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File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, th-blk-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13669506 No.13669506 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid getting shit stains on your thongs?

You is something that society has accepted?

>> No.13669510

>You is something that society has accepted?
No, me not :(

>> No.13669513


>> No.13669514

I would assume the answer is to shower after defecating and before wearing a thong.

>> No.13669516

>he doesn't do the poke-and-pucker
lmao enjoy being a petri dish, skank

>> No.13669522

girls dont poop.

>> No.13669526

Can confirm

>> No.13669534
File: 71 KB, 600x450, 1N0UjV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do the laundry sometimes and throw away my wife's underwear away because of this. I NEVER get shit stains on my underwear so wtf women? She doesn't even wear thongs! What the fuck is wrong with you women?

>> No.13669543

i have litterally never had this problem, do you not fucking wipe properly or something?

>> No.13669544

only girls(male) dont poop

>> No.13669551

I dunno
wear diapers underneath

>> No.13669558

I don't get poop stains but yes, THEY WILL SMELL LIKE POOP

>> No.13669575

thong wearing femboy here, litterally never had this problem wtf is wrong with you bitches, wipe your fucking ass hole properly and put your thongs in the fucking wash

>> No.13669588

Women are so entitled they don't think it's a problem to get shit all over their underwear.

>> No.13669590


>> No.13669598

keep wetwipes in your purse

>> No.13669600

you were seeing blood stains

>> No.13669603


Yeah, fucking retards have never had a girlfriend before.

>> No.13669619

girls are gross

>> No.13669622

you've clearly never had a gf before either
women leak shit piss and blood on everything, they're disgusting

>> No.13669626


Yeah seriously! OP should be ashamed of himself for not knowing this.

>> No.13669627

This. Women are nasty. Vagina out of the context of sexuality is fucking repulsive.

>> No.13669630

one of the many things working in the glourious gf(male) take over

>> No.13669632

I hope women are made obsolete, honestly.

>> No.13669641
File: 36 KB, 960x701, 1519854308997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with you disgusting hambeast

use a bidet at home and carry wet wipes for use outside
absolutely disgusting

>> No.13669645


>> No.13669646

they will be, we all used to joke about it but traps and femboys are such a mainstream fetish now and gayness is so accepted that its looking like there may be a time in the near future where girls legit have to clean up their act in order to compete, the paradigm shift is coming!

>> No.13669648

My wife's panties are fucking wrecked from period blood and stains from when she gets turned on and drips.
How the fuck women keep their underwear nice is a mystery I haven't solved yet.

>> No.13669654

>mfw always wanted to use a bidet
>move into new house
>it has a bidet
>oh fuckyess.poop
>mum almost immediately removes it
>apparently it "looked too weird"
>procedes to cover the house in all her ugly ancient furniture and ugly decorations
>continue using shower to clean my ass :(

>> No.13669655

Stop enabling this entitled attitude in women. They're not perfect little princesses who can do no wrong. They are disgusting creatures that shit and sweat and bleed like everyone else, but worse.

>> No.13669657

they dont, they buy throw them away and buy new ones like monthly, every time i go into my sisters room she has a pile of soiled underwear in her dirty clothes pile, feel sick just looking at them

>> No.13669666

Wash your ass you dirty bitch

>> No.13669670

Damn. This thread went incel fast.

This is now a blessed thread. Post more about blood and shit. Go with god.

>> No.13669678

Only incels think that girls can't be gross.

>> No.13669680

t. filthy roastie

>> No.13669685

this tru, they are blinded by their pathetic boners

>> No.13669690

I dress up in the finest of threads and still they ignore me...

>> No.13669693

beautiful thread, lets keep this going

>> No.13669699

after reading this thread im never letting a female sit in my car without a seat cover, goes double if she has a skirt

>> No.13669704

>zhe doesnt sit at an angle and spread with one hand to make the shit fly out with minimal clean up after

bih do u even shet

>> No.13669731

finna try this

>> No.13669734

They got these things called "panty liners" that soak up all the nasty shit and they can just throw away later

>> No.13669737

Use a fucking hand-held bidet you stupid fucking americans. You think a few toilet paper wipes and a wet wipe will keep your ass? Wash that bitch ass with a bidet, handheld or the automatic one. The hand held bidet is the most glorious piece of invention ever. I'm on phone and can't upload a pic of what I'm saying to show you lazy asses. Go to google and search for yourself. Goddamnit.

>> No.13669747

>stains from when she gets turned on and drips
That's discharge you roody-poo, it happens even if they don't get turned on all day.

>> No.13669748

>Xir doesn't reverse cowgirl the toilet and wrap their legs around the tank

wtf nigger do you poop on yourself or something

>> No.13669758

>visit rich uncles house that he keeps as a vacation home
>it has a bidet
>poop as many times as possible while I'm there just because it's such a joy to use

Seriously bidets should be standard in the US. I wanna be able to pressure wash that boipucci every time.

>> No.13669767

>Stop enabling
t. enabler of female unscrupulousness
Also not an argument

>> No.13669769

in england they got popular for a while in the 90s or something so alot of old houses have them, im pissed it didnt catch on properly tho, i think its cos they werent made here and needed to be imported

>> No.13669779

You are a literal retard

>> No.13669784

whats the matter?
scared you will actually have to work to get attention from boys?

>> No.13669789

>the roastie recoils in horror "I've been found out!!"

your days are numbered, roast

>> No.13669791

No, it just doesn't make sense. There aren't enough of them to change anything seriously

>> No.13669797

not yet...

>> No.13669808

Tick tock roastie, tick... tock..

>> No.13669818

deadass i need a gf

>> No.13669823

Clean your ass properly.

>> No.13669829

Kekd at the visual, 100/10 gonna try this

>> No.13669838

>ey mang *smacks lips* finna gets me a gf my nigga.. I deadass headass needs me a girl... like shieetttt homieee can ya sucka nigga dick or somefin?? *rowdy laughter* my mannn I deadass butasss gotta GETS mine you feel me doe? Yo you feel me bruh? lissen white boy, I get it IN boyyyyyyy *does soft shoe* ha-cha-cha *talks in a hyperbolic nasally white man's voice* excuse me good sir, can I please get some of that vagina? *black teenagers paralyzed by ear piercing laughter* NIGGGAAAAAAAA YOUUUUUU FOOOOOO REALLLLL??? *chimpanzee noises* can I get a dolla

>> No.13669848

Why? They'll just leave trails of slime all over your house.

>> No.13669860

(male)... right?

>> No.13669865
File: 55 KB, 342x316, 1449682185849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll just leave trails of slime all over your house.

>> No.13669909

They're not shit stains, it's old period blood

>> No.13669915

I don't wear thongs but who the fuck gets shit stains on their knickers? Just use a baby wipe after you poop

>> No.13669917

Lmao this

>> No.13669930

Cop a better diet.

>> No.13669937

>implying a majority of American females will take responsibility for their diets and health

>> No.13669942
File: 433 KB, 360x408, 1524879367057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this thread.

>> No.13669955

like, usign a bidet?

>> No.13669959

Redpill a virgin pls : the smell how is it like ?

>> No.13669960

spit in your hand, wait for it to dry and then sniff it

>> No.13669961

how do you use a bidet? do you wipe first then bidet? or immediately go to the bidet?

>> No.13669963

It's easy, right after you shit you insert the bidet inside yourself and turn it on full.

>> No.13669964

A tangier slightly less gross armpit aroma with hints of piss, and a metallic earthy undertone

>> No.13669967

This nigga sniff underwear like he be drinkin wine n shiettttt homie

>> No.13669968

>tfw your gf is a muslim

>> No.13670056

How do you even get shit stains on your underwear? What do you do? How do you poop? You are doing something wrong or eating something wrong when this happens what the fuck I can't believe this thread. Are you specifically asking because they are thongs and get between your butt cheeks? Do you think they get dirty because of that? No. That is not true. You are disgusting. You should clean yourself properly after taking a shit. No, if you take GOOD shits you don't need to clean yourself, but you need to be eating the exact right food in combination with a perfect stomach environment. Then your shits will be clean like bunny poops and not stick to your butt or your thongs. If you can't manage that, clean yourself. This is ridiculous.

>> No.13670071

It cannot be stressed enough to wash your ass after going number 2.
Either via bidet or a quick shower.
You should also eat more fiber/fiber supplements. Best shits you'll ever have and one wipe and a little bit of water will clean you up.
Also great for bottoms.

>> No.13670080


>> No.13670084

It reeks but it's not the smell you're after, it's some primal urge to sniff it like a dog sniffs another dog.
t. sniffed my gf's and her sister panties in one run

>> No.13670300

get yourself a bidet you filthy dog

>> No.13670305

>wet toilet paper slightly
>dry toilet paper
>circle and blot butthole
>eat more fiber

Honestly plenty of parents don't teach their kids how to use the bathroom properly and just assume the kid can do it when it's done.

>> No.13670309

im in the us for six months now i miss bidets so much :(

>> No.13670380
File: 74 KB, 320x454, ho ho ho ho ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thongs are degenerate and studies have shown that they transfer e.coli (as well as shit particles and other intestinal flora) from anus --> vagina due to the fabric touching both openings and moving with walking/collecting sweat. I don't understand why anyone would wear these.
>t. female who wears comfortable underwear and has never had shit stains or a vaginal infection

>> No.13670385

you're a retard. believing that girls don't poop is for your benefit, not theirs

>> No.13670393

Just use wet wipes and wipe with normal wipes afterwards

>> No.13670486

>has never had shit stains or a vaginal infection
be still my heart

>> No.13670529

>most underrated post in this thread
I’m suspecting that op is a troll though.
Otherwise you’re completely right

>> No.13670536

>don't understand why anyone would wear these.
To avoid having your panties dig into your butt and show when you’re wearing pants

>> No.13670555

has no /fa/shion board

>> No.13670560

I guess it's not worth having butt bacteria in my vag to me.

>> No.13670576

That's understandable, but clearly a lot of people disagree (or don't know about the disadvantages of thongs)

>> No.13670805

>muh american centric everything

>> No.13670831

wash your asshole you fucks. I didn't expect to have to say this.

>> No.13670875

try properly wiping your ass, wtf

>> No.13670953

Old period blood looks dark brown. Don't throw them away you idiot, women have certain pairs they don't mind staining/bleaching/ruining for that time of month so they aren't constantly buying new panties. How do you have a wife without knowing this?

That being said, I've literally never had a problem with any strange stains or shit on my girlfriend's underwear. That being said, she is relatively thin and fit. Maybe this a braphog specific issue?

>> No.13671181

wtf are tampons for then?

>> No.13671324

Fucking feminists thinking they can post here without consequences

>> No.13671328


>procedes to cover the house in all her ugly ancient furniture and ugly decorations

Every upper middle class mother ever

>> No.13671331

she pretends shes upper but we are probably lower, she even puts on a fake posh accent when she talks to people

>> No.13671340

Eat better

>> No.13671440

Don't wear any if you have a hairy asshole

>> No.13671443

oh god thats the fucking problem isnt it?
in fact i bet most american bitches dont shave

>> No.13671771
File: 33 KB, 348x339, 205a94b842cad968e986f953c5c95d61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking keked

>> No.13671798

Guy here with no stains in my thongs. Just clean yourself properly after a poop. It's not that difficult.

>> No.13671824

girls are just gross, especially american ones

>> No.13671926

What are you talking about? Do you wipe at all? This has never happened to me.

>> No.13672078

That's because you have basic hygiene we all learn by age 6

>> No.13672132
File: 32 KB, 413x549, 15E0A588-B3A1-418B-98C1-8F3F8B94C685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it stinks like shit when you fuck your art hoe gf doggy style
>tfw you never told her because you have dirty sex with a 6/10 art hoe at last

>> No.13672136

Newfag detected.

>> No.13672334

This thread is fucking nauseating what is wrong w americlaps

>> No.13672372

i prefer to gently wipe off crud with toilet paper and then make it nice and pristine with a wet wipe afterwards. also remember to clean ur poophole when u shower

>> No.13672394

Motherfucker i always make my bitches shower before fucking them, what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.13672502

>thong wearing femboy here
Do you mean "homosexual degenerate"?

>> No.13672642

i always take a bath after pooing, and yes i do wipe and use a bidet
its psychological, i cant fucking stand the feeling of being dirty

>> No.13672652

This ass looks so damn Photoshopped wtf

On the topic of the thread, learn to wipe properly, you retarded faggot. Use wet wipes if you have to.

>> No.13673022

jesus fucking yikes dude
imagine if the genders were swapped. no female would even touch your nasty ass so why are you putting up with her stink

>> No.13673323

oh the feels

>> No.13673334

we've got a fucking schizophrenic here, lads.
not only do women shit but they sweat, he says, lmao
you know, you'd be locked up not long ago for spouting bullshit like this

>> No.13673771

this says a lot about our society

>> No.13673951

I always find this crusty stuff in the crotch and the butthole area of my wife's panties. It sort of looks like dried semen like I remember from my cumrag days as a teen but it couldn't be because we always shower before and after we have sex.

>> No.13674012


>not knowing what queef and blood is
it goes into the ass region especially when they're laying down because it's all in the same fold.
jesus do y'all really think that the skids marks are girls casually shitting themselves and not wiping?
i'll give you that you'll meet many women, usually the same ones that don't clean fat rolls, that have incredibly old crusty who-knows-what but a lot of girls put tons of effort into cleaning and still have to change underwear multiple times a day.
imagine random boners but with cum every time, and that's what discharge is like.

but if you have stains with a dick then you really are gross and you need to follow the eurofag advice in this thread.

>> No.13674028

yeah that's what I meant with my post. a lot of men are just way too horny and put up with a lot of shit just to get a taste of pussy
it completly ruins the dating market for other men

>> No.13674186

Nah she's good in that department. I'm just gonna have her doing the laundry for now on so I don't see it. Like a good woman should.
Why do women get random boners with discharge? Is that even normal? Men don't walk around with boners wtf?! I honest to god think that men are on average more hygienic than women. I still love you women, but that shit is nasty as fuck.

>> No.13674189

stfu faggot

>> No.13674191

girls are still gross, especially american ones

>> No.13674203

this is kinda off topic but this is the only chance il get to ask this.
when i was in high school i used to notice alot of the girls had what looked like greeny brown hairs sticking through the fabric of the trousers aroung their crotch, looked like they were all wearing some fur underwear or something, and i noticed this when those ugly black leggings were a trend too.
what is that shit?
this wasnt a rare thing either it was almost every girl i looked at

>> No.13674291

Serious question
why not just wearing tampons in each hole to prevent those leaks

>> No.13674297

snail trails, retard

>> No.13674367

Tampons cost too much to be putting one in and taking one out each time you take a shit. Plus toxic shock, and again it's not actually coming from the ass in most cases unless they really are too gross to wipe.

>> No.13674376

>this thread
Sometimes i'm glad i'm gay

>> No.13674389

me too, girls are yucky

>> No.13674468

>can i get a dolla
dayum nigga i iz kekin hard to dat mofugga

>> No.13674489

lmao eat well n u wont have nasty shits

>> No.13674496

Was a fucking joke.
I bet that you're fun to hang out with...

>> No.13674497

when did fa become all normfags

>> No.13674527

You aren't Muslim if you don't clean your ass.

>> No.13674551

I tell my wife that I wish I was gay so many times.

Redpill me on being gay. I'm open minded but think fucking or getting fucked by a dude is completely degenerate and gross.

>> No.13674556
File: 195 KB, 1280x986, bidet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a bidet, you actual savages.

>> No.13674559
File: 2.46 MB, 3034x4370, 6a9f24a3b68be1678cbafba8daad4bbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being gay

>> No.13674707

its proven that girls dont poop and cant sweat
its why they suck at sports

>> No.13674827

Actually, a small amount of discharge now and then is a sign that the vagina is a hygienic one. Vaginas are literal living ecosystems. They are crawling with different kinds of bacteria that work in tandem to keep it clean, changing in discharge type and intensity throughout the woman's 28-day cycle. Discharge is the telltale sign that the vagina is cleaning itself and kicking unwanted bacteria and old fluids out. Too much discharge or too little discharge is an indicator that something is wrong.

t. works at a women's resource center

>> No.13674892

This is why I have no desire to have anal sex, even though it is my favorite genre of porn to watch. People are so unsanitary. It's not that hard to clean your ass, and you should always be using baby wipes to finish off (or if you don't have that, moistened toilet paper or (even better) toilet paper with like a pea sized dab of lotion). If you actually start using baby wipes (or moistened toilet paper), you'll find that 90% of the time, there's still shit residue left even after you get to the point where the paper is coming back clean.

Because of this, I never trust a human being that takes less than ~4 minutes to take a shit. Also if you don't wash your hands after you shit (i.e. like a good 20-40% of guys), then kill yourself.

>> No.13674909

Why not using some sort of paper between the panties and your femal cock?

>> No.13674916

what does it do? Clean your asshole? Doesnt shit fly everywhere when spraying it with water. What a useless garbage

>> No.13674926

ok 'femanon"

>> No.13674984

My god. That pic.

We're going to need to order extra large ovens.

>> No.13675141

a baby wipe? kek dumbfag

>> No.13675143

I ate my boyfriend's ass once (unknowingly) after he had shit and not wiped properly. It was fucking traumatic.

>> No.13675162

>imagine random boners but with cum every time
>if you have stains with a dick then you really are gross
Random bones do produce pre-ejaculate though, that leaks out in much the same way as girl goo does (probably less overall though).

>> No.13675293

Keep a water pitcher next to the toiler and WASH UR ASS

>> No.13675506

Post photos of your anus for us to give you proper advice

>> No.13675889

no, i dont get shit stains on my thongs because im not fucking gross. i wipe my ass properly and sometimes use baby wipes if need be. i also wear dark underwear in general so this is a non issue. god bless

>> No.13675972

i have hemorrhoids which get in the way of wiping my asshole

>> No.13675983

>baby wipes
Hope you don't flush em.

>> No.13676032

You have yo man eat that ass proper every day, baby

>> No.13676090

>i also wear dark underwear in general so this is a non issue.
That makes it worse. You probably have tons of stains that you don't even notice.

>> No.13676187

what i do is
1. wipe (to get the most poopoo off)
2. bidet (to really clean the anus)
3. wipe (to dry)
i still use way less tp than no bidet btw

>> No.13676768

so wait i still dont get it. A bidet sprays water, and you spray the water on your ass? But then how do you dry your ass? what if you miss and spray your leg or your pants?

>> No.13677091

Fucking nasty bitch, just clean yourself

>> No.13677107

Wash yourself you hog

>> No.13677117
File: 17 KB, 401x401, 16024747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>159 Replies / 9 Images

>> No.13677270

My girlfriend tried to shotgun a fart out while we were lying in bed a few months ago, shit herself, and her thong cut the turd in half.

I've never laughed so hard while being so angry before.

>> No.13677292

Do people really not wash their asses after taking a shit?
You don't even need a bidet, just hop in the shower. Wiping your ass is never fucking enough and you can usually smell the shit on people

>> No.13677301

>Wiping your ass is never fucking enough and you can usually smell the shit on people
Maybe for you, anon, but most non-retarded people actually know how to wipe their ass properly.

>> No.13677311

Post pic

>> No.13677315

>*does soft shoe*
Wtf ?

>> No.13677319

Been with girls that smell like this so fucking gross
Imo the fish smell is even better than this

>> No.13677325

Wtf dude gros

>> No.13677327

When I wear a white underwear Even if I don’t shit I still would have brown stain just from ass sweat

>> No.13677340

Almost like it isn't a choice and some people are too repulsed even to do it for the other person's sake. Sorry, you're stuck being attracted to chicks.

>> No.13677349

>I'm open minded but think fucking or getting fucked by a dude is completely degenerate and gross.
Bad news for you bud. These (((people))) base their entire identities on their depraved sex shit

>> No.13677359

>doing things muslims do

>> No.13677361

White people, everybody

>> No.13677380

You can wipe your ass as much as you want and you'll still have poop in your bloody asshole
I don't feel any worse for being cleanlier than you though

>> No.13677394

And you think they're white why? Because they can afford a bed?

>> No.13677409


>> No.13677445

dense and stupid is a tough way to go through life

>> No.13677484

>He thinks a mere tampon is enough
You have no idea

>> No.13677636


>> No.13677643

girls predict their period and wear the trash ones u fucking underage retard

>> No.13677818

please dont mass reply you dumb retard

>> No.13677819

god i hate women. why wont they talk to me.

>> No.13677830

Audibly keked at this. Also why tf won't sage work.

>> No.13677832

fuck traps

>> No.13677834

Only a white woman would be so uncouth to fart in front of her husband

>> No.13677932

Stop being a disgusting whitoid and start washing your asshole with water and friction, like you'd wash any other object or part of your body

If you get shit stains you aren't clean

>> No.13678088

you fucking retard jesus...

>> No.13678139

i rarely wash my hands after i go to the bathroom, it's not like im wiping my ass with my hands im not getting shit on them the toilet paper is there

>> No.13678147

Spread your cheeks then sit so your weight will keep your cheeks spread, leaving your hand free for the newspaper.

>> No.13678154

>t. sniffed my gf's and her sister panties in one run
The hero this thread deserves.

>> No.13678187

I don't get it either.
I live in asia so the western style toilets have this pressure hose nozzle pistol grip thing that does the same thing, but you don't have to get up, still shitty-assed despite the wiping, shuffle over to the other appliance, probably with your pants trailing around your legs (though i take off all my clothes before I begin the arduous process of expelling waste and its cleanup) and using that.

The japs have it best, really, with those magic toilets that combine toilet, bidet, and it even blow dries your asshole after the shitting and cleanup is complete.
When I'm stuck in the city and need to shit, I head on to the jap department store just to use those shitters.

>> No.13678204

is this a woosh

>> No.13678314
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1536241599042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13678346

its great do it, boys are so much easier to get along with and sex is way better, you can forget disgusting girls even exist, boys dont leak bodily fluid out of a disgusting looking hole and bottoms almost always take far better care of themselves and their lewd bits than girls do if you want to maintain your manliness you can just fuck traps, and then at the end of sex you can crack open beers and talk about rally cars

>> No.13678360

wow women are gross than i thought, fuckit you gross cunts need nappies (diapers in fat language)

>> No.13678376

anon are you poor or a 3rd worlder?

>> No.13678378

if i had enough money id get a japanese super toilet installed in my house in a heart beat

>> No.13678985

Germs can spread anon. Please tell me you at least wash them before handling food.

>> No.13678991


Why even say nappies if you're going to translate it anyway?

And yes, women are disgusting.

>> No.13679051
File: 28 KB, 210x265, Disgusted-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god I fucking hate this thread so much. Seriously HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET SHIT STAINS ON YOUR THONG? Do you like, not wipe at all or something? Imagine seeing a cute lady in an lbd with a pretty smile, and then imagine the foul smell that must linger around her ass and then the disgusting brown spot. And then THE PICTURE. Goddamnit what a disgusting and unflattering picture that I keep seeing when I browse /fa/. Even the word "shit stain" grosses me tf out since they shouldn't even exist. Please let this thread die as soon as possible.

>> No.13679089


>> No.13679091

>3 days and 15 hours ago
why is this literal shitpost still up

>> No.13679400

It's just an Incel and shemale thread.

That's why you see so much hate towards us women...

>> No.13679409

>muh incels
see >>13669678

>> No.13679451

I don't, and imo this is the worst part of being gay: the faggots

>> No.13679522

ITT: virgins

>I don’t have sex with girls because they’re gross! (it’s definitely not because they want nothing to do with me because I’m equally, if not more, disgusting)

>> No.13679540

>equally, if not more, disgusting
The fact that boys don't bleed every month automatically makes them less disgusting.

>> No.13679576

Don’t know bro, incels smell pretty bad

>> No.13679619

Couldn't be any worse than dead fish.

>> No.13679651 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13679695


>> No.13679701
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>> No.13679705

hits too close to home, huh

>> No.13679721


>> No.13679737

So that's a yes then. Try seeing a doctor, maybe that'll help.

>> No.13679808

fuck you

>> No.13679841

t. Faggot that never paid girls to shit on his chest and smear it with their ass cheeks

Im a fucking GOD

>> No.13680177

Just wipe your butt OP wth? My thong has nothing but discharge

>> No.13680608

dude, blood can leak out of the tampon or around the tampon

>> No.13680621

the joke just flew over your head with a sound of a b17 bomber

>> No.13680680

that sounds pretty fire, aint gonna lie

>> No.13680715

I generally don't have shitstains unless I've been doing anal recently or have a stomach virus.

But discharge stains make me angry.
Have an issue with the ph level of my vagina due to hormonal reasons, and it ends up bleaching darker colored underwear in like, a day.

>> No.13681030

Those white, bleached stains on a girls underwear ... yikes. Girls are gross, sometimes.

>> No.13681045

Why don't girls just wear diapers instead of pretending they can afford wearing actual underwear?

>> No.13681052

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13681100

every nigger on the planet.