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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1523449246192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13682156 No.13682156 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here that's objectively beautiful, like 9.5-10/10? The kind where people give you special treatment, approach you, go out of their way to spend time with you etc. What's it like? What was it like growing up?

>> No.13682301

I cant consider myself with a number but I´ve been in two model agencies and been in a commercial. And about special treatment or something like that, it´s more you can see people can get shy or nervous, and in general I think people like to be with me because of my personality rather my appeareance

And It didnt happened growing up, I was a pretty ugly kid with strong features, strong jaw, jawline, diamond/square chin and so. When I hitted 18/19 everything got in its place and now I look good haha

>> No.13682306

Im not beautiful but i went from 2/10 to 8/10 and its just going from a concrete wall infront of coochie to simply hit on a girl a bit and jump in there

>> No.13682313

I honestly don't know if I have self confidence issues or am just a paradox, because I think I'm at most average af, but I still get approached and fucked with by thots ugly and hot, even gotten nudes sent to me without any warrant of being (from fags and thots) I've also never asked for nudes and don't approach women myself

>> No.13682317

I'm a 10

>> No.13683162

maybe you're a butterface
were you scouted?

>> No.13683180

>now I look good haha
Prove it. Everything you wrote doesn't mean a little rats ass without pic.

>> No.13684063

Lol why are you asking /fa/

>> No.13684181

people say I'm attractive and I'm not single but I think I'm like 7/10
holy shit I wish I were extraordinarily beautiful
how narcissistic is it?

>> No.13684230

>extraordinarily beautiful
Yeah that's what I'm asking about, like the kind where people don't shut up about and noticeably stare at you and stuff. Or if you're a girl you're constantly being approached by guys

>> No.13684232
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I wish I was attractive so much
I look at myself in the mirror for maybe two hours a day and sometimes I think I have model-tier good looks, only to minutes later find myself convinced I'm hideously hideously ugly. I'll sometimes be getting ready to leave my house only to catch my reflection and almost break down in tears and decide not go because people will stare at me in the street. I hate my giant nose and my weak jaw and chin. I hate my cro-magnon brow and my Adam's apple, and my receding hairline and my bad posture, and I hate that my eyes are asymmetrical, and I hate my disgusting body. In reality I'm sure I'm not quite at either extreme that I sometimes think I am, but I am definitely very ugly, and it makes me very angry and upset a lot.

>> No.13684240

Check that body dysmorphia out pals!!!

>> No.13684243
File: 119 KB, 750x991, river+keanu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ugly as fuck and it is not dysmorphia, I am perfectly aware of what I look like

>> No.13684264

I kinda can relate with that part about feeling super attractive one day and ugly the other day.
Sometimes I take dozens of photos and feel good even without makeup and sometimes I just feel ugly

>> No.13684266

fair enough

>> No.13684269

theres lots of ugly people in the world who arent always on the verge of breakdown about their appearance. its a mental issue you can get to resolving

>> No.13684276

r u pic related

>> No.13684277
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I find it very infuriating not really being able to comfortably decide how good or bad I look. I think oscillating between very ugly and very attractive only makes me much more insecure than if I could say with confidence that I'm below or above average, or even atrocious looking

>> No.13684287
File: 57 KB, 640x602, smirkriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is more valuable than beauty so asking me to accept that I am ugly is asking me to accept that I am worthless, which is not something I find to be doable

>> No.13684405

look at the filename and find out the truth.

>> No.13684420

you decide what you give value to. saying its the most valuable is just your own perception of it. Some people worship god, others beauty or money which leads to a dark path as those who worship money will always feel poor and those who worship beauty will always feel ugly

>> No.13684434
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>> No.13684440

Feels good for a few seconds
Then people treat you like a hot girl. Try to lie or use you to help their image.
Being hot or really pretty in today's world means you have no other problems or everything is a lottery win.
Chick also expect you have everything. You have no wiggle room like when youre ugly. If youre hot you might be able to bang fatties or get cheaper whores (no luck yet) but to normal girls, being hot is just a check list for an ever increasing list of demands.
Tldr being pretty or hot is like playing ghost and goblins when you have 1 extra armor.

>> No.13684443
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>Being this hard in the body dysmorphia denying phase

Gosh. I'd rather date a 3 or 4/10 than some shallow 8+/10. The most beautiful people often lack intelligence and personality. Stop being such a goddamn incelfag and work ln yourself.

Idk how I could have ever been capable of going on your level. "Most valuable". Hunter Eyes cant replace Loyalty, Friendship, Pride and Love.

>> No.13684445


Ugliness will only net you pity and some misplaced sympathy.

>> No.13684447


>> No.13684455


>> No.13684462

how beautiful? )92 how ouch must he feel?

>> No.13684464

> Nothing is more valuable than beauty

late stage capitalism, everybody.

>> No.13684466

u a 7

>> No.13684470

at best

>> No.13684516
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>tfw youll never look like this

>> No.13684531

t. 3/10

>> No.13684554

thank fuck

>> No.13684571
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, 1527398553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that God is perfectly beautiful and that there's beauty in all his creation. I mean the human body is mind blowing so complex and fascinating. But I also think that our narrow perspective of mundane beauty in the human body is an obstacle.

We age. So even if one is so beautiful it won't last.
We should look at things from another perspective, a functional one. Faith here is important. In the Afterlife what matters is only actions, not looks, not money and not social status. So my point is that the purpose of beauty is attracting others (not strictly opposite sex), it peaks at the age of fertility and it fades slowly as we age.

I believe that somehow the good people are beautiful and sometimes it's not the social norm of mundane beauty. I don't know but Physiognomy seems accurate to me sometimes.

Being tasteful, intelligent, well mannered or decent to me is as important as being beautiful.

>> No.13684579

i love you

>> No.13684587

this, looks is everything
When you're beautiful you're happy everyday seeing that in the mirror, I would rather had perfect looks than millions of dollars,
materialistic things can give you happiness for a while but after a few weeks/months/years the fact that you're an ugly bastard will catch up to you and there is no escape.
I hope reincarnation exists

>> No.13684604

Thank you. I love you too.

>> No.13684636

No one thinks he's a 10. Everyone has insecurities, not necessarily big ones.
People might say someone is a 10 but everyone has flaws if you look close enough.
Wrinkles will always appears in the end.

>> No.13684722

why did you respond to me in such a weird way ? i really didnt intend to bring religion into it, it was just a fitting metaphor for me

>> No.13684727

this thread again? *rolls eyes so hard they get stuck*

>> No.13684752

I just wanted to expand your point.

>> No.13684754


>> No.13684764

>0 pics posted

>> No.13684769


>> No.13684819

Don't kys and have some faith.

>> No.13684852


>> No.13684959
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>> No.13684976

i dont know really, i mean i am considered hot by pretty much everyone i met, and people talk about it when they meet me
i get hit on a lot by girls and guys, never cared much for it, only time it was maybe useful were the short periods in which i wasnt in a serious relationships, in which i went to a club and hooked up with someone every time, without really flirting with people on my own
but really i dont think it matters, cause guys that look like me very often have much unhappier romantic lives cause they are impolite and seem to project a need for sexual contact
i am really not interested in anyone except maybe one partner in my life, and thus never really cared
i was really ugly until late puberty, and the reason i couldnt hook up with anyone was cause i was really impolite and bad at communicating needs and wants
when i learned that, looking good was only a small element

>> No.13685000

post a photo, until then youre just larping

>> No.13685025

not happening

>> No.13685039
File: 40 KB, 800x900, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been called beautiful IRL and had many other instances to suggest it, but I've always had massive self doubt so don't even know if I am or not. I also would hate the arrogance of admitting it.
From my experience I haven't had preferential treatment, but then again I'm probably completely oblivious to it if so.

>> No.13685084

I was super fat for the majority of my life so I was shit-tier ugly no matter how good my genetics were.

That said I have lost most of it and my attractiveness has gone way up. It's fucking mind blowing. When you're fat looking at yourself is irrelevant because you look so ugly that there's not even a point to it.

I've still got some fat left so my face isn't at peak aesthetics yet and I can't really assess anything until that happens, but I'm still losing it so it's only a matter of time now.

>> No.13685142

Probably ugly now, but once I was pretty. I was 16. I don't think I looked good enough to be treated like this either but maybe it was the different crowd?

Got stared at in China, kept getting asked if I was 'really Chinese' by these 5 flyer handout guys on the street and they were all cheesing.

Shopkeeper ignored everything my mum asked him, he literally watched me the whole time. I literally RAN to the back of the store and he stopped my mum from talking and told her that I ran back and that she should go get me.

Both tour guides had crushes on me. I had a crush on one of them. I took the seat next to his on the coach, he got up to brief people on the trip, then other guide that I didn't like just moves STRAIGHT to his seat and sits next to me the whole time. He told me to come back to China alone next time.

One guy stared at me on the train, I just remember turning around and he was already looking at me. (Nothing much but I'm literally trying to remember everything that happened)

Some people told me I was beautiful and that I looked exactly like Fiona sit (I looked like her from ONE ANGLE and that was it)

I stood in line for a train and I cringed because literally everyone was staring at me.

I highly doubt anything like this is gonna happen the next time I'm there. My face is super average imo but I also think people didn't dress up as much before, and now there are a TON of beautiful people around.

So I got to experience that for a while, it felt so surreal. I feel like these experiences are heightened in Asia. People are more likely to tell you something whereas even if you're a model in a European country, I don't think people would tell you all stare.

>> No.13685148

I just reread the question and i feel like a right knob, I had those few weeks of living like I was hot but every other time, I'm an average looking ho.

>> No.13685318
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, outdoorriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I would like to be like River more than anyone because he died so young and never had to age and we see him now as he was.
I can't explain it really, but when I look at him in motion or in pictures I feel very strange. It's not normal attraction but a type of awe; he shows me that beauty is worth more than anything even if it's only achieved for a short time. To be denied beauty and to only be an observer of it is heartbreaking and I'm not sure I'll ever accept it.

>> No.13685333

>Nothing is more valuable than beauty
Nah my friend. It's all about what your values are.

>> No.13685347
File: 130 KB, 736x1238, river+keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I value beauty more than I value anything else, and this is not something I feel I can change. How am I expected to be content with having no worth according to my own value system?

>> No.13685355

I've been told I'm around 8-9 but honestly it's overrated af. Only girls that will talk to me are all whores and everyone else besides my friends are legitimately afraid to talk to me. Being less attractive is honestly optimal, if I could become 5-6/10 I'd do it.

>> No.13685358

There is indefinitely some sort of special treatment.

I don't think I have always been necessarily attractive but being in college has changed things a bit since I have both matured and took up more time in the gym. It is very easy to take advantage of people just because I am good looking. There has been multiple times where I have manipulated many women simply because they find me as "hot".

While I do get many of the things I want, a stigma is tied around the fact that since I am attractive, I am probably getting all I want and whenever I want it. This becomes a bigger problem when approaching other attractive people (specifically girls) because they either think I am looking to use them (which is either true or I am looking for a partner in general) or they think I am too good for them or have something better of my own.

It is rare to comfortably run into another attractive person and have a stable conversation without feeling any sort of anger or competitiveness in the air.

Even in the workplace I find it that the less fortunate looking people will comment about my looks in regards to how things play out for me. I often just pick this up as getting hit on, but still, it is annoying.

I wasn't super good looking when I was younger but I definitely have good genes. For the record I'm 6'3" (190cm), moderately built as in toned but not a beef cake, 200 pounds (90kg), what I would consider flawless skin since I have never had acne and I have extremely soft skin, and curly hair.

I sometimes wish I was a little bit more basic... very attractive girls seem to chase basic dudes. I don't have a problem talking to girls but some just don't seem to give me the light of day.

>> No.13685363

>not a single person calling themselves attractive posted a pic

>> No.13685365

As much as I despise religion, there is some truth to this text. Well put.

>> No.13685426

and i know how to shave so that's cool too

>> No.13685833

People avoid you.

>> No.13685853
File: 539 KB, 721x678, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this is the fucking gayest thing i have read on 4chan to date.
what type of individual would you have to be to pretend you're a sociopath (as though that's something to be proud of) on an english iteration of a japanese manga website.
this post wreaks of the edgy 14-15 year olds who post in youtube comment sections claiming to have antisocial personality disorder and having homicidal ideation.

>> No.13685881

>I’m attractive so I never felt the need to develop a personality

That attitude is why the hot girls chase the basic guys.

Anyone who regularly thinks about whether they are attractive and if it affects their life is a retard.

>> No.13686200

Death is in a way superior to eating ice cream because it lasts

>> No.13687043

>it´s more you can see people can get shy or nervous
This is accurate. I've only noticed it in the past year or two because of changes in my face/hair. I don't know what I would be on a scale of 1-10, but I've caught 9s miring before, so I can't be bad

>> No.13687061

I'm fairly attractive. But I've never reached my full potential... i.e with skincare and fitness.
People have told me I look like an ethnically ambiguous River Phoenix at times.
I have these weird Native American traits, nearly Asian eyes, a skin complexion that appears pale or olive in certain light.

I've also been told I look fairly Alien, and that somehow attracts people.
I honestly feel like a prime reason I was bullied a lot was that girls tended to like me... I didn't have to really go through the bullshit of being a gymcel to get attention. I was just pretty/peculiar with an aloof attitude

>> No.13687232

Anything can be a commodity nowadays

>> No.13687233

Aestheticism is actually a pretty mid-capitalist/modernist idea

>> No.13687262

Heaven is superior to life because it is eternal.

>> No.13688423
File: 758 KB, 665x939, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as being attractive?
its me ya feggots

>> No.13688452

I'd pick you up ...at home depot to have some yardwork done. That is to say, that you're not attractive looking. It looks like at least one of your parents spawned out of some cave in Indonesia or Yucatan.

>> No.13688466
File: 434 KB, 571x540, 1502248086180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look myself in the mirror and street windows/mirror
>a 7.5/10 (yes, I know, it's not the best, but I feel good with that)
>take cellphone, open front camera and take a photo
>3/10, lots of imperfections
>take same photo at night
>7/10 again

>> No.13688481

i had sex with a girl a while ago so thats gotta mean something

>> No.13688494

I kinda didn't notice the special treatment until I was no longer a 10. My life is full of regrets, and I try to make up for it with fashion.

>> No.13688496

half the people love you for no reason half the people hate you for no reason

white dudes seem to be extremely butthurt if you are pretty

>> No.13688498

Go take your truvada Sheldon.

>> No.13688507

I'm not a 9.5/10 but i'm an 8/10. It has some perks but I'm a pretty level headed guy. I don't really show interest back to girls who show interest in me just because of my looks. I'd prefer to go out and find my own girl on a deeper level. In terms of jobs it also helps if you look attractive but desu just gotta be clean and put together and you can have a shot at any job.

>> No.13688513

I'm told I'm pretty by 6s and 7s. I've had 8s and 9s like me but this is extremely subjective and the more I like a girl's personality the prettier she becomes

>> No.13688521

I'm like an 8, but a 9 on good days, I think? My autism scares people off after i talk to them for a while but people kind of eye me sometimes

>> No.13688541
File: 414 KB, 600x700, OhTeeHeeNoThankYouByeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being hot is annoying, so many people want your attention; and I'm polite, so it's a waste of my time having to scroll through their NPC dialogue until I can safely cancel out. Orbiters stay friends with you waiting for your relationship to fail, so it doesn't ever go away. My "friend" telling me what if he didn't have a girlfriend.. gross...

I don't like the attention because I have my own money and have been molested as a kid, so some stranger wanting to buy me a drink is a fucking chore to dodge not a compliment. Meanwhile my friends marvel at how I get a free drink offer every time we go out. It feels like a timeshare presentation pitch. Oh haha, no thank you, see ya, haha. Fingers crossed the peron you're rejecting isn't a looney.

Friends expect me to date some hot underwear model type, but classically attractive people turn me off because I imagine the gaggle of thirsty make-up-encrusted 7/10 thots that would forever haunt my life, and that's another chore I don't want to deal with.

Regarding growing up, getting dry-humped by my step-dad and having my ass pinched by the bus driver makes me repress my entire childhood. I don't identify with decade nostalgia memes. "Only X0s kids will remember eating fruity loops on sunday funday" with their molester, no.

As an adult, I'm pretty sure I'll never get promoted to supervisor because I don't have the wrinkles and bitch-bob hairstyle necessary to be a proper business blonde. But clothes make me happy instead of depressed, so I have that going for me.

I could make a hell of a lot of money as a camgirl or a twitch gamer gurl; but it's not the sort of thing Gandalf would approve of, and I don't want to increase my odds of getting shot by a /b/tard.

I guess being ugly is even worse because then you have to worry about that all the time, whereas I get to worry about exciting next-level shit like getting roofied.

>> No.13688590

Here's some real perks and not a life story:

- never having to approach, girls make it clear they're interested within seconds

- bigger portion sizes than what you paid for at fast food places if it's the same person who took you order making your food

- i've literally passed hard university exams that others study weeks and still fail just by being good looking and a bit of talking beforehand with teachers, beware of male closeted old teachers who are too friendly

- if you're at a job interview you're gonna get picked over somebody more qualified just cause of it

- literally any other social interaction, people will bend rules to make you happy without expecting anything in return when face to face

- easy to build social media platforms

- less likely to get sentenced/ lenient sentence if you do something illegal

- it's basically like having max charisma in a rpg

>> No.13688641

it's more ur vibe that makes you attractive, not so much the looks (though it does help)

>> No.13688646

Yeah. Life is just easier. Everyone wants you to like them. It's easy mode.

>> No.13688664

Fuck off faggot

>> No.13688676

I guess if you're going to be depressed you may as well be actually beautiful while you do it

>> No.13688684
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I'm going onto my twenties now, given up on myself so many times before. I wouldn't consider myself anywhere near a 9 or 10, but rather a 6 or 7, it helped me in the past so I guess I should be grateful for that. From my experience and seeing what other people did got me thinking for a while.

I've got a friend, if you could call him that, big motherfucker, weighing probably 300 to 350 pounds, not the best sight for sore eyes and quite intimidating for his age. But he's like a code talker for women, knows where to hit those points and can get along with anyone, the whole fucking town knows this guy, even people I never seen or heard before in the community. Looks don't really matter, as others said, they don't last long, sure, it's good to roll the genetic die and get a good one, but it comes down to personality, how you present yourself to other people, talking and just getting along with people. That matters.

>> No.13688739

your retarded

capitalism destroys aesthetics and worships mediocrity

aestheticism is necessarily anti-capitalist

>> No.13688979

Are you me? I can feel ugly as fuck all day and then at 11pm I look in the mirror and think I am actually attractive, and my hair sits perfectly despite me not even trying for the past 5 hours. But if I look at front camera I am a 2/10

>> No.13689013

This is literally me wtf.

>> No.13689021

I need a context to this quote. We have no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.13689040
File: 47 KB, 480x618, 1C31A1D3-1DA0-4C8D-9C6C-13FA9E985754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been told I’m a 9/10
>I look at my face in the mirror and think I’m extremely ugly, I hate every feature, I haven’t liked my face ever in my life
>Planning to get plastic surgery because I will never be happy like this

>> No.13689112


- getting pulled over and let off with warnings (I've been caught speeding 4 times going at least 15 over, haven't paid a dime)

- people stumbling over their words and struggling to make eye contact when meeting you

- people going out of their way to make accommodations for you

- girls approaching you at clubs or parties

- job interviews are on easy mode, same with asking for raises

Personality plays a huge part though. If you're attractive but people find out you aren't interesting or can't carry conversation in a bucket, you're just one massive disappointment.

>> No.13689120

try therapy instead

>> No.13689129

Also, even though I never wake up and hate what I see in the mirror, I still have insecurities and things I want to change. I can guarantee you, if you aren't happy with how you look now, no amount of changes or plastic surgery can take away your insecurity.

>> No.13689133

I have been called handsome, good-looking but its from people I least want to hear it from Mom, aunts, grandmas.

>> No.13689145

looks is everything in a white society. i never realised how fucking i was until every white person on the street decided to give me death glares for existing. back in my 3rd world shitter no one gave a shit because we were all ugly and looked alike.

beauty is the result of tons of free time and having the cognitive resources to care about this kind of shit.

>> No.13689169

this anon gets it.

being 8+ is honestly a curse, if you're a girl and you're that attractive, prepare to have random females on the streets hating you and men of all ages perving. lots and lots of eye contact from everyone, people STARING ALL THE FUCKING TIME. dudes smiling trying to get a glimpse of your attention. can't even get a minute of alone time in the library, park, bus stop without some ahole who thinks he's being subtle by sitting down next to you out of all the free spots??? getting disgusting guys rubbing their arms, body parts on you on the bus, getting guys generally invading your personal space. girls being super fake because they want to associate with you and being around you. guys lying about everything just to have common interests with you and essentially get into your pants. and the genuine guys will get so fucking nervous and stutter every 3 seconds (gets really annoying real fast). people yelling stupid shit across the mall to try and get your attention. people honking, wolf whistling, etc etc trying to get your attention. getting aggressive when you ignore them. females & males alike of all ages will want to start a conversation with you despite wearing headphones. even babies love staring at you. overall, people won't leave you the fuck alone.

the downside of being an 8+ significantly outweighs the positives of free shit and people laughing at your dumb jokes. you live in a world where everything feels fucking fake and you know people act the way they do because of how you look and not because of you as a person. i guess i can understand why all the super attractive girls are all entitled/bitchy/aloof, it's because people literally make them that way after a period of time.

imo the best is to be 6-7/10, this way you're no hideous people cringe just by looking at you but you can develop and enhance your personality traits such that you're pleasant to be around and you know the people who are around you like you for you.

>> No.13689174

oh yeah and you get tons of guys approaching you but this still isn't a plus because they're not the high caliber ones but the guys that are overly confident and have nothing to lose.

>> No.13689178

i was at 9-14 before i completely fucked myself up taking opiates, SSRIs, and eventually harder dr*gs
>what's it like
i got molested a lot.

>> No.13689296

Lots of LARPing going on here.

>> No.13689300

basically its great for many reasons and makes you feel special, but for me anyway i the weight of failures is way more, i feel like im wasting good luck all the time. its good though

>> No.13689372

I once went on Omegle and had 5 underage girls fake their age to talk to me and give me their snapchat, 1 girl who fingered her pussy to my face and multiple girls who wanted to cam-sex. (sadly I'm asexual) also a girl told me last week I look like a model

I still don't find myself too good looking. maybe 7/10

>> No.13689406

You simultaneously are crippled with depression that your looks are your only value and high off of the social currency it provides you. People talk to you differently, people approach you, you get more of what you want, you can conduct yourself mostly how you like, you get laid whenever you like.

But you're also sad all the time usually.

>> No.13689409
File: 10 KB, 209x253, 1535258415351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me wtf

>> No.13689478


I'm a guy, I would say that I bounce between 7 and 8 (on a good day), and I can confirm nearly all of this happening to me, even the thing about babies staring.

I wouldn't want to lower my attractiveness though lol. One of the things that I've had to come to terms with is that unless I settle or move into a different social group. I'll probably end up being single or never marrying.

Last weekend I went out and 90% of the people in the party were pudgy with protruding stomachs.

>> No.13689550
File: 19 KB, 419x419, 1524521651737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13689559

>Last weekend I went out and 90% of the people in the party were pudgy with protruding stomachs.
yeah i see this too. i don't get wtf is wrong with these people. don't they realize they should do something?

>> No.13689676

I think there are a lot of reasons about why people don't lose weight or care about their health, reasons which include and are a part of the current obesity epidemic.

But it was honestly disgusting, part of me feels bad for judging people in such a way but it was too ridiculous not to notice.

>> No.13689909

You two sound like awful people. Have fun aging, faggots.

>> No.13689911


>> No.13689923

This happens to below 8/10 girls as well idiot. Ive seen literal 5/10s get cat called

>> No.13689967

you're exactly the kind of girl I want

>> No.13689974
File: 29 KB, 300x400, {75570727-5DEF-48B8-8012-E285FC3A8788}Img400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13689981

artificial light or some shit

>> No.13690027

>if you're attractive but people find out you aren't interesting or can't carry conversation in a bucket, you're just one massive disappointment

This. Beautiful women have super high expectations for handsome men.

>> No.13690049

>weak chin
>big head
>ungroomed hair
>an all-around scrawny appearance

>> No.13690082

I've been called beautiful a lot, but not in a conventional male way
my face is rather androgynous, yet chiseled, with a smaller nose and fairly big eyes with a hint of a slant, and I got long wavy hair
most women treat me very well even though I'm pretty spergy, I try to be polite though so could be that
a lot of men, usually short and tryhard manly ones really dislike me though
they have a vendetta before I've even opened my mouth
overall people are more forgiving, polite and prone to complementing
was a model for a while as a teen as well

>> No.13690173

everyone looks pretty ugly when taken a picture of with a phone camera from close because the features that are closer to the camera appear larger, so all the ratios are different, dont worry, you can be very attractive and look ugly in a photo.

>> No.13690216

"I don't have a problem talking to girls but some just don't seem to give me the light of day."

Nibba its "time of day". as in they wouldn't even tell you what time it was if you asked.

>> No.13690233

extremely attractive people look good even in shitty angles, just slightly less attractive but still stunning

>> No.13690274

Your cell camera distorts your face, like a very lowkey fisheye lens. Unless you get some high quality Canon or a phone with two cameras to take a perspective picture, you're gonna look weird with the screen ~2 feet from your face.

>> No.13690296
File: 860 KB, 1024x868, 1528187832466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting to bald
>used to look good but know now I'll look shit
I want it back.

>> No.13690314


Shut up, fatty.

>> No.13690432

Gay men would totally rate you around 8/10 anon, no joke, get that boi pussy ready.

>> No.13690434

As a gay man I will concur with this statement.

>> No.13690449

I'd like to tell myself that beauty isn't a distinct advantage, but I know it's a lie.

Sometimes you don't even have to get someone else's opinion on beauty to know, you just see it happen around you and you're like "This wouldn't be the same if X person wasn't as beautiful."

>> No.13690465

>if people find out you aren't interesting oe can't carry a conversation
>You're just one massive disappointment
This is so fucking true, every single time.

>> No.13690502

No personal pics of a 9-10 on this thread lmao all of you are ugly as fuck.

>> No.13690540

nice try, jimbob

>> No.13690545

all these posts sound like bullshit without pics

>> No.13690580


Same thing every time this thread pops up. No reasonable person is going to post their pictures here. There are plenty of attention whores asking for ratings on /soc/ if you want to get your fix of judging people.

>> No.13690605

people post their faces on this board all the time. there are the occaisional facial aesthetic threads that reach 300 posts, as well as advice threads for hair and skin. it's not about judging people, it's about being skeptical that 9/10 or 10/10 people are posting on here of all places, especially when the people who do post there faces here are usually average or a bit below.

>> No.13690621

Gainsbourg fucked 9/10's on a daily basis
thats all I'm going to say

>> No.13690625

I'm unironically an 8 or 9/10 and I agree with this.

>> No.13690650


>> No.13690682

so, I'm the guy I see in the mirror? (inverted, obviously)

>> No.13690683

It really depends. If you are pretty from birth im sure its different than my exp, but.. going from chubby to tall muscular and babby face was crazy. Its a different world if you are attractive. If you think you would enjoy being a rockstar well it gets old. Basically if you look your best you feel like a walking steak, so you will end up in hobo clothes to blend in.. but the fun part is you can suddenly remove your hobo jacket and watch the faces of shock. I could go on and on. Its definitely useful because i can charm the fuck out of goddamn anyone, but otherwise its meh.

>> No.13690692


A typical theme in these threads seem to be of attractive people that are tired of attention or are socially reserved, jaded, burnt out or awkward.

This isn't a thread where people want advice or comments on their looks. It's just OP asking about their experiences.

>> No.13690693

Oh yeah honey you know whats up. Everyone wants to be your friend. Hey but do like i do and hide your hotness. As much as i love the old, the ugly, the relatives, the gays all getting drooly on me... also cant be friends without them wanting to fuck you.. argh. Oh well grass is Always greener

>> No.13690714

thing is that some people fixate too much on certain aspects of themselves/life, or misinterpret other peoples' actions or intentions. plus a lot of people are delusional. it would be interesting to see the difference between peoples' perception of themselves and the way others see them.
also 9/10 and 10/10 people should be incredibly rare if the majority of the 7 billion people on this planet are hovering around 5. even many celebrities are only a couple points above average. yet there are already several anons on a random thread claiming to be close to the objective ideal of beauty

>> No.13690886

If you're not attractive in the sun what's da point

>> No.13690954

jesus fuck off

like in all categories fuck off

>> No.13690963

why would anyone want to post a pic here?

>> No.13690969

>sure I'll never get promoted
dont worry
even law firms have a partner spot for a pretty face
get over yourself

>> No.13691031

Somewhere deep down you should already know.

>> No.13691517

Joaquin is holding up great, River would've been no different

>> No.13691527

If you're actually an attractive girl and aren't making literally free money by being an Instagram thot, you are a failure, being attractive is life on easy mode, people give you attention woe is you

>> No.13691544

And their experiences aren't worth jack shit if you don't know how attractive they actually are, if at all

>> No.13691586

Why the fuck would I care if you believe me or not, that's not my problem

>> No.13691595
File: 135 KB, 400x320, zzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at work the other week
>anon you look like the main character from resident evil 4
>yeah man

And I've been on a low key good mood for a week now

>> No.13691605
File: 42 KB, 728x455, 1537351896685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't trust normies' likeness assessment skills, I'm white and wear glasses, so I get told I look like Harry Potter on a daily basis, despite looking nothing like Daniel Radcliffe.

>> No.13691716


>> No.13691788

You look like a LoL e-sports player. Take that as you will.

>> No.13691794

>also 9/10 and 10/10 people should be incredibly rare if the majority of the 7 billion people on this planet are hovering around 5. even many celebrities are only a couple points above average. yet there are already several anons on a random thread claiming to be close to the objective ideal of beauty

I don't see anyone claiming they are 9/10 or 10/10. Most replies are pretty even keeled and sensible, nothing crazy. A lot of anons that recounted their experience even say they don't think they're that attractive to be getting the amount of attention they get.

Either way as I said no one sharing their experience wants validation or advice so there's literally no (good) reason for them to post their photo.

>> No.13691916

this will sound like am a dickhead boasting but am on 4chan where people dont even know who i am so whats the point.

but in my school i had about 6-7 girls say they like me and pretty much most say am attracttive

i have a really nice square jaw nice eyes with long black eyelashes, nice eyebrows, good haircut, and my shoulders are about 10 inches bigger than my waist which means i got the v body type shit.

and guess what nothing is changed am just like everyone else

also i got a 7.5 inch dick which isnt the biggest i guess but am still grateful for it

>> No.13691918

Exactly. None of the anons really care if you don’t believe they’re attractive or not there’s simply recounting their experiences so idk why all these other anons are getting all salty over it. Even if they are larping ok?? Who cares? Move on?

>> No.13691919


>> No.13691935

>and guess what nothing is changed am just like everyone else
you only say that because you dont know what its like for everybody else

>> No.13691961

>also i got a 7.5 inch dick which isnt the biggest i guess

Bigger than 98% of the world's male population. Don't fall for the porn angles and camera lenses that make it seem like the male performers have monster dongs and don't fall for the 4chan memes about being a dicklet if you're under 8 inches and a manlet if you aren't some freakish 6 foot 5 inch giant.

>> No.13691964

How'd you end up on 4chan fäm

>> No.13691983

All of you people need to try nofap.
no matter how i look when i was fapping i was still depressed and though i look ugly. Take it from me nofap works and it will change your life.

also i say that even though i don't know how it is for everyone else because theres loads of people that i look upto that are ugly but still get pussy. because large ammount of girls dont care about looks and only care about confidence. (this is true)

I am a 10/10 and i admit it but thats only because i improved my self. you can look like a whole new person if you change small things like moustache, haircut. also because the biggest reason men look ugly is because of the lower jaw not being big enough and the maxilla which is pretty much just the upper jaw. if the maxilla is too far back its going to make your nose look big and ugly and it needs to be big enough for your lower jaw to fit into it when you push your lower jaw forward (try this right now Push your lower jaw forward and see if you look better and manlier). Also staying at a good fat level is good because the face will look manlier. also nofap will pretty much just improve everything about your face (from expierience)

>> No.13691989

also am not on 4chan i just wanted to checkout the fashion board for a new haircut

>> No.13691990

Same person btw. your neck should be the same size as your jaw aswell so if you are skinny that will just make you look reallly ugly and it wont fit so try some neck curls to make your neck look bigger

>> No.13691992

lol none of what you typed has anything to do with what you replied to.

>> No.13692002

no am just telling people from expierence what has worked and honestly i have about 8 more things to do that will make you look better and even more things that will make you confident

>> No.13692004

I feel good looking sometimes then I remember i'm 5'2

>> No.13692037

are you male

>> No.13692049


>> No.13692057

how old

>> No.13692077

you have BDD, get that checked out

>> No.13692084

I doubt you're a 10/10 but you sure sound like one

>> No.13692085

I'm 20

>> No.13692086

I have been told that i am good looking, not beatiful but like 7/10 and would normally agree but everytime I see my profile view I feel like I should neck myself. Big occiput (I was able to mask this by training my neck) weak chin and jawline

>> No.13692203

I'd say I'm about 6-7/10 but genuinely feel like I could be an 8 if I worked out. Anyone else know that feel?

>> No.13692251

My face is 8.5-9 but my body is 7ish. I know I'd be a solid 9 or higher if I was in better shape.

>> No.13692254

i could be 8.5 if i was skinny

>> No.13692267

as a gay man, asians are literally bottom feeder tier.

>> No.13692271

What neck training did you do, everything I find looks like it'll leave me quadriplegic

>> No.13692306


>> No.13692307

really make me think

>> No.13692336

idk man these threads always turn into a criclejerk and it's cringy

>> No.13692342

:( <3

>> No.13692353

actually a pretty offensive insult, as Daniel Radcliffe is a Jew.

>> No.13692393


I feel the exact same, I think it might have something to do with noise grain. Also i always take photos of myself with the snapchat camera rather than my phone's regular camera. At night and in the dark pics get grainier so maybe it kind of helps to hide flaws very subtley, also shadows and dim lights look nice. In the day you dont get any of these things really

>> No.13692740

I was scouted and offered a contract by Ford when I was 17. That was a surreal experience. It helps, but not as much as you'd expect when you're as fucked socially as me. Looking in the mirror makes me feel good about myself, but I don't really like most candid pictures of me. I have a nice head shape/jaw, great looking eyes, good hair, and good skin ever since I took accutane at 15, but my nose looks pretty bad in profile, I don't have very good teeth, and my mouth is somewhat asymmetrical, so I don't smile very often because I think it makes me look worse. I've gotten laid in spite of my lack of social skills, but only with 2 girls. One that an old friend set me up with, and one of them was one I wasn't attracted to at all that just climbed on top of me when I was really drunk. I really just want close friends, but most of the ones I have or want to become closer to avoid me because I'm usually depressed, angry, or silent. I think men find me intimidating, and I don't really relate to women at all. It's could be worse, at least I have something I can feel somewhat proud of, even if I did nothing to deserve it.

>> No.13692856

Ford? For an ad or something?

>> No.13693011

Just remember that you could be socially autistic AND ugly at least you are luckier than half this board

>> No.13693076


Ford modeling agency, not the car company.

>> No.13693102

What the fuck is this

>> No.13693121

Literally feels no different to being good anything. Sure people are nicer and maybe girls act different around you but if you had charisma that was of the same quality that I'm good looking you'd get the same reactions same for pretty much anything. Be great at a sport people dig you. Be great at writing people dig you etc etc etc

>> No.13693125

*good at anything.

I should add that you guys don't need to worry about it so much. I was one of you lot once, don't worry it will all turn out okay.
T8.5 maybe a 9

>> No.13693183
File: 306 KB, 932x1920, Snapchat-1938253311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get stared at all the time and girls tell me they feel super self conscious around me

Tbh I think its all about attitude

Havent shaved today but heres a fresh one

>> No.13693186

It's you ayy lmao powers.

>> No.13693197
File: 365 KB, 932x1920, Snapchat-1993574149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sawp dood

>> No.13693733

probably polar opposite of what i feel like
>tfw resting angry face due to strong brows
>tfw 6'1 broad as hell
>tfw always get mistaken for 26 when 21

life is hard anons

>> No.13694670
File: 159 KB, 818x503, pPdNZ3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did once glorious 4chan devolve into a bunch of insecure kids thinking they are ugly

How pathethic is that

>> No.13694678

ig hyporcite if i am correct

>> No.13694724

>there are people walking around thinking this

Unless you post timestamps that is

>> No.13694726

And the whole world clapped

>> No.13694728

And not a single hot person in the entire thread

This is 4chan after all

>> No.13694731

Wasn't gonna post because I see all these guys talking about how they were scouted to be models and shit, but whatever. I was on the underground today and girls kept staring at me and taking double takes etc. I mean literally staring too and giggling with their friends, and two of the prettiest girls I've ever seen kept looking at me and trying to hold eye contact as well. It was awesome. If I were tall it would be even better. I only really get attention from pretty teenage and very early 20's girls, which is still cool. I think if I were taller I would get the full treatment, but at 5'9 all the guys who are sort of in my league socially and physically are on average about 6', so I'm kind of short. I age really slowly, still look really young, but I'm worried that the older I get (24) the less appeal I'm going to have to the girls that are into me now. I basically need to go full Jared Leto.

And yeah you get treated better. It's not just about how physically aesthetic your face is though, it's about the fact that my facial features are indicative of higher class genes. There are great looking working class men out there, but you'll never find one that looks anything like me, because I'm a mixture of good genes stretching from across Europe, so my face is kind of unusual. I believe, based on people's behaviour, that most people can immediately tell that my genetic background is high value. Even good-looking guys who are much taller than me can seem insecure when they're interacting with me. Don't know what that means.

>> No.13694736

Dude, they were laughing at how short you are

>> No.13694755

I wear boots that bring me up to 5'11 or 6' though, and we were standing at different levels anyways. They were literally staring at me trying to make eye contact.

>> No.13694760

are you sure its not in your mind ? girls dont stare at guys if they arent famous

>> No.13694772

Well they kind of do apparently. You get a lot of groups of Italians on school trips to London, and I guess when they're with their friends they're much more confident. My guess is they were around 16-18 years old.

>> No.13694773

>all these "9's" and """10's"""
>not a single picture
>"dude im not posting my face on 4chan its so scary!!!!"

t. someone retarded enough to post in facethreads here regularly over the years and always receiving 10's and gay guys in my dm's because of it.

if you can guess who i am i'll let you know

>> No.13694776

are you orb from lookism ?

>> No.13694798


>> No.13694803

nah, doubt orb still lurks here desu.

>> No.13694828

he never went on /fa/

>> No.13694860


You're not even short. You guys are way to self conscious. A person that's 6 feet is half a head taller than you (a pitiful 3 inches), they aren't even looking down on you at that height, it's hardly noticeable. Grow some balls.

>> No.13695048

Dude, they were laughing at your lift shoes

>> No.13695070
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think I'm short. When I go out of the city I notice that I'm actually slightly above average, but compared to the average well-bred and well-raised man working in London at a good job I actually am relatively short. Being a few inches shorter than average means I regularly get towered over by guys who are 6'2+. These are the guys 'in my league', so to speak, not all the short guys living in shitty towns outside the city.

They're not lift shoes. They're just Visvim Virgil Folk boots that I liked online so I bought them, and it turned out that they made me look much taller than I really am. Can't lie though, feel way better being a little bit taller than usual. Actually putting lifts into shoes is lame, but these are just cool boots, not my fault ://

>> No.13695112

>I regularly get towered over by guys who are 6'2+

Why should you care though? Like I can't think of a legitimate reason outside of a few instances of athleticism where the extra height may help, even then that doesn't stop shorter men from being competitive.

Women don't care as much as the internet claims they do. I can't think of any short guy I've encountered in my life that couldn't get a date.

>> No.13695138

I don't really care that much because in pretty much every other aspect I'm good to go, but height is a very immediate draw for women, and there's plenty of evidence that taller people are seen as more dominant, get more advantages etc. I also think that taller men have much more aesthetic bodies in general. My torso is quite short, so it'd be nice if it were a bit longer. I don't like tilting my head up to talk to taller guys either.

I don't have any problem getting girls' attention, as I pointed out slightly above in the thread. I think I just like the idea of being absolutely attractive in every way, whereas as it stands I have a bit of a shortcoming in one particular area.

>> No.13695405
File: 1.81 MB, 2859x4096, E757E45C-D69E-4A1C-995B-C32E03AE5D72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really get a lot of attention but my now ex used to tell me im hot af, i dont really believe it tho

>> No.13695447

There really isnt that much special treatment if you're attractive. Yeah girls will approach you, smile at you, random strangers will have the need to talk to you, you might play the sistem sometimes.
But for all the pros there is one big con. Building lasting relationships with women you actually want is impossible.

>> No.13695466

yeah senpai trust your got you really arent at all

>> No.13695471

>lasting relationships with women you actually want is impossible.
This. They are either insecure around you, or jealous, and the other girls are to cautious

>> No.13696084


>> No.13696128
File: 5 KB, 213x250, 1437436772226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easily 8/10 face and 6'3 tall but extremely thin and antisocial and wear glasses
>every girl who's been into me I've been too much of a pussy to get anywhere with
>ended up dropping out of high school and now I'm a bitter NEET virgin
You look like a college lesbian.

>> No.13696618

How to show v taper when I have to wear xl shirts to fit my shoulders, shit just hangs like a dress

>> No.13696818

from the standpoint of a guy it's better in a lot of ways

Simply, you just need to look at it from a perspective of time/money. When you attractive you have more time/money to pursue hobbies and interests, but still maintain high value in the sexual market.

I don't have to spend a lot of money on flashy clothes. I havn't bought new clothes off the rack in a while. I thrift just about everything. The only things i buy new are underwear, socks, and solid colored t-shirts(hanes).

Now especially with a lot of guys doing short back and sides i can't imagine how much they must spend on maintaining faded/tapered sides. I can just sort of let my hair grow for 4-5 months before really needed to get a cut.

I don't have to spend a lot of time grooming. I have a nice jawline so i don't have to sculpt a beard, so often i just have to shave to stubble with a pair of clippers, and I'm good to go for a few days.

Plus you don't really get bothered a lot as a guy. Most girls are not that forward, so most of the times it's been guys that will take up my time.

these are just the practical things that I enjoy

>> No.13696826

Holy fuck at the 6-7/10 narccies in here.

>> No.13696849
File: 124 KB, 610x604, cigarette-fashion-icon-supreme-Favim.com-4023251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i (and i know if you are following the thread actively, this has been said a countless number of times) don't consider myself to be anything over a 7, but i do get stopped and complimented on my appearance by people on occasion, and that has come with a mixed bag of feelings that im sure those more attractive might also share

The issue is that if you start getting compliments, it only makes you start focusing on your appearance and nitpicking it even more, making it feel like any extended period of time where someone hasn't complimented you feel like you are actively fucking up and you look like shit, even if expecting compliments all the time to be entirely unreasonable. If i was incredibly attractive, i probably wouldn't even want people complimenting me because it brings more harm than good when you start expecting it rather than letting it be a pleasant surprise.

It's hard to tread this territory without just being a fucking narccie but you know how it is

>> No.13696940

Das tuf

>> No.13696945

Try making selfies from far away rather than close

>> No.13697010

You guys have a disgusting amount of ego.

>> No.13697135

yung d. trump

>> No.13697588

my mummy says im handsome so feels pretty gud

>> No.13697744

don't larp as my husbando you huberto wanna-be

>> No.13697785

This was my experience in Japan. I'm half Indian/half pacific islander and have fairly long, "exotic" features. I did my homestay in a small fishing village and was stopped my multiple old ladies in the street telling me how pretty I was/asking where I was coming from, and all my classmates would call me "bijin". I've always been self conscious of what I consider to be my horseface, so it felt nice to fit someone else's standard of beauty. even if it was just a small fishing village.

>> No.13697958

People are really nice to you when you're a kid, but as an adult most bureaucrats resent you and treat you like shit because they figure everyone gives you special treatment, and they want to "give you a taste of the real world."
People approach me and it's just whatever. They still won't do it without an excuse, because most people are cowards (so don't feel bad.) But no one wants to spend time with you because you look pretty, that's all about personality. In my experience it's not even about having a particularly good or interesting personality, you just have to have that thing. (But I'd never say you can't acquire that thing through rigorous training.)
>t. Someone who has been told they look good enough to believe it.

>> No.13698161

>there's 100+ 10/10s on /fa/

This has been an eye-opener for me

>> No.13698178

nobody here is saying that except sarcastically. the great majority of the posts are people typing up paragraphs on their personal experiences being ugly or talking about attractiveness generally, most people who rate themselves highly are rating themselves 7 or 8

>> No.13698204

in the end your body is the only thing you really own

>> No.13698347
File: 297 KB, 425x491, slightlyaboveaverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13698548

I’d say I range between a 6-7.25, depending on who you’re asking. The thing is, I have been approached by and dated women objectively better looking than me. I’ve really improved my looks by dressing well and paying attention to small details. Use an iron/steamer for Christ’s sake. Seeing as it’s all just a persona anyway ( Debord’s ‘Spectacle’ ), people should strive to be interesting first, and the looks and posture will naturally follow.

>> No.13698572
File: 211 KB, 939x1247, jphip16221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's It Like To Be Beautiful?
It's like you're fucking everyone's mom constantly. People hate you for it, but they still admire and respect you for being the guy capable of doing what you're doing.

>> No.13698668

It's not all that it cracks up to be in my opinion. A lot of my life revolves around my looks, my self worth is almost entirely dependent on my outwards appearance and what people think of me. When i get called good looking is the only time i feel like i'm successful, purely because i got lucky with genetics. I struggle with self love a lot, i would love to just be happy with myself and not worry about my appearance as much. I fear the day I'm no longer seen as attractive because i feel like it's all i will ever amount to.