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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, state-outline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13620357 No.13620357 [Reply] [Original]

Is there literally anyone ANYONE in this god forsaken state?

Where the fuck are ya post your state or university or something

>> No.13620412

Osu hmu baybeee

>> No.13620418

fuck you i live in dayton. heroin chic baby. ohio is #7 in population

>> No.13620424

Reminder; Americans cannot be fa.

>> No.13620435
File: 29 KB, 395x395, 14E734FC-F8D2-4071-8221-374920CCEA95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay nice

>> No.13620458

UC here who wanna meet

>> No.13620512
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Kaliningrad, Russia

>> No.13620514


>> No.13620525

Is that Alaska?

>> No.13620542

Baguette country

>> No.13620554

posting from finnish countryside

>> No.13620569
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, 3911065B-B0D6-4B44-A7B9-AD407FE8038C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacoma, WA

I like the thrift shops here. Among other things.

>> No.13620580

I have about 20k saved up I'm thinking about moving to NYC with no job prospect yay or nay

>> No.13620581

Los Angeles.

Smacking cholos for sport.

>> No.13620620

Too many Amerimutt here. No wonder this board is shit?

>> No.13620630

Vancouver BC

Anyone wanna be friends

>> No.13620639


>> No.13620647
File: 69 KB, 720x480, jeff-vernaus-winnipeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

livin it up in the wpg my dudes

>> No.13620660

this.they are pathetic

>> No.13620665
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_4014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from Thunder Bay, faggot.

>> No.13620683

>Hello from Thunder Bay, faggot.
nice! honestly i wish i lived somewhere on the water. i know winnipeg has the rivers but.... lakes and oceans have better aesthetics.

>> No.13620694

It's a shame that the waterfront all along the city is either industrial trash or poorly developed. That said, there are some really beautiful spots nearby and within the city, so I won't lament too much. I was impressed by Lakehead when I got to see the campus in full bloom during the spring and summer this year.

You got any recommendations for things to see and do in Winnipeg?

>> No.13620710

the human rights museum here is a big highlight. really anywhere surrounding it, like the forks or osborne. if you're coming more to chill, hanging around osborne village is a must. it's a really skater-friendly city so if you skate there's all sorts of spots to go. any time you're around, check out the good will, it's a bar that frequently does live music. whatever you do though, avoid the winter like the plague.

>> No.13620715
File: 90 KB, 600x400, Forks-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot my picture. this is the skatepark at the forks, that's the human rights museum in the background there.

>> No.13620720

I heard from my family that the museum was pretty sweet. I'm big on local music, so are there any other venues like the Good Will?

>> No.13620726

if you're looking for bars, the handsome daughter has live music from time to time. sometimes there's shows put on at the cube in the exchange district. also, check out the king's head pub. not really a live music venue, but definitely one of the best bars in the city.

>> No.13620727


>> No.13620736

Thanks, man. Check out the Apollo if you ever end up over here. Can be dead on off nights, but it's the best I know of for seeing local bands and small ones touring through.

>> No.13620746

thanks! i'll definitely be checking that out for sure.

>> No.13620755

513 as well, went to school in Dayton. Both cities decidedly not /fa/

>> No.13620759

Currently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for school. It fucking sucks, - 25% /fa/

>> No.13620801

Denmark, very /fa/ people here

>> No.13620804

oof, lived about an hour away from there in mississippi until i moved to canada. that whole region of the south sucks lmao. sorry man.

>> No.13620805

norway, near oslo

>> No.13620820

I live in Cleveland. Very few effay people. Mostly just Asians.

>> No.13620832

Yeah, picked it as a school when I didn't think I cared about such things since I never had any trouble with where I lived. Turns out that was because I'd always lived in a pretty big city and just really like cities. More than half way done now, though :)

>> No.13620837
File: 307 KB, 2000x1200, Flag_of_Detroit%2C_Michigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal Oak, MI. Just outside of Detroit

>> No.13620840

good luck with the rest of your schooling! hopefully once you finish you can get out of that hellhole asap

>> No.13620863

Brașov. Very /fa/ city.

>> No.13620878

DC looking 4 friends !

>> No.13620881

I'm from Coq, whaddup. Getting out of this shithole asap to the island.

>> No.13620883

UofA Edmonton,AB, CA.

>> No.13620891

Just outside of Worcester Mass, hmu senpaitachi

>> No.13621026

just moved to columbus from austin for grad school

>> No.13621070

Kent, Ohio here. Any Ohio related thread makes me happy

>> No.13621074
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>> No.13621080

I was just there for three weeks and have to agree. Copenhagen has some really nice stores.

>> No.13621085

What part? I do occasionally go down to fox woods

>> No.13621098

was just on vacation to kent to see family in july. nice little town

>> No.13621119

I live in CT too

>> No.13621152
File: 140 KB, 724x898, 62530005_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SoCal here. originally from the bay though. living here is making me disillusioned with the /fa/ life. seeing all the superficial and fashion obsessed faggots here in LA is making me realize its all cancer.
no personality, no character, and no happiness.

>> No.13621351

Want to fucking kill myself in midstate Florida. Euro tourist fags, UCF dropouts, dumped midwifes, crackheads, and old fogies everywhere. There's 1.5 seasons - summer and lesser summer. Literally can't wear anything besides shorts and a t-shirt on any given day without looking like a sweaty hog or risking heatstroke. Never learned how to correctly do layering of clothes and match them. Also beach aestheticism is a fucking lie. If you want "beachy vibes" and shit move to California. I want out. And as soon as possible.

>> No.13621456
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, uol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Liverpool, U.K.

>> No.13621523

New York

>> No.13621538

adam odysseus i love you

>> No.13621551

>tfw utah
kill me
i found a fellow utahn on here before
i call you to me

>> No.13621557

fl panhandle. not too effay but its a p good place for punk and skateboarding. might move to new orleans

>> No.13621564

Going back 27th

>> No.13621571


totally go for it.

>> No.13621572


You excited for State Fair tomorrow? Lots of good people watching.

>> No.13621581

Do you have job qualifications? Degree,experience,etc.

>> No.13621601

I live in Croatia.
Life on the Balkans is very much un-/fa/, very little disposable income and even fewer places to spend it.
Not to mention, all decent looking girls go solely after the spray-on jeans bulky gymbro stereotype. This wouldn't be as infuriating if the same stereotypical dudebro weren't present in every fucking group

>> No.13621612

UD baby wassup

>> No.13621737
File: 40 KB, 507x589, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AZ desert boomer here. It's a bitch to buy clothes here. It's basically thrift or shopping online.

>> No.13621741
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Quebec (twice the size of Texas), Canada (bigger than USA)

>> No.13621745

Fuck this state, yes I live on the outskirts of Dayton: I will move to the desert somewhere new mexico - Utah, haven't decided yet.

>> No.13621749
File: 452 KB, 2048x1644, quebec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: in Canada, on average, Quebec
>Has the highest IQ
>Has the tallest men
>Has the biggest dick
>Fittest men
>Is the nation with the highest percentage aryan genes
>Is the most creative
>Is the most talented in all fields
>Has the best soldiers
>Is naturally bilingual, thus superior to monolingual Anglo scum
>Has the best aesthetics on both women and men
>Has a carefree attitude, no stress, longer lives
>Has strong nationalism, compared to the rest of Canada which has zero
>Best hockey players (their national sport)

Some bonuses:
>The strongest man ever came from Quebec
>Quebec has the second highest gdp after Ontario
>Has some of the laws considered the most racists
>Quebec was Canada before any other province, thus making it the country's founding nation
>Quebec has the strongest culture and started every single stereotype about Canadians
>Quebec is Canada's masterrace

>> No.13621750

Hell no, that's fucking Ohio.

>> No.13621755

>Anglo scum
where does all the Anglo hate stem from, enlighten me?

>> No.13621756

Marijan Matićević isn't Canadian

>> No.13621758

Bad shit. Philippines.
At least theres tons of stores where they sell coats for cheap prices.

>> No.13621759

>Marijan Matićević
I don't know what that means? Doe she have a wiki page?

>> No.13621813

stop being pussies and succeed from canada already.
north america needs a new country to balance it out desu. mexico fucked everything up

>> No.13621816

Boston, MA (sort of)
All I see is canada goose in the winter which is half the year around here

>> No.13621819

Vegas reporting in.

Can't layer for shit right now.

>> No.13621864

Whoops, typo. It's Matijević
Yeah, he has a wiki page.

>> No.13621926
File: 351 KB, 1200x801, 9AC56CD2-AE0C-4D14-8CE9-8A6469F33866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naples, Italy

>Pizza, mafia and art

>> No.13621928
File: 63 KB, 956x637, italy-according-to-posh-italians-mappa-dell'italia-vista-dagli-italiani-fighetti-e-snob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the good half of Italy

>> No.13621934

Why is Corsica even on the map ?

>> No.13621939

I guess rightful Italian clay

>> No.13621946


>> No.13621947

Norrebro bois we out here

>> No.13621999

Same. Shitty ass country tho. I hate our culture.

>> No.13622027


>> No.13622046

Idunno man i just hate it

>> No.13622211

I live next door in Pennsylvania

>> No.13622278

That's funny, I'm doing the exact same thing
Where you headed?

>> No.13622283
File: 487 KB, 700x700, sfl46n_-02_detail_florida-flag-4x6ft-nylon-by-valley-forge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13622359

Sydney, Shits garbage too many hypebeasts with no regard for composition

>> No.13622448
File: 13 KB, 320x256, nunst100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WV here. Everybody is old. It sucks.

>> No.13622702

Same, I sell xans and weed to the Stivers kids to fund my fashion

>> No.13622747
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>> No.13622751

>he doesnt how pathetic Anglocuck are
poor child

>> No.13623190


>> No.13623572

U.K boys, anyone out here?

>> No.13623591

Cleveland. Lebron left again, preping for the on coming economic depression

>> No.13623604


>> No.13623707

BayArea, im trans and the place is pretty eh ok about trans people. Fashion here from what ive heard is less extreme normie than SoCal which is good.

>> No.13623744

>Boston, MA (sort of)
Sounds like you go to BC

>> No.13623747

Daytonian master race.

>> No.13623755
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Toronto boiz

>> No.13623757
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Tulancingo, Hidalgo

>> No.13623769

home of the ugliest bums in canada

>> No.13623778

Detroit here

I want to kill myself because I'll never leave this dump

>> No.13623798
File: 68 KB, 1010x897, 1526114033006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you friend, it's like nobody even uses the internet in this state.

>> No.13623807

true but at least there's less faggotry here

>> No.13623808

I'm a first gen immigrant lmao

>> No.13623812

okay, not as bad lmao

>> No.13623820

Also I actually live in Sauga, I just go to school in TO

>> No.13623823

which school? i live in winnipeg, been looking around for schools to transfer to. heard TOR's schools are pretty nice.

>> No.13623899

Really weird seeing so much Dayton in this thread. Kettering here, Dayton has been seeping out and robbing everything on the edge between the two recently. Fucking assholes.

>> No.13623915

¡Hola anoncito! :3

>> No.13623920

I go to OCADu which is known as the super left, "no frosh cause it promotes rape culture", oppression workshop, school. I'm in architecture so I don't really interact with the art side but plenty of arthoe aesthetic

>> No.13623926

hey I live next door to OCAD, I hang out in the park all the time.
am going to UoT in the fall

>> No.13623940

Ayy that's sick good luck at UoT, I hang out at the JCR sometimes cause my friend who goes there works in the the cafe

>> No.13623944

quebec is fucking shit tier lmao

>> No.13623952


>> No.13623977

same bb

>> No.13623995

yo i go to OCAD too, second year advertising, feel free to roast me for my lame ass major

>> No.13624000

at this point ill take sincere faggotry over hyper constructed looks.
goddamn i want to meet authentic people, not carbon copies of the same personality and fashion template over and over again.
asians are the worst about this too. cant stand going to arcadia or temple city.

>> No.13624007
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Going into second year or finished? I was going to apply for advertising but ocad only lets you apply for one program so I went with ED. I'm going into third year but I still don't know anyone that well rip

>> No.13624008
File: 25 KB, 941x549, C836A517-A038-45D7-9A8C-041F0FDAB1A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the middle of a cornfield

>> No.13624130

I'm in Cambridge
You in BC?

>> No.13624283
File: 315 KB, 736x1047, NJ Postcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's even prettier in person

>> No.13624346

>Do you have job qualifications ? Degree,experience,etc.
This. NYC is so expensive that moving here without reasonable odds of finding good paying work is just silly. No point in blowing through your savings

>> No.13624348

ASU retard reporting in

>> No.13624350

>living here is making me disillusioned with the /fa/ life. seeing all the superficial and fashion obsessed faggots here in LA

LA fags are some of the least /fa/ people in the country. move east

>> No.13624373

I went to the architecture open house, highest concentration of peng ting art hoes of any program by far.

>> No.13624395 [DELETED] 

Frenchmen got cucked because they had to sperg out and piss everybody off

>> No.13624543
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Paris here, des français sur ce ptn de board ?

>> No.13624574
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Oui, Paris aussi lol

>> No.13624586


Westlake to be exact.

>> No.13624597

Always thought most of the people here were a little bit effay, but too many rich asians who disrespect fashion

>> No.13624670

You know, despite what everyone says, I actually like it ok here

t. fellow jerseyfag

>> No.13624774

Not the guy you were talking to but, I love it here. It's an alcoholic's heaven, girls are fit, everything is pretty and well designed, it's easy to be healthy, very effay and Copenhagen at least is super nice and liveable.

are some shitty parts though desu (xenophobia, people aren't that open to moving outside their friend group once they hit like 22, sexism and racism that's hidden under a national mantra of "we are progressive", etc.)

>> No.13624873

dayton /fa/ squad

>> No.13624912

Only if you hang around in the city and depends on whats being worn. I’ve seen the odd cool fit now and then, abt 5-6 years ago saw a guy with raf response trails 2, pretty sure was a SuFu dude. Way before the whole hype and ugly sneaker thing was even a thingand everyone did #workwear.

Also saw another dude wear head to toe visvim including that straw hat. Saw someone wear maharishi today so that was surprisigly neat

The rest are about what you’d expect. Gucci, SLP, that 1 McQueen sneaker

>> No.13625057

No one else in NYC?
I forgot that /fa/ is full of flyovers

>> No.13625070

Not who you responded to, but just moved out of Cambridge to Somerville.

>> No.13625080

Same! Where do you live? BS here

>> No.13625082


>> No.13625109


>> No.13625118

Venice but studying in Rome

>> No.13625122

Good memories. Graduated there a few years ago and pissing away my live in Tokyo now. Oh boy is downtown Halloween a shitshow.

>> No.13625138

I visit Venice at least once every year for the Biennale, how's living in Rome? What are you studying?
Really?! Tokyo is on my trips list, what have you graduated in? Because i graduated here a couple of years ago in Scienze motorie (it's a meme, i know) and so maybe we came across each other without knowing

>> No.13625160

>I visit Venice at least once every year for the Biennale
>how's living in Rome
It's fun but it's a messy city. The mayor is a disaster
>What are you studying?
I'm in Economics

>> No.13625168

Good luck with your studies, anon! I heard from friends who went in Rome on holidays this summer that the streets are a massive hole and that public transport is quite messy too

>> No.13625185

>Good luck with your studies, anon!
Thx :)
>I heard from friends who went in Rome on holidays this summer that the streets are a massive hole and that public transport is quite messy too
Yeah it's a mess. The city is beautiful but they are just too retarded to take care of it

>> No.13625199

It's sad, because there are a lot of beautiful places full of art and history who deserve the best

>> No.13625342

Oremfag here.
Everyone is un-/fa/ as fuck. Provo is even worse since every single human there is a clone wearing the same joggers and Hitler youth haircut.
SLC is mostly homeless people and hipsters.

>> No.13625349

I lived there for 2 years. Failipinos wear flip flops and tank tops everywhere they go.
It's the anti-/fa/. It may just be the most least fashionable place on Earth.

>> No.13625381

Same here. Not the best city for fashion I must confess.

>> No.13625465

good half of Italy
Keep telling yourself shitskin shitalian

>> No.13626321

dayton senpai checking in i havent seen anyone that looks /fa/ since i been here

>> No.13626323

Iowa ain't much different. (Fuck the Hawks)

>> No.13626729
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216 baby

>> No.13626732

oh shit, you live on the east side too? Fucking chinks, I swear. You go to school?

>> No.13626800

I Knew that Danes are the most racist people among Scandinavians

>> No.13626801
File: 147 KB, 880x968, 1508804069826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god too many mongrel goblin Amerimutt here and these are the people who is giving advice here.Absolutely disgusting

>> No.13626813
File: 42 KB, 587x800, nj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people imagine it as being a polluted hellscape. they don't know that most of the state is just farmland that looks nothing like the sopranos' intro

the only area i've been to that was really ugly was camden. and i've lived here all my life

>> No.13626957

T’as ig ?

>> No.13626970
File: 38 KB, 527x315, received_878550668923645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northern Ireland

>> No.13627040


>> No.13627046

>tfw at byu but don’t have an HY
>own 3 pairs of joggers
oh well
wanna hang

>> No.13627047

also you
where you at

>> No.13627072

I attend the FU

>> No.13628622

Were from?

I'm from San Francisco

>> No.13628673

what do the lasses look like there? is it true that they have big butts?

>> No.13628682
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guadalajara, Mexico

>Imagine H&M, F21 and ZARA being considered the best fashionable clothing you can get at a decent price
>Imagine Birkenstocks being the norm for girls (they just discovered the brand like a year ago
>imagine still running into people with disgusting top knots like pic related on the streets
>imagine looking at that with a brown spic face

Welcome to Mexico

>> No.13628714

at least it's safe

>> No.13628719

I'm in Tempe too, but I'm also 31. Would meet up if I was still a kid.

>> No.13628736

grew up in Napa Valley, lived in SF and Santa Cruz before moving down here.

>> No.13628749

there are so many nice places on the island

>> No.13628755

hamilton, new zealand. this country is shit

>> No.13628860

vancouver WASHINGTON

>> No.13628944

New Hampshire. All the clothes here are pacsun level shit, and the closest place I've had success finding actually nice clothes is in Boston which is an hour and a half away

>> No.13629077

Santa Cruz was for school right.

>> No.13629092

kind of. dated a girl who went to UCSC and ended up moving in with her. thats what brought me out SF.
had a shitty breakup and i ran away halfway across the state to LA lol

funny enough i might transfer to UCSC after my last year here at pasadena city college lol. would rather transfer to Davis or San Diego though

>> No.13629166

nyc is just too expensive and major cities are good but not worth the cost of living

>> No.13629167

fashion shouldnt be forced it should come naturally

>> No.13629173

Just moved to Sonoma a year ago. Its kinda nice. I prefer the small city or sorta suburban area surrounded by rural smaller town areas.

>> No.13629184

super comfy town. only been there a couple times but i remember it being beautiful and there being a little train amusement park thing? lol
also you are close to the phoenix theater in petaluma if you are into music, which is really nice
ideally yes but nowadays its not very sincere since its linked so closely to attraction-rating and social status. fashion is more about increasing your rating in the social hierarchy than honest expression

>> No.13629204

Well...Im really in Rohnert Park which is just kinda another generic suburb, but the county itself and the smaller towns are beautiful. Good for /out/ stuff as well. But yeah downtown Sonoma, Healdsburg, and Sebastopol make me feel like I'm in some alternate reality California since I lived most of my life in SoCal. But still reminds me of the Central Coast around San Luis Obispo.

Speaking of Socal, the uni brought imports from there so I cant comment on how people my age dress since theyre mostly from LA or San Diego. I would recommend you head to UCSD since its right by the beach and La Jolla is a nice city. If you do, avoid East County SD.

>> No.13629223

sonoma, napa, and marin really are another world. comparable to parts of france and italy desu. its no secret why its so expensive to live in these counties. you attending sonoma state?
i spent my teen years camping with my friends at dillon and stinson beach and missing the area so much.

SD is for sure top choice considering im a STEM major. appreciate the rec anon

>> No.13629238

Yeah Im attending the uni. Its not really unique in terms of academics in general, but the program Im going into is pretty good at making sure you get a job from what Ive heard. Plus I chose the school since I wanted to get out of Socal and wanted a more low key setting to live in so it was either here, Humboldt State, or spend another year to get into Cal Poly.

>> No.13629241
File: 99 KB, 640x456, anarchia-albanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in the balkans, feels bad man everything takes forever to ship here

>> No.13629300

bellingham wa?

>> No.13629474
File: 24 KB, 620x310, kolinda-telefon-e1521244515269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dalmacija represent

>> No.13629589

Hello from Rochester, mi

>> No.13629605
File: 93 KB, 968x480, 1525418164318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow balkanlar

>> No.13630492

hahahaha des français vous êtes tout une gang d'esti de gay

>> No.13630498

Holy shit I'm from Bellingham Washington too!

>> No.13630504

ya quelqu'un sur bxl?

>> No.13630657

From central florida, lived in boulder for a year (not effay at all bunch of hypebeasts from cali), now in gainesville which has a cool art/diy scene enjoying it here

>> No.13630708

>my dad is taller than yours
Are you 10 years old? This sounds like something I'd be proud of as a kid.

>> No.13630741

worst is that fag is almost 40 old from some balkan shithole living in cucknada..how pathetic

>> No.13630780
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, Chicago-Wallpaper-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse

>> No.13630793


>> No.13630810 [DELETED] 

>Master race

But in all honesty considering how fucked France is now with insane immigration Quebec is probably a better place to live if you can bear with the shitty weather.

>> No.13631051


Victoria here, get @ me

>> No.13631292

Fucking this. All you can see in the cbd is money being wasted on gaudy outfits. At least it’s better than the fucking Swinburne campus, so much green hair and fishnet wearing fat chicks.

>> No.13631295

me too

>> No.13631451

whats it like? always seem'd cozy to me minus the extreme cold.

>> No.13631475

My dude.

>> No.13631567

937 bruther

>> No.13631573

Flamand mais oui

>> No.13631576

I live in Aarhus, but I’ve been spending a lot of time in Copenhagen lately with work. I always considered Aarhus a “big city”, but people (besides me) dress so much nicer on the streets in Cph.

>> No.13631602

Mostly was around the japs and saudis smoking weed so I wasn't on campus too much. If you saw me it was either at Satterfield or getting a bagel at Einsteins. Sometimes went to Stone Tavern near the end of my student career.

>> No.13631774

Pathetic mutt

>> No.13631777

new orleans, originally from mississippi. lots of places to shop but it's just too fucking hot to wear anything other than athletic casual most days. wanting to move somewhere further northwest but haven't decided yet

>> No.13631798

Any Dubliners here?
Just moved to the city last week to start uni

>> No.13632331

It's either wogs in gym wear or smol be𝑎n arthoes at RMIT :(

>> No.13633113

PNW represents

Tacoma, WA here.

>> No.13633334

Milford here. where you niggas at

>> No.13633396

Hi, vernal guy here

>> No.13633530

I'm in New London for school

>> No.13633537
File: 208 KB, 1000x937, 1000px-Buffalo_City_Hall_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo, New York
Can't wait for fall to get going

>> No.13633545

wanna link? Im in Lakeland

>> No.13633547


>> No.13633561
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1532477124394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using projected IQ scores to compare demographics
No one who makes IQ-related claims online is intelligent enough to understand simple psychometric principles

>> No.13633594

transfer to auburn and we can be friends anon

>> No.13633687

Montreal is where it's at.

>Best Student City in NA
>Best Party City in NA
>Most fashionable people in NA
>Tech hub

>> No.13633744

At least RMIT students have DonDons and a couple decent bars in the city, fuck all to do in between classes in Hawthorn

>> No.13633898

Baton rouge louisiana, only the blacks are /fa/ here

>> No.13633915

Pretty dope city hall, desusenpai. You guys gave us Rick James, so you're good in my book.

>> No.13633921

Same brudda

>> No.13633936

Spooky art deco buildings are very cool looking in the winter

>> No.13633939

Jamaica Plain, Boston

shits fucked up cold most of the year so people wear canada goose or every coat they own.

>> No.13633983
File: 26 KB, 403x537, 10013835_379464765530020_1335001971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the charity shops in WA (Goodwill doesn't count). England has the best charity shops though.

DE here, but never been to DC or NJ.

Where abouts? Someone posted from Liverpool earlier.

>> No.13634123
File: 1.72 MB, 613x3264, 20180511_000302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central Pennsylvania. Graduated from psu in May

>> No.13634129
File: 144 KB, 1048x1210, Map_of_Chile_in_South_America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chileanons