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13526166 No.13526166 [Reply] [Original]

post your ideal 'effay' lifestyle

-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
-wear comfy all black all the time
-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
-no children
-grey hair by 29
-suicide around 55

>> No.13526194

>small manageable heroin addiction

>> No.13526237

the absolute state of lefties....

>> No.13526319

>small manageable heroin addiction

Have you ever interacted with a heroin junkie before?

>> No.13526326


>> No.13526327

At least he would not have children

>> No.13526342

married by 25
Kids by 27
happy life and fulfilled dreams thank you that would be nice

>> No.13526485
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>work is publishing Marxist

>> No.13526498
File: 72 KB, 615x750, 1530637557244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkies are junkies because they lack money and are 24/7 busy trying to get money for heroin or crack or whatever.

Wealthy drug addicts who have no worries about how to get their drugs can live a pretty normal life. I've seen a documentary and heard lots of stories about rich heroin/crack/meth addicts who use every day without most people even noticing.

It's the circumstances that make junkies, not the substance itself.

>> No.13526574

youre fuckign stupid if ur not trolling. kys and leave some oxygen for some other human who may not waste it

>> No.13526600

>being this buttblasted over being told the truth

Maybe google a bit, it's actually true. Heroin doesn't magically destroy you by default, it's the downward spiral of your life revolving more and more around the drug and how to feed an addiction that's expensive to maintain. Take away that part by having more than enough money available at all time and it's possible to lead a somewhat healthy lifestyle with the drug. I work in social engeering and that's a not even a debated issue, it's a fact.

>> No.13526612


>> No.13526656

>I've seen a documentary

Whoah mate, really? How could I possibly argue with that

>> No.13526659

kill yourself now and get it over with

>> No.13526664

this is the gayest most “cultivated by the internet,” sense of cool i have ever seen. be your own person you fucking sheep.

>> No.13526666

That's called one example, maybe you shouldn't ignore the rest and maybe even try to think about the whole thing before ranting on.

Try not to be an imbecile who spouts his spaghetti every time someone posts about things that seem to go beyond his horizon

>> No.13526667

>be your own person
I shall obey your demand!

>> No.13526676

You know work is important for marxists right? We need farmers and miners and factory workers, no one gives a shit about an """academic publisher""" in a marxist society. If you had your way, and lived in your ideal society, what would be YOUR job? Or are you just using dangerous social ideologies as fashion accessories in your limp-wristed impotent fantasies?

Delete your thread and then delete your life retard.

>> No.13526689

it's pasta, retards

>> No.13526695

i´m actually agree with this argument, being effay is the opposite of being miserable and sad, if you´re not going to enjoy your life just end it man, seriously

>> No.13526700

>checked the archive
>has been posted once
>december 12, 2015
what the fuck is wrong with op lmao

>> No.13526716

u win

>> No.13526723



>> No.13526726

Sounds like an awful life

>> No.13526747

he's 2 effay 4 u

>> No.13526757

>graduate school
>move out of moms house
>get small apartment
>job at IBM to save up money
>move to Portland for a year and work at some laid back start up
>visit cool nature shit
>move to Seattle and San Fransico for work but only for a year each
>make sure to make Facebook life events for each big move to rub it in my old High school friends face who’s always subtlety trying to compete with me
>make nice friends in both area so I have a reason to visit again
>move to NYC
>complain how much it sucks
>get rich
>build a cool pc
>travel and get bored after 3 weeks
>move to an irrelevant and small but thriving town
>renovate a broken down home into cool loft space with nice windows
>live the rest of my life doing nothing and buying garbage off amazon to fill the void until I die

>> No.13526760

All this while being thinspo and keeping my style basic and normie tier

>> No.13526776 [DELETED] 

>open small private vintage/antiques shop with a group of friends
>graduate meme art degree
>move to small Mediterranean touristic town
>spend next 5 years selling vintages and clubbing
>earn some money
>move to big city, buy old loft apartment in the centre, decorate by your own and place on airbnb
>start thinking about family

Currently I’m somewhere in the middle of this
>move to small touristic Mediterranean town
>open vintage

>> No.13526780

>open small private vintage/antiques shop with a group of friends
>graduate meme art degree
>move to small Mediterranean touristic town
>spend next 5 years selling vintages and clubbing
>earn some money
>move to big city, buy old loft apartment in the centre, decorate by your own and place on airbnb
>start thinking about family

Currently I’m somewhere in the middle of this

>> No.13526807

where do you live anon?

>> No.13526857

>graduate uni, honors student, loner
>future success, comfy career, home mortgage, car, corporate ladder, etc.
>however, disillusioned, drop everything
>aimless, move to NYC with meager savings
>live in shoe box apt. with other failures,
>6'2, athletic, hired as a mover, grueling work
>hightop sneakers, denim, comfy sweaters everyday
>get into ny underground scene, drugs, hookers, literary types, more failures, etc.
>books piled high to the ceiling, vintage film cartridges, drawing books filled with sketches of an unidentified woman's face
>die of drug overdose, found laying face down on floor

>> No.13526859

>small mangable heroin addiction

you are fucking delusional

>> No.13526946
File: 21 KB, 520x280, BatouDog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hacker working for quasi fascist government
>live alone w/ non cyborg dog
>prefer canned beer and a philosphical talk every now and then to actual relationship w/ hot coworker

>> No.13526969

that was funny

>> No.13527002

>start my own effay clothing brand
>come into my own in my music
>perform a myriad of different genres and styles to variably different groups of peole
>actually get paid for it
>business is good, and start some more subsidiaries based on the different music aliases
>high-class schemes and white-collar crime to fill monetary voids
>rub hands w/ rich and wealthy and get acquainted to 1% crimers
>use company and subsidiaries to provide money laundering help, as well as boost statistics and the such
>move to NYC to evade death-sentence tier prosecution
>business is booming
>spend a few in the music scene, blow up Joey Badass level
>respected as an artist and business man, all while being able to dress effay as fuck due to field of operation
>cut ties w/ crimers, survive
>continue to advance in both fields while consuming more culture, music and cinema
>find qt gf in cocaine bathroom party in some Paris high-class loft
>idk, survive till 50 and enjoy life I guess

>> No.13527292
File: 83 KB, 512x512, 1530381434892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small manageable heroin addiction
then its not an addiction, its a habit. also enjoy renal failure, idiot.

>> No.13527297

Batou is who I dream to be.
>Applying to be cop
>practicing computer programmer
>getting fit
>techwear/cyber punk fits
>Blonde hair blue eye(no superior robo eyes yet)

>> No.13527437

same as this guy >>13526857 except
>start working a high paying job as a programmer
>never tell people about my job
>continue living a poor life to save up
>turn ~32
>without saying goodbye to anyone move to rural ukraine
>make a cabin in a forest
>marry a local qt
>have a few lil slavs
>occasionally open facebook to check up on my former acquaintances
>smile thinking about my former life
>be buried in an unmarked grave

>> No.13527473

now this is effay.

any one romanticizing failure is just projecting.

>> No.13527504

kinda sad still

>> No.13527510

>cabin dream meme
literally said every young guy until they get too old and realize it will never happen

>> No.13527582

>closet is like a “best of” catalog from 1972 to 2012
>outfit for literally any occasion, dresses in the outfit you imagine you should be wearing at this barbecue, dinner party, vacation, etc.
>Works at a game studio but really just from good connections with friends who already worked there, not intensely smart or artistic
>No love life, too much resentment for old crushes and too busy trying to fun and friendly
>knows too much about movies and music
>no one can tell if he’s just living to impress others or genuinely enjoys leaning into stereotypes
>dies “too young” in a violent crime and leaves everyone with one short good story about him

>> No.13527745

I do heroin, wealthy or not it's a pain in the ass and withdrawals are a bitch. you can't leave a meeting just because you need a fix

>> No.13527847

>finish degree
>do masters in another uni, another country (erasmus)
>make friends from host country and other international students
>meet someone there
>get decent paying job after college, move in with friends and eventually, gf
>keep making more and more money but living well within my means, saving and investing my residuals
>eventually my job becomes an eccentric hobby, do it just to stimulate my mind besides music and art.
>take a year long vacation to travel the world
>settle down some place quiet with gf
>never marry, never have children
>always try to keep in shape
>always strive to better myself intellectually and spiritually
>if ever diagnosed with a degenerative illness or become too senile, write up my will and put all my stuff in order, have one last meal at my favorite restaurant, kill myself
>if not, live until I'm 100 and die in my sleep the day before my 101st birthday.
>get cremated and have my ashes spread over the ocean.

>> No.13527853

You niggers are such fucking posers

>> No.13527965

Have you even done heroin before? Can't imagine small or manageable describing any addiction, especially not heroin

>> No.13528000

>Do something until money runs out, probably around a month.
>kill myself

>> No.13528056

lmao, way to be completely fucking honest if nothing else