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/fa/ - Fashion

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13654074 No.13654074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13654121

good thread, retard

>> No.13654127

t. Pollack

>> No.13654131
File: 321 KB, 1403x1001, Turnstile_AngelaOwens-5243-1519405791-1403x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep nike out of hardcore

>> No.13654134


>> No.13654137

>did you guys laugh haha

>> No.13654561

saw many tweets saying they haven't bought nike stuff for years which is exactly what I expect from boomers.

>> No.13654567

if you're a baller and adidas or reebok or under armour aren't paying you to wear their stuff then you have no choice but to go with Nike. Fuck colon crapperneck though

>> No.13654601

It is the right thing to do

>> No.13654614 [DELETED] 

The Colin Capernick is a hero starter kit:
>Have white guilt
>Believe all cops are racist, even black ones
>Never heard stats that blacks are the lowest educated, most violent, poorest, most racist and most likely to end up in jail race in America
>Don't realize majority of violence against blacks is black on black crime

>> No.13654661
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This board needs a cleanup

>> No.13654669

>how do we clean newfags out
just gore spam

>> No.13654691

>the polacks that’ve been on the site for much longer
the people who came to pol after the deletion of new are extremely rare and everyone who came straight to pol are newfags so that’s at least why i call them that (also it riles them up so theres that)

>> No.13654700

Those sneakers and glasses are fire.

>> No.13654767

/lit/ is among my favorite boards but I've been a 4chan user since '06

>> No.13654773

why they're boycotting nike
any td;lr?

>> No.13654805

basically >>13651620
honestly, I don't give a fuck if someone is kneeling, planking, sleeping, etc during national anthem for whatever reason.

>> No.13654815

>Black football player wants more money
>NFL won't give him more money
>threatens to cause a disturbance at a game if he doesn't get more money
>NLF takes him to pound sand
>makes a disturbance at a game
>states he's protesting Trump
>Nike takes multi-millionaire athlete who "bravely" protested Trump
>makes him the face of an ad campaign promoting "woke" culture
>to sell poorly made shoes to blacks
>made by slaves in SEA sweatshops
It's basically champagne socialists and limousine liberals pitching a fit.

>> No.13654816

That's about the most privileged attitude you could ever have towards your freedom and those who have died protecting it.

>> No.13654827

lmao, there are far better things to do than getting butthurt over kneeling.

>> No.13654838

basado y rojopillado

>> No.13654840

>t. someone with no personal connections to military or police
Pretty nice to live in a country where you can take security and safety and freedom from tyranny for granted, isn't it?

>> No.13654866

so whatchu gonna do about those vet/soldier/police who are okay with the kneeling?

>> No.13654886


Stop conflating being patriotic with blind faith in your country's morals and values. It's fine to love your country and it's anthem/flag, it's also fine to point out the many flaws within your country and protest blind patriotism.

You are the scum that stops a nation from progressing for fear of disrespecting tradition.

>> No.13654911

If you were from a military or police family, or if you personally served in either capacity, you would know that those people comprise probably five percent of the profession. They're as entitled to their opinions and political philosophies as anybody, but they're a fractional minority and would probably offer you different reasons for supporting the act of kneeling than those who actually engage in on-field protests. Conservatives are also generally more likely to support people's right to protest and will more readily protect speech that they personally disagree with, so there's that.

>> No.13654927

t. name calling ad hominem thrower

America is not perfect, but you're not going to improve it by supporting inherently divisive acts of protest or by sputtering about muh progress on a Cambodian cosplay discord server.

>> No.13654942

I don't really watch TV and my NB are less autistic.

>> No.13654944

Nike doesn't care about mutt shekels, in fact offending mutts will generate more in the other global markets.

>> No.13654956

And I really doubt they care enough over me not giving a fuck if someone is kneeling or standing during the anthem.

>> No.13655032

its pretty weird to watch 4chan get mythologized and all these maga reddit cum squelches go on about this fantasy of what 4chan used to be like

>> No.13655051

even though you may know some decent individuals in the military, the US military carries out heinous international crimes on a daily basis . the US is a corrupt cesspool and people criticizing it want change.

>> No.13655054

all acts of protest are inherently divisive that's the point lol

>> No.13655458

Inherently divisive acts of protest is redundant. Anything worth protesting is divisive. I've seen like 3 threads on /fa/ with OP complaining about Nike and none supporting it, so if anything it's people getting butthurt about Nike here and not people "sputtering about muh progress".

>> No.13655467

what else did you expect from a board of effeminate teenagers

>> No.13655547

much of the disdain is from how blatantly disingenuous both nike and ck are being
artificially divisive protest

>> No.13655588

>newfag SJWs ruining the sanctity of 4chins
>/pol/ is what 4chan was always like

Whoever made this picture started using 4chan no earlier than like 2012. They keep talking about this mythical "old 4chan" but it never actually existed. You know what 2009 era /b/ looked like? A bunch of edgy nerds sharing jokes and memes, and basically acting like what reddit acts like today. Occasionally there'd be a gore thread, or some "off color humor" but it was all middle school tier "make me a sandwich" bullshit. This idea that modern day /b/ and /pol/ and /r9k/ are somehow the "final holdouts of the old 4chan" is just blatantly false. By about 2012 more of that redpill/incel nonsense started getting more screen time on /r9k/ but that's about it.

The constant racism and alt-right rhetoric that has infected just about every board is a recent thing. It is not "the old 4chan that newfags and SJWs are trying to get rid of"

That picture was made by someone who has never experienced pre-fappening 4chan.

>> No.13655607

Fuck off with your bullshit, When I first came on /b/ in late 2008 the first thing I remember was an in depth guide of fucking dogs. There used to be more than nudes, constant raid threads, doxxing etc.

It used to be a place you were afraid to visit out of fear of being hacked or doxxed

>> No.13655614

Prtoesting is inherently divisive you mentally defective waste of valuable oxygen, that's the fucking point of a protest.

Lemme guess, you're a Marine brat, because you clearly ate too many crayons.

>> No.13655681
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>I own those NB's

>> No.13656287

/lit/ is a good board they are based and redpilled. don't lump them in with the tumblr fags.

>> No.13656303

I hate freedom of speech too, my fellow boomer conservashit.

>> No.13656304 [DELETED] 


>> No.13656315

Sounds about right

>> No.13656353

>alt-right rhetoric
you're either new or being a faggot on purpose, either way it's fucking embarrassing

>> No.13656607

He's right, tho.

We didn't have "Is XYZ cucknumalesoiboibeta" and "IZ DILLON ROOFIE'S FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME ASS EFFAY" threads ad nauseum until around the same time the "alt right" crept out of the crypt.

(This isn't saying /pol/ didn't shitpost, it just wasn't 345234535 threads per day.)

>> No.13656620

>this thread again

>> No.13656677

/pol/ ruined 4chan. it all went downhill when a bunch of people migrated here because of the 'chanology' scientology war. people who didn't have to disposition to find this place themselves were suddenly at our door and it became an edgy ebaums.

>> No.13656729

Adidas is what most people wear these days at least where I am if they wear these kind of shoes. It seems to be a marketing strategy aiming at college students, city dwellers in 20s through 40s. There is a resurgence in puma filia Reebok and obviously Adidas but the other thee have been in the last year. It may work it may not who knows its a gamble they may not be able to walk away from. They are not aiming for blacks actually its more progressive TM whites if you want to put it that way. As far as I can tell all the blacks still wear Nikes as far as I can see. What do you all think.

>> No.13656739

>wearing Adidas or Nikes
since when did everyone turn into slavs? Reebok is the /fa/ choice

>> No.13657188

what about fake puma shoes?

>> No.13657198

Been going on /b/ since 2010. You couldn't be any more wrong guy. This place has always been very anti PC. Even before the PC culture war started.

>> No.13657201
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nice digits, garbage post

>> No.13657215
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you can't

>> No.13657351
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t. newfag

>> No.13658199
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>Nignogs kneel during the anthem

>> No.13658215

I'm not saying /b/ was never "anti-PC", there's always been rampant racism and sexism, but back then it was just people trying to be edgy and funny.

There's a huge difference between some teenage nerd giggling to himself because he said the n-word or "get back to the kitchen" and an actual white nationalist trying to promote legit racism and sexism.

>> No.13658229

I'd also argue that the celeb leaks really opened the flood gates and ruined this place. It was probably the most media attention 4chan had ever gotten nationwide. You are right though, instances like chanology and the fappening pretty much revealed 4chan to people who would have otherwise never found it on their own. That sort of explains the shift from mostly nerdy teens and weeaboos, to actual edgelords.

>> No.13658250

Look at this edgy 12 year old white boi

>> No.13658256

yeah, but it triggers the fuck out of you conservative snowflakes, so I'm enjoying it with this nice dry brut in the back of my limousine.

>> No.13658260


>> No.13658291

>supporting inherently divisive acts of protest
as opposed to acts of protests that somehow aren't divisive and don't actually exist?

>> No.13658405


>> No.13658412

>an actual white nationalist trying to promote legit racism and sexism
stop trying to police speech on an anonymous imageboard, you fucking loser lmao

>> No.13658424

I didn't ask about your favourite drink.

>> No.13659358

so? memes are a reactionary medium from day 1, you can't stir them into any other direction without turning into facebook

>> No.13659416

Too popular in Africa.

>> No.13659436

Meh anyone can see this is just marketing on Nike's part they don't actually give a shit and all it is is them trying to get more black people to buy their shoes.

>> No.13659959

>Triggered because your safe-space has been violated.

>> No.13660015

/lit/ is based, literally the only board that actively rejects jewish techno-materialism.

>> No.13660020
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In conclusion: Death to America!

>> No.13660032


>> No.13660071


>> No.13660104

What does nationalism of any kind have to do with racism or Sexism? If you get your shirt dirty would you call yourself a racist or sexist for wanting to clean it?

>> No.13660227

I've hated Nike for years, people only buy the shit because of some preconceived notion of status. In reality, Nike equipment is weak compared to other sporting equipment. I don't care that its fadish, I want it to perform, most of their customers don't care about performance, they just want the look, the look of hood.

>> No.13661623

No offense but the /r9k/ of ten years ago was fucking great. There were two or three glorious years for /r9k/ before it became the sad place it is today.

>> No.13661640

>I care so much about freedom
>Everyone else must respect this country in exactly the way I want them too and even the most banal nonviolent protest is totally unacceptable
freedom to do fucking what?

>> No.13661655

>Conservatives are also generally more likely to support people's right to protest
Absolutely false.
See how the average conservative leaning member of the public responds if you say something like "when I think of all the people that died defending this country, what Kaepernick is doing starts to look like treason, and I think maybe there should be some consequences"

>> No.13661659

If the 'shirt' is a country, and 'dirty' is multicultural then yes

>> No.13661958

Those are Nike shoes in the picture

>> No.13662084
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>> No.13662405

>It used to be a place you were afraid to visit out of fear of being hacked or doxxed
Plus, W.T. Snacks had excellent pizza, back inna day.

>> No.13662476

people burning their shoes are idiots but people on the left did the same thing when New Balance did something they didn't like a few yrs ago. I can't remember what it was.