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/fa/ - Fashion

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13526822 No.13526822 [Reply] [Original]

Aaaaah help /fa/, I want to be cute and fashionable but I feel like my height makes everything look bad on me (5'10) any tips on how to be cute and tall?
I don't really wear skirts and dressed because it's quite rare to find a woman actually wearing them here.

>> No.13526825

post feet first

>> No.13526851

I think 5’10 is the perfect female height. 5’10 girls end up being my height when they wear 3 inch heels, I don’t have to bend over to hold hands and kiss them. Stop hanging out around manlets.

>> No.13526910

and you're still a virgin.....

>> No.13526973

Wear skirts and dresses anyway

>> No.13526974

>tfw no tall gf who is insecure about her height

>> No.13527060

5'10 is womanlet tier unless you live in an asian or mutt country.

>> No.13527648

5 ft 9 girl from a big city here
This is assuming you mean "cute" as in girly and pink and like a little girl:
If I were you I would try to go for the tall and beautiful look rather than the tall and cute look. I know you want to be kawaii desu like all your animes but
1. its childish at any height to dress all cutesy
2. its especially childish at your height to do such
It's attractive to guys on this site to be "cute" because they, too watch anime but the truth is it comes off like you're a womanchild.
Im not telling you not to do it, but you should just be aware of that.

That being said, if you just mean "cute" as in more feminine and dressed up:
I guarantee, if something looks bad on you, it's not because of your height. Just make sure you have good posture and you aren't slouching because of how ashamed you are of being tall. GOOD POSTURE IS NUMBER ONE!!!!! Keep your nails/toenails well groomed and maybe painted for the summer months ahead. You don't need to wear heels if they make you feel like a giraffe. Something like this is a good height to start out if you want to work up to really high heels:

In the winter get some long thigh length boots and pair them with a skirt, that always looks better on taller women.

Maybe try to wear flowy shorts that look like skirts in the summer, it looks more dressed up and the wind won't be a problem like when you're wearing a short skirt.


Something like that in maybe a nicer fabric, I cant find a link for my shorts haha. Hope some of this helps

>> No.13527658

5'10" really isn't that tall, for girls it really only starts getting into "too tall" territory at 6'+. you're worrying way to much about it dude.

>> No.13527660

haha YES

>> No.13527663

>girl here
>bad post
not surprised

>> No.13527692

what is bad about it then faggot

>> No.13527709

It's the least bad post in this thread

>> No.13528099

im almost like 6'1 thanks to my cursed aryan genes :(
how i should dress

>> No.13528315
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I agree yes it's harder to pull off "cute" things but your height shouldn't make things look "bad". I am 5'10 as well and I try to be cute sometimes but when you do with this height it might become more classy than cute. Try out skater skirts. They're very easy to pull off when you are tall.

>> No.13528320
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Doesn't matter what you wear, pink will always make it more cute so try pink stuff I guess. I wouldn't understand how a pink parka or whatever would look bad on you just because you're tall. It just shouldn't matter.

>> No.13528329
File: 2.99 MB, 2083x3315, IMG_20180712_152530__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if leggings are too skimpy for your area but sportswear is always easy to pull of for tall women. Maybe not super cute or whatever but I think it always looks okay at least. DON'T TELL ME TO CLEAN UP MY ROOM I made this picture for the sole purpose of showing someone how messy it was that day it's long fixed by now.

>> No.13528392
File: 32 KB, 800x533, https _hypebeast.com_image_2016_07_rick-owens-adidas-mastodon-sneaker-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13528531

all these 'girls' in one thread, 5'5 is cutoff height for qts

>> No.13528545

Oh God. Those shoes. My eyes are bleeding

>> No.13528685

t. Manlet

>> No.13528736

wheres the feet