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13694205 No.13694205 [Reply] [Original]

I used to be able anything off because I looked like a perpetual college kid but my youth is visibly starting to go. Now I'm clearly on the wrong side of 20 and can't deny it. Some of the stuff here would already look silly on me. Hell even wearing graphic tees look sloppy on me now.

What to do at this point? I don't like menswear wankery either.

>> No.13694275

27 here. I'm transitioning well into it because I always liked just solid colors. Some would say I don't dress my age because I still like sweatpants and shit but idgaf. I kinda like Joe Buddens (he's like 38) style. Simple but somewhat "modern" shit, stay in shape, groom. You still got at least 15 years of looking good if you take good care of yourself.

>> No.13694283

lol the wrong side of 20? so you're 21 instead of 19 now?

>> No.13694340

This child cant read.

>> No.13694341

you should be excited. now you get to wear mature clothes without it looking tryhard or a larp. yohji and ann demeulemeester have been where i have mostly looked as i age, theres clothes i can wear into my 80s and the aesthetic doesnt age either

>> No.13694412

please explain it to us professor emeritus

>> No.13694424

wrong side of twenty implies 25-30yo of age

>> No.13694461

19 l 20 l 21

wrong side of 20 implies 20 is the turning point, wrong side of 25 would divide early 20s and later 20s

>> No.13694537

shut the fuck up you aspie

>> No.13694545

this could have all been avoided if op either didn't typo, admitted to the typo, or the other guy just recognized it was a typo and let it go instead of needlessly digging in. "wrong side of my twenties" was clearly the intent

>> No.13694547

27 here. Getting older as a man is really nice. I'm respected and trusted at my job. People call me sir, they listen carefully when I speak, and they treat me with deference. Old women flirt with me and young women blush at me. I've got my shit more figured out, my skin is clearer, and finding my place has given me an unmistakable confidence and ease. I'm excited for some grey hair.

>> No.13694552
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>> No.13694595

>What to do at this point?
if you're asking for fashion advice on 4chan at 25+ you're completely fucked in many more ways than the clothes you're wearing. The noose would be the best option

>> No.13694874

I would have been fine getting older had it not been for my male pattern baldness

>> No.13695221
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Be dapper

>> No.13695267
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I'm afraid anons, i don't want to be old

>> No.13695877

The thread literally says 25+

>> No.13696679

It really sucks. You don't enjoy anything anymore and you're not full of life as you used to

>> No.13696870

just turned 23 here , am fearing for the future .......will i ever be happy

>> No.13696884

Can't wait til I'm older so I can dress like a man

>> No.13696890

Don't smoke or drink, you'll stay younger that way.

>> No.13697059

I spent my youth and best years as a kissless virgin
27 now

>> No.13697073

Just turned 27 last month, now I'm afraid that in five years I'll be dressing like Michael Bateman in everything he's been in

>> No.13697125
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>will be 30 in 5 years
>know those 5 years will be gone in the blink of an eye

I can already see myself at 70. I can feel it's not so far anymore. Just end it,.

>> No.13697127

>I can already see myself at 70
you dumb spoiled scum

>> No.13697137
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You niggas can't fuck with me. I just turned 34.

It's not that bad if you maintain a rigorous exercise routine a la Bateman with daily face scrub and moisturizer. I'd say the most important parts are: Try to keep your hair alive, exercise, healthy diet, stay away from alcohol and cigs. No rocket science, just healthy lifestyle. You need to learn how to cook. It's easy.

I honestly never had any luck with women up to my mid-20s. I'm seriously not larping, but I had frequently young women giving me signs or even outright asking me for a date around the ages 20 to 24. Women tend to like men without the hyper masculine role playing crap and goofy dudebros. They appreciate a guy who takes care of himself, who is gentle and mature, and shows social skills around others. (obviously I'm a social retard being on 4chan at my age, but you pick up a few things here and there)

The most negative side about aging to me is you definitely feel a lack of energy sometimes. You need to manage your energy throughout the day, plan things in advance if you have a tight schedule coming up. Say 'NO' when you had a long day and people want to hang out. Focus on yourself and what's good for you. After all, there isn't anything else you can do. We'll all feed the worms one day, but it doesn't have to be that tragic slope of deterioration.

Good luck bros.

>> No.13697139


>> No.13697184

m8 it's scientifically proven that men look their best around age 31. also, literally everyone goes through a crisis like this in their mid 20s, but some overcome and learn to not give a fuck. be one of those. part of being an adult is being able to dress however you please

>> No.13697193

also, observe the people around you. there are countless manchildren 30+ who still go around in hoodies. are you REALLY gonna be judged for wearing a graphic t in your 20s?

>> No.13697214

Mid 20s here, biggest problem for me is just the feeling of not being able to accomplish what I want in life before old age. Also the feeling of giving up my dreams and passions just to be mediocre and work a normal job. I'm afraid of being in my 30s/40s and not liking where I am in life, stuck in a boring career etc. and just being stuck in a bland, tedious ratrace like I see every other older adult is doing.

How do you cope?

>> No.13697226

Hermann Hesse wrote: "Dein Leben wird auch dadurch nicht flach und dumm, wenn Du weißt, dass dein Kampf erfolglos sein wird. Es ist viel flacher, wenn du für etwas Gutes und Ideales kämpfst und nun meinst, du müssest es auch erreichen." which always gives me hope. the poetry is hard to translate but it says that life doesnt get boring and flat because you dont reach your goals, it gets boring and flat if you try and think you have to accomplish your goals
So just follow your dreams and dont worry about being mediocre and work a normal job

>> No.13697227

Most people don't get that feeling until 30, and then DO go on to have fantastic careers and lives. Consider yourself lucky for having this realisation early, and recognising that 25 in the grand scheme on things is still babby-tier. I know a guy in his mid-50s who just divorced his wife and is taking up new hobbies and going on dates etc. These kinds of problems - career, relationships, personal meaning - will always be there (until you get to around 70 which is reportedly the happiest age on average).

>> No.13697240

Sounds fair, I should read more Herman Hesse. But I can't help if what he's talking about is just a compromise, accepting complacency in place of drive. I guess while I'm still at this age I won't be able to find the answer.

Funny enough I always thought I was reaching this feeling quiet late, and that I should have had the revelation when I was 19 or 20. I'm deathly afraid of being like the guy you described, I want to 'figure' myself out while I have the blessings of relative youth, instead of waking up at 50 years old one day and realising i've been living my entire life wrong.

>> No.13697278

That's not what I meant with the example of the mid-50s guy lol.
The guy is actually my uncle. I used to go over to his house all the time when I was a kid to play with my cousin. He's been married since before I was born, so I couldn't possible imagine him and his wife not being together. When I heard they were divorcing, it came as a bit of a revelation to me because I had this assumption that "old people" had these very fixed, mundane monotonous lives. They had everything "figured out", as it were. Then I realised, no, nobody has everything "figured out", everybody has problems, and that life is not about solving problems but figuring out which kinds of problems you want to have.
I probably should have mentioned that the guy owns his owns business and is rich as fuck and raised 3 kids, all of this he did while with his wife. Hardly living on a "lie". They just decided to move on.

>> No.13697295
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>> No.13697361

Posts like these make me worried to get old like you two. Old people's posts are always so dry and lifeless, and delusional too.

>> No.13697370
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>> No.13697397

It's because they're depressed not because they're old, most old people are off 4chan

>> No.13697420
File: 428 KB, 853x479, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 20.55.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you cope?
First of all: Congratulations, you just perfectly described adulthood. ;^)

I don't know how you'll take this, or if you even want to hear this, but being adult, especially as a man, means to face and swallow all these things you described and, again... especially as a man, not showing your pain to the outside world. A man's pain is only for himself. You cry when no one's looking, you take the shit and you smile in everyone's face. Do your best in life, plan ahead, DON'T RUSH THINGS! EVER! Be resourceful and think long term. Never make decisions in an emotional state. These are the things that will protect you from fucking up. + you need to keep in mind that with age, everything will only get harder, not easier. That dream scenario you imagined may not be what you think it is. Lastly, it is statistically proven that most marriages brake apart around the age of 40. About 50% of people make huge changes in their career around 40. Just because everything is bleak now doesn't mean it has to be for the rest of your life. As corny as it sounds, but everything is in your hands. Just keep these basic hints in mind and work hard. Nothing is given to you. You need to put in the extra work, and don't forget to smile. ;^)

>Old people's posts are always so dry and lifeless, and delusional too
Thanks man. I never said I'm the ultima ratiio. Quite far from it actually. But at least I somewhat have my shit together. Perhaps keep in mind that you can't see the hardships and trials someone had to go through in his life, just from a post on a Chinese child porn board.

>> No.13697437

Around 24 I started feeling too old for graphic tees but now at 27 I’m buying them again as long as they’re fairly subtle and ok

>> No.13697492

As long as you look young you can dress however you like desu. There are people who look like boomers at 25, balding and fat and other look like they are still teens. Everyone will laugh at the balding fat boomer in full rick. If you look old then just accept it and try to go for a more mature style, alternatively if you are extremely attractive you can dress however you like even if you are old.

>> No.13697502

This is also true. One day (I'm 25) I was giving info to a woman in an office and she said I looked younger than 25. On the bus I saw a guy I went to high school with (so he was the same age) and he was fat with a huge bald patch around his crown. It terrified me.

>> No.13697534

>Thanks man. I never said I'm the ultima ratiio. Quite far from it actually. But at least I somewhat have my shit together. Perhaps keep in mind that you can't see the hardships and trials someone had to go through in his life, just from a post on a Chinese child porn board.

People literally age at different rates. The number of years you've been alive is a measurement of just that, but it says nothing about your biological or mental age. For some dogs 20 years is old, whereas for others 10 years is old. Humans also have this kind of variation. People with the same number of years may differ quite drastically in their biological age and mental development. That (and lifestyle factors of course) explains why in your mid 20's you'll meet men and women born in the same year as you who look like they're in their 30's while you look like a teenager.

And the same is true for mental development and maturity. Some people develop and mature more quickly, whereas for others it may take until mid 20's to start actually thinking like an adult. Truth is that the two are probably closely related and that it is simply the case that humans don't age the same way whatsoever, and that the slower you age the better your genes.

>> No.13697718


27 acting like he's 47

>> No.13697768

Solid colours and a proper fit is all that is needed now. I love that cardigans are easy to pull off now too.