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/fa/ - Fashion

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13551807 No.13551807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm Korean and it really is discouraging, almost all the popular Kpop idols dye their hair and wear colored contacts. Even Rhionna in America has worn colored blue contacts. I am obsessed with white people in America and Europe. Even the ones that aren't blonde or light eyes have nicer skin. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

>> No.13551838

I'm going to speak for all white people here which might not be a good thing to do because /fa/ has a lot of deviants on it.

White people don't like it when you Asians dye your hair our colours and put in those coloured contacts. You look creepy as shit when you do that.
It couldn't be any more clear that we want to come and fuck all of you so I don't know why you keep trying to look like us.

>> No.13551845

Let me just say that's very flattering.
But Asians have some excellent features as well. I always think the best looking people are half white and half Asian. Don't discredit yourself

>> No.13551846

hot take!

I think that is just your opinion bro


You're fortunate that a lot of American's right now are obsessing over korean culture. I wouldn't;t put your self too down since you probably have clearer skin than most people on the board. Do what makes you happy just makes sure it FITs homme

>> No.13551847

I can second this

There's also a certain sort of inauthenticity to dyeing your hair and wearing colored contacts. Now I understand that people do that a lot in some East Asian countries because everyone has the same hair and eye color (more or less) but there are other and better ways to stand out if you want to be different.

>> No.13551851

japs n koreans are probably the best non-whites so at least you've got that going for you

>> No.13551861

Okay, I'll tell you how far I'm willing to compromise on this.
With the hair we might just not give a fuck, but it's not that we PREFER the azn to come with blonde hair - we like their natural hair fine or better.
I will maintain that the coloured contacts are creepy, though. Fuck that uncanny valley shit right off.

>> No.13551862

at least you're korean! after whites, japanese and korerans are the best you could be aesthetically.

>> No.13551864


sorry OP but I've been around a lot of Koreans. y'all can be really really attractive, but the dye and the contacts absolutely shouts crazy and self-hating. gimme at qt natural Korean girl over any pop star. being a little thicc isn't a crime either if she has that good good clam.

t. le 56% half-spic who grew up around half-spic girls who did the same retarded shit with hair and eyes

>> No.13551870

i'm east asian and i can tell this is bait written by a salty tightie whitie
asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white and look down on white people to an extent. the hair and contacts is not to look more white, it's just an aesthetic choice, like how white people tanning, dying their hair and enhacing features with makeup is for aesthetics and not to change their race

>> No.13551872


Alright dude, I can appreciate that. I'll agree too these terms!

>> No.13551876

>blue or green eyes
>blonde hair
>staying out of the sun to get pale skin

>> No.13551881

>asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white and look down on white people
thanks for the laugh, chang

>> No.13551882

Tanning is different because in a given race being more tan or more pale than average has connotations of being more wealthy than average.

A rich East Asian doesn't come with blue eyes and blonde hair, though.

>> No.13551896

>written by a salty tightie whitie
>asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white and look down on white people to an extent.

that's the true salt.

But really, do you think it's a bad thing for Asians to admire some white traits and for whites to admire some Asian traits? Whites and Asians get along the best of any racial matchup desu. It seems like a good thing to me.

>> No.13551899

haha umad bitch?

>> No.13551980
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white people are hilariously pathetic

>> No.13552011

>be me

>> No.13552026

self hate is disgusting off yourself

>> No.13552058


>> No.13552092

>White people don't like it when you Asians dye your hair our colours and put in those coloured contacts. You look creepy as shit when you do that.

pretty sure non whites feel that way too

>> No.13552122


>> No.13552139 [DELETED] 
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Is it just me or do asians habe it easier looking effortlessly fashionable? There was this magazine where japanese people are wearing cozy looking designer clothes and they manage to not look tryhard. Also I feel like they can get away more with dressing in ridiculous ways like those people in japan who dress in cosplay like clothes.

>> No.13552141

or perhaps you're fetishizing an entire race based on limited sampling
try living in a city with lots of asians and you'll soon see the majority of them look like shit, just as any other group of people do

>> No.13552165

>asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white and look down on white people to an extent.

Well, the women certainly don't.

In fact desu, they spend a lot of time looking up to white people, with their mouths full.

>> No.13552181
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its okay to be korean

>> No.13552184

My gf is obsessed about asians the same way. She is sure Ill find a cute asian girl that would blow me better than she does and I will dump her.

Honestly just be yourself and dont pretend to be anything else. An incredible amount of people have the yellow fever so you're good if you want a white bf

>> No.13552189

nah being Asian is great

>> No.13552199

if youre a female you should just do what other asian females do and get so pumped full of white man jizz that you actually change on a molecular level, many asian women report that after a dozen or so white cocks they for real start to develop a tolerance for dairy and alcohol, and feel a strange reverence for ancient churches

>> No.13552204

jesus christ. rip the white race. if youre with a white women in 2018 youre a fucking beta

>> No.13552211


>> No.13552226
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nah, would take too long

>> No.13552229


>> No.13552243
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some day, perhaps

>> No.13552244


>> No.13552334

Don't you have a really cool jawline?

>> No.13552340

All these people are mad.. It's weird how they can accept that white people tan for aesthetics and not to look like a nibba while asians love pearl white skin since for ever.. But suddenly it's all about being white.. baka these whiteys

>> No.13552352

How retarded are you all? This is a gas lighting white person 100%

>> No.13552357

>asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white
Maybe not consciously. But everything about popular culture in those countries is derived from/informed by the west. They've been bombarded with western standards of beauty for so long that it's become intrinsic. I mean just look at the amount of white people featuring in beauty/fashion ads. Pretty disgusting seeing as cumskins are fucking disgusting pink little piggies.

>> No.13552363

Most asians are fucking uggos. Most whites are fucking uggos. Attractive people are attractive.

>> No.13552388
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Stop being such a weak self hating kkkuck. Recognize that society is racist towards Asians and learn to kick off white propaganda garbage and further Asians.

>> No.13552392

I am a chink, and while I myself do not wear contacts or dye my hair, I actually do not think the people around me do those things to fit eurocentric standards of beauty. At least not consciously as the other anon said. Many asians here are actually paler than the whites living here (tropical country), and the whites instead look very orange or reddish. And many asians are naturally pale too, not sure about korean's natural skin tone but for Chinese people many are pale without needing any whitening cream/make up/etc. As for hair many people here dye it brown or light brown, and blonde is something that was more popular during the 2000s.
I think if you find your "eurocentric" perception of beauty to be problematic, try learning more about the history of your people, or East Asian people in general, and maybe consume more media from East Asia that isn't so tainted with seemingly Caucasian influences in terms of beauty (i.e. K-Pop). I think Korean drama doesn't really feature dyed hair and coloured contacts but then again I do not watch K drama so I wouldn't know.

Every race can be beautiful. I agree with what >>13552363 said.

>> No.13552401

i honestly don't get this, has anyone seen 90% of white people? they're disgusting and this coming from a half white/asian with mostly white features (green eyes, brown hair). obviously OP is a troll but the obsessing of whites is so weird and stupid


>> No.13552417

Sout Koreans seem to fetishise the west and its consumerism, You're worse than weebs

>> No.13552448

>half white/asian
no one cares, mentally ill hapa

>> No.13552463

How do I cope with not being Korean as a white person is the real question

>> No.13552521
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>> No.13552533
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Not all whites have the nice features you're describing

>> No.13552534

Pick one

>> No.13552555

>seeing as cumskins are fucking disgusting pink little piggies

some of the best cope I've seen in a long time

>> No.13552559


>> No.13552568

Ìt's weird to read how other cultures seem to think white people are the beauty ideal while over here in Europe browner skin and thicker hair is seen as better than light skin and thin hair.

>> No.13552581

China is literally about to have a market implosion I'm sorry anon

>> No.13552584


Im white and I like it

>> No.13552589
File: 162 KB, 540x339, 1523540458524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being happy with who you are

>> No.13552592

I don't think there's a single person on this website who's happy with who they are

>> No.13552598

i think it's rarer than the amount of people who would post saying they are happy but i'm sure there are some

>> No.13552669

>LARPing this hard

Only thing worth agreeing to itc,
Ugly people are ugly regardless of race, attractive people are attractive regardless of race. Chances are most of you are a part of the former.

>> No.13552814
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Its all a matter of perspective. I wouldnt be suprised of japanese and koreans look at white people with disgust either. Looks are subjective

>> No.13552852

at least koreans are effay, try being south asian and then you can complain

>> No.13552874

But imagine if those people had brown skin, black hair, and black eyes. They'd look substantially worse.

>> No.13552877

They'd look substantially worse, to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.13552905

/fragileAsians/ are so cute

>> No.13552908


>> No.13552910

sh-shut up...

>> No.13553011

some asians find whites attractive the same way yellowfever fags finds asians attractive. they think whites are exotic due to lack of exposure.

>> No.13553018

Im thinking hard and good if what you did is clever or if you browse reddit.

>> No.13553030

I’m gonna say this is your opinion but when anyone of any race dyes their hair unnatural colors its offputting and thats my opinion but if you dye your hair for fun reasons then its better than dying your hair to emulate a race you arent.

>> No.13553039

Could we all just develop some self respect?

>> No.13553195

stop groveling you little shit and do what you can with what you have, and remember that white != fashionable

>> No.13553259

I seriously hope all self-hating non-whites end up killing themselves. You're a shame to yourself, your family, your ancestors country and your race. Seriously go die if you're that weak, natural selection.

>> No.13553270

you’re a faggot

>> No.13553291

Staying out of the sun to get pale skin is an indicator of socioeconomic status in East Asian countries, as it meant that you had enough money to not have to be outside working in the sun you retard

>> No.13553310
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become a qt kpop idol

>> No.13553314

although OPs pic is ok cause the girl is cute regardless

>> No.13553322

Fuck off you stupid fake human being.

Either assimilate with your race as wanna be American scumbags or fucking off yourself.

>> No.13553365
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on /r9k/ I had an argument with someone who said literally every single white guy looks better than zayn because he is brown

>> No.13553374
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It's so weird to see mentally ill individuals who don't possess these traits(including whites themselves) engage in a form of sub-conscious self hate by dyeing their hair and wearing blue contacts.
And you know it's a form of self hate because if there was a pill to make your eyes permanently blue and your hair blonde, people would line up in droves to buy it.

>> No.13553387

Jeezus. Every fucking time race comes up on 4chan. People get on a "fucka you fucka you! Your race is shit!"

We should all have self love and self respect. We should all have a special loyalty to our own race. But if you need to characterize that by saying other races suck, or are disgusting or whatever then you are a pathetic, bitter person.

You should be saying "I love my race. My race is wonderful" not "the other races are subhuman, your race is trash" etc. It's like the socially awkward kid at school that tried to make friends by shit talking the well liked people. It teems with a lack of true confidence. No one liked that kid. He was a faggot.

>> No.13553624


>> No.13553626

>t. german or french subhuman

>> No.13553629

there is a worldwide beauty standard, the fact that certain people have different views on beauty doesn't change that fact no matter how much you'd like it to

>> No.13553634

I can't even bring myself to feel the least attracted to this; This is actually scary.

>> No.13553636

Blacks and Arabs are the new Europeans, boi. White Europeans are a meme.

>> No.13553643


>> No.13553840
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Same. i know theres a lot of ugly white people. but id rather be a average white person than a average asian person since a average asian person that is 5/10 on an asian scale would be 3/10 on the white scale.

If i could id reborn as a white girl since their face genetics and light eyes and brown or blonde hair = aesthetic as fuck.

>> No.13554166

I'm pretty happy desu, I mostly just go on here for laughs and to help out in suit threads

>> No.13554189


>> No.13554191

just upload to mega and post the link here

>> No.13554273

The worst one, for me, is when I see an azn mother with her young daughter and she is doing her best not to look like her child does.

>> No.13554282

blonde hair on men is universally considered less attractive than brown.
black/brown hair and coloured eyes is ideal.
Look at every single one of the best looking men on the planet

>> No.13554290

That doesn't necessarily mean it's a better deal, though.
Let's say a majority of women prefer brown to blond and a minority of women really like blond.
How much do the majority dislike blond vs how much the minority like it?
If the majority just have a preference and it doesn't matter much to them while the minority want your aryan seed inside them ASAP then you might be better off blond.
I don't think women are turning down a blond guy because he is blond when they would have accepted if he had everything the same with brown hair.

>> No.13554296
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it would actually be neat if races outside of caucasians could have different colored anything
every race besides white is just brown and black
brown skin, black hair, brown eyes, brown lips
whites are the people of color
everyone else is muted into generality
but i like korea and you should be happy being korean, your country is neat

>> No.13554326

>on a board dedicated to only improving outward appearances to fool others

>> No.13554339

When you go deep into Africa you find tribes with weird genetic variance like Blonde hair, shit is super dooper rare though.
I've also heard myths about people in the past who had purple eyes.

>> No.13554352

Asian WOMEN have excellent features. Asian males have feminine features of being frail, skinny, short on AVERAGE compared to whites. Go to China and any woman will tell you frankly whites are more attractive because they have better facial features and lighter skin.


>> No.13554355

How does it feel that your mom is a submissive slut that loves white dick?

>> No.13554607

Keep thinking that, shitskin

>> No.13554646

dude just literally go to reddit kpopfap or /kpop/ on mu

>> No.13554798

i used to really like kpop and i think that made me think less of my skin color

then i thought why the fuck do i want to look white

so then i stopped caring about my skin and what the idols were wearing
just listened to myself and what i was more interested in... not what the cute idols were wearing

>> No.13555014

The grass is greener
If you were white, you would be lamenting about your hairline loss and wishing you were born east asian

>> No.13555124

>asians from china/japan/korea do not want to be white
oh sweetie you claim to be east asian but the reality over there very much contradicts all you just said lol

>> No.13555150



>> No.13555185

>I always think the best looking people are half white and half Asian.
Unless they're men. Male hapas are the prime source of incels.

>> No.13555191

lmao cope. literally every white person looks like a model

>> No.13555194

ITT: Asian American men telling themselves their Asian American female friends/girlfriends wouldn't choose a white guy over them any day.

>> No.13555198
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Can I be encouraging? It's nice you admire white people but being Korean is pretty lit senpai. Take pride in who you are.

>t. white guy

>> No.13555258

im white but there are no benefits of it for me because im 175 cm

>> No.13555320

flipinos are spainish rape babies mate, youre basically mexicans

>> No.13555534

Lol, no.

>> No.13555590

Except it's more likely you'll do a wigger cut than an aryan.

>> No.13555649

Pretty good. That is how all women should be.

>> No.13555671


>> No.13555679

Persian reporting, but look slightlyl Asian because my parents are Azeri. North American women look boring and white men look like too nice/like golden retrievers... Been living in Vancouver my entire life. Love who you are, but quit wearing those goofy fucking bowlcuts you Koreans love so much.

>> No.13555687

how do i get cute iranian gf

>> No.13555688
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I find it flattering and attractive.

>> No.13555691

>It couldn't be any more clear that we want to come and fuck all of you
What the fuck does this mean? That you want to fuck our women and leave them, so they can think of you when they’re married with us? That white men can easily do that to any race but asian men can’t do that to white women?

>> No.13555695

Except it’s always white males stealing asian women and never the other way around. That’s why we will never ally. You all laugh behind us when fucking our wives behind us.

>> No.13555697

Except it’s always white males stealing asian women and never the other way around. That’s why we will never ally. You all laugh behind us when fucking our wives behind us. There’s no such thing as ‘whites admiring asian traits’. Like, it must be some philosophical shit. Never the physical or any masculine one. Fuck this life.

>> No.13555698

Why is this shitty racebait thread still up

Stop being a spineless white worshiping cucklord OP if you lived in a western nation you'd know whyte people are garbage. Stop sucking on haolewood and media anti Asian garbage.

>> No.13555704

They should be deported and never be allowed to come back to asian lands.

White x asian alliance will never ever happen.

>> No.13555709

What about asian guys?

>> No.13555720

Western people are shallow as fuck

>> No.13555729

If I lived in a white country I wouldn’t ever bother to have a gf. I could improve myself in any way, but I will always be permanently inferior to whites anyway. I can’t change my penis size. I can’t change my height, skin color, face, etc etc. Sure I have a good face but it doesn’t matter, I guess.

>> No.13555750

East Asians, especially Koreans, are more shallow than any Westerner might ever wish to be.

>> No.13555755

4chan is the last place in the Western world that attributes much importance to race


>> No.13555757

bro up your inner game. i live in LA and see tons of asians with hot white gfs, or hot gfs of any race for that matter

>> No.13555765

Depends on the girl, bro. Those who are raised here tend to be more down to earth and easy-going. But I’d definitely tell you to try some old-school game, and if you meet the parents, definitely don’t be too touchy feely or even kiss the girl. Call instead of texting. Don’t do that jewwy modern “split the bill” shit on the first date. Godspeed

>> No.13555778

West Coast has had Asians/Asian Americans for over 100 years and in greater numbers, so it's different there.

Even here in NYC I can count the AM/WF couples I've seen in one hand (most NYC Asian Americans are either transplants or their family moved here in the 80s).

>> No.13555805

>t. chink dicklet

>> No.13556057

Anon every race has their cuties and uggos. Just try to be the best version of yourself. At the end of the day we're all just humans.

>> No.13556259

the average /fa/ poster has an IQ of 70

>> No.13556289

hi roastie

>> No.13556344

I'm saying that white people like how Asians look, naturally.
So why try to look like a white person?

>> No.13556365

he's probably one of those slant eyed ones,flip gene pool got so mixed there aren't pure ones anymore

>> No.13556426

You should be happy, Koreans are considered to be the most fashionable and White girls are going waterfalls over Korean guys.

I'm a shitskin and I just work my collection to go along my skin tone.

>> No.13556432

2nd panel is literally an asian emulating a metrosexual man and 3rd is an asian emulating a black man, both of which have foregone traditional asian identities or culture to emulate another cultural subset.

>> No.13556504

White guys like how Asian girls look.

Weird white and black Koreaboos like how Asian men look. I have a Japanese friend (yes, Japanese) and he met one of them and she stalked him and was in general the female version of a 4chan user.

Western women in general do not like how Asian men look.

To be fair if you're any minority you're either seen as stereotypical or whitewashed. No matter how you act there's always a label or someone criticizing you (for the latter it's usually old people so who cares).

>> No.13556521

Going by the WW+AM couples I see the girls tend to be 6/10 natural blondes.
You can do a lot worse than a 6/10 blonde girl, I'd be happy with that.

>> No.13556529

I should mention that these are bog-standard SEA men as well. Not kpop looking dudes.

>> No.13556572

No I embrace my culture and love the way I look
I would never trade it for being white

>> No.13556590

Yeah but that only works for asian women.

>> No.13556594

Well it's the Asian women I'm looking at. If Asian men are putting in blue eye contacts I have not even noticed.

>> No.13556596

I see plenty of white women with Asian men. I think you might be fixating on what you are expecting to see rather than the reality. I think it's pretty balanced.

>> No.13556605

Lol you people are such hermits. Dying hair blonde is not creepy or awkward, white people do it too. Even the blonde ones. It’s stylish and cool. Look at pewdiepie. Hell, I think dyed blonde is more attractive than natural blond.

>> No.13556617

most women (from anywhere) probably find 'bog-standard SEA men' more attractive that K-Pop stars. Those feminine boys are marketed at pre-pubescent girls who are so young theyre still scared of men/dick.

>> No.13556643

I can fix all your problems right now. Its easy.

Start seeing yourself as an individual and not a member of any racial team. That goes for nationality/sexuality/anything else. Women who you perceive as being 'yours' will never do you any favors - they dont owe you anything and you dont owe them anything.

Now you're free, go and enjoy your life.