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/fa/ - Fashion

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13574109 No.13574109 [Reply] [Original]

What are some effay jobs/careers?

>> No.13574142

shitposter at russian troll factory

>> No.13574152

what's the salary?

>> No.13574158

15 roubles/post

>> No.13574176

where do i sign?

>> No.13574182

You start with meeting 500 shitposts/day quota at /pol/, then you got contacted automatically

>> No.13574183


>> No.13574262

We used to have philosophercore threads.

They were comfy.

>> No.13575090

Quit your job and become a drifter

>> No.13575400

iBanking if you're into suits, prep, and sleazecore

>> No.13575433
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A writer is the most /fa/ possible job, but good fucking luck making a living off writing.

>> No.13575437

astronaut, professor, gangster (the departed not boyz in tha hood), artist (not fake art instagram shit), military, carpenter

>> No.13575459


>> No.13575495

Whatever makes you the most depressed

>> No.13575510

So that would mean fast food is the most /fa/ job?

>> No.13575519


i guess living by the sword sounds cool to a civilian who is oblivious about the reality of a military career

t. professional soldier

>> No.13575526

what country?

>> No.13575537

Whatever job that makes a lot og money for fa clothes.

>> No.13576166


>> No.13576581

Is being an economist /fa/?

>> No.13576590

Well I'm an economics and stats major so yes. Being an economics is /fa/. Nah but seriously tho you're basically in biz casual all day looking at spreadsheet, python and R coding

>> No.13576591

How would an /fa/ female software engineer dress?

>> No.13576593

Public accounting

>> No.13576598

This has nothing to do with being /fa/ or not but I'm in Cs right now and considering switching to economics. Would that be a good decision?

>> No.13576607

country club

>> No.13576611
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University Professor
Fine Artist
Museum Curator

>> No.13576775
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>> No.13576813

Maybe cool but /fa/? If you're in the army you're literally told what to wear and what kind of haircut you can have.

>> No.13576816


>> No.13576897


maybe in this context it doesn't mean just clothing etc. but the idea of being a rugged warfighter sounds, well, "cool" like you said, to someone.

i guess some idiots still view a basic grunt as some lone wolf bushido samurai

>> No.13576905

Twitch streamer

>> No.13577919
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Gas station at night

>> No.13577973

Both will make you a lot of money but both are an unbelievably boring and pointless way to spend your one and only life. If all you care about is money and financial security, either will be just fine, although CS will give you far more options.

t. student attempting to become a vulcanologist

>> No.13577988

influencer obviously

>> No.13578018
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These are nice

>> No.13578037

Are you doing well in CS and enjoying it? If you are, consider dual majoring in economics and CS. You'll have a lot of doors open up and you can go down multiple paths with that combination. It's what I did and my first job out of college was at a well know fin tech company. make sure you know R, Python, Sql, and tableau if you go that route though

>> No.13578138

get shot cunt

>> No.13578204
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Cyber Security

>> No.13578989

Park Ranger DESU

>> No.13579077
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Trappist/Carmelite Monk

>> No.13579081

Software engineer, professor, graphic designer

Anything with a loose dress code that actually has jobs in urban areas.

>> No.13579089

>Software engineer
>Anything with a loose dress code

I'm a software engineer.
Dress code is heavily dependent on where you work, what industry, and who your customers are (if you have direct customer interaction).

I worked for a logistics company for a while, where all of my customers were warehouse workers. I wore jeans and a polo every day.
Then at a healthcare company, I had to up it to slacks and a polo. Had to buy a pair of dress shoes.
Now I'm at a bank and wear a suit every day. Jacket off unless I have a meeting with a customer.

>> No.13579099

You've probably not met the average person in any of those professions over the last 10 years

>> No.13579105

explain more please

>> No.13579151

i assume he means basedboys.
it's better outside the US

>> No.13579296


>> No.13579299

>well i am so ya
fuck outta here undergrad little bitch

>> No.13579302

We've probably argued about this before on /tv/ but this movie is super overrated for neo-noir.

ironically this

>> No.13579653

The world we live in isn't very forgiving and my family is poor so I want to spend my one opportunity in college to get something that will pay off. A lot of people told that about CS.

I'm actually struggling a lot. I don't have much motivation at all. All my classes are in a foreign language that I'm only conversational in and the classes don't seem that interesting so I'm really conflicted as to what to do.

>> No.13579657

most writers actually have a proper job, only the really successful ones can live just from writing

>> No.13579782

CS pays well and is a relatively secure job. You definitely nailed that one.

>> No.13580066
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a cocksucka nigga

>> No.13580092

>good fucking luck making a living off writing
>most writers actually have a proper job
haha just imagine haha

>> No.13580569

Being a soldier was /fa/ centuries ago when war and life were simple and you could don expertly designed armor and swords that took dozens of man-hours to painstakingly craft.

Nowadays they're just cunts with guns who think way too highly of themselves when they're just disposable meat

>> No.13580573
File: 2.58 MB, 2011x3100, Roald_Amundsen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being a sailor /fa/?

>> No.13580588

Correct the most /fa/ career is to be a gas station at night

>> No.13580604

no sailors dress like that. people wear north face shells, west marine, helly hansen, stuff like that

>> No.13580682


>> No.13580829

Is male Massage Therapist /fa/?

>> No.13580843

Joining US army reserve soon. Here's a question that may have never been asked on /fa/ before:
What's the most effay MOS?

>> No.13580848
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Off Duty Brazilian Cop

>> No.13580858

No shit. It is a 100 year old photo

>> No.13580875
File: 1 KB, 66x70, i-like-what-i-see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion designing

>> No.13581407

Anything special operations is chad effay. They usually get more leeway on hair length and beards. They also have really cool silent but professional personalities.

For reserves I would say public affairs then psyops. PA are always in front of a camera and travelling different places. They have a close relationship to the pentagon and DC is a cool city if you're into being a g-man. Everyone thinks psyops is a joke but they have a cool job like making propaganda. They're usually college educated so they're not low class mouth breathing rednecks like the rest of the army.

>> No.13581417



just go fuck yourself my man

>> No.13581888

is being a clinical psychiatrist effay?
>inb4 no frasiercore

>> No.13581893

that and 24/7 gas station worker in the middle of nowhere

>> No.13581896

Not even soi boys, just a lot of average, white bread type guys trying to recoup losses from going to grad school. Not really fashion minded, just trying to make ends meet.

>> No.13582026


We're closing on a house Friday. I'm not going to uproot my family. Fuck you too.

>> No.13582038

Being an officer is pretty /fa/.

>> No.13582078


then don't join the military my man.
seriously there's nothing more lame than reservists.

if you want to talk the talk you got to walk the walk. no half-assing.

>> No.13582119

Is being a fireman effay?

>> No.13582179

what the fuck

>> No.13582199

I've yet to meet a single person who doesn't think crash/fire rescue is cool. You also don't do anything all day

>> No.13582233

Being really good at your job is /fa/, being shit is not. Sure, some jobs are more /fa/ than others but if you're a terrible professor who's more concerned with your aesthetic than your ability you're going to look like a clown compared to a great professor who doesn't give a shit about clothes.

>> No.13582235

I assume you meant to reply to my post. Yeah, we don't do anything all day until we do. It's all playing cards and jerking off until someone is trapped in a burning house or an infant is in cardiac arrest and then you better fucking know what you're doing.

>> No.13582353

computational linguist
>hang out all day on your choice of: university campus, sf startup, seattle startup, big N tech company office park
>jerk off and write papers that are basically shitposting with a bigger vocabulary
>spend the summers traveling the ACL conference circuit on your employer's dime
>if you're in academia, spend the winters wherever you want (read: remote cabin in the snowy woods of northeast US and reading the backlog of books and papers you've accumulated during the year)

>> No.13582360

seafood counter at a mediocre grocery store.

>> No.13582414
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 1520564744818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any advice for what I should do?

>> No.13582441

trading crypto and being a sleazy rich goth like me

>> No.13583351

Being a doctor is cool?