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/fa/ - Fashion

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13699607 No.13699607 [Reply] [Original]

Why are black guys so over represented on online fashion sites?
I'm not complaining or anything, just curious as to why

>> No.13699611
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>> No.13699619

I think it's a multifaceted thing.
Firstly, when Americans think diversity, they will go immediately to black.
Secondly, you will find Black Americans are actually over represented in television as well. This is because they're a reliable consumer demographic for TV. Not only does every show need it's token black, but you have all black casts specifically for the African American market. The same applies to much of fashion. They're a big, reliable fashion demographic.
I also think it is less looked down upon for males to be "into" fashion in African American circles, thanks to their culture of conspicuous consumption. This results in more guys who are unashamed to go into modeling or otherwise fashion related occupations.

There's probably more to it. But those are the reasons I can think of right now.

>> No.13699621

minorities must be represented as a majority otherwise it's discrimination ; ^)

>> No.13699622

Why do you care so much op, are you a paranoid schizo nazi or something? Just let your countries get destroyed LMAO

>> No.13699636
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>> No.13699643

jews did this fuck nigger

>> No.13699661
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>> No.13699701

I was more bewildered at why would a British company have marketing material that seems to skew more "American" (British ads I casually observed while holidaying in UK tend to have more European + South Asian + Caribbean presence, original pic skews more African/Black)...turns out they do serve the States.

You captured this off the American site, right?

>> No.13699708

most of the people interested in streetwear/fast fashion are ethnic
you don't need white people to model for your site when they buy their clothes from walmart

>> No.13699726

Normalization through over exposure. That's also why so many interracial couples are in commercials.

>> No.13699759

Honestly a good question, they are so extremely over-represented it's laughable. Either companies fear Twitter shitstorms or the agencies they hire are baseded out to the max.

>> No.13699767

>we got to make our models fully diverse
>*70% of all female models are white*
every. fucking. time.
why are white roasties, the most priviliged species on earth, part of the diversity quota?

>> No.13699769

its just what comes up if you search online clothing store in australia
which is even weirder since we dont have a sizable African demographic

>> No.13699871

They provide a nice contrast for most outfits.

>> No.13699885

i know it's shocking for you but black people exist

>> No.13699887


>> No.13699906

to upset little frail whiteboys

>> No.13699908

More black people are fashion conscious, and very willing to buy designer. Niggers love wasting money, I remember kids coming to school wearing outfits that cost more than their cars.

>> No.13699941

black people don't save money so they're more likely to spend it all on shitty clothes

>> No.13699947
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>> No.13699951

Cuck answer: Bright clothing colors look better contrasted with dark skin.

Realistic answer: >>13699636

>> No.13699952
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niggers are disgusting

>> No.13699959


>> No.13699962
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Holy shit the state of Australian stores
>White women embraces superior black bull while white manlet watches
/pol/ couldn't even make this shit up.

>> No.13699968

nah you are the cuck for defending wh*t* wXmXn, the only reason shit like this exists

>> No.13699969

Seething white boys ITT

>> No.13699986
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David Jones used a Sudanese model when probably over half of their make-up and women's clothing sales is going to Asian women that don't want to see niggers.
(See: Chinese movie posters.)

>> No.13699992

Sent from Wakanda... oh wait... no probably a white country.. don't project your insecurities on me. 10 bucks your nasty Twitter is filled with posts about white people.

>> No.13699994

yeah I noticed this too, asos "models" are like 90% nogs with ugly faces and shit physiques now. 5 years back I think there were only WASP chads as models, so there might be some push to make blacks with unfortunate faces be looked at as attractive (or they just cater to that demographic). I mean, they could atleast choose tyrones like tyson beckford but it's all ethiopian looking soibois

>> No.13699996

the jews

>> No.13700001

It's weird really, even with menswear there are basically 0 Asian models despite them presumably being a huge market here.

>> No.13700021

White guys aren’t very popular at the moment. Plus, most people in design/advertising are some combination of gay/cuckold/jewish, so you can see where the obsession with black men comes from. It’s just fetishism disguised as a political thing, if it weren’t you would see a bunch of Indian men everywhere.

>> No.13700027
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The Age of Wh*Toids is Over

>> No.13700034
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So are people covered head to toe in tattoos

>> No.13700037

Asos is british right? They are working hard on making America look like a white country.

>> No.13700043

asians are not considered attractive by mainstream media so they will use white and black models, its safe.

>> No.13700047

Literal Jewish tricks

Please disagree with me someone, please provide any sort of rationalisation you can come up with, this stuff absolutely dumbfounds me.

>> No.13700077

>White guys aren’t very popular at the moment.
why do you think that
most normal people dont even watch "mainstream" media, no one has time for it

>> No.13700088

You're an anti-semite.
Its on you to prove your claim

>> No.13700095

Even their white models are fuck ugly most of the time, for the UK store anyway, ASOS caters to lower class runts hence why all their models look like bricklayers

>> No.13700100

>Please disagree with me someone, please provide any sort of rationalisation you can come up with

Whom does Asos pander to? Young urban lower classes. Hence all the pakis, mutts and niggers.

>> No.13700137

It's not just fashion, it's all advertising. Go on Apple or some shit and see how many white guys are there compared to blacks

>> No.13700141
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It's a trend to use ethnic models, nothing more to it than that. Additionally, using ethnic models doesn't keep the average white person from buying clothes from any brand, unless you made the fallacy to assume 4chaners represent the average person in any way.
Just look at this post >>13700001. Barely any asian models but still massive amounts of customers who are asians? Hmm, it's almost like people don't give a shit.

>> No.13700836

Only cheapskates and those who are just too poor to buy anything better purchase Asos clothing. Their customer base has to be full of nogs.

>> No.13701042
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Both of these sites are British and are shite. people who shop on Fucking BooHoo are fashion plebs and should be lined against a wall and shot. It’s also more common over here for British black to dress like shite so sites that sell shite will want to appeal to the shite taste market

>> No.13701043

it's hip to be black now and embrace black "culture"

>> No.13701061


>> No.13701069

it's safe
blacks and arabs will continue to frivolously spend because identity politics have taken over and they love to feel represented, and whites and asians won't mind, if not downright prefer it, because the guilt that has been programmed into their minds

>> No.13701103

>why so many niggers on a poorfags' website

top kek for the guy who said white guys were not in trend these days. Only beta white males are getting outraced by shitskins and it's a good thing, we don't need weak faggots in our tribe.

>> No.13701116

Because they like to dress like they're famous everyday

>> No.13701143

Fact: Black skin is harder to get the lighting right in Cinema Photography and Photography

>> No.13701145

anyone notice there is only one white person and she looks like she isnt part of the group?

>> No.13701617

>nothing more to it than that.

You're a fucking NPC if you think that. I'm not even saying you have to get tinfoil with it.
eg. Gingers are 9001% over-represented in advertising. My take on it would be advertisers use them because they stand out.

>> No.13701623
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>> No.13701630

success breeds jealousy

>> No.13701632

Non-whites have always been the primary consumers of fashion. White people have never and will never consume clothes on the same level as asians or blacks. Fashion is one of the very few areas where these types of photos aren't particularly forced or cringe. Because that's legitimately who's shopping at Asos.

>> No.13701691

i honestly think its just to show off light colored clothes + streetwear

>> No.13701853
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yes.... yes....

>> No.13701859


>> No.13701866

The thing you consider helpful is an opinion (not saying it's wrong) and the thing you consider cringe is pretty close to an objective fact, m8.
Advertising executives, commercial directors, commercial casting agents etc. Jews are very over-represented in all of that stuff.

>> No.13701966
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everyone should know the answer to this already...

>> No.13703002
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>> No.13703119


This is true. I'm all about accurate portrayal of race demographics in media but get tired of people complaining when there's more than one or two non-white people in a scene, as if that's some how completely impossible or fictitious. Whenever these threads pop up it's always a bunch of cherry picked photos where people ignore the rest of the ads from companies that are 90% white.

>> No.13703173
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because (((they))) noticed that blacks more likely buying overpriced shit

>> No.13703360

Lol one white person and it’s a girl at the very end. Companies are pandering to “POCs” because they were an overlooked and unimportant demographic until now, so these companies that really don’t give a shit include them in everything to seem progressive when really they’re just riding a wave. I personally think it’s borderline offensive to minorities. Was talking to my black friend about this a few days ago (we were doin coke too lol negroes love that stuff).

>> No.13703366


Why is it a black guy and a white girl in advertising?

Why not a white guy and black girl? I


>> No.13703370

It’s weird though, even in Tokyo where there’s probably like 3 black residents, adverts are full of them, especially Uniqlo

>> No.13703575

lmao cucked.

>> No.13703588


To anyone really wondering...

>> No.13703624

You need to understand that this is what focus groups tell to these companies.

The main consumers of fashion are middle class, college age white women, and they tend to prefer darker guys.

>> No.13703629


There is no agenda. People have been sleeping with people outside of their racial, ethnic, cultural groups since forever.

>> No.13703693

>There is no agenda

>> No.13703695
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cringe and bluepilled (not based)

>> No.13703696
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This thread reminds me of pic related

>> No.13703699

>and they tend to prefer darker guys
a slight tan is not equivalent to a nigger

>> No.13703705
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>cuck ball

>> No.13703741


all people on this site ever do is respond with usless and meaningless memes. This site and twitter are the only places that constantly search for things to be offended about. "I had one or two movies out of the twenty films I've seen this year that had a non white actor or actress in a lead role and now there's a jewish conspiracy to turn all of us into cuckolds." "I saw a cheerios ad with an interracial couple and now cereal is RUINED for me." "WHY CAN"T YOU STOP KEKING ME HOLLYWOOD"

>> No.13703759

I mean desu half the shit on Asos is something that looks like out of a trap music video/festival so it make sense to use black models.

>> No.13703766

you sound like an unironic autistic sperg lmao

>> No.13703792


Everyone needs to spaz out every once in awhile, at least mine isn't centered around me believing in some conspiracy to replace white men in ads and entertainment, while secretly advertising bbc porn to first graders.

>> No.13703797

>all people on this site ever do is respond with usless and meaningless memes
>does nothing but strawman

>> No.13703801


>> No.13703807


That was not strawman you need to take a closer look at what gets posted here.

>> No.13703808

He is right tho. the muh jews isn't funny or real and just make you sound like a retard.

>> No.13703818
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>doesn't know what a strawman is

>i-it's not real because i said it isn't real you fucking cringelord >:(

>> No.13703825


oh you're just stupid and don't know what a strawman argument is.

>> No.13703833

>can literally google strawman and realize he's retarded
>instead decides to double down and embarrass himself further

>> No.13703845
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Leave until you can learn to handle entry level banter, turn 18, and get rid of that reddit accent. Your unfamiliarity with 4chan is tangible through my monitor.

>> No.13703850

based & truthpilled

>> No.13703975


banter implies that there's a back and forth with mutual respect, there's hardly any banter here.

And what makes you think I'm new to this site? Nice strawman.

It's not a strawman when these "memes" are constantly being posted and discussed and taken seriously here and offline.

>> No.13703982

>redditor cope

>> No.13704012

>banter implies that there's a back and forth with mutual respect, there's hardly any banter here.
Everyone else here is fine, your the only one sperging out on this thread.
>And what makes you think I'm new to this site? Nice strawman.
You're not denying it. Your posting style and general demeanor makes it obvious that your a newfag.

>> No.13704047

>Everyone else here is fine, your the only one sperging out on this thread.

Already talked about in the thread earlier.

>Your posting style and general demeanor makes it obvious that your a newfag.

Ah the old he spaces out his sentences and doesn't type like a retard he must be from reddit reeeee meme.

No I've been here for years, far too long I think, but if that's the only argument you've got then you only just proved me right.

>> No.13704069

i have never seen an Australian black person

>> No.13704079

Because fashion, like the arts, is filled with left-wing cuckoldry.

They fetishize black people while simultaneously demonizing white people. This method of black and white thinking often leads them to disregard models of other races that are neither black nor white.

>> No.13704098

everyone else has a real job

>> No.13704101
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I think this anon has it right. but i also want to add that black people are also thought of on the leading edge of trends that will become popular/trendy for other races. Add it together and having black people model your clothes means you are somehow closer to the latest fashion trends. Not sure if that's historically true but it feels like it for me.

>> No.13704113

>black people are also thought of on the leading edge of trends that will become popular/trendy for other races
maybe in muttland but nowhere else is that true

>> No.13704138


I actually follow a few black Australians on instagram.

>> No.13704147

cause rap is the culture of right now and rap is by black people
thats it
this isnt entirely accurate, asians want to copy western shit and right now rap is the western shit they want to copy, relatively irrelevant black rappers from the us sell out stadiums in japan

its not that complicated

>> No.13704194
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>Nowhere else is that true.
You are obviously so well traveled and knowledgeable to say such. But thats not exactly true. "black" american culture is very in right now all over the globe. Maybe not in EU, ive never been, but everywhere else ive been is influenced by black american culture pretty heavily.

>> No.13704199

>There is no agenda. People have been sleeping with people outside of their racial, ethnic, cultural groups since forever.

I can disprove this in one move. Yes, people do race mix. So if TV, movies and advertising were merely seeking to portray reality: there would be some race-mixing in there.
However, white woman plus black man is one of the rarest mixed couples and it's almost always the one you see.
On the other hand white man plus Asian woman is one of the most common, probably the most common, and you almost never see that portrayed.
If they just wanted to accurately or even randomly portray mixed couples you would see white male plus Asian female MUCH more than you do. Its absence compared to the frequency of black male plus white female makes it very obvious that an agenda exists.

>> No.13704207

>its not that complicated

You're calling me dumb because I pointed out the provable reality that blacks get removed or downplayed in Chinese movie posters? How does that work?
In any case: no Chinese person in Australia wants to emulate shitbag Sudanese people, I'm sure. And if you go to a David Jones you probably won't see a Sudo in there all day.

>> No.13704223

culture ≠ people
asians may dress in a way that was influenced by blacks, but they despise blacks on a level that no one else does

>> No.13705312
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we be fuckin all tha white wimin craka

>> No.13705690


>> No.13705705
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>> No.13705707
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>> No.13705713
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>> No.13705767

Late 90s, early 00s there was an influence, there's no influence now. I couldn't even name 3 popular rappers right now.

>> No.13705776


Stop fucking lying you damn well know who Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Asap Rocky, Kanye West, Travis Scott, and Nicki Minaj are.

>> No.13705791

I know what her ass is

>> No.13705795

As influential as Megan Trainor or Katy Perry. Can't name a song of his.

>Kendrick Lamar
>Asap Rocky
Wouldn't even know who they are without browsing /mu/. Also can't name a song. Just because the last one decides to wear designer clothes doesn't mean he influences shit.

>Kanye West
Only one who deserves a mention, though I don't think anyone cares about what he does besides sneaker heads. If you put 20 different Adidas shoes in front of me I doubt I could even tell which shoes are his.

>Travis Scott
Don't know who that is.

>Nicki Minaj
See Drake.

>> No.13705801

>Not only does every show need it's token black, but you have all black casts specifically for the African American market
so white american's don't like the fresh prince of bel air, my wife and kids, the jeffersons? they were very popular here in italy

>> No.13705803

maybe leave your room sometimes

>> No.13705804


People who take pride in their ignorance puzzle me.

>> No.13705805

Second post, best post.

>> No.13706005
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LGBT is overrepresented 30x the national average in Hollywood. It's crazy to think about.

It's crazy to think about how backwards a lot of 'common sense' about discrimination is.

Women get paid more than men, and are hired more readily. They are better educated, and overrepresented in upper management positions, and generally control the household finance. Google got in trouble not long ago for spending 20x the resources hiring women as they do men.

It's insane when you think about it. College kids studying at universities with 70% women, with 10x more scholarships for females, talking about how women are oppressed.

Anyone looking at the US from the outside just can't fathom how their culture functions.

>> No.13706078

Step one
>acquire gun
Step two
>Acquire bullets
Step three
>load gun
Step four
>Put barrel in mouth
Step five
>be an hero

>> No.13706131

>It's insane when you think about it. College kids studying at universities with 70% women, with 10x more scholarships for females, talking about how women are oppressed.
This applies to just about everyone in the US society besides white males. They've never been hand held and coddled so much before. Every opportunity at their feet and they still bitch & moan.

>> No.13706146

>This applies to just about everyone in the US society besides white males.

What world have you been living in? White dudes out here raping women, at times having to be pulled off top of the girl they're assaulting and they're getting slaps on the wrist for their crimes. And if they're politicians or judges and lawyer or football coaches people go out of their way to protect them from punishment.

Making sure companies and schools quit being racist and sexes by hiring and admitting under qualified white dudes to jobs and schools, positions they don't deserve isn't oppressing white men or coddling women and minorities.

>> No.13706161

nah you're a smooth brain who actually fell for the narrative hook line and sinker
asians have to do much better than blacks for schools, that's part of the policy you claim is "making sure schools quit being racist"
get off 4chan you fucking faggot

>> No.13706178
File: 2.69 MB, 1352x2757, Opera Instantané_2018-09-24_170512_www.asos.fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is comprehensible in the US but not in France.
Or maybe they just use the same pictures they use for the US market.

>> No.13706184

Do you live on a different earth? White women black men are seen much more. I can personally attest to this. I live in nyc, it's everywhere. LA is no different. Most large cities have this. White man Asian women is big but it's slowing down its not as much as you think anymore.

>> No.13706198

These are literally A-list artists with huge influence that do huge things and constantly top charts. Drake has covered most of the billboard top 10 consistently in the recent past

>> No.13706200

>this triggered
this is that important to you?
how fragile

>> No.13706204


>> No.13706224

Why are white guys over represented literally everywhere else

>> No.13706480

what do you mean
the vast majority of literally everything is asian, whites hold a very small minority of positions in the world

>> No.13706882

There are mamy other shows with all black casts that you've never heard of. Look up any Tyler Perry series. Those are specifically for black Americans.

>> No.13706927

go to a top 20 university, by fourth year and further, post-grad, little female students in relevant fields remain so it sort of balances itself out

>> No.13706935

>my anecdotal evidence from living in a metropolitan is proof that you're wrong
graduate highschool, learn how to formulate a cohesive argument and then maybe enter back into the discussion

>> No.13707007

They are the same everywhere. And then they seem to be very limited in their selection. I saw the same black guy in 20 different campaigns (all for different companies on different websites).

>> No.13707047

Nigga, I respect that you respect Kanye, but unless you're living a cave in fucking Afghanistan, you are officially fucking dweeb.

>> No.13707056

Blacks can pull off all the colours, especially the loud ones that seem popular nowadays in streetwear or whatever.
Meanwhile my pasty ass is stuck in perpetual earth tones/pastels/neutrals.

>> No.13707090

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.13707134

They target their customers, are you black OP?

At Brooks Brothers and L.L.Bean sites, blacks are around the 30%

>> No.13707205

>%12 of population
>make up %50 of models on sites
yeah wtf

>> No.13707212

yikes, you realize there's studies with the given rates right? I think white male hispanic female is the first, then comes white male asian female followed by some others. Black male white female is much rarer than e.g. hispanic male white female (which you don't see as often in media)

>> No.13707216

>not knowing who nigger producers/performers are

>> No.13707224

Yeah, because there’s an AGENDA

>> No.13707240

Actually I think that one is because Korea took off with its own influential style and fashion. Made Asian men more appealing.
Also because money.

>> No.13707380

Maybe get a degree and move out of your toothless yokel town in South Dakota. It's not anecdotal, the percentage trends show it

>> No.13707382


Honestly can't tell if you're agreeing with me and doing a satire when you use words like this.

>> No.13707387

>not appreciating multiple genres of music
You probably fuck your sister and listen to country

>> No.13707388

You know (((((why)))))

>> No.13707389

>Do you live on a different earth?
>nyc and la

Well, yes, I kind of do. You're talking about two cities in one country while I'm talking about the rest of the world where white and black people live and have the opportunity to mix.
I will maintain that BM+WW is much rarer and there's stuff to back up my point like OKC data.

>> No.13708090

I stopped a shopping @ urban outfitters and asos when every cool jacket was worn by a black guy on the site and every white plain shirt was worn by a white guy. uO used to use More Asian male model but now It’s just black. I’m Native American btw

>> No.13708096

I noticed this with Old Navy

The girls were mostly white but diverse, the male models were almost exclusively black

I don't even shop there, I'm a spaniard, it was obvious you need to make a conscious effort to pick models like that

>> No.13708106

Cause black people are the only ones that'd kick up a fuss over "diversity".

>> No.13708641

>I stopped a shopping @ urban outfitters and asos when every cool jacket was worn by a black guy on the site and every white plain shirt was worn by a white guy.

What does this have to do with you liking the clothes or not? Why would you stop shopping somewhere for this reason? It's beyond petty.

>> No.13708684

Anecdotally speaking wmaf is far more common in the UK, bmwf probably isn’t much behind though. Go to central London and it’s FULL of middle class white guys with Chinese / Korean girls

>> No.13708920

nepotism and classism aren't racially motivated.

Stop using your hatred of jews to cover your hatred of white people. You are a racist fuck advocating for systemic racist either way.

>> No.13708951

This. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves. I have an assignment for any of those who do not believe this. Look up a television show where blacks or other minorities are forced into to make the show diverse. Look up the creator's or producers of the show. If they have a wikipedia look at their early life. Despite making up 1% of the United states population they always find a way to sneak into your thoughts. Weird right?

>> No.13709080

The white dude is kinda cute. He got a girlfriend? Do they give out models name on site?