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File: 20 KB, 342x445, 81PRp0B7-DL._UX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13543199 No.13543199 [Reply] [Original]

why the FUCK does everyone in europe wear these?

>> No.13543243

As a UK fag, idk it's gross as shit

>> No.13543273

Don’t you know? It’s classic Americana!

>> No.13543385

I bought one from asos but it has a yellowish tint wtf

>> No.13543387

they dont
thats the american tourists lost and needing a shit, pref to match their gf

>> No.13544261

Nobody in the us wears these lmao

>> No.13544267

im from northern EU and I think it's seen as a higher quality brand here, a "genuine" American label. Even the jeans cost like 90-100€.

>> No.13544273

Can confirm, can see Levi's tees regularly, once-twice per week. And I'm in Ukraine, we're far from EU-level development (so those are knokoffs probably).

>> No.13544278

they want that box logo look for cheap i'd guess.

>> No.13544287

Beacuse Levis Europe or whatever it calls invests tons of money in ads, similar amounts as Nike and Adidas.

>> No.13544293

Jesus Christ. Levi jeans here are $30-40. I wonder if I'll be seen as rich fag if I move over there seeing as 7 out of my 20 pairs of jeans are Levi.

>> No.13544299

Everything American here is really expensive, are Levi's really quality? And yes you will be seen as well-off in more central/eastern European countries since the majority of what they wear is fast fashion

>> No.13544304

levis is a brand with a lot of history, so people want to wear their logo. Worse quality than gildan on the tees(gildan isnt even that bad but still)

>> No.13544307

Because people just wear what other people wear

>> No.13544321

I stopped buying Levis Ts when every of them started having huge logo on it. Disgusting. Every fucking schoolboy in Russia has it.

>> No.13544323

More importantly, why does every normalfag in Europe wear a T-shit with a yuuge NASA logo on it?

>> No.13544403

>are Levi jeans really quality
not really, they're in a similar league as mall tier stuff like American eagle and Gap. it doesn't mean they're bad jeans, but just not the high quality standard Europeans see them as. They're literally the only jeans with stitching on the back pocket that I'll wear.

>> No.13544439
File: 23 KB, 575x461, 829830004-front-pdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get their plain white tee with the logo on the sleeve. cop 2 of them for $20 together.

>> No.13544446
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 6526468_500_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this one as well

idk why euro fags are still into americana the US has been a shithole for a while now

>> No.13544450

Im in Europe and havent seen a single person recently wearing that shit.

>> No.13544454

European countries became even worse shitholes tho

>> No.13544512

>let me tell you about your country

>> No.13544572

pretty ironic desu

>> No.13544604
File: 44 KB, 540x540, 2A9895E6-046F-4478-9A8B-C3F3FC46961E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m from America and I like Europe. This isn’t related to what you posted but I just thought I’d tell Europosters how much I like them.

>> No.13544611

Levi's tees appeared out of nowhere here in Argentina a couple of montha ago and now they're everywhere.
I dony know how/when this happened

>> No.13544665

frenchfag here
I have no idea why. I suspect supreme influence + girls sheep started the trend ; (((americana))) is fashionable and apparently being a walking ad for Levi's works

>> No.13544674
File: 92 KB, 470x560, YTDan Merch (youtube).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of want to cop one ironically

>> No.13544699

think that’s bad? there’s a huge infestation of Guess tshirts in my shitty corner of easter europe

>> No.13544701

I saw someone with down syndrome wearing this shirt at Walmart the other day. what are you yuros doing?

>> No.13544712

yeah wtf I noticed this too. Levi's in america are fucking terrible but here people think they're so cool

>> No.13544716

Like that other anon said, coming from France Levis is actually high profile, almost bourgeois. The jeans are around 100€ (120$) so its a bit of a statement of "look I can afford it"; also means quality.
And its the best representative of american made goods to plebeians.

>> No.13544767

can't you just buy Levi's from Americans on eBay and just pay the shipping? It'll be alot cheaper than paying $120

>> No.13544796
File: 36 KB, 320x320, arthoe basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my parisian pov, most people won't buy used goods in general; its just a hassle with the shipping, online shopping, etc. Also maybe there's tax IDK
with a statement piece like Levi's they'll buy it new, try it in a store, see if they like it etc.
Arthoes do thrift Levi's, but not online directly in a close thrift store - mostly the light blue kind obvi

>> No.13544833

Im not amerifat so i tought levi's was a store like home depot

>> No.13545175

I used to work at a Levi's store, the quality depends on where you buy them from. The stuff they sell at outlet stores and department stores is lower quality than the stuff they sell online/at flagship stores.

>> No.13545195

Me and my friends have a drinking game with these shirts. If you see one and say Levi's the rest has to drink. In a decent sized city this will get you really fucked up

>> No.13545210
File: 53 KB, 524x399, 1498124248112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in europe wear these
I don't faggot, delete thread

>> No.13545258

This is the 2018 Version of OPs pic

>> No.13545278

Now you know this just makes you look stupid right? That’d be like me thinking Tesco is a designer clothing store.

>> No.13545288

teenage girls maybe, most people don't. besides levis is actually a good brand here, shit can be expensive.

>> No.13545290

For the same reason poor Americans dress in that one Gucci tee.

>> No.13545601

Yes they do. I see every girl on Instagram with at least one picture with this shirt.

>> No.13545634

Dont forget about Hardrock cafe logo tshirt too.That abomination is everywhere here in Belgium

>> No.13545738
File: 390 KB, 3268x3268, FFB464E0-192A-40B1-B963-FD86F99B50AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13547546

still atrocious

>> No.13547551

I wear mine in doors as a laying around in t shirt

>> No.13547558
File: 37 KB, 400x400, Guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13547597

Dude, I don't fucking know. I see a lot of people here wearing those. Even one lad where I work wore this today.
Personally I think wearing a tshirt from a jeans brand is weird.
t. from the Netherlands

>> No.13547659

I'm a Britfag and I own this T shirt but I like the logo and I also spend £80+ on Levis jeans.When I was in USA last year I was excited to see that Levi's were $40 or so but the jeans are different. They don't fit as well as the British versions and they don't age as well.
They're definitely better than Gap, Topman, H&M, Hollister etc.

>> No.13547671

>levis shirt
>denim jacket
>kanken no. 1

>> No.13547699

It's cheap compared to a jacket with that logo, so poorfags flock to it.

>> No.13547701

Levis produce different clothes with higher quality for europe

>> No.13547720

Tesco isnt a designer clothing store?

>> No.13547739

German here. A lot of teens and young women wear these. They are everywhere! Levi's are by far my fav jeans but they cost over 100€ regular. When I look for jeans everyone else just buys Tshirts.
Last year everyone was wearing expensive af Nike shoes, so I guess it's the annual 'I have money' teenager trend that then spreads.

>> No.13548650

all of your clothes are more expensive than freedomland. a pair of dickies costs 60 euro when i can get one at walmart for 20$

>> No.13548659

germans are the worst dressed europeans

>> No.13548693

This plus black Skinny jeans, docs and those filter waterbottles

>> No.13549487

h8ers gonna h8

>> No.13549491

Last year it was highschool fuckboy clothing over here in the Netherlands. In general people still wear it but the hype is long over.

Why wouldn't they wear it though? It's okay if you ask me. The contrast is nice, it goes well with blue jeans and the logo isn't agressive.

>> No.13549495

According to some Americans I asked about this, they said that you can actually buy expensive Levi's but Levi's also makes cheaper (inferior) jeans they massively sell to chain stores like Walmart.
They don't do this in Europe hence the brand is seen as higher quality.

>> No.13549504

Hazy neva miss

>> No.13549537

>I suspect supreme influence + girls sheep started the trend


Here is how it happened:
>Supreme trend in the US
>Reaches Europe 2 years later
>Advertised in women magazines
>Normie bitches don't get shit, they don't have the money to buy supreme anyways and just think the trend is about big red logos
>Buy levi's shirts

>> No.13549550

I like their jeans but everything else is meh

>> No.13549575


>> No.13549692

Eurofag reporting laughing at all the truth. Everyone's wearing Levi and NASA shirts.
On top of that I see about a dozen poor quality rick and morty, Nintendo, and micky mouse shirts a week; I also see a lot of branded windbreakers that are literally from the 90's.

>> No.13549715

This but unironically

>> No.13549726

no, they do when in europe and they cant find a fucking shirt cuz theyre cheap fux

>> No.13549827

It is simply the European version of the supreme bogo
People decided that this is the second-best thing because most streetwear brands don't sell clothes in retail in a lot of european countries and getting them overseas costs a fucktonne of money

>> No.13549842

there are expensive Levi's on their site. the most I saw was $60 for a pair of jeans.

>> No.13550098

Same reason shit tier Clarks are considered posh shoes in America.

Levi's are twice as expensive in Europe as in the US.
Clarks shoes are twice as expensive in the US as they are in Europe.

This makes budget brands into bourgeoisie brands abroad.

In the Levi's store in the US I got two pairs of jeans and a belt for under 55 dollars.
Each pair of jeans costs 60-80 Euro back home.

>> No.13551090

I came here to post this thread.
These are EVERYWHERE in London right now.
The ultimate meme t-shirt.

>> No.13551098

This one looks pretty good desu

>> No.13551133

levis shirt
fjallraven backpack
these striped carrot pants (?)
vans old skools or adidas superstars

did i just describe the ultimate contemporary basic hoe?

>> No.13551143

im also from eastern europe and guess and levis is everywhere.

>> No.13551277

In Holland EVERYONE has that fucking shirt. Was in spain last month, and yes....EVERYONE has that shirt. Why?

>> No.13551311

In europe levis is kinda expensive, is seen as a branded clothing above mall tier and bellow designer.
That's why you see people wearing them, they are not perceived as cheap clothes but as a good kinda expensive clothes.

>> No.13551333
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 7392158375165_a_kanken_big_fjaellraeven_110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see these way more often than Levi's -tees.

>> No.13551339

>Levi's also makes cheaper (inferior) jeans they massively sell to chain stores like Walmart.
Apparently this isn’t true, Levi’s quality in US is always pretty bad

>> No.13552664

they like american cock

>> No.13552666

I don't want shart stains

>> No.13552914

Seeing at least one of these a day in Bucharest.

>> No.13552937

Any idea how to get a body like this?

>> No.13552943

I bet you wear (((Calvin Klein))) too

>> No.13554423

Levi is a moderately expensive brand in EU
like 90-120e for a pair of trousers
Anyway, I have never seen someone wearing that tshirt, and I found it weird when I saw it in the top seller section on amazon
the only time I have seen someone wearing it is the knockoff 'Elvis' version

>> No.13554985

work out but not too much and have no body fat

>> No.13555017

love u too

>high profile

>> No.13555023

>statement piece

no, the thing is that you guys have lower standards so you are sold special productions that don't make it to the European market

also pretty much all of the good stuff is made in Europe, meaning that you are obviously paying more for it due to the import/custom fees

>> No.13555548


>> No.13556612

they're are probably the most unattractive t shirts I've ever seen.

>> No.13556765

Broke people who don't know how to dress wear them in Europe.