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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 20 KB, 500x346, mens-pure-leather-jacket-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13591757 No.13591757 [Reply] [Original]

Which style of leather jackets suit a young adult-teen? And if any, what is a cheap brand that makes good quality jackets (should last 1-3 years min)

>> No.13591758

op here, also if possible add a link or a pic :p

>> No.13591763

op again, should I wear jackets saggy or tight?

>> No.13591767

Leather jackets only look good on boomers

>> No.13591774

Do you ride a motorcycle?

That is your answer to if you should buy a leather jacket.

>> No.13591777

well what do you reccomend to someone my age then? 132lbs (60kg) 5´7f (175cm)?

>> No.13591780

I'm actually interested in bikes but won't be planning to buy soon, not trying to be obnoxious with leather just heard it was good for weather and stuff.

>> No.13591785

also got wide shoulders

>> No.13591788

i recommend you to delete this thread and kill yourself you underaged fuck

>> No.13591789

oh snap what

>> No.13591792


>> No.13591795

This: >>13591788
+ I raped your mom in the ass

>> No.13591797


>> No.13591798

ok this is epic

>> No.13591802

Bro, don't buy leather, also fuck outta here if underage

>> No.13591806

merciless XD

>> No.13591807
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>> No.13591809

>good quality
pick 2

>> No.13591810

What can i get for options
cheap and good quality? since leather is something to be frowned upon here

>> No.13591811

Saint Laurent Paris

>> No.13591832

I figure this is the place to ask, where can I find a decent aviator shearling jacket in a style like this that DOESN'T cost 4 fucking grand
I've ratfucked google for months, maybe over a year now and there's not a single appealing option

>> No.13591833
File: 60 KB, 765x900, Mens-Light-Brown-Shearling-Aviator-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot a pic like a genius

>> No.13591850

if you really want a leather jacket on a budget you should go for secondhand

cheap and good quality idk it depends of what other kind of jacket could interest you. Fake leather is not an option btw

>> No.13591856
File: 99 KB, 640x768, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this? also id on jacket?

>> No.13591860

Aero leather ? They have a shearling lining option, that should cost you about a grand

>> No.13591932

cole sprouse

>> No.13592142

If you don't have a good chin and jawline, don't buy leather.
If you can't lift 1/2/3/4, don't buy leather.
If you have never been in a fight, don't buy leather.
If you have never won a fight, don't buy leather.
If you have bug eyes instead of predator eyes, don't buy leather.

You meet those reqs? Be prepared to spend a grand on your jacket.
>I don't have that.
Then buy something second-hand that was equivalent in quality to a $1000 jacket today.

>> No.13592149

dont wear a leather jacket unless you ride

>> No.13592189

I disagree with line of thinking. There's a lot of leather clothing that has nothing to do with riding and owning a motorcycle isn't any reason that those should suddenly become acceptable to wear.
And just because you do own a motorcycle doesn't make riding leather look good on you anyway.

Being a tradesman wouldn't make a hi-vis vest a good fit.

>> No.13592205
File: 66 KB, 675x800, leatherjackettypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>general tips for Leather
there are two main styles, the "biker" style, and then the regular "zip-up-like-every-other-jacket" style. The biker style is on the left of the pic, the other on the right. Leather is a skin and will stretch, so buy one that's slightly tighter on you knowing that it will fit you better the more you wear it. As far as which style suits you, one isn't better than the other, it's entirely based on personal preference, for instance, I prefer the "biker" style or the one on the left, but that's me. In general, the "biker" style is more casual, and the other is more "formal".

Don't buy a cheap leather jacket, you're better off buying some fake leather from Zara or F21 for $100 to temporarily satisfy you while saving up $1000 or more for a real leather jacket than buying a $300 shit leather jacket.

I'll post an infograph explaining pretty much the same points except for buying fake leather

>general tips for 4chan

don't hint towards the fact you are younger than 19 years old on this website, no one has to know that, and if they know, we'll all make fun of you for it

>> No.13592208
File: 3.93 MB, 1460x2920, read before buying a leather jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13592212

This is the dumbest shit i've ever heard

>> No.13592228

sorry i forgot that leather was invented for motorcycle riders in 2200 bc

>> No.13592238

Aside from being somewhat intentionally shite this is also shite.

>> No.13592244
File: 158 KB, 1100x1630, W5HC264C600_132_006_2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black is boring

>> No.13592247

You know when you say something like this you just kind of sound like a coward, right?
I mean that you haven't actually said anything specific because we know you're afraid someone is going to point out something dumb.

That's the problem with 2018 /fa/. All talking shit, no posting fit.

>> No.13592251

Step two is listing cheap boomer brands that will look shit on almost anyone.

>> No.13592329

what the fuck are you talking about you spastic
your post was fucking retarded, why are you gatekeeping leather jackets so hard you insecure faggot

>> No.13592330
File: 63 KB, 736x981, IMG_3524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking for this Saint Laurent one for a while

>> No.13592343

You're still doing it.
A valid thing to say would be...
>You're a retarded faggot for saying x because actually y is true and here is why...
You turds know that if you actually present an argument someone else can come in and call your own argument retarded so you don't do that, you just talk shit that people can't respond to.
>why are you gatekeeping leather jackets
Good, not an argument but it is a question so I can answer it.
Listen, I know "rules" can be broken but these leather jacket sperg threads happen every day on /fa/ and I don't like going into a lot of detail to spoonfeed it so I present it as more black and white than it is and give some guidelines.
My first assumption is that if you ask on /fa/ you don't know what you're doing, that's pretty safe isn't it?
I mention lifting 1/2/3/4 because I believe a leather jacket really needs to fit well beyond most other jackets.
There are skinny twinks that look good in leather and buff dudes that look good in leather.
My assumption is that the thread maker is probably neither of these and is a skinnyfat high estrogen guy, that's why I recommend the lifts.
I mention the fights because I expect you to be a neckbeard that will look like he's wearing a cosplay dad jacket. I think you need to be someone that has confidence so that the jacket doesn't wear you.
I mention the good jawline and the predator eyes because I don't think any soft basedboy looking guy well ever look good in a leather jacket regardless of anything else.

>> No.13592368

not sure if serious but in any case please stfu and post ur fit faggot.

>> No.13592372

When I said it I meant a figurative fit by which I mean an argument.
Do you think at any point here I am saying I look good in leather jackets but you're not allowed to wear them?
If you think that you are dumber than I thought.
No one here is trying to stop you wearing a leather jacket because they want to keep some pussy for themselves, champ.
It's a fucking warning that $1000 is a lot of money to spend on looking like a fucking retard with no self-awareness.
If you think you look good in leather jackets then by all means wear the shit out of leather jackets.

>> No.13592374

>by fit i meant figuratively, as in an argument

>> No.13592375

Point to what I said that you think demands I post a fit.

>> No.13592381

>u say something like this you just kind of sound like a coward, right?
>I mean that you haven't actually said anything specific because we know you're afraid someone is going to point out something dumb.
>That's the problem with 2018 /fa/. All talking shit, no posting fit.

>> No.13592389

These quotes of mine don't even make a point for you.
I have made a lot of arguments and you haven't made any.
I am not specifically calling out a specific person and saying I would look better than he, so why would I need to post a literal fit?
My claim is that pretty much everyone except exceptional men look like shit in leather jackets. And that includes me looking like shit in leather jackets.
Your tacit claim is that you would look good in a leather jacket. If someone here is posting a fit it ought to be you, dude.

>> No.13592392

idk brother i havent been here in quite a while but it seems like u might have killed this board.

>> No.13592394

>u killed this board

I'd argue it's your /soc/ incursion culture killing /fa/. The rate threads, the jack off material request threads, the "failed normie" communication style where you try to speak with the least amount of words and pretend you're so chill and relaxed.

>> No.13592471

that is a coat. same cut as the shit you can buy at sears
if you must go straight zipper at least get a bomber style

>> No.13592531
File: 37 KB, 480x474, 1533685655255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a gigantic clueless fuckwit you are

Don't wear jeans unless you do manual work and don't wear sneakers unless you're doing sports


The jackets on your pic look cheap and have really poor design

Lmfao is this turning into a cringe thread
The absolute state of this board

>> No.13592763

why is there only 2 kind of leather jackets being addressed in this thread

>> No.13592793

Welcome to current day /fa/
The future is now old man

>> No.13592874
File: 670 KB, 1932x2576, IMG_0582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does leather trench coats count?
in that case musteredbrand

>> No.13593252

i do manual labour and wear doublefront carhartts to work, and i don’t wear sneakers when i work out. i also ride and own a leather jacket

any other faggot comments from the underaged basedboi?

>> No.13593269
File: 50 KB, 383x453, 1530328366412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13593271

This is some serious cringe larping lmao

>> No.13593272

Tell everyone in the world to stop wearing suit cause they're not Whites then.

>> No.13593274

or better: everyone who isn't english. suits suck

>> No.13593293

Depends what look you’re going for + physical build. Generally, more minimal styles are better, otherwise will look dated in 3 years time. Darker colours are more versatile.

>> No.13593341
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, FECE7183-5DA0-42A0-BB73-0960EBDDD293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an assistant forester is larping
what did he mean by this

>> No.13593448

Tastless dumbass detected

>> No.13593454

This thread is embarrassing.

>> No.13593602

thanks for the all advice guys! love ya