go?

>> No.13719247

went out and had a mdma induced anxiaty attack and had to leave after an hour.
sometimes it's better to stay at home

>> No.13719249

i dont have friends nor do i want to hang out with anyone

>> No.13719254

s-so what it is Friday?
am i doing something wrong?

>> No.13719351

How the fuck do you guys deal with mall compliments?

>Hey, I like your boots!
>She catches me looking back at her

This happens every fucking time that I shop. How do I not go full autism with compliments?

>> No.13719353

I don't go to the mall.
Boom, problem solved.

>> No.13719356

compliment them back, if you want to pursue them further then start a conversation with what you complimented them on

>> No.13719359

Try giving a compliment in return doesnt even have to be specific she wont know you use it with everyone. Like for me ot would go like thi
> Hey I like your boots!
> Awh thanks! I really like you're hair, how do you get it to curl / that straight / the color, whateve
And then she blah blah blah bitches love talking about themselves. Just smile a couple nods a couple mm, mhm, ohhhh.

>> No.13719363

Busy playing minecraft with the few friends I have
we are all over 20
and life is good

>> No.13719370

What do you do on Minecraft still, used to play alot but the updates just got worse and worse, of they wouldve had someone with a decent creative mind at the helm i would be so much greater.

>> No.13719374

I kinda hate myself right now and hate other people just as much so I'm avoiding human contact to avoid killing myself.

>> No.13719445

I live 50+ miles away from all my friends, who probably don't even want to see me, and I don't know how to drive

>> No.13719601

my friends are depressed, anti-social shut ins who have zero interest in leaving their apartment to actually do something
not saying that i'm any better but at least i've learnt to control that shit

>> No.13719689
File: 1.23 MB, 469x317, 1535259418914_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear

>> No.13719693

Youre a girl aren't you

>> No.13719699
File: 759 KB, 1242x1530, 613EA30C-51AF-4E69-B33D-FF4B01D3E455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started uni and I don’t really have any close friends yet. Also got a fuck ton of homework to do

>> No.13719705

we canceled plans

>> No.13719764

i wish i got compliments from strangers

have a genuine smile when you say thanks, thats p much it

>> No.13719767

i have midterms in a few days so i stayed in but i didnt study so it was pointless

im fucked

>> No.13719771

I gotta study some math all weekend my professor sucks at explaining

>> No.13719794

The fuck did you do instead of study? Browse 4chan?

>> No.13719811

nutted in a sock and added it to my collection

>> No.13719817


>> No.13719952

This gives me self esteem I FEED OFF YOU

>> No.13719954

>Cx network

How ice doing these day a btw? Still a crack addict or was that just a meme

>> No.13719962

If you're asking that you probably live in a a shit city the least you can do is go to a bar with some pals>>13719247

>> No.13719965

Mate how does mandy cause a panic attack? Either way just keep xans or vallys on you at all time and ur gucci

>> No.13719969

Tbf wouldn't even be sad revisiting that game but haven't played since 2012

>> No.13719972

This song played on my night out shame yoself

>> No.13719975

Man bare homework already? What course you studying? The first two weeks are for freshers to go out ngl

>> No.13720158

he's not doing well but the content is still good

>> No.13720188

I thought I was on r9k for a min

>> No.13720190

>letting clothes wear you
It’s clear you can’t truly afford what you wear

>> No.13720205
File: 29 KB, 613x381, awkwaerparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already have anxiety but took molly anyways, i went to some girl's birthday party with people i didn't know very well and who don't take x so the setting was already bad. dropped half a pill and enjoyed myself during the come up talking tith people and making friends. just when the peak was starting i went up to the bathroom and some faggot claimed I was gonna jump and having 20 people looking at me like pic related sent me down into a 10 minute pannic attack in which i flushed the other pill i had down the drain. left with a friend and talked with her about life for 4 hours and then talked with some other girl i used to be in love with. i said the most autistic thing i have ever said to a girl but she didn't mind and i had a comfy nitghtalk

>> No.13720804

I can't imagine taking molly at a party. Is that something people do?

>> No.13720826

>he's gonna jump
absolutely REKT

>> No.13720830

I’m on my 5th (or 6th) week. I got a speech to write, a sketchbook project (architecture), 3 mini 3D models, and I gotta study for a math exam all for monday. I never realized how easy the homework was in high school. God I wish it was the same.

>> No.13720929

>Don’t have friends
>Freshers week would of been like a week ago

Hate it break it to you mate, your loneliness is your fault

>> No.13720984
File: 27 KB, 576x384, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neighbours are away on holiday
>left their kids behind
>nothing but shitty edm and kids puking in the back garden all night
how do I get these rats to fuck off without seeming like a mental old man

>> No.13720992

i'm so fucking friendless

>> No.13721000
File: 21 KB, 413x550, 2u5do5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought expensive clothes, fragrance, going to the gym everyday and still no friends, no reason to actually go out to actually show everything off

>> No.13721001

call the cops or you can you know go over and join them

>> No.13721022

yea if I go over they'll call the cops on me for being a pedo

>> No.13721353

yeah, where have you been taking molly?
i know it's sound silly but it sent me into a 10 minute panic attack i still haven't recovered from fully. had a good night tho

>> No.13721361

Just woke up hungover af

>> No.13721385

At work mostly. Clubs and EDM shows. I just want to dance and listen to music I don't want to talk to people or socialize on it.

>> No.13721415

This makes me happy

>> No.13721420 [DELETED] 

Molly is best at parties for sure

>> No.13721426

Molly is best at parties or on your own (lol)

>> No.13721430
File: 559 KB, 1086x1194, 0694F343-ACAE-40D5-8C8D-D2346021B7EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess. I have made a couple of friends but they’re just like class friends I don’t really talk to any of them outside of class except to see if I had any homework. I don’t really text anyone but I guess I’m just waiting for someone I can vibe with if that makes sense. I’m just doing my own thing it doesn’t bother me too much rn

>> No.13721445

I'd rather take some acid or drink, depending on the party.

>> No.13721469

id rather take molly to talk one on one with people than dance. as i said it gave me a shitto ne of anxiety but i talked with two persons on an extremely personal level and that made me feel happy

>> No.13721502

I've never tried that on molly. I fucking love dancing on it. I'm not really the dancing type but holy shit I'm a fucking machine on molly. I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell people how to have fun though, if that works for you then by all means go for it.

>> No.13721545

I was out, got kicked out of my favorite club for dancing too hard. This fucking bouncer is a piece of shit and he's constantly starting shit with everyone over nothing.

>> No.13721687

i am out, im being a wagecuck

>> No.13722199

> Why aren't you out, it's a Saturday night anon

Watching Avatar with my gf and replaying FFVI for the millionth time.

>> No.13722222

I genuinly believe x should be given to patients before a therapy session, and not generally used by people just trying to dance.
I don't take it because I feel terrible and can't sleep when it wears off, but I've had genuine emotional realizations from it. I felt able to reach back into the workings of my mind and examine everything, even recall memories I'd totally forgotten. It didn't solve my issues, but helped me realize why I was so depressed. I was just at home talking to myself on it, and I started crying very hard.
That said it's very taxing and should only be taken with someone you trust with the intention of emtional talking. It's really not for sex or anything like that, and it won't dig you out of an emotional hole, but it cam potentially make it bright enough to look for the shovel.

>> No.13722631

Hope you and your gf had fun tonight, anon

>> No.13722663

>he's on 4chan instead of at Nuit Blanche

>> No.13722718


>> No.13722725

Alcohol costs way too much, is extra calories, and makes you feel like ass the next day.
I can just as easily talk with those same buds on discord while we play games.
Though I admit some billiards would be fun now and again.

>> No.13722729

>Nuit Blanche
That event is such a pile of ass these days.

>> No.13722997

based quints of truth

>> No.13723226

Woke niggas go out on Thursday night. Stay sharp bois

>> No.13723324

nah b, if you really woke af you go out on the tuesday cuz.

>> No.13723350

duckduckgo, good on you.
not naming your reaction images properly, shame on you.

>> No.13723500

I only have 3 reaction images at anyone time proxy.duckduckgo.com.{jpg,png,gif}