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/fa/ - Fashion

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13670169 No.13670169 [Reply] [Original]

Is my new shirt /fa/?

>> No.13670170

are graphic shirts ever effay?

>> No.13670179

Great another thread soon to be flooded with our /pol/ack friends.

>> No.13670182

imaginary edgy meme, that looks closer that owner wants desperate approval than for actually /fa/ object.

>> No.13670191

because this is a /pol/ thread you retarded faggot

>> No.13670399

I voted for trump

>> No.13670435

Most of us did, it's a troll thread you dope

>> No.13670484

How's that wall working out, idiots?


>> No.13670493

No one here voted for him

>> No.13670497

Not a fan of Trump, but
>implying him being elected president of the USA is as bad as a tragedy that took many people's lives

>> No.13670530
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We got 2 things that are way better than a wall, and we'll be getting a third soon.

>> No.13670579

Counting kavanaugh even though he hasn't been confirmed yet. Nice. Setting yourself up for humiliation.

>> No.13670582

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are going to vote no on Kavanaugh, sorry trumpkin

>> No.13670584

Pretty good.
If you were smarter you could see past the tabloid tier propaganda blitz
>there are people who, anonymously, say they don't like him
Wow that's, uh, scathing

>> No.13670590

Very much so.

>> No.13670612

Your shirt is /leftypol


>> No.13670630

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>> No.13670666
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>> No.13670672

mein gott the cope is unreal

>> No.13670693

yeah me too
guy's an idiot, but it's not personally affecting most people
sure some are getting screwed over here and there but acting like it's some sort of national disaster is not really called for.
it's a national embarrassment sure but not a tragedy

>> No.13670698
File: 81 KB, 800x978, 1431091644100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shirt effay?

>> No.13670706

holy shit yes; where to cop?

>> No.13671202


>> No.13671243

>wear to cop a shirt making a joke about thousands of innocent deaths bro???
Yeah, unless you are in middle school, you aren't getting away with wearing something this edgy

>> No.13671283

I did

Remember, this is 4chan, not reddit

>> No.13671290

>former trump voter

Yeah dont believe you on that, he sticks to his promises way more than obama ever did

>> No.13671651

the election was on the 8th

>> No.13671654


Yes and he wasn't declared the winner until 3am on the 9th you fucking idiot

>> No.13671657

If you pay attention to anything other than MSM and lefty Twitter, really well. Things are actually going fine. Better than fine. Better than Obama and Obama did pretty fine too.

>> No.13671658
File: 68 KB, 720x900, 1501718324768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um sweaty, sorry but no
i did vote for trump

>> No.13671659

he had already clinched it by 23:59:59 you cum rag

>> No.13671672

The clock only goes up to 12 you fucking moron

>> No.13671712

>still using 12 hour clock

>> No.13671724

Fag thread

>> No.13671740

> sweaty

>> No.13671789

>Nov. 8, 2016, 11:58pm

>> No.13671792

>11:58pm PST

>> No.13671794

>the pacific is not america

>> No.13671967


>> No.13672089

Speak for yourself. I was in hospital on election day, but I wouldn't have voted Trump.

>> No.13672103

Nice try but /fa/ and /lit/ are the two most liberal boards on the website

>> No.13672128
File: 2.46 MB, 3034x4370, 6a9f24a3b68be1678cbafba8daad4bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't that also include /lgbt/?

>pic related

>> No.13672139


>> No.13672295
File: 8 KB, 216x233, download (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting butthurt by a comment on a Nip Cartoon discussion forum
Americans will never stop astounding me

>> No.13672297


>> No.13672304

Upvoted fellow r/the_donald magapede
so based

>> No.13672305


>> No.13672313

Haven't seen this one in a while

>> No.13672329

Keep pumping that market machine mane. NBA fans don't buy jerseys, but Lakers fans buy a new one every season

>> No.13672343

not everyone here is a citizen of the us

>> No.13673187

based epic trolled stupid drumprld supporters

>> No.13673329
File: 57 KB, 251x246, mac tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, especially not /fa/ outside of arthoe and grid threads