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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 269 KB, 709x531, CoffeeTableCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13654184 No.13654184 [Reply] [Original]

Not books about fashion, but aesthetic books to fill a home with.

>> No.13654300

Bumping because knowledge is power.

>> No.13654393

Are you looking for actually effay books or are you just after aesthetic covers?

>> No.13654409


Perhaps a bit of both. I wouldn't mind if a guest leafed through some of them and was able to hold a bit of interest. Give me all you got

>> No.13654410

The most aesthetic books are a shelf full of random, high quality work that have obviously been read a few times.

Nothing is less aesthetic than a shelf full of pristine books that have clearly been bought to make a statement

>> No.13654427

100 years of solitude is quite /fa/
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas as well and the cover is UV reactive if you're into that fancy shit
But basically what >>13654410 said, there is no thing less /fa/ than buying books for decoration purposes. Just get some that you actually want to read

>> No.13654430
File: 64 KB, 328x500, 1482061473276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13654431


I completely agree and I have a nice collection of old used books that I've read or have been meaning to read. However, I wanted to add to my collection and was wondering where a good place to start might be.

>> No.13654440
File: 24 KB, 260x384, CatsCradle(1963).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like a certain artist or musician? get a book on them. You like certain architectural styles, or have interesting hobbies? Buy some books on those.

The point is that the books should show off your personality. Try and make a list of people and things you're interested in, and look for some effay books on those subjects. It will fill the room with good books as well as make you want to read them.
Additionally, if one of your guests is interested in it, you know that you have something in common to discuss.
If you have certain authors you like, look on ebay for original copies or vintage covers. For instance, pic related is Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut. If you google the book, you'll see the modern cover, but the original is so much cooler.

Hope this helps get you started.

>> No.13654445

by ebay, i mean any place that sells vintage books. Hell, check out some local vintage book stores if you have any. Most cities have at least one little spot still selling used books.

>> No.13654475

Just go look at what all the folks on /lit/ are reading right now. If you haven't got the time or energy to click over there, it's Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest.

>> No.13654555

>not even into /lit/ but just a pretentious /lit/ faggot

>> No.13654596
File: 180 KB, 1556x832, 4L_S92y3q4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the only answer

anything else is obsolete baggage/furniture

>> No.13654645

Currently getting back into literature atm. This is the only board I use on this japanese basket-weaving site. Can you induct me on to that board. It looks like a bunch of autists posturing by reading age-old Greek books that I have no interest in.

>> No.13654659

Sorry wrong reply

Stop supporting Amazon. Get a Kobo.

>> No.13656324

They're STILL reading Infinite Jest? Jesus Christ it's been a while since I read that book. Forgot about it. Good read though

>> No.13656371
File: 51 KB, 326x499, 61boP72ELYL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best $20 ive ever spent

>> No.13656605


>> No.13656609

oh fuck off

>posts books about fashion

preferably with a pile of books

>> No.13656611


>> No.13656612

really because the book signals undergrad philistine to me

>> No.13656628
File: 146 KB, 650x975, 0L6QzCr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13656748

t. /lit/izen that has no appreciation for Balano and uses canned critiques to look sophisticated

>> No.13656796

its the same banal middlebrow writing as franzen and the only reason he might not get thrown in with similar people is his 'exotic' factor

>> No.13656809

Oh look more canned critiques to look sophisticated
Is Consider the Lobster your favorite DFW work because IJ is too Banal, Middlebrow and stinking of undergrad phillistine to you too Mr Rembrandt?
Have you considered that less than 1% of the population reads a book a year?
Is Los Detectivos Salvages not worthy of praise? Or Amulet? Or Distant Star?
2666 isn't his magnum opus but it's enjoyable literature in the style of a talent
Do you hate Mishima's Sailor because /lit/ retards like it too?

>> No.13656810
File: 73 KB, 900x600, 7aed8e296ec5f7291ae83c6dc6199ab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656820
File: 20 KB, 260x309, 51C7gCvHBhL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a bachelor, this is a must.

>> No.13656822
File: 414 KB, 525x700, 7bb40ebeb7ede765b6167ec6489352f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottega is coffee table book in intrecciato leather, second must.

>> No.13656824
File: 64 KB, 752x900, My-Shining-Armour-Tom-Ford-Book-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic, yet so opulent.

>> No.13656828

i wouldnt read wallace
the point is looking fashionable and displaying bolano is akin to having a film collection filled with paul thomas anderson
at least leave a sebald book laying around if the point is to show you follow contemporary trends and at the same time arent a complete idiot

>> No.13656831

I hope you're a beautiful woman with great taste and a tight ass but I'm envisioning an overweight mexican intellectual snearing down his gafas at me

>> No.13656834

Why are you arguing with a hipster? He's denouncing work with an air of superiority and no real criticism because doing so allows him to feel on the same level or above that of the authors.

Guy will probably never create anything worth glancing at in his life, you should ignore people like that. Not to say criticisms can't be legitimate, but that person's are the condescending with no real substance type that should be ignored. I've never read the book you two are on about, but I've seen other anon's 'type' hundreds of times.

>> No.13657092

Are these any good to read?
Or are they decorations?

>> No.13657098

I doubt they have any words at all

>> No.13657169 [DELETED] 

Coffee table books for people that have 5-figure coffee tables. Don't bother if you're next question is "how much?".

>> No.13657172

Coffee table books for people that have 5-figure coffee tables. Don't bother if your next question is "how much?".

>> No.13657254

how gay are you?

>> No.13657279

>100 years of solitude
nice book, would recommend.

a bit normie, but I enjoyed it:
Camus - the stranger
For a Camus book it's very easy to read, almost like a modern novel. It's about a guy whose mother died and he has to leave the town where he lives at to visit her burial. He lives in the town for a couple of weeks get's in contact with some people, but doesn't seem to be interested in anything really. He just lives, but doesn't really care about anything.
His disinterest leads to a pretty intense climax, that I don't want to spoil. My description is pretty shitty, but if you've haven't read the book, go for it. It's pretty cheap, even with a hard cover, as it's fairly short.

if you're into science fiction or liked the Stalker games:
Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers, enjoyable to read, nice cover. Not really related to stalker though, there are just inspirational ties, as the book is from the 70s, before chernobyl happened.

if you're into edgy and weird shit:
Les Chants de Maldoror - Comte de Lautréamont
very abstract and surreal, it's mostly about an evil being that rambles about animals and nature, despises mankind, and tortures people. It's not really fun to read, but unlike everything else I've read before. Also it's seems to be an big influence on the surrealistic and dadaistic art.

The Most Beautiful Woman in Town - Bukowski
A collection of some of his short stories, I've read a couple of his books when I was younger, but I've always preferred his short stories. This book containes some of my favorites, but you can buy any of his collections, as they are fairly cheap and well worth the price.

>> No.13657298
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x1960, 20180711_123312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy used books you want to read for £2 from ebay then read them retard

>> No.13657343

>Camus - the stranger
also ya gotta read "the fall" by the same author, it's excellent

>> No.13657861

I liked the fall too, but the writing style was kind of annoying for me. The whole monolog thing is a nice concept, but over the length of the book it was kind of tedious for me. But the story itself is great!

Another Camus recommendation is the plague:
it's set in a small french town in the 1940s that is confronted with an pest outbreak. It deals with the individual fates of some people who are trapped inside the town for various reasons and have to deal with the plague and it's consequences.
again my description isn't the best and sometimes it gets kind of boring for a couple of pages, but the first half is very well written and tense, then it slows down a bit. Last quarter is great again.

>> No.13657864

He's right, do you have no taste? Any thinking person judges a person by their bookshelf, have you no third IQ digit? Hahaha

>> No.13657914

i just have art/photo books, fuck /lit/
Taschen gang we out chea!!

>> No.13659246


>> No.13659247


omg this is one of the cringes shelves i've ever seen

how did you compile this? it's clear you can't think for yourself as half of those books are truly garbage

>> No.13659598


Ok are they worth pirating at least?

>> No.13659890
File: 73 KB, 452x720, EVA RIPOFFED IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cover looks rad

>> No.13659939

wtf I hate my bookshelf now

>> No.13660609

I bet you're lots of fun at parties