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13566247 No.13566247 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean if only kids and old people say you are good looking?

>> No.13566264
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>> No.13566268

what does it mean when it's only other guys that compliment you on your fit and/or body?

>> No.13566269

means you got to take a brake from this board

>> No.13566273

I’ve had random kids tell me that I’m attractive out of nowhere so it’s confusing

>> No.13566277

It means that you're good looking.

Only kids say the true :)

>> No.13566281

Because you're a total twink that does'nt look MANRY enoguh

>> No.13566289

You look like similar to that, blonde, blue, white and innocent. Objectively good but not that dark masculine fearsome look that triggers foids.

>> No.13566308

Kids say the truth
old people will compliment anything that reminds them of how they once were
do you dress old school?

>> No.13566313

This happens to me too I dont get it either
Maybe they are just very forth coming because they are young, that's what I assume
It's a small feel good :)

>> No.13566318

What does it mean if only your mom says you are good looking?

>> No.13566391

You're a boomer

>> No.13566475

they're being nice and that at least mean you're not awful looking.

>> No.13566477

You have a face that only a mother could love.

>> No.13566488

What does it mean if you've never recieved a compliment?

>> No.13566495


People are intimidated by your stunningly good looks

>> No.13566514

It means your face is ok (nothing offensive or outstanding)

>> No.13566639
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I work at an elementary school and 9-10 year old girls regularly come to me, hug and touch me and call me "cool/beautiful guy".

It's just that their hormones are slowly kicking in.

>> No.13566697

Are their opinions legitimate

>> No.13566702

I just assume it means I look too youthful to catch the attention of people my age

>> No.13566738

What does it mean if women ask me if I'm gay all the time

>> No.13566753

What does it mean when old gays harass me and tell me agressively that they would like to fuck me hard and turn me gay?

i don't get it from young gays, and i only have like a 30% approval from women

>> No.13566757

am i gay?
plz answer

>> No.13566764

Old people have nothing to lose anymore

>> No.13567283

Means that you look gay

>> No.13567285

stop visiting gay bars

>> No.13567393

Are the opinions of small children legitimate critique.
Yes. Yes they are.

>> No.13567500

kids don’t lie

>> No.13567741

Your underlying intentions might be making you unattractive to those old enough to notice it?

>> No.13567748

your peers are jealous

>> No.13567803


>> No.13567916

there are some faces that are only appealing to some people,
like young people aren't conditioned to find certain normie faces attractive yet, and they don't scrutinise bodies as much. for old people, they weren't raised in this stage of consumerism so they're not conditioned in the same way either.
it means you have a nice face but maybe not a conventional face

>> No.13567917

That's wrong. It depends on the kid.

>> No.13568284

It mean girls your age are too shy to say it.

>> No.13568294


>> No.13568298

Are 16-17 year old girls' opinions legitimate given I am in position of power (their teacher)? Or do they say it to get better grades

>> No.13568332

Just rape them

>> No.13568344

It was not in gay bars, but to be fair once was in San Francisco, and the other time was in the same area as well.

Still, i don't get it from young gays but from the old and ugly ones.

>> No.13568636

It means you are conventionally attractive but not stunning, most likely

>> No.13568667

Legitimate. As girls get older they become less and less interested in actual beauty and more interested in various other factors: like wealth, social status, and how the two of you would be perceived by her social circle (very important). Children are the best judges of beauty because they aren't influenced by social pressure, which the majority of people are. The majority of adult women place little importance on actual beauty; the reason we think they do is because they're attracted to the influence that being perceived as beautiful has. Not true for all women, but true for most, and especially as they get older. I'm pretty sure there's a hormonal factor too. The older women get the more they're attracted to dominant men. Fine by me desu, not particularly interested in roasties in the first place.

>> No.13568866


It means you ARE attractive but your awkward and dont know how to use It on people in your age bracket.

>> No.13568879

>The older women get the more they're attracted to dominant men. Fine by me desu, not particularly interested in roasties in the first place.
Are you admitting that you have no status

>> No.13568931

Yeah, I have no status whatsoever pretty much. I'm 24, no job, and sleep in a single bed at my parents' house. I'm not a sad sack of shit about it, and to be fair my older brother who is rapidly advancing at a top investment bank sleeps in the room next door, but objectively I have no acquired social status. That makes me undateable for many many women, especially the older they get. I may be selling myself short because I was in education for a while and have had two decent earning jobs in education while also studying, but I have no career to speak of, or any serious concrete achievements beyond getting great grades at school. I have plenty of other excellent qualities, not the least of which is being very handsome, but I offer nothing to a woman who's seeking to enhance her social standing by pairing off with a man, which is a huge element of women's sexual strategy.

>> No.13569012

how do i style my hair like that?

>> No.13569110


you are gross really

>> No.13569409


>> No.13569470

>have the same exact hair color and genetics
>can't get my hair to work this at all

if I have the same length how do I wave it like this?

>> No.13569828
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someone once told me I looked like a henchman from Die Hard not sure if that's a good thing or not

>> No.13569884

It means you look like a man

>> No.13570147
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What does it mean when only black women hit on me?

>> No.13570274

what does it mean if i get with someone whenever i go out and they come to me to start conversation? am i doing it right guys?

>> No.13570454

You probably look too high test for other women

>> No.13570972


kids and old people arent in the sexual market, so theyll speak more plainly. people closer to your age are either a) attracted to you so wont say anything or b) jealous of you, so also wont say anything

>> No.13570995

>he cute

>> No.13571428

What does it mean if kids and old people think you're female?

>> No.13571482

Means you look like a chick

>> No.13571936

Youre still young man there are plenty of things you can do to not only improve your social standing but improve where you are in general. Great grades already opened the door to many things for you, you just have to decide what you really want to do for the rest of your life and do it. Seems like you have the discipline for it. Also 24 women arent as invested in the social standing/job/no kids mentality yet. They have a couple more years. Most are young professionals, starting out in firms, others still at school, and some enjoying their last years partying. I feel like you are just comparing to your brother which fixes your outlook.