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File: 1.42 MB, 4168x4168, 9BA7C747-7567-4258-B4E2-18C54FC6BCAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13547646 No.13547646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry I’m posting here but I think effay ppl are only ppl who get laid on 4chan. I had first time sex with a super hot Guy last night and my pussy literally smelled so much. It was not bad smell, it was like pheromone smell- like sour sweet smell? Idk it makes u horny smell. Anyway that has never happened and he lost his boner 2x and then neither of us came and then he drove me home. I was like I’ve never had it smell like this and he was like ur pussy is weapons grade . How can I change this I don’t think it’s hygeine bc I’m clean as fk and eat well and everything is clear down there. How do I stop being an animal in heat or is it fine ? Does anyone else have this ??

>> No.13547655
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can't help you though, sorry

>> No.13547692

Sounds like BV, which is just the effect of a different balance of bacteria in your body. It can happen any time for basically no reason (it doesn't mean you're a slut or you're dirty, this kind of stuff just ... happens - especially in the summer). You can get something at a pharmacy to treat it without even seeing a doctor. Sometimes it gets better on its own (esp if you're just about to start your period) but BV puts you at risk of other STDs so it's better to treat it

And don't post your sexts on 4chan and don't fuck anyone who calls your pussy a downstairs omg GET SOME STANDARDS

Source: I'm in nursing school

>> No.13547698

Did.....did he call his penis "the peacemaker"?

>> No.13547706

So this is the level of autism Chad can get away with.

>> No.13547709

lmfao this is hilarious, holy shit this cant be real. This guy treats you like shit. Holy hell.

>> No.13547717

>implying its not a beta and a fat roastie potato

>> No.13547725

Doesn't seem that bad to me just quite casual

>> No.13547730

You two deserve eachother

>> No.13547732

makes me legit sad

>> No.13547736

>he didn't even come

>> No.13547738

Jesus fucking christ this thread is pure comedy.

>> No.13547741

>his peacemaker had no rounds in the chamber

>> No.13547747

Hey OP, how do I snag a girl like you on Tinder given the fact that we matched and we're both the same minority race (so attraction is probably likely and our match isn't just a "mistake")?

>> No.13547750


>> No.13547772
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N i g g e r

>> No.13547853

Do people actually talk like this?

>> No.13547862

Wash your punani. From one femanon to another.

>> No.13547866

who the fuck is this kid

>> No.13547876

Open a window, or turn on a fan.

If you're smelling don't have him perform oral.

If you smell that strong then stop once in awhile I and towel off some of your secretions

Try again with another guy tonight

>> No.13547879

>but I think effay ppl are only ppl who get laid on 4chan
sex is uneffay you pleb lurk more

>> No.13547880

can’t stop laughing at this holy shit

>> No.13547885

You don't douche or use like soap or anything up there right? Just water?

Using that shit in vagina will change the balance of the flora and cause an overgrowth of bad bacteria and infections.

>> No.13547886
File: 56 KB, 600x399, 1513893555003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once in my entire life I'm glad to be a virgin. Thank you for this moment.

>> No.13547894

Women are cringey, people act like men are desperate and shit but women act nervous as fuck when alone with guy. Try it.

Be alone in. Room with a woman you're not attracted to. I used to be a shy quiet loser before I realized if you don't give a shit you always have the upper hand

>> No.13547895
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>> No.13547899

What about this makes you glad to be a virgin? Once you start having sex, you'll see that there are potentially many complications. It's quite like BRAZZERS at all.

>> No.13547901



>> No.13547906

get someone that treats you better sis

>> No.13547907

i thought i was on b for a second

>> No.13547910
File: 369 KB, 1440x1424, 2AtPQmY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weapons grade
>little guy drools all day
>all scent full steam ahead
LMAOO jesus fucking christ

>> No.13547919
File: 41 KB, 480x542, 1514575039394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The peacemaker wants redemption from your weapons grade downstairs

>> No.13547934


He’s literally just humoring you with that stanky pussbox.

My guess:
>you won’t see him again.

>> No.13548086

this is how white ppl talk about sex

>> No.13548113


>> No.13548315

Cringe level convo tbqh.

>> No.13548424


What the fuck is wrong with white people? weird ass mofuckers

>> No.13548429

if it's not a yeast infection, it's likely an STD or some other kind of disease. check your discharge, google symptoms or better yet go to a doctor or something.

>> No.13548500

Lol he gave you aids

>> No.13548531

I've been an RN for eight years, I've never had to learn any public health bullshit about STDs and you sure as fuck don't need to know that useless garbage to do discharge paperwork, get yelled at by sleazy kids who are financially exploiting their bedsore ridden trach and peg parents, or steal badass medical tape, the three things you'll do most frequently when you actually become a nurse

>> No.13548577

OP HERE: lol y’all fucking dumb he loves it, just like they all do. He asked me to dinner tmrw night. And yes, I am a hoe, and yes I am going out with another guy tonight, and yes I am a roastie, and yes men fight eachother over pussy like this. It’s pheromones - they make ur skin tingle . I get wet smelling my own. We talk like that bc my profile says “memes 24/7, gamer but not into twitch, hoeing all four corners of our earth, not easily offended so try.”

When u got the good shit u don’t have to try and desu it takes a level of intelligence and wit incels don’t have to speak like that. All y’all can suck ur own dick - women we kick ass and don’t let people tell u how to fuck. Btw I’m not white and Im I’m gorgeous

>> No.13548586

Good thread

>> No.13548591
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>not white

>> No.13548623

somebody translate what she said. is this how normies act?

>> No.13548646

>And yes, I'm a hoe
>desu it
>women we kick ass
>Btw I’m not white and Im I’m gorgeous
A. R
R. A
still a good thread

>> No.13548649

Its niggerspeak, don't even bother.

>> No.13548665

>still a good thread
low standards, this is unfunny and typical bait done a thousand times

>> No.13548674

I mean for /fa/ standards.

>> No.13548724

Get better standards. You're a cancer to this place because you and everyone else here have no fucking taste or self awareness.

>> No.13548753
File: 11 KB, 201x236, mamma mia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a new one, I'm keeping that one in mind.

>> No.13548788
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>Weapons grade

>> No.13548913

You're going to steal that guy's line for excusing his ED?

>> No.13548993

Braindead Simpleton + Girl with Leper Pussy

Match made in heaven, why did you even post this anyway, holy jesus

>> No.13548998

Best thread I've ever read. Put me in the screencap

>> No.13549015

Betas and fat roasties have the best sex.

>> No.13549031
File: 352 KB, 731x720, Hifumi looking at me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im on the warpath. The peacemaker wants redemption. There's no pride to be had.

What am I reading?

>> No.13549054

Might be one of the worst things I've ever read on this board, fucking roastie pls leave the board

>> No.13549088

You posted this on /fit/ there's no way this isn't b8. Sage so fucking hard.

>> No.13549093
File: 32 KB, 356x509, Distraught Monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu it takes a level of intelligence and wit incels don’t have to say "downstairs" like a six year old

>> No.13549124

holy shit the worst trip alive is still on this board and it's been over 6 years

>> No.13549125

is this role play?

>> No.13549139

so you joined here six years ago. sieg has been here for 10

>> No.13549250

lol hes a cliche faggot thinking a bit a poon stank is 'terrible'
hes literal mental children

rub his fucking face in it and make him masturbate til he learns to love life and not the internet.

dont shave either fuck it

post more

thnx bb