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13681892 No.13681892 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /fa/ggots i'm losing hella hair (been on fin for a year and just started minoxidil) and can't stand to see that shit everywhere anymore. I'm going to take the buzz pill, what do I tell the barber?

>inb4 ask for a buzz

>> No.13681904

"I’d like a buzzcut please"

>> No.13681913

Get clippers and do it yourself.

>> No.13682207

fuck you guys

>> No.13682226

just ask for a buzzcut you fucking idiot

>> No.13682447

There is more to it than that you hyper-chromosomal fetal alcohol born shit

>> No.13682460

>wants a buzz cut
>refuses to ask for buzz cut

>> No.13682467

You Hitlers youth fags don't just go to a barber and say "undercut"

>> No.13682595

This is either a clever troll or OP can be outwitted by mold.

>> No.13683129

2 to 4 on the top
0 on sides and back

>> No.13683164
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>what do I tell the barber?
"Number zero all around, please."

>> No.13683239

>Keep the sides as short as you can (they're more hair dense)
>A little bit longer where you have less hair on top (talking about millimeters)
This is how I buzz mine, from 0 to 6mm on top

>> No.13683874

Post hair
I would be wary on getting a buzzcut, you need a fairly strong facial structure to pull it off
My hairline isn't that great so I just keep it short, works just fine

>> No.13683895

This, you need a masculine face to pull off a buzzcut or go bald. Post your face

>> No.13684379
File: 965 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based replies, thanks
my face/body decently masculine, I think

>> No.13684386

Dont buzz. Perfect hairline and perfectly manly body. Buzz is for balding people.

>> No.13684394

>Buzz is for bald
i'm losing well over 200 hair a day, my pillow covers have hair all over them, i see it everywhere in the shower, shits depressing senpai, i want to go short so i don't see it as much

>> No.13684400

Literally everyone loses hair. Dont worry about it.

>> No.13684410

how long u been training ? goal body desu

>> No.13684412

around 100 a day is normal, 200 is hairloss

>> No.13684437

Been at it for 5 years now, since I was 19. I plateaued at this body around 2 years in though. Mind you this was with consistent regimented training and dieting.

Fuck it, ill just take the buzz recommendations in this thread, if it doesn't work out i'll grow it back out a bit.

>> No.13684488
File: 45 KB, 768x544, zayn-02-56a610a95f9b58b7d0dfbf49[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years is not bad
try this haircut, looks better than a simple buzzcut imo

>> No.13684695

literally this. get a decent pair of Wahl clippers at walmart and they pay for themselves in 3 cuts

>> No.13684863

had any sides from the fin?

>> No.13685413

>going to barber
>paying money
>Not just shaving it yourself

>> No.13685427
File: 124 KB, 480x987, 3246553543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzz hurts your pickup brah, you'll pull undesirable females only recommended for monk/cocoon mode. Try it you'll see.

I pay $50 for my cut/beard trim and many worth.
>pic related

>> No.13685472

Hoooly shit I really hope that isn't you.
You paid $50 for that shit?
And wear a fucking polo to the gym? One that doesn't fit, at that.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.13685979

Genuine looks good, thanks mate.

Mild gyno, and erections haven't been as hard. I'm not sure if it has been worth it for me, i'm still losing a shit tonne of hair. My doc says to keep using it, that it will be more effective as time goes on... after a year of use though i'm uncertain.

Fuck my shit hair genetics mate, also mirin the arms

>> No.13687440

Stop being paranoid pls.
Your hairline looks fine.

The amount of receding that has happened makes your face look more masculine and mature. For some people, having a mature hairline gives more shape to the head which can look better than having the hairline of a 16yo.

I'd buzz it if you start thinning to the point of seeing your scalp thru your hair. You also have dark hair so I think it won't be a problem any time soon.

I'm in the same boat, tho I have light hair, have receded a bit more and it's also thinning.

tl;dr stop being paranoid. Your hair looks dope

>> No.13687446

do you seriously dress like this at the gym? i don't want to make you self conscious or anythin but you look like a huge faggot and you are not big enough to pull it off

>> No.13687639

just hijacking this thread because I'm losing my shit. Ever since I was a kid I've had beautiful thick wavy hair, it was one of my best qualities and people would compliment it more than anything else about my appearance.
I just turned 18 a few months ago and my hairline has gone to shit, my hair is thinning at the front and my hairline peaks above my temples. I've gained some weight (still average bmi, but it all goes to my face) and I don't have the structure to buzz my hair. I loved my hair so much and as dumb as it sounds I don't want to let go. I'm not even vain I'm just extremely self conscious about my appearance and how people see me.

tl;dr I'm 18 and for the rest of my life I'm only getting uglier

>> No.13687743

Could be that your hairline is just maturing.

You could go and ask some specialist if you are worried though. They will probably be more qualified to talk about minoxidil/finasteride than I am.

Personally, I tried saw Palmetto, which works similarly to finasteride afaik. It gave me some issues and I decided that I'd rather be bald than have those.

Keep in mind that if you can't already, you probably will be able to grow facial hair later on.

Also, are you sure that you don't have the structure for a buzz cut? Why do you think that?

>> No.13687798

You know you can also start balding at the top of the head right? He's losing a lot of hair every day but not on his hairline how hard is that to understand

>> No.13687883

thanks for the reply anon, been spending the past 2 hours reading about hair loss.
I've basically been able to grow a full beard since I was like 15 so I guess as such it's not a crazy occurrence that I'm starting to lose my hair.

I think I'm gonna look into supplements and what not and try to lose some weight because when I'm lower bmi I actually got some pretty good bones.

The reason I don't wanna go completely buzzed is because I have an overbite (family could never afford braces) so my jaw sorta slides back from my mouth and nose. I look fine from the front but without hair it brings more attention to my somewhat unappealing facial structure (think there's a whole thread about something like this rn).

I'm trying not to stress about it and to take better care of myself and even if not fixing the hair make myself healthier overall in the process.

>> No.13688706

That's a fair point. Not hard to understand at all.

Though, OP should post a pic of the actual balding in that case if he wants anons to get a fair picture on what's happening.

Since in the picture he posted, you can only see a mature hairline.

I have to admit that I personally have been very paranoid about balding and I related it to how it's happening to me.

>> No.13688707


I have luckily never needed braces, so I don't know how expensive they are exactly.

Is it realistic to save for them while trying out supplementing? That could be an idea as well.

>> No.13688716

i think it's more pressing that you shave your face

>> No.13688930

What are your lifts? This is the ideal male body. Legs look gay for some reason though

>> No.13688945

I'm gonna go to uni soon, so may be able to get cheaper dental care there (university health insurance). I don't have a drastic overbite, so the main reason for braces would be cosmetic.

I'm gonna start taking some supplements and try to hold on to what I have for as long as possible, my hair hasn't gone to shit yet but finally noticing that it was beginning to recede scared the shit out of me.

Thanks for replying, all my family members I've told refuse to acknowledge that my hairline is receding, or even if they do they think I'm over reacting. I'm really just scared of not being attractive any more, as dumb as that sounds.

>> No.13689369
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I am also looking for haircut advice but I don't know if i would look good with a buzz cut, so i was asking if anyone knew what haircut I would look good with, if its a buzzcut than what length

>> No.13689715

Lads I can see my scalp through my hair if I lift it up. I also have blonde hair and it's always been thin, although I dunno if it's been this thin since I always had a short ish fringe worn down for basically my entire life. What fucking do

>> No.13689777

Holy shit you dumb retard you aren't even balding
Is this some kind of b8