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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 99 KB, 853x1280, 66284D65-E59F-433E-9745-F36AC5D37561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13655028 No.13655028 [Reply] [Original]

Wanna wear a biker jacket? You’ll be a laughing stock unless you’re ripped or dangerous looking.
On any girl, it looks stylish.

Wanna wear a trenchcoat?
It’s outdated and borderline tacky. Unless you’re a woman. Than it’s okay.

Floral patterns? Hippie faggot. Except you’re female, then it’s cute.

How about classic hats? Enjoy being called a fedoralord.
Any female in a classic hat looks charming to this day.

Denim jackets? Mostly outdated for males. Stylish to this day on females.

What are you, a female? If yes, feel free to wear it. If not, don’t even think about earrings or necklaces.

It’s summer? You will probably look nasty in shorts. Females will be sexy as hell in them.

Generally, don’t let me get started on legwear. Just don’t. Women have ten times the option for every situation. You can basically wear jeans or cotton pants.

>> No.13655033

>It's summer?

sure is with posts like this

>> No.13655034

This isn’t a /pol/-tier incel thread, btw.

I don’t blame women for being in the situation they are in, it’s simply how it is. Women have it far easier to dress well and look good and/or sexual.

>> No.13655060

Why does fa hate shorts on men? I've never once heard anyone irl bash shorts like on here

>> No.13655061

Depends on your legs. If you’re out of shape, it’s abhorrent

>> No.13655065
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, ur wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop projecting your insecurities onto all guys.have you never seen a guy look stylish in biker jackets, prepcore trench coats, floral shirts, hats, denim jackets, jewellery, shorts, and different styles and fabrics of pants?

if you want to look good, develop your own aesthetic instead of just trying to pile on what looks trendy. also get thin or fit, a flattering and interesting haircut. eat healthy and get a skincare routine. clearly you've spent a lot of time thinking about what you "can't" do, so you have time to improve yourself

>> No.13655076

this guy looks good because he is literally top 0.001% genetic specimen

for the rest of us genemogged faggots it would work

>> No.13655082

Wear what you want and give a reasonable amount of consideration to the things that work for you.


>> No.13655090

Then why aren't you in shape

>> No.13655093
File: 18 KB, 353x334, 7af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any female in a classic hat looks charming to this day.

>> No.13655101


Women do have the better clothes and style options but it's not as easy for them as your think. Just because the options are there doesn't mean that they have the understanding to use them. There are many many women out there that don't know how to dress themselves, or know how to do their makeup and hair, or that don't have the confidence needed to carry themselves properly in order to highlight their favorable features. Place all of that on top of general health and culture. I'd say it takes equal amounts of effort for both men and women to look good in and out of clothes.

>> No.13655107

wrong board >>>/r9k/

>> No.13655111

so are you just going to give up? if nature hasn't blessed you then you need to pick up the slack. your mental and physical health depends on you making an effort.
at the very least develop a pleasant personality. many of my friends have badly dressed, ugly/plain boyfriends, but they like how funny/dependable/hardworking/etc they are

agreed. there is a lot of pressure on all people to look good, but women are especially weighed down by the need for acceptance. some girls never develop their own sense of style and just wear whatever is trendy so they don't stand out

>> No.13655417

the only reason he's any better than any normal guy his age is because he's got a voice that made him famous

>> No.13656461
File: 96 KB, 1000x795, 1ij2d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, retard. Know your measurements? You can buy shit off that rack, included those cargo shorts men get away with wearing. (While the whole world comes out to suck your dick whenever you """"dress up""" in anything with buttons.)
All that at a lower cost with a higher quality with practicality in mind.

>> No.13656486

what is this style called?
fishnet pantyhose under shorts

>> No.13656496


>> No.13656534

The trade off is that a well-dressed man can look good as long as he isn't morbidly obese, while a woman has to be thin or she'll look like shit no matter how she's dressed.

>> No.13656568


Unless you are fat.

>> No.13656691

They seem to face the unique problem of having already worn an outfit or dress and not wanting to wear it again to a different event, where guys can get quite a few miles out of one suit.

>> No.13656694

Kek I can pull off any of those things easily. Have you thought about not being a bitch?

>> No.13656701
File: 130 KB, 640x640, IMG_2607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules are same for both genders: just be attractive and thin, and you can get away with anything.

>> No.13656751

lol thats basically it brainlets over complicating shit again

>> No.13656754

We get it OP, just transition already

>> No.13656775

>unless you’re ripped or dangerous looking
>not being ripped and dangerous looking

>> No.13656777

you just think they look good in stuff cause u thirsty AF

>> No.13657043

The exact opposite is true, women come in far more acceptable shapes

Skinny woman = cute
Skinny man = “go to the gym, nerd!”

Chubby woman = plenty of men into it
Chubby man = “go to the gym, fatass!”

>> No.13657116

Based OP

>> No.13657237

You must dress like an office worker, faggot

>> No.13657268


>> No.13657287

You can only wear clothes that match your face/frame and maybe lifestyle. Young women in general just look better so can wear pretty much whatever they want. If you're not good-looking then you're seriously limited as a guy because then you either have to be part of a scene (i.e. be a biker) or you have to wear plain-looking people's clothes, which of course are also plain-looking.

>> No.13657331

women have it easier in many ways anon, not just fashion

>> No.13658847

>being female
>same for other females
>other females look better because muh genetics
>hiding your body for whole life under oversized clothes

>> No.13659399

Same goes for males that aren’t Chad

>> No.13659410
File: 500 KB, 617x581, ThighsForDays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will probably look nasty in shorts
Sounds like you don't have the legs to rock them. I'm a runner so whenever it's summer I always prefer to wear cargo shorts. Better than normal shorts cause of the pockets, material and designs and it still feels nice to run in them.

>> No.13659460

I love when people reveal their ugliness by saying shit like this.