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13622325 No.13622325 [Reply] [Original]

has the onions boy trend made beards less fashionable overall

>> No.13622330
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Beards arent fashionable, at least within say the last 50 or so years. They just look out of place and it usually just looks like pic related on most guys these days

>> No.13622470
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Not really, it's still possible to rock a really beautiful beard. The issue comes with the fact that nice beards (like pic related) are pretty rare, because most people (like the soiboys) don't have the texture, thickness, distribution and shape that is required to make a beard look good.

>> No.13622545

This is a really strange phenomena.

Back in 2011-12, beard shit was becoming a thing. I'm a neanderthal so I've always been cursed with instant respawn beard, so I quit shaving one summer. After like a month, anytime I went out, weird ass girls and dudes would CONSTANTLY acknowledge my facial hair, like breaking personal space rules and shit to touch it, etc.

Fast forward to now, and basedboys across the land have adopted this look. I don't care so much about the look, what concerns me is the qualities that accompany almost every basedboy who wear it.

Collecting toys.
Blindly parroting destructive post-feminist ideas and employing identity politics.
Compulsively watching other soys make videos about onions toys and onions lifestyle.

Anyway maybe it's time to retire beards for a few years. We took a 30 year hiatus (80s-2010s), perhaps that's what is needed.

>> No.13622546

This. Quality beards require proper DNA, with adequate testosterone to cultivate a thick beard growth. Onion faggits with scraggly underbrush growth should quit trying and give it up to the blade and embrace the clean shaven look. After all it's in your DNA, and it is your fate.

>> No.13622574

>Being concerned with people's hobbies
>Being concerned with a literal meme demographic devaluing your cool beard club
You sound like a manchild tbqh

>> No.13622586

Yet here you are, blindly parroting identity politics, just /pol/ flavored.

>> No.13622822

Amerimutts = onions boys
got it