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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 736x736, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13616470 No.13616470 [Reply] [Original]

I'm here to start up another art hoe thread. Post about the art hoe fashion and lifestyle.

>> No.13616476


>> No.13616481

Art hoes = the worst things on earth

Are they considered an offshoot of hipsters? If so, what a sad and ugly offshoot of the dying hipster movement :(

>> No.13616483

What are the drugs of choice for art hoes? And does the quality of art hoes drop from community college --> university? Thanks in advance.


>> No.13616562

More like /ahhhhh/ general taha

>> No.13616567

Generals like these don’t make sense, How many actual women are even on this board?

>> No.13616569

They are just your typical tumblr chicks who outgrew the scene/blue hair xir style and this is their idea of what being cultured/high fashion is like.

>> No.13616589

lmfao bro this question is so specific and telling of your current situation

art hoes primarily congregate within expensive private liberal arts colleges, i.e. Bard but can also be found at large public state schools with good art programs. typically art hoes come from too wealthy a background to go to community college and are scarce there, if anything quality increases tenfold CC -> university

as for drug of choice, weed gives them anxiety so they take ketamine

>> No.13616606

You should write a book lol

>> No.13616612

Why are they so alluring?

I know they’re shallow

>> No.13616742

They fashion themselves into perfect fetish objects.

>> No.13616803

Art hoes are so attractive to me and idk why anyone else like art hoes?

>> No.13617031

definitely not ketamine. they do cocaine

>> No.13617038
File: 215 KB, 1600x1200, thumb-1920-82608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting. Better find an innocent unicorn.

>> No.13617048

this board is overrun by more and more autistic teenagers each day

>> No.13617089

They’re alluring to guys who are on the margins, i.e, solitary, online, interested in non-mainstream pursuits and ways of life etc. in summary, anti-normie. So, a girl who seems to reflect similar values (see: arthoe aesthetic) and promises to not only understand the pain and difficulty which we face, but also share, adopt our views, the dream girl.
However, it’s false. The “arthoe” is a veneer. These girls do not live or understand what it is to be on the margins. They merely fashion themselves a false persona for purely aesthetic and vanity purposes. It’s truly the mark of a vapid, awful human, who pretends a pain known to only a few.

>> No.13617186

Good, even if painful post

>> No.13617211
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>> No.13617216

this but ironically

>> No.13617323
File: 90 KB, 500x618, sdfvsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why autists don't saw this earlier, they wouldn't throw they money at these art hoes in cam shows/twitch/twitter. Those girls disgusted me since the beginning. Atleast try to dig honest girls.

>> No.13617486

Something inside of me wishes this were not true. While I dislike the overgeneralization of values and personality based upon looks, and I’m sure not all AH’s fall into this M.O. it shakes me to my core the number of times in which I have been burned by the lies of outward appearance. You think that someone might be great to know because of their presentation, but so often that is a complete lie, a shallow veneer. Things were easier in the 2000s, to be honest, since the subculture didn’t manifest itself into the collective unconscious by that point. If you saw a girl with a high end, or deepweb core presentation, they most likely were cultured as well. They had taste in music, movies, mathematics, programming, architecture, books, and this could be gleaned from their demonstration of culture based on outward appearance. Men too, for that matter. This is overgeneralization, as always, it is actually the embodiment of these features, the execution, which reveals truth. We shall know when we see them, the vanguards of our future, men or women, for they shall be unmistakeable in character and presentation as individuals of consideration. We too, shall strive towards this, towards an appreciation of all of life, chiefly that which we do not yet understand, before death.

>> No.13617492

This just a look. Art hoes are horrible human beings that will fuck up their girlfriends relationships with shit arthoe advice.

> T. It happened to me

>> No.13617507
File: 233 KB, 595x747, arthoecomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13617509

>i.e. Bard
Class of 2016 reporting in, can confirm

>> No.13617521

God I hate liberals so much. Why are they so degenerate lads?

>> No.13617527
File: 305 KB, 960x1280, tumblrbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that every art hoe has a Fjällräven bag, Chuck Taylors, and one of those new polaroid cameras

>> No.13617537

I can confirm

>> No.13617640
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>> No.13617652
File: 91 KB, 736x903, d624f7875bb20d70d368d121250c0770--digital-drawings-girl-girl-digital-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute disgusting. Also they all the time create either anime or pic related meme art. It's men again who create old roman, renaissance art.

>> No.13617920

Love to get mad about trendy normie 20 somethings dressing like trendy normie 20 somethings as if you’re any less vapid

>> No.13617922
File: 112 KB, 500x603, tumblr_mmia31LFe71rtdn4xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly - these girls are mainstream af

Art hoes are the worst. The best mainstream "underground" subculture were the pretty hipsters of 2010ish

>> No.13617982

Please kill your self immediately.

>> No.13618076

You are so mothefucking late with your observation senpai.
You are in this hellhole senpai. Pot meet kettle.

>> No.13618080

>t. arthoes

>> No.13618125

she's not an art hoe because she doesn't make bad art or any art at all

>> No.13618176


>> No.13618222

man, you guys are really assmad. why does someone's existence bother you? stop acting like a bunch of snowflakes.

>> No.13618284

You should write more

>> No.13618759


>> No.13618809

Ok I'm a girl who hangs out with some art hoes

Some of them have been outsiders in their lives and others have always sat comfortably within the mainstream. Some like artsy shit but some just listen to Taylor Swift behind closed doors

So basically as usual, your generalisation suck and ya'll need to leave the house more often. Girls aren't all the same as each other and are actually complex beings with different stories and tastes and interests despite how they may dress

>> No.13618875

we dont care

>> No.13618886

Um sweety, you need to learn somthing about men. Let me put it to you this way, when you drag a net, you are not trying to catch that one special crab. Are hoes are indeed have a lot of variety, like most women, you don't see the big picture, babe.

>> No.13618888

t. snowflake

>> No.13618911

why do we keep making these threads then

>> No.13618987

To. Make. Fun. Of. Them...

>> No.13619106

Cuz I think they're cute

>> No.13619120

rip tumblr/02 chicks
art hoes look st00pid as fuck

>> No.13619314
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>> No.13619321
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>> No.13619323
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>> No.13619329
File: 135 KB, 750x763, 62CEE8A4-C7AE-4EDC-AE60-BECC1EBDD13E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d like to call attention to the fact that in many of these collages, books / art are generally used as accessories

>> No.13619333

Bit autistic but quite pleasant to read, anon.

>> No.13619420

>“the women’s vote is the peace vote“
>women voted for Hitler more then men did

>> No.13619428

I hate seeing fat girls dressed up as art hoes, I immediately repress it from memory.

>> No.13619443

because they're like fuck toys

>> No.13619804

Are you talking to yourself?

>> No.13619834

everyone is different you retard
you arent smart for saying that its common sense

>> No.13619959

True, hahaha! They are so vain! Hey can anyone start a /fa/rt thread?

>> No.13619963

>roman renaissance

>> No.13620005

Romans sucked at art, that's why they copied the greeks so much

>> No.13621318

I bet she likes vaporwave

>> No.13621339

they do tons and tons of ket, in the uk at least

>> No.13621433

what's the male equivalent of art hoe?

>> No.13621450

how do these fashion trends end up with basic bitches? not calling all of them just curious how it spreads from hipster to basic bitches. do they just emulate it or look it up?

>> No.13621479

drug of choice is obv xanax

>> No.13621498

What kind of guys do they like?

>> No.13621501


>> No.13621518

Rich alphas.

>> No.13621520


>> No.13621529

MY GIRLFRIEND HAS THIS WHAT THE FUCK?!? Except the shoes are red lmao, she's not an art hoe though, she's pretty basic and dresses preppy.

>> No.13621534

Hunny, the Bois on this board haven't got a chance of having any female company, much less a GF (of any sort). The perma-virgins and vagina haters single out "art hoe's" because they need an identifiable target to vent their anger, angst, jealousy, and general inability to function in normal society upon.
On other boards they fixate on niggers, jews, libruls, gays, or whatever. On this board, it's Art-hoes. Anything they can use to project their own inadequacies, fears, and failure, onto other individuals or groups. The best advice is, Don't feed the trolls. Tease them into frustrated agony over their insecurities, just don't feed them.
>tl; licensed psychotherapist at work.

>> No.13621615

chads wearing all black, docs, striped shirts etc

>> No.13621628

she shops at the mall, dude. train her better

>> No.13621692
File: 779 KB, 2576x1932, IMG_0954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

striped shirts you say?

>> No.13621709

maybe I should get a striped shirt and some docs...

>> No.13621714

Rich black, alpha chads who wears all black, docs, and striped shirts

>> No.13621824

>calling neo-classicism roman renaissance
Oh my

>> No.13621963


I have an art hoe gf


>> No.13621969
File: 421 KB, 1989x1353, 1534978933704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, cunt. You are the reason why we get pic related en mass.

>inb4 art whores

>> No.13621974


>> No.13621976

You are cool now, because of "cringe". Go home, retard.

>> No.13621977


>> No.13622058

>that slight belly protrusion
muh dik

>> No.13622080
File: 91 KB, 640x762, wsEVbT8ZxeZycx5fUKQEb3nfx3o9Mg3t0HG5m3n2KSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these girls are just the rich city version of some trashy countryside hoe with even less personality.
i genuinely dont understand why people are attracted to them on the internet, i think they look absolutely disgusting and unhealthy. girl in this op pic looks like she smells and has a bad breath and i just want to splash water on her stupid face layered in 15 layers of makeup. absolutely disgusting man

>> No.13622087

this is ironic, right?

>> No.13622094

These girls think being a slut and having sex makes them more powerful and independent because of feminism or whatever. Reminds me when women started to smoke to feel like they compete with men but the only reason the stigma around women smoking was destroyed because of tobacco companies and their profit but women bought into it anyway.
So as others mentioned, theyre like fucktoys for men but have no other value, theyre shallow, vapid and have no personality other than some tumblr diagnosed mental illness because of upper class boredom.

As for why nerds on chan are into them, I have no idea. In my experience these girls are only popular on the internet, in real life they look like trash compared to normal girls and being dysfunctional isnt that cool either in real life.

>> No.13622107

Will people assume I’m an art hoe if I use my black kanken?

>> No.13622115


>> No.13622127
File: 315 KB, 2048x1536, a76c31f21938a1d12554d97dba69d2744f00d8b95c5e45a14253eddd8ff2c855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting degenerate go back to listening to your shitty electronic music, you absolute worm

>> No.13622131
File: 410 KB, 480x443, hi friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fucker don't post ever again got it?

>> No.13622136

That's more basic bitch than art hoe.

>> No.13622140

t. clueless cunt

Funny enough your own chances of dying alone are pretty good.

>> No.13622270

Not like that, thinner stripes attract art hoes

>> No.13622277


>> No.13622371

>liking fatties

>> No.13622400

hate society and those who allow it to decay more. we have many on our side who do so too.

>> No.13622408

Dillards & Macys aren't thaat bad.

>> No.13622537

This isnt art hoe, but I know what you mean

>> No.13622544

too right

my best friend was into one we knew from high school recently, bitch told me she had the most neglected upbringing lmao

>> No.13622665

Happily married for over a decade, my dear, cringy anon.

>> No.13622666

More than you think bb.

>> No.13622737

my cousin is a dyke who makes weird art and she dresses like this. she's always been kind of a hipster though. at least she's a pretty good painter and she isn't insufferable, just annoying

>> No.13622739

i think he means actual women, not mentally ill dudes

>> No.13622760

sadly redpilled post

>> No.13622808

Most of them like bald guys. The "brutal looks of a shaven head" compenstates for their (women's) childish looks.

>> No.13622844

Seriously, where do i go to meet girls like this ?

>> No.13622857


>> No.13622858

fucking everywhere

>> No.13622875
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1482608000185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fratfag at midwest university
>tfw only girls I meet are basic sorority bitches
>tfw no qt arthoe gf with septum and nipple piercings

>> No.13622888

they all have nipple piercings m8

>> No.13622918

Keta for sure, but e should also work. Having weed on you is usually good too, but dont really talk about it, since it's no big deal anyway.

And coke usually always makes the panties drop, regardless of art hoe or not.

>> No.13622922

Come to the west coast friend. There’s art hoes as far as the eye can see. If you are a typical frat boy they secretly love the hyper masculine type.

>> No.13622930

I'm applying to California Law Schools specifically for this reason. I'm a half black mutt and I just want a fucking latina with piercings, Jesus Christ there are just bland white girls here.

Yea I know, the problem is there aren't a lot of art hoes at my school. It's suffering. I'm from fucking DC which is loaded with them, but goddamn the midwest sucks for art hoes.

>> No.13622947

London, Tbilissi, Berlin, Leipzig or Weimar if you're a Eurofag. If you're a murican NY or Portland i guess?

>> No.13622965

But venue-wise i'd say at Art Installations (look out for the ones organized by University classes, since they are usually well connected) and at secret raves, house and non-commercial techno parties in general, maybe cloud rap parties and indie concerts as well.

>> No.13622966

Whether you end up in Northern California at say Berkeley or Southern California at perhaps USC I promise you all the Latina big tiddy goth gfs you can handle

>> No.13623025

Theres this art hoe I'm kinda attracted to should I try to make her my gf

>> No.13623045
File: 11 KB, 180x180, Come home feel man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs speak the truth, based anon

>> No.13623086
File: 170 KB, 800x968, large-1480327315-abd9fed8fac5554b7b1bddbf67cebcd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for the right board to post this, and /fa/ is more helpful than a lot of them.

There seems to be regular autists and then "enlightened" autists who are cool, stay fit, have proper hygeine, are somewhat social but decidedly non-normie.

Art hoes are female versions of this, along with female cosplayers that are really sexy. I think male versions of this would be guys into anime or board games that aren't complete losers like Pewdiepie or something

>inb4 bait

I remember pic related Barbara Palvin keeps posting screenshots from Naruto on her instagam and she's like 24.

>> No.13623094


>> No.13623131

die bitch
every girl is exactly the same, it's why you all hate eachother so much

>> No.13623197
File: 91 KB, 683x1023, depositphotos_98652706-stock-photo-fashion-erotic-hipster-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one?

>> No.13623275

bud ur not as smart as u think u are

>> No.13623308

Wow so you mean that autism is some kind of....Spectrum? And some autistic people are too far gone while others are not? Holy hell. How has no one determined this aside from you Dr.Autism? Wow. You opened my eyes!

>> No.13623353

you're missing the point.

4chan culture has identified three types of people, spergs, "normies" and "chads"

what if there was a fourth category

>> No.13623370

There already is. Spend more time on 4chan. Its called Failed Normie. Failed Normies are people who had the potential to be normies but failed because they were also autistic or weird.

>> No.13623427

>Happily married for over a decade
>still posts on an imageboard

>> No.13623440

Usually those people are just pretending to like nerdy things so that they can seem "quirky." Also Naruto's mainstream as fuck.

>> No.13623578

Thanks for reminding me to cancel crunchyroll

>> No.13623673

Me kinda

>> No.13623682

Wassup mami lemme holla

>> No.13623766

Nothing is funnier than 4chan culture to me

>> No.13623954

you're not chad
i hope you're chad

>> No.13624170

i realized this the first time i spent more than 5 minutes around these people; theyre idiots and anyone with an ounce of culture has moved on

>> No.13624307


>> No.13624312
File: 110 KB, 504x744, Urushihara incisor(s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime will never fall. Everything else on that list is made in the US and Europe. Not anime. ...Anime comes from the holy land.

>> No.13624343


>> No.13624366

Seriously tell me the appeal. Every fucking day. Fuck this shit.

>> No.13624407

in the uk everyone does ket

>> No.13624787

see ive known this to be true for a very long time, but its even harder to find a truly genuine girl, even if she doest have fringe interests. At least with art hoes and other hipster archetypes, you're more likely to find a girl who is honestly interested in that bohemian shit- she'll also be a whore though.

>> No.13624789

I agree with >>13617982 and >>13622127, but I'll admit that 16 year old high school me thought hipster chicks were the absolute best.

>> No.13624861

It's been some time I've been wondering but I only manage to attract art hoes. Art hoes are the only girls with who I have sucess and are also the ones that always made the first move on me. All the other girls where I tried to make the first move failed. Maybe I'm just horrible at making the first move and they are pretty forward or I'm they're type without knowing.

>> No.13625446

That's a fake ass kanken if I ever saw one

>> No.13625792

Unironically a very good post. Thank you, anon.

>> No.13625947

see more people dressed like this at god damn WeWork than i ever did at art school

>> No.13626033
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>> No.13626145

you look like all 3 members of nirvana mixed together

>> No.13626185

Just here to say that there are girls that are a genuine version of the fringe lifestyle and artistic interests represented by the allure of art hoes. Me and my girlfriend are both artists and musicians. We've been together for 6 years and backpacked/hitchhiked across the country together. Now we live on the fringes of mainstream society in the rural/forest of the Pacific North West, but we also work hard and make a decent living. To be fair: my girlfriend just does a good job at making her cheap thrift store finds look attractive and stylish. So less purposeful (and I think therefore a more genuine version) of afore posted arthoes. Dont lose hope.

>> No.13626212

>my gf isn't like the other girls

>> No.13626308

The art hoe aesthetic is part of dominate culture. It's shown in pop television. Greenlighted by mass media. Everything can be bought from the mall. It's conformity Larping as rebbelion.

That's it.

>> No.13626312

The cope. You are all the same more or less. If your so different move away from such a mainstream look. The reveltivally small differences mentioned makes me think you are the former. Do whatever you want but don't think that you can write shit and not be called out on it.

>> No.13626453

u gotta guys gotta chill with this whole art hoe label and specifying all their little traits. some can be boring and some will be the coolest girl u ever met.

>> No.13626510
File: 142 KB, 500x511, 358352E5-2F73-47FA-8C4D-A797FFFE8653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed. Ex met these qualities. Been with a few. All of them Hated their daddy too.

Had Matise art tattoo, dandelion finger tattoo, fluent in French, painter, guitarist studied abroad, rich ass family. Broke up 5 months into the relationship with a letter)

my new gf is so much better it’s ridiculous. Boys, don’t get enamored by their tricks. They’re just like the rest.

Very emotional sensitive. Reasonably good sex. But honestly it gets tiring dealing with art hoes.

Pic very related

>> No.13626518


>> No.13626526

Stop describing my past relationships

>> No.13626530

this is hilarious because american cartoons are not anime, and the japanese anime audience gives absolutely 0 shits about catering to western audiences

even japanese video games are the same to some degree, look at dark souls or bayonetta.

crunchyroll is just an outlet to watch anime, and american sjw piggus can complain and cry all they want, but they don't stand a chance against the people actually lining up en masse to buy the blurays and manga and figures locally

so basically, it's safe

>> No.13626564

>art hoes who actually paint half decent paintings

oh man anon

>> No.13627640


>> No.13627661

>All girls are the same, because I'm a lonely faggot.
>Because arthoes popped up all girls who do art from now on are arthoes

Lol we aren't you fucking kids who just started college. Someone without much life experience can't think outside of meme logic I guess.
>Things are one or the other way. All things are this way. We have solidified our belief with an image and a phrase. WE ALL AGREE

>> No.13627717

is that a boi? woof

>> No.13628140

living the dream my man

>> No.13628152

>as free as the ocean
>sporting big ass garbage patches
this really fits.

>> No.13628406

Someone plz respond

>> No.13628443

>Some like artsy shit but some just listen to Taylor Swift behind closed doors
wow that's complex

>> No.13628449


>> No.13628549
File: 485 KB, 1536x1499, 0D1794B5-EB15-44A2-8778-491626271881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13628610

volunteer at the radio station or the student magazine
kinda depends on your school tho

>> No.13628618

they'll date someone like you until they dump you for chad
this is the vicious art hoe cycle
my protip is get them fat so chads won't want them and then they get attached to you

>> No.13628683
File: 330 KB, 1080x853, Screenshot_20180825-190042_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capped thx anon

>> No.13628691

>women voted for Hitler more then men did
wtf I love women now

>> No.13628694


their fat chub rub thighs in those mom jeans make them look like a sack of potatoes

>> No.13628712
File: 71 KB, 640x643, art.jog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art clubs?
semi nature related
go to coffee shops for poetry / acoustic music
places where guys named Daren or girls named Sloan would go

>> No.13628723
File: 479 KB, 1446x1928, DB6DDEBC-A6EA-4CF1-9A94-A5BFA3AB8AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13628789
File: 313 KB, 1080x1080, 28765622_201034540485590_8827581725262479360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real art hoes date boys like pic related

>> No.13630005

online college discussion board-tier post, dude

>> No.13630030

shouldnt the names be switched? sloan sounds more male and daren is a girls name

>> No.13630049

shoo shoo roastie whore

>> No.13630194

subhuman upper eye lid exposure, would probably look good if not for that

>> No.13630201

you scruffy son
like a wet dog without the water

>> No.13630332

art hot tier post

>> No.13630353


I'm currently crushing on this family oriented Christian girl who openly admits to shopping at TJ Maxx. She's so sweet and genuine it's something I haven't seen in years.

My ex was a Tumblr girl who wore all of her interests on her sleeve and used them to recruit people into her social circle. I'd introduce her to some new music, fashion/designer, artist, book, or whatever and she'd instantly start posting about it on Twitter/Tumblr and acting like she was super into it. I felt like she was mining me for me ideas or inspiration to incorporate into her social media identity.

The other anon that was saying that fringe is normie and normie is fringe nowadays hit the nail on the head.

>> No.13630354

Not even gay but I'd totally suck your dick.

>> No.13630423

This is most of /fa/, all of /mu/, and similar boards now. I find myself more and more unable to relate to many 4chan posts the closer I get to 30.

>> No.13630466
File: 133 KB, 2048x1150, IMG_1360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you'll grow old and die and never have loved an arthoe. :'(

>> No.13630473
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>> No.13630476
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>> No.13630711

fine by me

>> No.13630972

have we reached the point where the word "autist" is used so often people can't remember what it means

>> No.13630977

more than there should be. we have an infestation

>> No.13630980

Can you blame them? I'd date that dog too if I could.

>> No.13631113

she'd be really cute if it wasnt for those fucking huge plugs, anything bigger than 4ga looks like shit

>> No.13631181


>> No.13631441

M8 it's not just on the chans though, it's like fucking everywhere
but mostly on 4chan

>> No.13631442

Shit spoilers don't work on /fa/

>> No.13631510

To think Elon threw it all away for...this.

>> No.13631520

tfw dating bpd art hoe

showed her this thread and she agreed with y'all

>> No.13631522

>wear only minimal makeup
>don't have BPD
>don't pretend to have a traumatic past for attention

Yet somehow men still prefer art hoes. Any post in here shitting on them is a total lie. Men eat that shit up. You all want art hoes. none of you want an actual human who doesn't have a contrived and performative personality.

>> No.13631523
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>dated art hoe
>left to go to bard
>became a terrible person fucked liked ten guys and now is in a mentally and emotionally abusive relationship

Funny how it shows people true shit

>> No.13631532

my girlfriend is an actual human, god forbid I fuck w/ someone as traumatized as me instead of salty AF people like you or normie fucks

>> No.13631556

at this point what i remember as stacycore or whatever the fuck the popular grils wore when i was at school would be refreshing as fuck compared to all this
>specul snofrake tortured anime eyes artist

>> No.13631591

>actual human beings can't be mentally ill or have fucked up lives

>> No.13631596

the people who use this board for genuine fashion advice are the offshoot of hipsers

>> No.13631641
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>They merely fashion themselves a false persona for purely aesthetic and vanity purposes
Just like /fa/ but girls so they actually get the attention they want.

Pic related is a good look to pull art hoes btw

>> No.13631664
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I was with an art hoe for a while that is a camwhore that faps for cash. She made enough cash to have her own place but was a trainwreck and had an addictive personality. Her addiction was people according to her, since she would become insanely clingy. Luckily she lived on the other side of the city so once I wanted out, I just changed phone number and never visited the other side of town.

Great sex though but I hated her cat and I don't like wine at all.

>> No.13631947
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tfw no art hoe gf

>> No.13631950
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>Drop ur pants, NOW anon!!

>> No.13631953
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>> No.13631960
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>> No.13631961
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>> No.13631963
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>> No.13631972

ketamine, mdma and benzos

>> No.13632137

>t. femcel

>> No.13632153

except that the industry is dying because the nipponcunts don't accept innovation and change, their marketing tactics are the same as they were in the 80s except the figures cost more (and look better) and instead of tapes there's blurays

>> No.13632183

ID on shoes?

>> No.13632383



>> No.13632408

every girl looks like this!!

>> No.13632755

I wish I was an art hoe desu

>> No.13632830

You have shit af personality sister. Shut tf up and work on it. Or cake yourself in nake up to hide your ugliness.

>> No.13632874
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>> No.13633332

dang just talk to any dude, I swear to god

>> No.13633353

you would reject me

>> No.13633391
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imagine thinking that you're different than other girls for dressing like this

>> No.13633395


>> No.13633407

ew shes kinda fat too

>> No.13633413

>Weinstein's little nightmare

>> No.13633423

I've known a few art hoes, they weren't bad. Compassionate, helpful, laid back, down to earth.

>> No.13633435
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>being so repulsive that men would rather fuck art hoes than you

>> No.13633732


>trigger lock still on

>> No.13634264

She looks like Jesse's gf in Breaking Bad

>> No.13634266

sure they were

>> No.13634510


>hur dur why am I getting attention, I never posted these pics for attention

>> No.13634560
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>> No.13634564
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>> No.13634568
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>> No.13634574
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>> No.13634578
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>> No.13634581
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>> No.13634584
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>> No.13634588
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>> No.13634591
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>> No.13634593
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>> No.13634594
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>> No.13634596
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>> No.13634599
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Art hoes like guys that wear a nose ring, right /fa/?

>> No.13634601
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>> No.13634615

I go to usc actually. Its like 95% basic blonde sorority thots and like very small clusters of art hoes divided by grade. Theres tiers too. Theres like the cool/popular ones who always go to concerts and make secks all the time. and then the nerdier tier of semi social rejects/super feminists. They all seem to orbit around gay men too for some reason. Wish i went to Bard desu USC has a shit art hoe selection

>> No.13634627

I sure hope so.

>> No.13634631
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I'm gonna get a fake one anyway, just to see how it looks.

>> No.13634707

Why is female writing style so easily recognizable lads?

>> No.13634709

based women

>> No.13634773

not getting straight to the point and elaborating to harden thier argurment maybe?

>> No.13634942
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Post more oriental goddesses and not these trashy caucasoids and spics

>> No.13634949

>are actually complex beings with different stories and tastes and interests despite how they may dress
wow, its like i give a fuck about that

>> No.13635054

look at that 5head

>> No.13635279

A lot of these girls actually dress real cute.

I'm not interested in vapid shit but the fashion is good shit.

>> No.13635286

She literally did not even make an argument, it was just a bunch of rambling with what amounts to a non sequitur at the end.

>> No.13635458

how do i do a beehive style similar to her? my hair is brunette so it probably won’t look as ridiculous

>> No.13635564


>> No.13635577

Where do I find women with real personality traits? Im not asking for much, just one somewhat unique defining characteristic , like you might see on a one dimesional character.

>> No.13635581

kill yourself

>> No.13635596

small towns

>> No.13635704

I grew up in a small town, this is not the case.

>> No.13635738
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I miss my dead EX.

>> No.13636033

Seeing a girl called Sloan atm and she's far from an arthoe
That starter kit is spot on though they truly do always wear that bra shits a little off putting

>> No.13636056

Could it be because they start with "ok I'm a girl" ?

>> No.13636076

are you getting a fake septum piercing?

>> No.13636086

are they ashamed to listen to certain types of music? like if their friends know they like swift theyre embarrassed? isnt that the opposite of being "cultured"? arent you supposed to enjoy art from all sorts of angles that connect with you instead of pretending to like/dislike a certain artist to fit in?

>> No.13636089

then your stuck with a shallow vapid ho where you could have broken free and tried to find someone better

>> No.13636091

oops, meant to say *fat shallow and vapid ho

>> No.13636281

ew you're kinda gay too

>> No.13636285

t. american

>> No.13636286

>i have low standards therefor if someone wouldnt fuck the greasy ho that i would they are automatically gay

>> No.13636322

Nah I'll buy a fake nostril ring on the side, like the pic you replied to. Just to see what it looks like, I don't want it being bulky but flush with the skin.

>> No.13636326


>> No.13636452

Are there any porn stars that fit the art hoe aesthetic? I feel like there should be a ton shooting for kink.com or something similar

>> No.13636465

>Are there any porn stars that fit the art hoe aesthetic
Sasha Grey

>> No.13636480

Eh I'd say she's a proto art hoe. Besides I've seen everything she's done. Any one else?

>> No.13636520

do you go to bard?? i go there rn

>> No.13636525


>> No.13636546

I honestly thought the 'art hoe' style (is it even a subculture? It's just posing and dropping references now and again..) died in 2016 at the very latest.. then the y2k bullshit took over again.

>> No.13636569
File: 168 KB, 1080x1350, 39539726_319674895456626_4963358498969616384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlotte Satre
Chloe Carter
Lola Fae
Proxy Paige (somewhat)
Arabelle Raphael

Pic related is Chloe Carter.

Do these girls actually exist? I live in the bay area (San Francisco), and I feel like I should be in art hoe mecca, but I've never even seen one, much less met one. San Francisco women just seem like lazy, fatter Manhattenites. What contrived interest do I have to start getting into to meet women like this?

>> No.13636576
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, 1534332451384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuine fashion advice
>from people that watch anime

>> No.13636584

oh they exist all right.
London is full of them.. often you find that they're in cities that aren't actually 'hotspots' but are always aspiring to live there or go to one of the big art schools.

>> No.13636589

This is perfect. I groaned when I saw it full size!

>> No.13636594

yeah, I was friends with two and both fucked me over. Although not with advice!

Both waited until I was in hospital as well. Hah. Didn't even have the guts to screw with me upfront.

>> No.13636597

This made me ashamed to be female.

None of this is a personal slight, it's a fucking discussion. Calm down.. and for what it's worth, most of the info in this thread is incredibly accurate.

>> No.13636601

The guys who want to be Morrissey.
Oh, or the ones that want to be grunge. Usually photographers or film students. Often in bands.

>> No.13636616

>said the person posting on an anime site

>> No.13636808

Please do not post her on this board or site

>> No.13636876


Nice role playing post there chief

>> No.13637351

God damnit
I'm an art bro

>> No.13637399

They’re desperate for a sense of identity

>> No.13637426

wish we could just blast all womanoids into outer space

>> No.13637508

Yeah, fuck women

>> No.13638458

is that punpun

>> No.13638463


no incel pls

>> No.13638468

i would like to

>> No.13638586

WHo is this

>> No.13638628


>> No.13638822

how can you live in san francisco without bumping into them? just go to concerts, art events, bars, warehouse parties etc.

like how much of a shut-in do you have to be to not meet cool women in the bay area

>> No.13639167

I thought Aiko was the one with the knife lol

>> No.13639417
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Its been long time lets see some new faces.

>> No.13639419

This is a bad sign I've never seen this mistake done before. I'm quite embarrassed. I am not making this thread anymore.

>> No.13639425

> not meet cool women
Anon pls, I'm talking about art hoes. SF has an abundant amount of instathots

>> No.13639432

it happens to the best of us

>> No.13639461

i HATE arthoes in my safespaces

>> No.13639993

Go join her