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13628426 No.13628426 [Reply] [Original]

some days my face is puffy and fat and some days it is beautiful anf that is very stressful

>> No.13628434

my gf in freshman year of college told me i smiled ugly.
that shit hit my soul.

>> No.13628442


i am sry

>> No.13628779


>> No.13628898

i didn't even know how to respond and it was in front of a bunch of people. i didn't want to embarrass myself and freak out so i awkwardly chuckled and said sorry.

>> No.13628914
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>i awkwardly chuckled and said sorry.

>> No.13628924

oh dude no :(

>> No.13628977

Drink 2L of water a day and your face won't be puffy anymore. Not drinking enough liquids makes your face puffy and makes you weigh more bc water retention.

>> No.13628986

Holy shit bro.

>> No.13628992

on the bright side, your gf at that time still likes you despite your ugly smile.

>> No.13629065

not OP but I've been doing this for 6 years and my face is still the same.

>> No.13629085

Dont let it bother you
girls are really insecure a lot of the time and depending on their personality type can try to make fun of you and bring you down to either feel better about themselves, or make you feel worse so that you feel "luckier" to be with them

its all mind games

>> No.13629416

try not eating any sugar and sodium heavy food for a few days and drinking more water, i cut down on the sweets and after three days i discovered i have prominent cheekbones lel

>> No.13629826

fuck I would have done the same

>> No.13629963

lmao what a cunt

>> No.13630102

this is me

i just need to rant about this bc i actually get so depressed over my face.

like i wish it was a day by day kind of thing so one day i'll be ugly/pretty but no i get this swelling and then it subsiding almost on a minute basis. people often stare at me bc it's as if i have 2 different faces. i get guys approaching me quickly turning their faces into disgust and walking away. people think i'm angry/a bitch/tired bc of the swelling and it kind of pulls my lips down & droops my eyes

sigh i dont even know how to solve this, like i don't even know the root of my problem???? and it's gotten to a point where it's not even about aesthetics anymore, i just wanna be left alone :( like to have people staring, either because i look good or look really horrendous or look angry. idc i just wanna be a ghost and disappear

>> No.13630107

You tell her "bitch, are you my girlfriend or not? Show some respect"

>> No.13630124
File: 49 KB, 711x620, FCE6BFE7-2B1D-4A64-A4E2-BAD7D46E2926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face is ugly every day

>> No.13631094


>> No.13631345

i would have broke up with her there desu. sorry dude

>> No.13631351

Sorry :( have u tried all the normal fixes for that kinda thing? like ultra hydrating etc?

>> No.13631358

also share the pics of ur face im curious how much of a difference it could be

>> No.13631506

I don't smile.

>> No.13631513

she broke up with me about four months later, and i begged her to take me back because i was so afraid of not finding another girl as hot as her. desu i was a pretty shitty person back then.

>> No.13631514
