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/fa/ - Fashion

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13520587 No.13520587 [Reply] [Original]

All my life I've had a very subdued style, if that's a good word for it, English isn't my first language. I've always worn nothing but black, blue, gray. Mostly single color, rarely any patterns at all and if patterns then simple ones. No print. I've preferred to not draw attention to myself, a humble look in my opinion, which in my opinion is kind of classy in its own right, though my clothes have for the most part not been classy in the conventional sense, but rather simple. I have begun wearing black dress shoes every day though. Anyway I've been researching a little, trying to perhaps eventually change my style.

I'm thinking maybe women don't like my style. I've also been thinking about this concept of peacocking, wearing some item that really sticks out. Does that actually attract women? Say I were to wear a t-shirt like pic related to a festival instead of a black t-shirt. Would women like that?

And I don't want women's replies. I'm asking men only.

>> No.13520604

I automatically assume people with mario/zelda clothes and accessories are bugmen

>> No.13520612

Is this a new pasta?

>> No.13520615

Well then replace it with some other equally eye-catching silly item.

>> No.13520618

fuck off woman

>> No.13520619

They might think you're racist

>> No.13520758

It's a real head scratcher as to why women don't like you

>> No.13520768

No it's not. That's just your liberal logic/emotional thinking. (read: nonexistent logic)
>I said so therefore it is so
It's perfectly fine as a man to desire to have a discussion with other men without any women in it. For example because women don't have the male experience. Now fuck off.

>> No.13521031
File: 102 KB, 640x853, 1531656637326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no fucking relevant replies, you all fucking suck.
Opinions on wearing pic related?

>> No.13521138

>How do I appeal to women?
>only men are allowed to answer
You're doing great, bud

>> No.13521152

women will think this is juvenile and that you're too childish to get involved with. the only women who would find video game paraphernalia attractive or interesting are women who did not have friends growing up so adopted male hobbies to compensate for their poor social skills

>> No.13521306

You're fucking retarded. And clearly a woman. And a liberal. Now fuck off.

>> No.13521309

I already said that t-shirt is just one example. Replace it then with ANYTHING equally silly and eye-catching. Are you all fucking brainless in here?

>> No.13521311 [DELETED] 

I'm not interested in women's opinions. I'm interested in men that have tried out going from a subdued modest style to wearing something silly, not all your stuff, just one item.

>> No.13521312

I'm not interested in women's posts. I'm interested in hearing from men that have tried out going from a subdued modest style to wearing something silly, not all your stuff, just one item.

>> No.13521349

Low quality bait

>> No.13522619

>anything I disagree with is bait
typical liberal reasoning

>> No.13522746

Holy fucking shit, you can almost smell the autism from this post.

Congrats though for the new pasta.

You'll look like shit because you're trying to make yourself spontaneous and fun when you really have zero sense of self-confidence, especially around women.

>> No.13522758

>Roosh V


>> No.13523014

it won't work you stupid nigger, now get off this board

>> No.13523448

It's fashion, so fuck you dumbasses.

>> No.13523450

bunch of fucking retards on this board

>> No.13523491
File: 39 KB, 384x406, 1509479506627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking /fa/ what women like
If you want to dress to appeal to other people, you're probably better off asking /soc/ than the board full of guys who dress like ninjas.