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13657576 No.13657576 [Reply] [Original]

w2c social life?

>> No.13657582

School, work or through a hobby. But don't feel too bad anon, most peoples friends are friends they made as children. So if you didn't make any as a kid off it'll be hard to find some as an adult.

>> No.13657585
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>tfw have been in and out of 3 different major social groups in as many years of uni and none of them stuck
>tfw still talk to my high school friends daily
>tfw moving in with a few of them after we graduate
I can't imagine having to make lifelong friends at even age 16+ everyone's just so set in their ways.

>> No.13657689
File: 20 KB, 474x473, 1530276803737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me
> schizoid
> stop talking to friends out of the blue
> friends make effort to talk to me and always invite me when they get together
> don't talk to them outside of that
> they stopped talking to me completely
I fucked it up

>> No.13657699
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An apology goes a long way in situations like this. If they're really your friends, they'll understand. And if not, fuck em.

>> No.13657796

my only friend is my big brother who i live with. all i need tbf. same sense of humor, likes and dislikes. everyone else is annoying

>> No.13657803

heyy jesus
We miss u

>> No.13657823

thats so cool desu
now i want a big brother like him :(

>> No.13657827
File: 37 KB, 400x386, 142162203799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't had a friend since elementary school
>going into 3rd year uni

>> No.13657939

same anon

>be me
>met with a really cool guy in hs
>became my best friend
>used to talk with him all the time
>he accepted me and helped me in a lot of tough situations and actually made me a better person
>we used to go /out/ with his dad, he was so cool
>2 years ago i went to college
>less and less connection every month
>stopped caring about him
>last year i deleted all of my contacts and social media accounts, did the same shit like other anon
fast forward to 8 august 2018
>one year and no contact with him
>he called me
>didn't responded to him
>destroyed my SIM card that night
>on 21 august somebody knocked my door
>it was him
>hi anon
>whats going on
>he replied "my dad died on 9 august, your number was off so I decided to inform you personally" and hugged me tightly while crying
i've been feeling like shit since then because im the biggest asshole in the whole fucking world, i just wanna die

>> No.13657958

god my big bro was my best friend too and he died 6 years ago :(
i'm crippingly lonely

>> No.13657981

Same anon.... Where you at?

>> No.13657983

im sorry anon. i couldn't even imagine what id do

>> No.13657986

Jesus Christ...
Do some volunteering, work part-time, or join student clubs/societies/organisations. Do it fucking quickly or you'll NEVER have friends.

Job? Living situation? Living in a city/countryside?

>> No.13657993

I made a few friends as a kid but when we grew up they all became white trash I have nothing to talk about.

>> No.13658012

<3 it took me about 3 years to not cry so often
i'm a freelance creative living in the city
i'm not a complete shut in, i just can't connect with anyone

>> No.13658017

My condolences anon

>> No.13658023

this isn't something that's important to me

>> No.13658031

Then fuck off and stop pretending you're lonely. You obviously don't care, and aren't bothered about putting in the effort. Stop LARPing.

Why can't you connect? Find local community groups that share the same interests as you? What about networking events?

>> No.13658035


>> No.13658060

I've been freinds with a schizoid for 10+ years. Lately it has gotten so bad that I fear for my saftey when I'm around him. Sometimes you just have to give up anon.

>> No.13658064

>Do it fucking quickly or you'll NEVER have friends
i've accepted my fate

>> No.13658065

>Then fuck off and stop pretending you're lonely. You obviously don't care, and aren't bothered about putting in the effort. Stop LARPing.

I'm not op you aggressive freak

>> No.13658073

idk, rampant isolation probably
i've tried events

>> No.13658084

Nevermind, I actually meant to tag: >>13657981, not >>13657983. But my point stands to that individual it was initially directed to.

No. Do something.

Events, such as...?

>> No.13658095

ehh art exhibitions, parties

>> No.13658098

What do you mean by 'tried'? Did you actually socialise? What about finding online groups that have in-person meetings?

>> No.13658109

yes dude, like i said i'm not a full blown hermit
idk any of those online groups here

>> No.13658124

If you're in Vancouver I'll be your friend

>> No.13658130

Well, you don't seem that desperate/willing to put in effort, so that may be your problem - that you're just not trying.

>> No.13658138

yee i stopped trying a while ago
have gone to ONE party this whole year which is crazy cus it was a weekly activity back then
thanks for reading though!

>> No.13658150

make me senpai

>> No.13658190

Oh, of course they should seek treatment for the actual disorder. I more meant apologizing for ghosting them.

>> No.13658208

Don't worry anon, if I know any better you would probably hate having a social life if you are in /fa/.
You just forgot all the retarded drama and emotionally draining trust you have to give for nothing in return.

Just go to a bar and hang out with a small group of people, or just find something cool to do and maybe that's more rewarding.

>> No.13658222

Don't have friends desu. Having other people in your life is just one giant headache that is rarely worth it, if ever.

>> No.13658232

come UWO, ill kick it with you

>> No.13658510

He needs a friend more than ever now, be that friend anon

>> No.13658765

>tfw this thread is people having schizoid as cope
feels good having schizoid embraced.

>> No.13658778

this unironically

>> No.13658793

Leave this shithole, go talk to him.

>> No.13658805
File: 54 KB, 793x786, sadpeepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>first year uni
>move cities
>friends from high school all become druglets
>new city filled with 2012 pattern sock and denim sock manlets
>tfw no friends
>tfw giga sperg and can't talk to people

why is uni so rough /fa?

>> No.13658811
File: 288 KB, 660x603, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw denim sock
>meant denim jacket

>> No.13658814

College was the easiest shit.
I hate everyone I work with.

>> No.13658867

You can make lifelojg friends in the militay

>> No.13658870

Does this actually work?

>> No.13658977

>missed out on introduction week
>everyone already met each other there
>ultra autist
>literally nothimg to do when im alone and have class again in 3 hours
>only person i know from high school that does uni so cant hang out with old friends or even take the bus or train home with them

>> No.13658985

Me but I'm 100% healthy
Perhaps a little bit sperge for doing this

>> No.13658991

I thought that uni in america were like american pie

>> No.13659045

Fuckkk. I'm like this. I'm now acknowledging that the reason I have no friends is due to my own lack of effort in maintaining them

>> No.13659181

w2c denim socks

>> No.13659198

If you like a type of music, or some other occupation that not many people like, and you find someone else that like you, does like thag particular thing, that immediately creates a type. of bond.

>> No.13659852

no, if you want real friends raves and parties in general aren't the way to go. those people will only stick around for the fun, drugs, etc.
many are vapid rich kids or extremely shady

>> No.13659869

I don't speak to anyone from my childhood, only made friends that have stuck since college but it's very few

I spend most of my time with my boyfriend but wish I had more close friends that I can hang out with whenever. I have lots of 'friends' but not super close/always busy lol

>> No.13660035

im not in america