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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 446 KB, 720x480, nikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13653794 No.13653794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that I've burnt all of my Nike's (because I refuse to support a brand that promotes anti-American cop haters) what shoe is /fa/?

>> No.13653808

>burning your shoes because a guy protests cop killings
congratulations, you're a retard. please go back to /pol/

>> No.13653815

>burning things you already paid for
Doesn't really get more retarded than this. You gave them your money and are left with nothing. Congrats, you played yourself.

>> No.13653817

I refuse to wear their product and advertise for them with their logo on my shoes. How is this retarded?

>> No.13653906

>How is this retarded?
They got your money. You now have nothing to show for it while they kept your money. This doesn't hurt them. If you wanted to hurt them, then you should have resold your shoes: it could affect the company's ability, if only slightly, to sell another pair. But instead you removed any ability to do so.

>> No.13653933

New Balance are my go to shoes. Highly recommended.

>> No.13653940

>Anti-american cop haters

>> No.13653947

You could have some them dumbass.

>> No.13653973

You're retarded for thinking it is going to do anything but make you look more retarded. What's the end goal here?

>> No.13653976

I'm buying only Adidas now. Child labor made clothes AND supporting an America hating kneeling bloviator is too much at once

>> No.13653986

>What's the end goal here?
To go full retard

>> No.13654033

[spoiler]addais sambas[spoiler]

>> No.13654062


>> No.13654063

fpbp lmao white incel faggots btfo

>> No.13654066

Congrats, you just burned your shoes while giving Nike some free promotion.

Why not just donate your shoes to those homeless veterans you pretend to care about?

>> No.13654114

cringed hard

>> No.13654124

OP pls go

>> No.13654570

>stealing someone's pic from twitter for (you)s
i shiggy diggy

>> No.13654643

>I'm a retard

>> No.13654686

Nike's but fakes from China

>> No.13654689

New Balance

>> No.13654747
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 1533981822932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids are hard at work

>> No.13654752

Always been an Adidas and New Balance dude anyway. Check out some Diadora as well, they have some gorgeous sneakers.

>> No.13654755

>pol isn't a new board full of newfags
even fucking /new/ was better

>> No.13654787

>cop breaks the laws of the US
>courts do nothing because cops are treated as if they were above citizens
>police departments militarizing themselves
>a young US athlete decides to protest against this in a non-violent but very visible way. It's also the only thing he can do besides talk shit in Twitter
There's nothing more patriotic than upholding the values of your Nation even if it means going against the government.
<but muh fleg muh hinm
The flag is just a part of the Nation. The core values are more important than the flag, or would you not shoot an invading army if their soldiers wrapped themselves with the flag? Should the police stand and let criminals flee if they're singing the National Anthem? Of course not, that would be silly.
<but that be disrespect to mah contry
No more disrespectful than cops violating due process and the right to live and pursue happiness because they're a bunch of trigger-happy assholes who cannot handle situations without shooting like a bunch of idiots.
Just for simple decency 'murricans should demand to give cops a better training.

PROTIP: marketing firms pull controversial shit like this all the time because they know the controversy will give them more exposure, especially if they can piss off a bunch of people nobody likes or cares about such as racists. They love what you're doing here.

>> No.13654790

Ok rabbi

>> No.13654800

Look at Shlomo going hard before the day even begins.

>> No.13654859


>> No.13654863

Like this would have any effect on Nike, you already paid for your shoes you dingus. Actually more and more people get their first Nikes, because of the media hype created by dumbfucks like you. Negative press is press too, if it's negative at all.

>> No.13654879

Adidas is german and the founder used to be in the nazi party
but this is probably b8, noone would be stupid enough to burn perfectly good shoes for a petty reason like this

>> No.13654881

See that giant logo on the side of the shoe? So does everyone you encounter while wearing a sneaker. I'm known by friends and family as an Adidas guy specifically because they've noticed over the years that I don't wear Nike (lots of soccer players wear Adidas out of habit). People pay attention to this kind of thing, even those who you wouldn't think are looking.

>> No.13654912

Paratrooper boots

>> No.13654916

>noone would be stupid enough to burn perfectly good shoes for a petty reason like this
you overestimate these people

>> No.13654926

What kind of things? It happened in the US, it has ittle to no effect on other parts of the world and in the US it's controversary too. Nike might have lost some customers, but gain some too, which pretty much balances out each other.

Nike always had the "stigma", that it's worn mostly by black people, so what has changed?

For instance where i live in Eastern EU, there are only a few blacks, most of it are exchange students, so guess who's wearing Nike mostly? White people and they won't give any fucks about these happenings.

I have no issue with Adidas either, i just got a sneaker today, although i have more Nikes, just from AF1s i have 6 pairs. lol

But it's better, if we stay away from politics as far as we can, so we can live a happy life.

>> No.13654960

Yes, it would absolutely be better if corporations would just stick to producing quality products that serve their customers' needs. Unfortunately, American companies have begun to increasingly infuse their marketing with overtly political themes. I won't pay money to a brand which will then turn around and spend that money advocating against my interests.

>> No.13654996
File: 70 KB, 1080x661, Screenshot_20180905-161709_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice bait but I gonna take it: twice as many crackers have been shot than niggers by police in 2k17. You csn say that the ratio of crackers to niggers us 4:1 and that therefore it's twice as likely to be shot as a nigger, but they commit over 50% of all crimes so it's justified.

>> No.13655004

Why wouldn't people just donate their shoes and then boycott the company. I mean, I know why. You need not respond.

>> No.13655006

>Why not just donate your shoes to those homeless veterans you pretend to care about?
Because they don't want homeless veterans to wear Nike products.
But like, this is Nike, they should just sell the shoes and donate the money.

>> No.13655021

I think most people are doing something similar to that. I have a few pair of Nikes that I won't destroy, but will only wear while gardening or as beaters on rainy days moving forward. Fuck cleaning or taking proper care of them ever again.

>> No.13655030

Won't be burning any shoes but will definitely not be buying any Nike products moving forward.

>> No.13655037

>ur a le joo XDDD
That just means the cops are shit at their job.
>extrajudicial shootings are justified
Wew lad. You don't love your country or your freedom then.

>> No.13655077

>the cops are shit at their job
>extrajudicial shootings

Spend an hour or two becoming acquainted with reality, and then come discuss police work and how it should be changed.

>> No.13655081

Kaepernick is an obvious grifter but loving cops is literally not /fa/

>> No.13655135

>marketing firms pull controversial shit like this all the time because they know the controversy will give them more exposure, especially if they can piss off a bunch of people nobody likes or cares about such as racists

>> No.13655194

Τbh wearing shoes like Nike's and Adidas where the whole shoe is covered by logos seems like advertising to me. The Nike's and Adidas where the logos take less space are usually the better ones imo. Also burning shit that you have already bought because the company chose an athlete that you disagree politcaly with is dumb as shit

>> No.13655253
File: 57 KB, 620x430, naked-asics-tiger-gel-lyte-v-hafnia-release-date-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asics are comfortable as fuck

>> No.13655259

I second this. Asics are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.

>> No.13655279
File: 11 KB, 650x425, 1511338355219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because a guy protests cop killings
guy was protesting criminal killings tho

>> No.13655496

Basically this
Why didn't you just return them and get your money back? I'm not even a lefty but this is just dumb it's conservatives acting just as bad as sjws at this point. Could have even sold them online.

>> No.13655498

this dumb shit is a perfect representation of the level of thinking of your average american

>> No.13655513

If a police officer panics because a children has a Wiimote in his hands and shoots him down, he's shit at his job. If a police officer shoots a crazy, unarmed, person because he's afraid they may pull a flamethrower out their ass then he's shit at his job. That's it.
There is a huge amount of cops harming people because they're trigger happy or just can't handle people correctly during arrest. They're shit at their job.

>> No.13655520

It's actually a 5:1 ratio since blacks are 12% of the population and whites are 60%, but I dont expect retards like you to understand math.

Your logic is flawed, but let me interpret this graph for you. Assuming its correct, whites get shot 2x as much as blacks when there are 5x more white people in America than black.

This shows a discrepancy and prejudice of black people being persecuted at a disproportionate rate compared to their population size. The only way for this number to be proportionate to their population size, the US would have to have 30% black people, more than twice their actual population size.

tl;dr: You dont know shit.

>but they commit over 50% of all crimes so it's justified.

Stop watching Alex Jones.

>> No.13655524

>There is a huge amount of cops killing unarmed kids
Only there isn't. Look for evidence supporting a widespread trend of unjustified police shootings. You can't find any statistics or even empirical evidence suggesting any institutional problem. If you wanna find some and provide it here, I'll wait.

>> No.13655525

He wasn't tho. He was protesting the killing of unarmed black people.

>> No.13655530

Does the grass around the shoes support cop haters too?

>> No.13655534


>>There is a huge amount of cops killing unarmed kids

He never said that and you're shifting goal posts here.

>> No.13655536

oh no dude, you started using the enter key, you're gonna get your argument btfo by "reddit spacing" watch out

>> No.13656164


>> No.13656176


>> No.13656208

Anyone gonna burn some white af1's size 10.5 I'll take them!!!

>> No.13656212

lol fuck america

>> No.13656297
File: 25 KB, 467x364, tldm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656307

Not true that anon directly addressed a hyperbolic point of contention used as a supporting premise

>> No.13656322

>burning your shoes
>the shoes are white
>white is one of the three colors of the American flag
You are LITERALLY disrespecting the veterans who fought and died for your freedom!

>> No.13656336


>"Wait there's a guy protesting Cop killings!? Hes pros testing BLACK COP KILLINGS!? W-WUH BOUT WYTE PPL???!!!??"

please by all means
Go get shot by a cop at your earliest inconvenience

>> No.13656356

the official shoe of the alt-right was confirmed the most effay