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/fa/ - Fashion

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13658142 No.13658142 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get edgy, dark, loner's look?

>> No.13658145

Since you browse 4chan, chances are you already have it

>> No.13658178
File: 48 KB, 604x456, cWp5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a virgin who get jealous over brown guys who date white girls and spend your whole day posting half truths on /pol/.

>> No.13658196
File: 227 KB, 906x1200, IMG_4977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13658198

You truely consider CR7 as white, kek.

>> No.13658205

he's European you stupid mutt

>> No.13658225
File: 75 KB, 634x634, Miguel_Madeira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either are truely an autistic /pol/ bot or a naive nordic. CR7 or a portuguese guy could be my brother from appearance.

>> No.13658231


Don’t bother. Own your fair hair. In the end blondes always win.

>> No.13658233

it's a /pol/tard canard to say iberians and italians aren't white though. if you are european you are white by definition

>> No.13658286

How is this a question? Can't you define this look for yourself and pick your wardrobe accordingly of you wish to pursue it? The steps are very obvious:
>lurk /fa/ for relevant inspo
>go to /fa/ archive and try to find inspo
>maybe even go on reddit for inspo if you can find any
>see staple items
>plan purchases accordingly
I don't understand what kind of replies you want? Just people telling you what you should buy? Very lonesome of you...

>> No.13658299

I've never seen I girl I'd fuck with a black guy
They can have our trash no harm in that

>> No.13658770

I wonder if dylan took photos of himself or if someone else photographed him

>> No.13658783

If only there were some well of knowledge available to you through some interconnected web of networks world wide. I don't know what they'd ever call such a thing, but if it existed I'm sure it'd have the answer you seek.

>> No.13658787
File: 302 KB, 1200x1598, IMG_3691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so effay, bros?

>> No.13659627

Dunno why some people can so insecure like that, kek. Better go lifting, fag and stop blaming other people for your misery.

>> No.13660123

You don't want to look like a school shooter dude

>> No.13660145

Be a white guy and look angry. People automatically assume you're plotting a school shooting.

>> No.13660244

didn't see any of that in his post, projection fag

>> No.13660249

>get triggered by random girls and they dating preference
>not insecure

Try harder, pol-cunt.

>> No.13660270

first try not posting this shit

>> No.13660278

you sound like quite the insecure virgin yourself

>> No.13660450

He had a great eye for locations that other pic of him on a bridge is pure kino

>> No.13660520

you can't, you'll just be pretentious.

>> No.13661705

just get a mirror

>> No.13661719

Not realizing there is a certain type of white girl that dates black guys
Not being attracted to said type
>Too tarded to understand logic or just clouded by insecurity

>> No.13662572


>> No.13662748

>turkey is in europe

>> No.13662796


>> No.13662800
File: 82 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,t.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the girls you wanna fuck wanna fuck you

>> No.13662903

Ok, now this is epic