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File: 542 KB, 1664x1836, DespairOfTheBoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13609995 No.13609995 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here got experience with finasteride? Any uk anons know where to get it?
Tried minoxidil for about 9 months (been off now for about 6 months). Got a number cut every 3 months to check but never saw any sign of hair coming back.
I was just looking at some old photos earlier, I think minoxidil may have actually had a negative affect on my hair.

>> No.13610042
File: 36 KB, 821x582, JD_SNLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking shave it and embrace it

>> No.13610048

Curse your mother for passing that shit on to you. Go bald and embrace it and grow a beard to compensate.

>> No.13610065

Time to hit the gym and shave that shit once your shoulders are bigger.

>> No.13610082

The stuff gets mentioned on here all the time, have seriously none of you tried it?

Ok deal, if finasteride turns out bad I can stop worrying and shave my head knowing I tried all my options.

>> No.13610112

you tried minoxidil for only 3 months?

you need to use it for longer to see improvement, and it can get even worse in the first few months

>> No.13610115

I gave it 9 months. As far as I'm aware that should have been long enough to see an improvement.

>> No.13610119

Get on both the fin, and restart the minox applying it 2x a day. Don't skimp on this if you want to keep your hair.

>> No.13610222

>if finasteride turns out bad
If that happens then enjoy all the dick problems.

>> No.13610232

Yeah I might do that. Is that personal experience talking?
Did you have any health/emotional problems to do with finnesteride.
Would you go propecia/rogaine or are the generics good enough. Originally went for Kirkland minoxidil but after 9 months I couldn't put up with the constant itchy feeling it gave me.

>> No.13610252

Re-quoting Anon from the last time I was in a hair loss thread:
>>Shit that's recommended for hair loss, natty edition
>Pumpkin seed oil (oral + external)
>Castor oil (external)
>Peppermint oil (external)
>Derma rolling
>Laser comb
>Scalp massages
>Saw palmetto
>Adenosine, coffee + Ketoconazol-shampoo

>> No.13610280

Thanks for the list but everything under the sun has been recommended for hair loss at some point, I'm trying peppermint at the moment because I was at least able to find animal tests that showed positive results in the area but in practice its not looking great. I'm also aware hairloss is one of those common concerns that can be preyed on to make a lot of money from the desperate or gullible. If you've tried anything on the list let me know but otherwise I'll take it with a grain of salt. Fin definitely wasn't my first choice.

>> No.13610303

stop fapping

>> No.13610304


>> No.13610317
File: 249 KB, 1200x800, Francisco_Lachowski_bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well jump off a cliff
OP should save money to get a hair trasplant, while doing >>13610119 to stop the balding

>> No.13610331


>> No.13610342

Are you sure that isn't a coconut?

>> No.13610412

I hate this fucking "example". Of course he looks bad balding with remains of his hair, that's why everyone is saying "shave it off".

>> No.13610700

Get swole. Start now

>> No.13610731
File: 20 KB, 246x200, 1534445170326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking 'medicine' that gives you permentant erectile dysfunction, makes you infertile, makes you depressed and gives you titties

but shaving it is the bad idea, right? 50% of men go bald by 40, more than that go bald when they get even older. Just put up with it dude, don't destroy your actual masculinity to appease your vanity. We're all gonna get ugly anyway

>> No.13610736

I'm tryin' but pretty sure thats unrelated to the hair problems.

>> No.13610844

This. Nothing looks more pathetic than a guy desperately trying to hold onto his hair. The shit completely wrecks your self-esteem, too. That's my biggest reason for advocating shaving; I remember what it was like before I did it, and it was awful. I just threw money at remedies, and none of them actually did anything to make me feel better, there was still a constant anxiety about how I looked, and whether not not the balding was getting worse. Shaving made all of the anxiety go away, and it's probably one of the best choices I've ever made. A guy that's comfortable with being bald is always going to lead a better life (and look more attractive through displaying confidence) than a person who's constantly worrying about how bald he looks.

Transplants are a pretty awful solution, too. Shit's expensive, takes forever to do (which you're awake for), has an awful recovery period, and doesn't actually do anything to stop hair loss. You'll still loose hair, just not where the transplant it, so you'll either need to keep getting transplants, or end up with a weird, unnatural hairline and a lot of scars.

>> No.13610891


>> No.13610905

I would shave but have an unsightly dot on my head

>> No.13610931

Q. Why is Jason Stratham the 'action movie' guy and has been for the better part for over a decade even though he is bald?
A.Chicks dig bald guys, just shave it bro, get some clippers and rock a 0 at all times.

>> No.13610976

>be 25
>noticeably balding
>go to derm and tell him i want fin
>says no because im too young
fucking hell, by the time Im old enough it will be too late.
how can i get fin without going to some shitty Indian website for a most likely sugar pill

>> No.13610990

Don't shave it or anything bro. Just take the fucking pills for the next few years.

>> No.13610994

There's still minoxidil available. Try that out until you're old enough for finasteride.

>> No.13611251

Where did you get your shirt?

>> No.13611255

yeah ive been using Minoxidil since high school. best case is that it slowed down the thinning

>> No.13611449

i ruined my sexuality forever with that fucking poison. dont do it.

>> No.13611492

That ones from next.

>> No.13611513

This guys gets it.
The ultimate cringe pill is trying to preserve that's already dead.
The sooner you accept you're
the easier life is to get on with.
If you're some sort of larping faggot that wants to pretend you have hair because you're on some money grabbing meds go right ahead, you deserve all the pain and misery you deserve.

>> No.13611530
File: 43 KB, 602x441, main-qimg-74da78eb4402c12242b91f3781c6a423-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon's transplant looks pretty good imo.
i agree that shaving is best when it gets bad but i think its silly not to get a transplant if you can afford it.

at the end of the day transplant hair looks a heck of a lot better on some people than a dome head.

>> No.13611683

>get hair trasplant
>too dumb to take propecia after that
Then you deserve the hair loss

>> No.13611882

Elon Musk is also rich as fuck and can afford all kinds of experimental treatments and upkeep that no one here can ever dream of. The same goes for most actors that suddenly went from being bald to have great hair, like Matthew McConnaghey. That kind of thing is always going to be out of reach for most people, so it's not even worth comparing his results to what a normal person is going to get.

Most average people who get a transplant end up paying a bunch of money for a horrific procedure that, at best, is going to have mixed and probably temporary results (of they make it through the incredibly demanding recovery procedure and it takes). That's just the way it is. And like I said, it's really important to think about your mental wellbeing during this whole process. Balding is fucking rough on you emotionally, and that never really goes away while it's still a threat. Shit, that's why you see threads like this posted all the time on multiple boards. I guarantee that no matter how good Musk's hair looks now, there's still some fear in the back of his mind about balding, and he still probably gives himself panicked checks in the mirror to make sure whatever he's paying for is still working.

And at the end of the day, dealing with that stress and anxiety over a trivial thing isn't worth it. That's the one thing everyone who shaves their head agrees on - how absolutely freeing it feels. All of that confidence-destroying worry just becomes a non-issue, and that's absolutely worth it.

>> No.13611900

Mate you're already fucking bald, just accept it and shave that shit off. You'll probably never look as good as you used to, but you probably didn't really take care of your body the way you're meant to, so there's your wake-up call.

There's nothing more disgusting than a guy whose hair is thinning like that but won't just shave it all off. It's nasty, like you have a disease or something.

>> No.13611902


>> No.13611914

just shave it off dude, itll be better that way. look up vjborrelli on instagram if you want inspiration to shave your sad, balding dome

>> No.13611923

You can purchase it online in the UK from a UK pharmacy website. Get generic finasteride, it's not that expensive.

If you understand how hair loss occurs, you'll understand how it works and how it is the best thing for you. You'll also understand all the other advice such as take this vitamin etc. are bullshit and useless posted by people who don't understand how hair loss occurs.

Generic minoxidil is 100% the same as branded. If you are on fin, I would probably just stick to that though as you have diffuse thinning and you'd need to apply minoxidil on a large part of your head.

Fin has very little reported side effects, never had any issues with it. Just remember the bad stories you might read online is because when something goes bad people post and rant about it, people who have success don't tend to go online and post so much about it, they just get on with life.

As a temporary solution, your hair would look fine if you sued something such as Toppik Hair Building Fibers. Yes that scares most people off using those things but it really does look natural and real, especially on diffuse thinners.

Fin should cost you about £75 for 6 months. So £150 for a full year isn't bad at all.

>> No.13611945


I thought your hand was the neck

>> No.13612073

Gentle reminder that "dude get buff and shave it XD" is the opposite of embracing it, and the people that give this advice are teenagers

Use medication if you want, but it's really nothing to worry about. Balding doesn't require an extreme overreaction.

>> No.13612297

Go to the gym
Don't shave it though, just keep it short and style it in ways that don't draw attention to it

>> No.13612315

>You'll also understand all the other advice such as take this vitamin etc. are bullshit and useless posted by people who don't understand how hair loss occurs.
Getting vitamins like Iron and B12 is super important for your hair though. Hair thinning can absolutely be caused by poor nutrition regardless of if you have MPB.

>> No.13612341

If you are swole the bald head looks good. Joe Rogan case and point. He is by no means fashionable, but he has a respectable appearance.

>> No.13612583

You know everyone's right, get muscles, grow a beard of some kind, shave you're head. Look like an infantry veteran instead of a 27-year old uncle. With that hair colour you can't hope for much.

>> No.13612628


>> No.13612682

No one will give a slightest fuck about your hairline if you are ripped.
Just own it and dont be a pussy.

>> No.13612766

idk man its seem like your intense reaction is cope.
if it really was a bad idea then i bet those celebrities wouldnt have done it. if you are poor i agree with you but if you have the income to get the procedure and keep up with it then i see no reason not to do it.
im sure it is only getting more effective too. i read an article that the Japanese have some killer treatment in the works

>> No.13612820

Just took the buzzpill. Not as bad as anticipated

>> No.13613085

>You can purchase it online in the UK from a UK pharmacy website
fin is over the counter in the UK? as in no prescription needed?

>> No.13613094

i never understood this meme. how is someone who literally shaves his entire head so he doesnt have to show his thinning less insecure than someone who tries to keep it? for me it seems like he is the most insecure about balding and just quit the whole thing

>> No.13613162

>how is someone who literally shaves his entire head so he doesnt have to show his thinning less insecure than someone who tries to keep it?
For me (and it seems like most others), it doesn't really have anything to do with security, or insecurity, the way you're probably thinking about it. No one does it to cover up balding, because that's just retarded. It's a matter of realizing that worrying about balding makes you feel like shit, then deciding to get rid of your hair so you don't have to worry about it anymore. Eventually, it ends up giving you more confidence because you're not constantly worrying about your appearance in the same way you do when you're in OP's position and you're constantly thinking about how to make your hair look not shit.

Whether something is an expression of insecurity is entirely a matter of perspective, though (clearly, the way you're trying to phrase it). To me making a decision that "fuck it, I'm bald, I might as well not hide it" is definitely less insecure than taking pills and/or having plastic surgery to cover up something inevitable because it hurts your confidence. That's the most obvious example of insecurity I think of.

>> No.13613833

i had a buzzcut not so long ago and i felt like shit. i had long hair my entire life. i like touching my hair, feeling the wind, seeing it in my shadow
also i look like shit with a buzz, i have more of a pretty boy face, i still get carded at 23. buzz cut looks good on people with wide skull and very defined features
i understand this whole "if i quit you cant fire me" approach but it just doesnt work for everyone and im so fucking tired of being called insecure all the time the topic comes up on the internet. like some people just look awful bald, it doesnt fit their persona, doesnt fit their style, doesnt fit their overall appearance or personality. if there is something i can do to keep my hair i will do it

>> No.13613981

>not taking the buzzpill

>> No.13614749

>Most average people who get a transplant end up paying a bunch of money for a horrific procedure that, at best, is going to have mixed and probably temporary results
All transplants provide temporary results, since they do not stop your natural hair from withering away, and there´s only so much hair available for transplant on the backside of your head.

High doses of propecia is what preserves the thick mane of movie stars.

>> No.13614972
File: 32 KB, 767x431, zid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is speaking the truth

>> No.13614989

I just skimmed the thread but I wanna help a poor soul, so here's my experience.

>on min/fin since 20
>no side effects at all. never had any
>hair status is okay. only minimal recession in the corners, crown is full and thick

Most valuable things I learned over the years:

Fin side effects are often reported by people who would have had those problems sooner or later anyway, and just blame it on the fin. In fact the worst ingredient of fin is the coloring agents they put in it, especially the blue coloring. Those are known carcinogens and they serve no purpose at all except, well... coloring the tablets. If you take Proscar, take a knife and scrape off the blue coating before cutting the tablets.

One of the major problems in hair loss that is 99% ignored by men is their oily, flaky scalp. You need to understand that your hair is just the product. It's your SCALP you need to take care of. You need to keep the scalp clean, regulate oil and prohibit excessive growth of thick skin. A lot of times the parts where hair grows the skin appears thin, pale and rigid in texture, whereas the balding parts are thickened, appear swollen/spongy with a leathery texture and produce excess oil. Keys are massaging, killing bacteria and funghi in the skin and keeping it clean so it can breathe.

Applying minox by simply dropping on skin is a waste. 90% of it evaporates or seeps in the upper layer of the skin and causes oily dandruf. It literally dissolves your scalp skin and works against you. Therefore you need to make sure it enters the deeper layers of skin where the follicles are located. Key = Dermarolling. I always roll lightly before applying minox, then massage it in with one finger. You'll notice immediately how the minox 'disappears' within seconds, because it goes right through the micro punctures. A lot of people will disagree on this, but this is my experience.

I know it's tough, but there are far worse conditions than losing your hair. Try to stay positive.

>> No.13615094

>Getting vitamins like Iron and B12 is super important for your hair though. Hair thinning can absolutely be caused by poor nutrition regardless of if you have MPB.

No. That's horseshit. That's a vitamin and hair "nourishing" marketing sell. Do you see people in starving 3rd world countries all being bald or with receding hairlines? Lol. By the time lack of nutrition starts to make your hair fall out, your internal organs and your whole body will already be failing at that point.

Not to mention the majority of posters here are from the West and are not suffering from lack of nutrition. Every hair loss thread on here is MPB.

Furthermore it's not even an exact science if vitamin products even work or are a gimmick.

You answer a few questions on the websites regarding your hair loss and an online doctor from the website completes the prescription and they are posted to you. So no, no actual prescription from a physical doctors office.

If fin makes you worry about getting hard when you need to leading to actual performance anxiety (in your head; not by fin) you can also order Viagra online the same way in the UK too!

>> No.13615105

did you grow back your hair ? can you post your hairline please

>> No.13615108

That is diffuse thinning
You are fortunate in the sense that diffuse thinning responds better to fin. I had diffuse thinning and got on fin two years ago. It stopped the hairloss in its tracks and most of the hair has regrown. I almost forget I was even balding in the first place.
I buy my fin from reputable, UK-based online pharmacies like Dr.Fox. Never had any problem buying from them.

>> No.13615351

what mm is your derma roller?

>> No.13615426

Sorry to lazy for that. I never 'grew back' any hair per se, but I managed to slow down the balding process I'd say. Honestly you can never stop it. It is part of your genetics to lose your hair and you can only hope to contain and halt it for as long as you can, but ultimately it is your fate.

I used to be insane and took huge needles to my scalp once a week, but nowadays I just use either 1mm or 1.5mm, depending on what I want to achieve. Honestly for weekdays I just use something that allows to 'roughen up' the scalp surface to let the minox seep in. On weekend I use something with a bit more force because I want to draw blood to activate the growth factors. Dermarollers are cheap and they last a long time if you treat them carefully and clean them after each use. Don't forget to use disinfectant spray too.

>> No.13615439

>it's not even an exact science if vitamin products even work or are a gimmick
I fully agree with you on that, but I'm >>13614989
and I guarantee you 100% I notice a huge difference when taking vitamin b complex.

I should have added this to my original post. Sorry. I take fish oil tabs every day, along with zinc and a vitamin b complex which has all the b vitamins (biotin is in there too). I definitely notice an increase in the speed my nails grow, so I'm assuming it contributes to hair as well. My face skin seems more lively and clean too.

>> No.13615467

Thoughts on dutasteride? Supposedly stronger but cheaper than fin

>> No.13615533

>tfw grey temples at 28
I know it's nothing compared to going bald but there's no wonder drug to counter it either.

>> No.13615589

>I know it's nothing compared to going bald but there's no wonder drug to counter it either.

just fucking dye it you absolute retard

>> No.13615633

>too young

mang, you can start taking finasteride when you hit 18, I'm 21 and I've been taking it for 2 years now

>> No.13615845

mah nigga, only use finnasteride if your goal is to be a trap who only gets it up the ass

>> No.13615855

you do sound pretty insecure though

its not about confidence in your looks rather confidence in the unimportancve of it

>> No.13616009

stop cope attacking everyone who doesnt want a dome head like you. this is /fa/, where people can recognize when having no hair looks like shit on a face. he isnt saying you have to grow it out or get a transplant, but rather preservation and restoration methods are viable and important for those who's look relies on a head of hair.
i would wear a wig before doming desu. its just not a good look for alot of people

>> No.13616632

took fin for 4 months - twice in two years during two different stages on my life. the results were always the same: intense brain fog. uniquely, my ear ringing was also amplified.

got off the drug, all my symptoms were gone - and i have the best """feeling""" erections ever. i say these because i measured myself on fin and it was the same size as off fin.

imo i think fin works best with people who are relaxed and confident. im more stressed and depressed than other people and seeing how was on and off fin, it felt like fin amplified all my issues.

i do recommend if youre young not to take it, because being young implies youre banging every person you meet - and i can reassure being on fin will make sex dull af

>> No.13616674

any pro
tips for applying minoxidil?
I basically split the top of my scalp into quarter sections. I part the hair with a comb,apply and "push in" the minoxidil to the skin and then move on to the next quarter distance and part again

>> No.13617451
File: 40 KB, 500x394, e27c84f40cbe2f73c0846cd0055c8795ab12fdf2_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so pissed, dad has great hair and his dad has amazing hair considering his age. He's like 70, has a full head of hair that hasn't even gotten that gray but no I had to get my mothers hair genes.

>> No.13617454

Bald genes are passed down mostly by the X chromosome. You weren't unlucky, your fate was sealed

>> No.13617463

yeah, started fin like two weeks ago. Still losing hair though, I've read that it means it's working but I feel like that's just some guys lying to themselves. Will be working a year before uni, will see how it will be after that and shave or continue.

>> No.13617466
File: 27 KB, 424x334, b57494d70799b59cea8a57c08e5ba3bca2063fd8_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really though? releasing a lot of semen has something to do with it? fuck.

>> No.13617896

>started fin like two weeks ago. Still losing hair though
mate it takes at least half a year to even start seeing results

>> No.13617939

I'm not convinced about him having hair transplants, hair loss could be stress induced. When the first pic was taken he was literary worth nothing and second he had made it.

>> No.13617960
File: 3.03 MB, 2448x2127, Just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I balding, /fa/?

>> No.13617983

Nah, looks fine.

>> No.13618115

Never buzzed my hair, so what guard number is best for a first time?

>> No.13618140

You should do like a 3 on top faded to a 1 on the sides and back.

>> No.13618156

I've been on fin for almost a year. At no point my hair stopped falling. What the fuck? I thought it should stop that shit? Every time I run my hand through my hair I get like 5-10 hairs out. I got finpecia from india, the packaging looks legit though. Should I try buying branded propecia?

>> No.13618158

>This thread
Balding fags are the worst.
No one cares if you are bald
Just shave it.

>> No.13618236

How does one get the balls to buzz their hair? I wanna do it, but I don't want people to make fun of me.

>> No.13618262

more than anything I think it comes with age
at some point you realize youre an irrelevant boomer anyways so you dont care as much anymore

>> No.13618271

holy shit I have a friend who takes finesteride and started coming out publicly as a trap sharing pics on Twitter in cute girl costumes
i never connected the dots till now
and that fuck was trying to get me on finesteride at some point too

>> No.13618873

they were probably already traps in the closet and were taking fin so that they could fix their balding and have nice long hair like a qt grill

>> No.13618974

I was confident that my face was muscular/defined enough that i wouldnt look sickly if i buzzed. I'm not as attractive after buzzing to most women but i look more badass to all men

>> No.13619734

Should have done physical exercise, should have caught some sun, should have eaten better and minimised inflammation... could have delayed baldness for decades. You fucked up.
Go on Fin and don't change your habits, that's a recipe for success, goy.

>> No.13620236

how often can i do it?

>> No.13620268

That's a myth. My brothers and i all started balding at an early age, but my uncles from my mother's side are only slightly receding. Meanwhile my dad is completely bald. So where did i get those genes from huh?

>> No.13620295

Castor oil

>> No.13620365

Should I mix castor oil with coconut oil as well?

>> No.13621173

pretty much this. the current fixes for male pattern baldness are absolute shit, so you might as well retain your dignity and just shave it. spent a solid year or two avoiding mirrors or going outside without hats, finally shaved it and never looked back. confidence is an incredible thing. if you're either charismatic OR handsome you will be fine, if you're both then you'll be seen as someone with a unique style who rocks the look. hang onto those remains if you want, but you'll shave it one day and realize you wasted your time.

>> No.13621293

you probably have something other than traditional MPD. thats what is on the X-chromosome.
there are other factors that lead to baldness, MPD is just the biggest and most common

>> No.13621328

I'll post what I did, hope it helps you fags.
I used to smoke and fap daily, smoked over 5 cigarettes a day and my hair was thinning at 22.
I decided to stop watching porn and fap only 1 time per week at saturdays and NEVER watched porn again, fapped using only my imagination and still do it today, only 1x/week, 7 years later.
Also quitted smoking on a daily basis, today I smoke very rarely but actually never quitted full time.
At the shower I started to scrub my hair very gently and slowly, the hair that was falling down reduced a lot.
My hair stayed the same as it was 7 years ago, the thinning marks stayed the same all over those years.
This is what I did, Placebo or not it worked and my balding was slowed down or it stopped (I'm 29 now with the same hair I had at 22).

>> No.13621341

I feel like fapping might be the source of my hair loss. I never cared about my hair until I was 17, I was born with a 5 head/shit hairline so never paid attention to it. It might have always been like this but it almost looks like I have diffuse thinning? I’ve only noticed it in the past 4-6 months which correlates with me being in bed for 16 hours jerking it 2-3 times a day. Good chance that it’s natural and I’m trying to link a reason to justify it but it really feels like there could be something to it.

>> No.13621344

more like jerking it alot correlates with high stress and severe depression.
lets not devolve to bro-science

>> No.13621594

You are absolutely correct and the kind of balding you have is reversible. Stop jerking off. It's either that you ignore my warning and keep jerking off, or you might try not to touch your penis just for one week to see the difference. It's up to you.

>> No.13621644

I imagine it’s a sudden change and mix of stuff leading to it. i.e. going from working 30 hours a week, cycling every other day, masturbating maybe 1-2 times a week. To gaining 40lbs in 6 months, sleeping from 7am to 8pm, laying in bed for 80% of the time I’m up and jerking it twice a day. I feel like the start of this was the masturbation, it made me tired and drowsy all the time. I need to fucking stop soon or I might irreversibly fuck up the rest of my life.

>> No.13621945

God you retards are retarded.

>> No.13622073

just buzz/shave retard. i also worried a lot but it's amazing once buzzed, your mind is free again. you don't have to go for a full shave in the early stages, just buzz to a short length

>> No.13622105

i just feel better with hair the same way you wouldnt feel comfortable in clothes you dont like or having a big tattoo you think that sucks on your hand
its not that complicated anon

>> No.13622125

suck shit lmao

thank god i am 19 with a perfect hairline and i am NEVER going to bald lol

>> No.13622180

>Do you see people in starving 3rd world countries all being bald or with receding hairlines?
Uh, yes? You literally fucking do. Not from MPB, obviously, but thinning hair is certainly common enough. How fucking sheltered are you?

Hair loss is a well-documented effect of chronic malnourishment and malnutrition. If it's not super obvious to you, it's probably because (along with the fact that you probably don't hang around with starving third worlders that often) inadequate nutrition tends to come with poor hygiene, limited access to healthcare, stress, shitty working conditions, the whole suite. And ALL of these take a toll on ALL of the body's systems.

Who do you think will probably look older, a middle-class American 40-year-old, or a laborer in West Africa who literally cannot afford enough to fucking eat? Of course starving third worlders aren't going to look just like you but with premature MPB, that's asinine. Poor health isn't just evident in the health of your hair but the condition of your skin, fingernails, teeth, eyes, lips ... when the body isn't taken care of for a long period of time, it shows in dozens of ways.

In the main you are right that taking a random supplement will not stop hair loss, even absent the question of whether multivitamins etc are effective, deficiency simply isn't that much of a problem in the west. If you're a western dude, it's not your diet, you're just going bald. But acting like inadequate nutrition has no significant effect on hair health is really stupid.

>> No.13622206

Anyone care to answer?

>> No.13622422
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but not everyone gets ugly at a young age. Those times matter when it comes to the female species.

>> No.13622607

>Hair loss is a well-documented
the exact mechanism behind hairloss isnt fully understood

>> No.13622609

>shaved my hair
>looked like shit
>now i take a pill every night
>sometimes i even forget
>never think about my hair

>> No.13623767

>dad is completely bald, and so is his brother and father
>mother has full head of hair, and so does all her brother's and father
>im 23 with a full head of hair that grows fast and thick

here's hoping i rolled well on the gene table and won't go bald in the next 10 years

>> No.13623786

Fin can ruin in your life if you're unlucky

>> No.13624573
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How long do I have until someone might say that my hair is "thinning"?

>> No.13624612

You're already past that point Im afraid. People have just been to polite to say anything.
Best thing to do now is shave it all off as any further attempts to salvage it will just make it more obvious and worse.

>> No.13624716

>any pro tips for applying minoxidil?
Not really, except the obvious. Your skin is the protection mechanism of your body to keep away outside contaminants, so naturally it will fight the minox from entering. Try to have an oil-free scalp to apply it (easier said than done) and like I said, just dermarolling gently to create micro incisions helps a lot. Definitely massage it in. Look at it this way: The worst thing you could possibly do is to just drop the liquid on the scalp and 'do nothing'. Anything over that is an improvement.

>> No.13624762
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Awful. buzz that off today.

>> No.13625787

I keep seeing this mentioned all the time, is it true that hair genes come from the mother's side or is it just a meme? My mom's father is in his 90s and still has a lot of thick hair, so I want to believe, but my cousin is already bald at 24.

>> No.13625828

Guessing your mother's father is/was bald.
>Maternal grandfather has X*Y chromosomes, X* containing the balding gene
>Maternal grandmother has XX chromosomes, X being unaffected.
>Uncles get XY, unaffected
>Mother has XX*, carries the balding gene but the dominant unaffected gene is expressed over it
>Your mother gives you the X*, father gives you Y.
>You are X*Y
Balding is X-linked recessive, and so skips a generation. Works the same as colourblindness. Just a coincidence that your dad is bald too.

>> No.13625988

Have you tried going on a diet off Eggs, Spinach, Liver, Salmon and rare-Steak and to drink multivitiamins and Monster energy drinks?

>> No.13625995

>If you're a western dude, it's not your diet,
I am from a hairy race of people and I didn't get a haircut for like 10 years, had the same haircut as that chick from "The Ring", and when I started trying to lose weight I noticed my hair also started thinning.

>> No.13626686
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not really, but having bad genetics, living in bad environment, getting poisoned by endocrine disruptors such as nicotine from smoking or antidepressants or even bisphenol from plastic food and water packaging does that. Basically if you live in the West you're fucked sooner or later.

>> No.13627084

I've been on it for 3 years. No depression, I can get as hard as when I was 18, and my hair is better than it's ever been.

>> No.13627093

Taking pills that mentally ill faggot trannies take to become women

>absolute state of western men

>> No.13627112

Does this ruin some users libido? Embrace your baldness anon, confidence can overcome baldness!

>> No.13627133

Eat less:
>Sugar (both refined and natural)
Eat more:
>good fats
Expose your scalp to sunshine.
Restrict fapping to 1 per week.
7 hours of sleep per night.

>> No.13627457
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>> No.13627484

Give me a quick rundown on mpb vs loss from stress. I've been through a tonne of emotional and physical in the last 4 or 5 weeks, along with very limited sleep and terrible nutrition. I've noticed I'm get around 5 hairs when I run my hand through my hair and as someone who's always had thin hair and as far as I can remember, a bit of hair shedding daily I'm starting to worry a bit. Should I shower and brush my hair forward or take the pic wity hair dry?

>> No.13627516

you could in theory get the same effect without then shaving.. by just TRULY accepting the balding for what it is and riding it out. Thats what I do. Im balding I havent shaved and aside from these thread I dont even think about balding on a day to day basis just living my life

>> No.13627568

God anons im so sorry for yall. I started losing some hair on the sides and am totally freaking out but as far as im concerned, both sides of my family are full head of hair. had that one dude in my class like 3 years ago who was around 22 and fully balding, poor guy at least he had the body and face to go with it, i would look like a fucking mutants thanks to underweight and degenerate head form.
Good luck yall people

>> No.13627818

This works well if your "problem" is slight recession at the temples. If your crown is thinning, this makes you look like a pedo.

>> No.13627829

whitoid genetics

>> No.13627926

Just do it you pussy. I was buzzing down to #0 before there were any signs of balding or worries of it. Buzz cuts are top comfy.

>> No.13628047

Been on minox + fin for 4 months now, noticeably less hair falls out, people have been saying my hair looks thicker too.
Hairline seems to have improved very slightly.
Increased physical activity (gym, cycling), a better diet and the fact that I started to use better (natural) shampoos and conditioners probably made a difference as well.

No side effects so far, hope it stays this way.

>> No.13628068
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Press F to pay respects. I didn't even realise the top of my head was this bad, I was worried about my widows peak, it's thinning on the sides as well but the length covers it up.

>> No.13628080

Get on minox and fin. I dunno if this is the right approach at all but my buddy buzzed his head when he started this drugs so that the hair fall wasn't as noticeable.

>> No.13628138


I don't think I'm able to take fin, I had a testicle removed last year for cancer preventative reasons and I'm fairly sure that threw off my hormone or testosterone balance. Taking something with fairly radical side effects is probably the exact combo to make me have those side effects. Will be getting some Regaine soon tho, my hairline as a whole is fine. It's just the shit on the top.

>> No.13628155

>Go bald and embrace it and grow a beard to compensate.

do the first two but no beard, stubble looks better with bald. you work out to compensate, because you don't want to be skinny bald because then you look like a chemo patient

>> No.13628167

just go a bit shorter over a year or so. the transition will be barely noticeable to people by the end

>> No.13628621

how do you not notice an entire exposed crown?

>> No.13628790

he has zero human interaction?

>> No.13630128

if you are underweight you can have hairloss due to malnutrition, research it up.

>> No.13630375

Can you see your neck from the front?

>> No.13631389
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>inb4 look at the top of his head

This has to be shaved right? I think it looks horrible, but my parents think its barely noticeable.

I don't wanna spend $30 a month for the rest of my life on rogaine. Some people equate it to brushing your teeth. But if you don't do that your teeth fall out then you starve and die. If your hair falls out you save time and money.

I think that people from their generation just hate baldness for some reason, why else do you see older guys desperately clinging to that last ring of hair?

Is there a middle ground? Like do you think I could get away with anything other than a #0?

>> No.13631430

I should have mentioned I'm in my early 20s

>> No.13631492

Me personally i wouldn't want to go bald until i am married and with children.
Gotta looksmaxx my friend.

>> No.13631498

I say you either hop on Fin and see if it works for you, or you buzz as short as you need. You need to make a decision and go for it.