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13637913 No.13637913 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys know any good vegan leather jackets?

>> No.13637917

>vegan leather

Whats next? Vodka without alcohol?

>> No.13637941


> Vegan leather jacket
> Leather

Just buy a PVC jacket OP. For the sake of spending hundreds more on a 'vegan' alternative that's just as shit as fake PVC.

>> No.13637943

>vegans made their food look exactly like meats
really makes me think

>> No.13637984

>Meat without murder nor ruining the climate
Win/win situation. Why aren't you vegan?

>> No.13637985

at least vegan food is still good while that uniqlo jacket is shit

>> No.13637995

>vegan leather

pick only one

>> No.13638024


>> No.13638075

I'm going eating more meat today to spite all veggies cultist

>> No.13638349


>> No.13639723

>vegan food is good
do you even have taste buds you utter piece of trash?

>> No.13639730

veggie seethings

>> No.13639740

Just thrift real leather.

My gf has a fake leather one just like ur pic. It squeaks every time she moves. It's ridiculous.

>> No.13639743

>Ruining the climate
Jesus what a pussy

>> No.13639746

Fake leather jackets look like shit.
If you're a vegan or have a ethical problem with leather simply buy something else.

>> No.13639840

You can't murder animals and even if you could, killing an animal for food/clothing wouldn't be murder. I might concider going vegan when you faggots stop the propaganda.

>> No.13639858

Pick one, faggot

>> No.13639986
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>> No.13639998
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But surely, op, wearing a fake leather jacket only adds to the demand for real leather jackets...

>> No.13640341

>buying a plastic jacket to pollute the environment instead of buying a second hand leather jacket to lessen waste

>> No.13641048

>anon you look good in that jacket!
>wait, weren't you a veggie? why are you wearing a skin of an animal outwear?!

>> No.13641052

Straight To Hell

>> No.13641059

Why, are you going to eat it?

>> No.13641971

no point getting a vegan one

>> No.13643326

a denim jacket

>> No.13643342

Only if OP is attractive.

>> No.13643368

Just wear a different type of jacket. I may never understand why vegans have this weird fixation with pretending they're using animal products.

>> No.13643377

What if vegan söyböys are really playing 4D chess, putting on these jackets and going around being gross to dissuade others from buying such jackets?

>> No.13643390
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Holy fuck, anon. You might be on to something there. It's like the reverse of what fashion campaigns do to persuade people to buy shit.

Is veganism also by (((them)))?

>> No.13643430

It looks cheap and obviously fake. It's also more destructive for the environment than real leather.

>> No.13643436

No such thing, friendo.

>> No.13643437
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>someone actually thinks this upsets vegans
>actually makes them look idiotic to their own health

its like saying i'm going to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes today to spite non-smokers

>> No.13643442

>Eating meat is equalvant to smoking
LMAO @ veggies

>> No.13643446

>implying its not


>> No.13643451

Regardless, I am going to eat more meat today compared to the post I posted since two days ago. I am putting the tab on veggies since your activistism has made me eat more meats and if I ruined my health it'll be because of your movement.

>> No.13643462

i could care less about animal activism/environment
i'm vegan because it's most optimal for long-term health

i don't care if you eat meat the same way i don't care if a drug user uses drugs
its your body go crazy

>> No.13644004

Consider buying a well made real leather jacket second-hand.

You're not supporting the industry if you buy it second-hand.

>> No.13644005
File: 60 KB, 421x503, 20180901_121440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan leather
ill take some sugar free apples and some desiccated water as well please.

>> No.13644008

If you.still don't get it they want a jacket made of purely plastic to virtue signal their cause.

>> No.13644012
File: 471 KB, 1306x1668, 1535531339771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about buying meat and just wasting it? I have a freezer full of beef that's expired and has to be binned. I'll probably just buy more, eat some, forget about the rest and repeat the cycle again and again. But with gusto this time, just for you.

>> No.13644014

>i'm vegan because it's most optimal for long-term health
senpai, thats wrong or, at the very least, incredibly uncertain. The optimal diet includes some fish and, possibly, meat but, at least, some fat.
Most people eat way too much meat for their long term health, sure. However, NO meat or fish at all isnt good either. We evolved to eat a certain diet and eating that diet is the optimal diet.
Also, vegan food might look like meat but, conceivably, poo might look like chocolate fondue as well. Just because it might look like real food doesnt mean it is. Not to mention, if youre vegan for health reasons then you should have no qualms with leather but im guessing youre not so retarded as to be op.

>> No.13644016

holy shit is this real?

>> No.13644017

Why do non-vegans feel so threatened by vegans?

I'm not even vegan, although I have tried to reduce my consumption of animal products, and it always amuses me how weirdly defensive people get when someone discusses their veganism

>> No.13644018

because theyre annoying.

>> No.13644020

If they can shut the fuck up I can at least pretend they don't exist.

>> No.13644022

I'd of sworn she was one of those women in their early 50s that looks kind of okay for her age but being like that at 20 something is catastrophic.

>> No.13644024

Does the average American eat lots of meat?

>> No.13644025

More than you could possibly imagine. At least in Vegas and Texas.

>> No.13644026

she looks like the lovechild of gollum and tantalus

>> No.13644029

Vegetarian here. Nobody stopped eating meat because it doesn't taste good

>> No.13644031

Why don't veggies make their food look exactly like shit then since they despise meat eaters so much?

>> No.13644124

oh, thats obvious, its because they secretly, they might not even admit it to themselves, want to eat meat and their very biology tells them to do it.
Why else? To trick normal people at buffets?

>> No.13645622

>The optimal diet includes some fish and, possibly, meat but, at least, some fat.
>implying vegans don't get fat in their diet

you can get loads of fats from nuts, seeds, legumes, oils, butters, algae oil
there is such a thing as keto vegan diets

>> No.13645631
File: 273 KB, 793x794, 1525321400158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all vegans eat the exact same diets
nice try buddy

and i don't care, go buy all the meat you want it's your pocketbook

>> No.13645657

>meat eaters exclusively eats meats only, not mixed with vegs and meats
Pot calling kettle black.

>> No.13645906
File: 1.94 MB, 2444x1330, Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 10.36.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>meat eaters exclusively eats meats only, not mixed with vegs and meats
except that's not what i'm saying

& "healthy" meat based diets still lose from average life expectancy vs plant based diets, even if the meat eater is a gymaholic

>> No.13645940

Because I don't want to look like a draugr from Skyrim. Plus meat tastes good.

>> No.13645966

you're trying to put forward that of all the infinity factors that impact life expectancy, eating meat is the one we can pin down and say definitively that this is what this does?
How can you be sure? How can anyone be sure? Is there even enough data to even begin to claim within a reasonable margin for error that that is what that does?
when dealing with the human body, and especially human behaviors relating to health over a lifetime. no one. repeat. NO ONE can say anything is definitive.
so stuff it you vagina.

>> No.13645973

oh yeah im sure those massive monoculture basedbean farms arent ruining the planet in completely different ways.

>> No.13646015
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>go buy all the meat you want

>> No.13646040

Congrats, you'll live to 85 and every moment of your existence will be pain and waiting for the end. Meanwhile, i'll live until 67 and have been physically fit right up until my death bed.

That 'hurr i'll live longer' argument is garbage, and at risk of sounding like /fit/, I actually enjoy having more muscle mass than a 10 year old.

>> No.13646045

also inb4 "b-but plant based proteins".

Getting the protein required to maintain a half decent physique through no animal products costs a ridiculous amount, and is an incredible amount more effort than just eating meat.

I have a friend who is a vegan bodybuilder, he has a very nice physique. He also spends around 400usd a month just on food for himself. Fuck that. Also, another thing to consider is that if you're doing it to 'save the animals', bless your little heart, understand that while yes, I too would like for animals to not be harmed, unless a SIGNIFICANT portion of the country you live in agrees with you, food companies are going to keep churning out the same amount of meat.

The only difference 10% of the population not eating it makes is that more gets thrown out instead of used. You don't save a single animal doing that, you just guarantee that some died for no reason.

Also meat is delicious.

>> No.13646113

>vegan leather
>uses plastic
>a non renewable source
>"b-but muh environment"

>> No.13646150
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>> No.13646283

Are we really doing this? Sure, in theory, you could become squrriel man and eat a billion nuts and munch down kilogrammes of seaweed but this just isnt reality. Not only are the vegan sources of all of this extortionate but to pretend that theres no difference between the fats and oils you'd absorb from eating a trout and what you might get from seaweed is like saying jeans from primark are the same as those from blk dnm.
Not to mention, even assuming it is as good thats not an argument to not eat fis. Considering fish is far cheaper and more delicious than mountains of seaweed I cant see why anyone would subject themselves to the retardation that is veganism for health ""benefits""

>> No.13647020

The sóy gets grown whether we eat it or not because it has applications outside of feeding humans (in fact, it's the one protein-rich plant I avoid). And sóy is not the only source of plant proteins. Beans, pulses, and even grains have significant amounts of protein.

You're not going to throw the jacket away after one use like a food container or cup.

If you look like a 10 year old or can't gain anything without spending a ton, you're probably doing it wrong.

>> No.13647032

reminder that veganism is just a cover for eating disorders, the only nutrients they actually get are from catabolizing their own body because plants are full of antinutrients
the only reason why vegans can see health benefits is because it makes them stop eating processed junk, but that stops when their body runs out of reserves

>> No.13647040

LOL @ thinking vegan "leather" ages like real leather
fake leather jackets last one season before looking even more like dog shit

>> No.13647083

I'm >>13637984 but I'm not OP. OP is a faggot and just like you meaties.

>> No.13647141

The murder part is arguable but producing meat/cattles do destroy our climate.

t. biologist

>> No.13647160

>How can you be sure? How can anyone be sure? Is there even enough data to even begin to claim within a reasonable margin for error that that is what that does?

yes, see

>> No.13647164

yeah referring to the guy saying his freezer is full of meat

i don't care if he wastes meat dumbass, there's no where in the argument that says all he's eating is meat

>> No.13647367

A faux leather jacket always looks edgy