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File: 66 KB, 496x700, thinspooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13517282 No.13517282 [Reply] [Original]

Women get out edition
Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

Previously >>13508264

>> No.13517337
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>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
M, 25, 189 cm, 67 kg
>tdee and your deficit
1300 kcal and I guess 1500-2000 kcal.
>highest and lowest weight
No idea about highest, lowest probably 65 kg.
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Physical job, exercise and reduced eating.
>aesthetic you are going for
Spooky scary skeleton.

>> No.13517363
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>> No.13517373
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>> No.13517378
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>> No.13517381
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what in the fuck

>> No.13517382
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>> No.13517384
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>> No.13517398

This might be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Name pls?

>> No.13517425

>uguughghg name pls i need to jerk off constantly sauce name pls name pls twntyfourseven needing to cum all time
fucking hate how horny this site is right now

>> No.13517439

just wanna know for more inspo

>> No.13517557
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>> No.13517560
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>> No.13517563
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>> No.13517575

why every thread?

>> No.13517615

id still eat

>> No.13517617

You can't you have to watch your calories anon

>> No.13517660

that's not how you eat
no wonder you're all stick insects

>> No.13517688

Wait so we been doing it wrong this whole time?

>> No.13517715

So almost achieved my target weight by calorie deficiency and fasting but now feel shitty and bones,muscles body in general hurts, what's best for nutrients without eating a ton and putting it back on, if losing anymore considered "underweight" for my bmi

>> No.13517728

Supplement magnesium?

>> No.13517765
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whats the lowest bmi you guys would go

>> No.13517783

Maybe a bit lower than 18.6 if you are 6ft

>> No.13517810

18.3 is my lowest, but I can never stay there for long or I'll go insane

>> No.13517831

Probably 15

>> No.13517835

is there serious damage that could come from going this low? not talking about 20-30 years in the future stuff i mean immediate

>> No.13517845

might get a sore ass from sitting down

>> No.13517856

No, fifteen is not that crazy
Obviously you'll be a bit more delicate but you want start to disintegrate or anything

>> No.13517862

It's not really the BMI that is damaging, it's all the stuff that it might imply.

Whether or not you're going to have any adverse effects depends on a variety of things.
How large your fame is in general: For someone with a small frame it's no problem at all (mostly small framed women, few men will fall into this category). I know a few girls who look fat if they're above 17 ish in bmi, and completely normal at 15-16.

How you get and stay there: This is by far the largest danger. If you lose/maintain weight by starving yourself over prolonged periods of time you could easily die. Same goes for restricting for prolonged periods, especially if you relapse a lot and try to 'catch up' by severely restricting or eat very unvaried. There are anorexics who die at a bmi of 20+ because they're malnourished from fasting+binge cycles. You'll be at an obvious disadvantage if you're skinnier.

Body fat: if you're naturally muscular/large your body might not be able to store the fat soluble vitamins and hormones like estrogen. Leading to malnutrition or osteoporosis.

Disease: if you where to get sick, you'll be way worse off if you're a low weight. Imagine getting something as common as the flue and dropping 3 kg, it could be bad. Again this applies if you're not really small framed, if that's you then you're probably fine.

>> No.13517870
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been up for seven hours and not eaten yet which is good. Normally I snack and because I am off work for 2 months im worried I will get really fat. Been playing vidya and reading to compensate
>>5ft 11
>>145 lb

>> No.13517878

>145 (Dead) lb
Somehow this was really funny to me

>> No.13517882

how do I not yoyo

>> No.13517890

Fuck this, I'm 5' 11" and <140lbs and I still look like shit, I think I'm just going to gain a bunch of fat until I'm 11 stone 6 again
waste of fucking time this shit

>> No.13517897
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Mainly by making sure your body gets what it needs.
Make sure to get enough nutrients (get a blood test to be sure)
Lose weight slowly and consistently and don't do reactionary fasting/restricting. Even if you binge, even if you gained 5 kg. just don't. You can always exercise instead.
Focus on making good habits. Eat healthy and varied and you won't feel the urge to binge.
Kick the sugar addiction.
Kick the fast food addiction.
Don't make shitty rationalizations and excuses like "i ate that cake, so i'm a pig, since i'm an ugly pig anyway i'll just pig out for a week". You never fail by fucking up one meal or one day, you fail by letting go once you have an excuse.

You won't feel the urge to binge(though obviously you'll still get hungry) if you're eating right.

>> No.13517913

I'm 18.5 right now from fasting or eating 500 or less calories a day, don't have any energy to do anything and sleep the majority of the time, wake up at 12 in the afternoon and go back to sleep at 6, if I get a cut or anything it won't heal for ages, feel drousy all the time when awake, feeling hungry isn't really a thing anymore, and some days feel really ill, apart from that it's alright Aslong as you can deal with it mentally and physically, it %100 isn't for everyone

>> No.13517921

Serious damage, no idea guess we'll see

>> No.13517943

you can't look like pic and be eating as to satisfy your body
not unless there's something wrong with your brain
there IS something wrong with my brain, but it's in the opposite direction

>> No.13518016

Yes you can you fat retard. How would you even know shit about what it's like to be skinny?
If you're maintaining, preferably with some exercise (see how she's not skinny fat at all?), and not yoyoing you'll be able to eat 2000 cal/day no problem and stay whatever weight you are.
This "skinny people don't eat" meme needs to stop. It's bullshit.

>> No.13518017

This anorexia safespace should be deleted unironically

>> No.13518026

fucking this. no one thinks auswitchz survivor physique is attractive, either on males or females

>> No.13518030

chill out on the assumptions
I've been 18bmi before and it just wasn't sustainable, I'm not saying this is objective fact before you put more words in my mouth, but it isn't to be ignored

>> No.13518033

I'm at around 16.5, I don't look too skinny except for my arms.I'm looking to gain weight but I'm already eating a lot, althought it's mainly crap.

>> No.13518038

>can't look like pic and be eating as to satisfy your body
>unless there's something wrong with your brain
>chill out on the assumptions
Nice one, you really got me there didn't you?

>> No.13518040

i have empirical data
you're guessing what somebody is thinking

>> No.13518049

>I'm not saying this is objective fact
>i have empirical data
Okay then, show me the data.
Also what am I guessing here anyway?

>> No.13518053

They do exist, there's people who enjoy the opposite way aswell feeding people to get as big as they can, there's people who find cars attractive ffs

>> No.13518080

i can't, it's in my brain
i could type it out but I doubt you'd accept that, which doesn't matter because only I need to. I lived it

what >>13517897 girl is thinking/feeling
you don't know but you have an opinion
that's fine but it's not credible

give me your opinion and your experience

>> No.13518132

Ah you meant emperical data not as in a scientific analysis of it, but as is your own experiences. What you think is up to you.

As for the girl I never claimed to know what she’s thinking. I actually never even said that I was talking about her at all. It was just a thinspo picture, it wasn’t supposed to have anything significant to do whit my comment on avoiding yoyoing.

As for my personal exerpuenxe. I’m more or less as skinny as this girl and I’m fine. Not abnormaly hungry. Not malnourished. I notice that if I eat poorly I get cravings. And my doctor agrees if that means anything to you. I also have friends who are in the same situation.

>> No.13518134

Mine's 16.7 at the moment but my thighs are still chunkier than I'd like so I'm currently aiming to get under 16

>> No.13518135

Oops my phone had auto corrected some but you get what I’m trying to say.

>> No.13518139

More than likely not, where's the pic anon

>> No.13518142

You have really lovely hands and wrists

>> No.13518159
File: 172 KB, 688x1224, C75A61EB-005B-4364-B028-45DF7E222E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your assumptions
Haven’t got a full body mirror so you only get legs

>> No.13518168

>What you think is up to you.
thank you

it's a weird area to correlate results from since there's no falsifiable metric, so it will always boil down to 'he said, she said', which helps nobody really, but we like to discuss it regardless.

it's quite possible I permanently fucked my brain by flooding it with dopamine every time I opened a pack of cookies, and that's my crux to bear.
There was never a time where I was both thin and not obsessed with food or my image so there isn't a relative perspective to envisage.
I suppose I just instinctively see everyone as broken as I am. It sucks that I have to try twice as hard as other people but it's my own doing.

>> No.13518197

>it's a weird area to correlate results from since there's no falsifiable metric
Well kind of, there are some studies on how malnourished people act, mostly they just eat whatever they get their hands on. That being said, people ARE different. and looks/bmi/weight are all poor metrics for health

>permanently fucked my brain
I doubt you have. If it helps to know I used to be addicted to sweets in my teens, mostly cake and cookies.
But the craving stops once you're not addicted to sugar anymore. Just cut it out of your life for half a year or so. As long as you're 'addicted' you won't be able to taste how horribly sweet these foods really are or how they fuck with your body. You'll also be able to taste fruit and vegetables a lot 'clearer'. They'll start to taste really good.

Now I don't even want to binge on cake because it just feels bad, and that's how it should be. You should feel ill if you stuff down a whole pack of cookies. They're still delicious as a snack though.

>> No.13518198

>Just cut it out of your life for half a year or so.
I have
at LEAST 6 months, losing over a hundred pounds isn't quick

the problem isn't physical, i've ruled it out

>> No.13518199

It's a anon forum don't take it so offensively, regardless thanks for the thinspo

>> No.13518224

That’s good. At least you can do something about it if it’s mental. It would be worse if you had something physical that wouldn’t go away.

Didn’t you notice any difference by cutting out sugar at all? Did you cut out stuff like protein bars, soda and flavoured youghurt too?
Losing 100 pounds is a lot so you’re in it for the long haul anyway I suppose. Might as well be healthy about it, right?

Anyway good luck. You probably aren’t as permanently broken as you think

>> No.13518229

16/15, currently a 19 bmi landwhale

>> No.13518230

Is it weird I love strong black tea with nothing but can't stand black coffee? How do I get used to it?

>> No.13518233

that was the point

losing is easy, i've done it lots of times, and usually in triple figures
it just never sticks

your first paragraph makes no sense if I'm being totally honest with you
a tumour is easier to heal than schizophrenia by many magnitudes

>> No.13518266

But then where would the anorexics go?

>> No.13518273

B vitamins
Omega 3
I sometimes go for "electrolytes powders" that are like recovery fluids to make sure
17~16, currently 20.5 fatfuck

>> No.13518294

Maybe therapy is an option? The idea that you can’t stick to lifestyle changes because you’re permanently mentally broken sounds like a coping mechanism to avoid responsibility. The way you talk about physical illnesses as though they’re way more treatable than mental ones,It Kind of sounds like you want it to be physical, so that it’s won’t be “your fault”? Or maybe so that you can get an easy fix?
I mean, obviously you have the willpower to do it semi-long term. Would you be able to do that if you had gotten so addicted to food that to permanently messed up your dopaminergic responses?

Anyway, yo-yo dieting is really bad for you, so consulting a doctor is probably a good idea either way.

>> No.13518303

How to improve posture?
t. L neck forward shoulders freak

>> No.13518311

>sounds like a coping mechanism to avoid responsibility
that's exactly what fit says too
>it's just cico bro, you're lazy
this doesn't help, why on earth would i sabotage myself AFTER getting what I want?

like slamming my head against a brick fucking wall
every goddamn time I ask for help I just get told it's my own fault for not trying hard enough and I have to grit my teeth and bear it, so I lose another hundred pounds and it happens again, and again, and again until I wind up dead

BUT as you said, it's easy and can maintain it forever and you don't even think about so I don't know why I'm even talking to you
clearly we're not even reading the same book, never mind on the same page

>> No.13518328

do you have other substance abuse issues or is it just food

>> No.13518335

i've put myself in the hospital a few times
either by cutting or ODing

>> No.13518336

Consider therapy, you're a hamster on a wheel otherwise

>> No.13518349

>why on earth would i sabotage myself AFTER getting what I want?
Because it’s hard to take responsibility?
Because having to do it for the rest of your life seems too hard?
Because it is a way of rebelling against something?
Because If you take responsibility for this part of your life it openes the possibility that’s you will have to do it for all the other parts you aren’t doing so well too, and then that would eat all your time and you wouldnt be able to enjoy life?
Maybe you’re telling yourself that it should be easy when it’s not, and that’s making you fail? Because you’re subconsciously resisting against not getting any credit?
This is why I suggested therapy. It’s hard to figure out on your own.

> I just get told it's my own fault for not trying hard enough
>it's easy and can maintain it forever and you don't even think about so I don't know why I'm even talking to you
See? You’re projecting a lot here. I don’t actually think your problem is that you’re not tryiing hard enough. Clearly you’re trying very hard but somehow it’s not working. Had it been a problem of “being lazy” you’d never have lost any weight in the first place.
I also never said it would be easy. Just that it would get easier as you got into the habit. But for some reason you expect it to be easy. Look into that...

>> No.13518377

What you don't seem to be grasping is that I've been kicking my own ass for years because I keep failing.
And your solution is to kick it even harder. And less whining if possible.

And after years of going round and round this pantomime and achieving absolutely nothing, I pause and say "maybe it's time to change tactic"
and that is evidence that i'm just not trying hard enough

you're probably a nice person, but you're absolutely twisted if you think this is at all beneficial to anybody

you've got me deadlocked here
I can't say anything else without falling into your trap
thus the cycle repeats and I'm sick of having this discussion

>> No.13518400

>And your solution is to kick it even harder. And less whining if possible.
I never said that, stop projecting for fucks sake.

I said get help. Not help with kicking your ass to make that clear to you. Help with figuring out why you feel the need to kick your ass so hard when it’s clearly not the right approach. And then to figure out an approach that actually works. And figure out who hurt you enough for you to feel that the only way for you to be “enough” is to be force into suffering for your results.
It’s not a habit if you have to force yourself you know!
Also I’m not even against whining per se, as long as something comes out of it. Hence (again!) the therapist you need to be seeing. Get a good one, see 4 different one an over a month and choose the best one.

>> No.13518482

How will taking estrogen affect weight loss?

>> No.13518550

You probably need to get better coffee. I also can't get used to the one at work (still drink it every day nevertheless), but when drinking at restaurants I'm fine.

>> No.13518558

Estrogen makes you more likely to get fat I believe (as women need more fat than men, it's kinda logical). But you will still lose weight when eating in a deficit, get proper sleep and don't stress too much to make sure your other hormones are at least in balance.

>> No.13518622

I think auschwitz is gross on women but looks great on guys.
>tfw no bf to starve with
Also, you do realise there are people that are attracted to morbidly obese people?
With 7.6 billion people there's bound to be millions of weird fetishes

>> No.13518883

Just broke my glass teapot, and a nice 20oz glass. I really fucking hate myself some times reeeee

>> No.13518893
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Why are extremely thin women so aesthetic? Evolutionary biology would suggest their infertility should be disgusting but there really is no body shape that's more attractive.

>> No.13518932

Cultural influence + since you’re not malnourished your must-find-fat-woman-genes aren’t kicking in.
There was a study that showed that poor men like women with bigger breasts for that reason

>> No.13518936

it's a class marker

>> No.13518938

Nooo :c
What happened?

>> No.13518969

>kettle goes off
>fatass dad goes in kitchen to get his hourly spoonful of peanut butter
>move my teapot because he's blocking it
>pouring hot water
>realise I'm on wood
>lift teapot
>some hot water gets on my hand
>teapot falls and breaks

>> No.13519057

honest inquiry

do thinspo girls want thinspo guys?

>> No.13519071

i'm a thinspo guy and i want a thinspo guy

>> No.13519116
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attention whore who has weird passive aggressive feelings towards thinspo

>> No.13519286

I am on my way to be full thinspo,for the few matches I get it's usually fatties and art hoes on tinder. A cute tomboy thinspo gf would be the dream man, but that's never going to happen.

>> No.13519381


>> No.13519383


Why do ugly chinks do this?

>> No.13519484
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Where do you thinspo guys get your jeans? all the skinny jeans that I try on are too loose .

>> No.13519525

What do you do to cope during periods of intense self hatred?

a-asking for a friend

>> No.13519550

Starve my self so I'll look better and feel better. Punch myself, pinch any fat I have, yell at myself in the mirror for being a disgusting fat piece of shit. Just get all your hatred out and then distract yourself with anything but food

>> No.13519554

Hey guise is it okay to drink La Croix while fasting?
>tfw no thinspo bf

>> No.13519571

>La Croix
Just drink water

>> No.13519587

Drink tea and play video games or watch anime. Escapism works for me.

>> No.13519671

Has anyone tried a juice cleanse? How was it?

>> No.13519689

Cleansing doesn't work

>> No.13519700

Just do multiple day fasting if you want to cleanse yourself, cleanse juices are bullshit that only desperate fatties fall for

>> No.13519724
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>> No.13519737
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I managed to fart a holocaust tier super gas emission and now my pants are falling down.

>> No.13519742

disgusting, what are you eating? Change your diet now, nobody should have disgusting farts

>> No.13519745

I don't remember what I ate. I only remember it didn't surpass the 1400 kcal limit I've set for free days.

>> No.13519813
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>> No.13519853

Gross and uncomfortable but I'd still fuck the shit out of her

>> No.13519868
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>current stats:
M, 22, 5'11, 63.6KG / 140 lbs
>tdee and your deficit
No clue.
>highest and lowest weight
66.8KG and 63.6KG
>goal weight
60KG for now. 55KG depending on how 60KG goes.
>preferred method of losing weight
Exercise and limiting the amount of food I eat and of what sort of food I eat..
>aesthetic you are going for
qt korean boi

>> No.13519881

i was at 14.2 once lol it honestly wasnt as bad as youd think, but ya i was lightheaded a lot, felt generally tired all the time and got headaches, bloated after eating absolutely anything. but ya never do that again. 16/15 i literally felt fine tho

>> No.13519891

any pics at 14.2? Wondering what that looks like. Male or female?

>> No.13519899

wtf you guys need plans and to discuss about how to get thin lol. 1.7m manlet 52kg and i eat like a horse.

>> No.13519907
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>> No.13519911
File: 73 KB, 736x963, 25544da1f16beaf76463502a65e896f9--hedi-slimane-gq-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13519913

Not all of us have golden metabolism, you're lucky. The rest of us have to starve to be thin

>> No.13519920

by eat like a horse do you mean eat 3 big meals in a day while remaining active or do you mean eat like a horse as in continuously eat unhealthy snack foods while sitting at the computer for most of the day

>> No.13519931

2/3 big meals. got no time for snacks because i work half of my day.

>> No.13519932

This isnt even a thinspo discord fuck off

>> No.13519939

>no time for snacks
>half the day working

well yeah thats why you dont gain weight, its not a mystery exactly innit

>> No.13519940
File: 294 KB, 603x904, Saint-Laurent-Spring-Summer-2015-Lookbook-Campaign-SLIDESHOW_MEN_SS15_241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13519945

why the fuck is his belly button so large?

>> No.13519949

congrats buddy, you eat slightly less than average and maintain a slightly less than average weight. you're a genetic fucking wonder
stop trying to humble brag on 4chan, no one wants to look or eat like you dumbass

>> No.13519955
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>restricting 800-1000 calorie deficit for past week
>felt hungry and horrible and stupid and probably ate over 3000 calories today

ive convinced myself since i was somewhat active and because my BMR is 1800 that i only gained half a pound at most but im going to not eat anything tomorrow and do heavy cardio for an hour on top of it out of frustration

>> No.13520107
File: 90 KB, 700x467, 1507196801208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit running makes this so easy (if you enjoy it). I pretty much get to eat at what would normally be maintenance and still be in a 800-1000 calorie deficit. And to make things even better "long" runs kill my appetite.

>> No.13520117
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>> No.13520126


>> No.13520242
File: 79 KB, 1080x1323, 30d3eee09cba6c50daacb9ca9124ef6cf39578c7533ff69cf12b321b69628357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get a big ass?

>> No.13520336


>> No.13520351

I can't be bothered to jog around the neighbourhood but my garden is pretty long, so 70 laps is the equivalent to 2. 5 miles so I'm going to start doing that

>> No.13520417

NIce, grass isn’t better for your legs anyway

>> No.13520421

ASOS women's section

>> No.13520448

which dialect is this? she sounds like the wingstick instructor in Rage

>> No.13520457

What do you mean 'isn't better'

>> No.13520460

How the hell do some people binge and purge so easily? Literally nothing ever makes me throw up.

>> No.13520483

After a fast you must consume excessive magnessium and potassium, because your muscles contract by consuming the stored glycogen when you're fasting and let go of the amount of these two minerals they had stored, when they return to normal glycogen levels, they're still depleted.

>> No.13520492

Eat more, as long as you're still under your tdee you'll still lose weight without constantly being lethargic. Also take a multivitamin.

>> No.13520496

Water; before, during and after eating. In between bites. Skip the bread and other clump forming foods, skip the candy/ chocolate. Go for soft foods, ice cream, shakes, bananas and small grain foods like rice. And most importantly water. Have fun entering the cycle you can't escape

>> No.13520550
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is ec stack anon still here? is aspirin required to complete the stack or is it fine without

>> No.13520603
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probably meant better because grass is softer than concrete for your shoes i guess

>> No.13520607

20. but really low bf.

>> No.13520707

Going of reccomended calories is a meme, aim for max 500 a day and even if you eat more one day it's easier to stay on track, also your stomach will get smaller so it would be hard to even eat tht much more after a while

>> No.13520714

Replied to the wrong post but still relevant in general

>> No.13521099

>18.7 bmi this morning
>almost underweight again for the first time since being a little kid
Feels good

>> No.13521107

where do i get shirts like this

>> No.13521244

Lowest for me was 15 and that's probably the lowest I would go, though it felt sort of bad since I was having panic attacks occasionally for fear of passing out (since that happened once). I gained ~10 lbs. and look pretty much the same (thankfully it went to my tits mostly which are still small lmao) and am at 17 BMI now.

Doesn't it depend on body fat %? Like I felt mostly fine (except for what you see above) at a lower BMI but you hear about other people almost dying at 16 or even 17 BMI.

>> No.13521248

Probably but it makes me burp and feel bloated, I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.13521268

mental illness

>> No.13521335

>have low body fat%
>look fine on the outside
>feel like shit
>don't care about appearance at all because of bdd, just want to get to lower and lower weights and bmi because of >>13521268
>body/brain resisting weight loss harder than it used to

>> No.13521336

Normie get out

>> No.13521391
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>> No.13521431

Depends if your on a shorter side, just look for "slim fit" tshirts that are a thin material and it should just hang off your body, if your taller you may need "longline slim" tshirts otherwise it won't look proportionate

>> No.13521502

today i ate an apple

>> No.13521508

Also sounds a lot like Ellen Page

>> No.13521518

Grass is kinder to your legs, that anon is a retard. Your garden is probably flat, the only time grass/dirt abuses your legs is on trail runs. Which are really really fun and comfy.

>> No.13521579

Only had a serving of cereal today (110 cal) 3 more hours and day will be over, let's go anon!! Remember to stay hydrated!

>> No.13521588
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Any way to be thin but with wrists s bit thicker? Top heavy bracelets keep slipping off my hand.

>> No.13521592
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are you thin enough to do this?

>> No.13521646

Good job anon! Keep it up.

>> No.13521673

I can almost do this on my thighs, hoping for arms soon.

>> No.13521676

how are your arms thicker than your thighs

>> No.13521714

two hands vs one

>> No.13521824

yes but i have big hands

>> No.13521860

I screwed up and ate like 1500 calories today, I will try to fast until tomorrow morning, like I did yesterday. Everything I hit another low I usually binge that day

>> No.13521909

what is the best app friends

>> No.13521924

lose it

>> No.13521956

You're still doing at least a 4K deficit for the whole week. You could probably do this every week and be fine. Just don't make a habit of it.

>> No.13521957

ok thank u

>> No.13522034

ecfag here

dont take aspirin, nobody does it anymore, some people take a fish oil pill to help with potential BP issues but i havent found any study that proves its really effective, its like a 2 or 3% reduction or something ridiculously insignificant like that, you shouldnt have any blood pressure issues unless you have a preexisting condition or do really intense cardio for extended periods

>> No.13522093

Only on the lower middle part of my thigh.
I have small hands and fat upper thighs, will probably not be able to do that unless I’m 14 I bmi...

>> No.13522105

Sorry my phone auto corrected and I didn’t notice :/

>> No.13522257
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ok few more questions cause i cant seem to find a lot of info. whats an appropriate dosage? 24e200c? should i work up to that or be taking it from the start? do u daily it? and i remember you or someone mentioned tolerance buildup, is that just for the energy or does it include the analytic effect too? big ty

>> No.13522490

Cleanses are bs, fast instead

>> No.13522545


>> No.13522557

does the nicotine in vaping supress hunger? or is that only for cigarettes?

>> No.13522589

It's the nicotine.

>> No.13522604

90 lbs at 5'7 (femanon), so 14.1. I have a very small frame, so I look and feel perfectly healthy in the double digits. Lowest weight was 99, but I've gained a bit since then.

>> No.13522643 [DELETED] 

My running watch thinks I have a BMR of 600 smdmfhb

>> No.13522661

wtf, I'm hungry now

>> No.13522703

Been fasting alot and vape, it helps with the hunger a little, if anything it makes the water your drinking instead be alot less bland and tolerable for days on end

>> No.13522713

What's a good and cheap setup for someone new?

>> No.13522761
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if i squeeze slightly i can easily do it all the way up my thigh. i have long fingers. even my biceps are too big to do it on the upper arm though

>> No.13522859

Innokin pocketbox is cheap and lasted me longer than many of my others, also for the liquid it's your choice, cheaper juice will make your throat more dry, but that vape is probly the best starter in my opinion

>> No.13522861

Also you don't look like a massive vape fag carrying it around cause it's small

>> No.13522983

I took 5 days to work up to 24e/200c 3x, you can take it slower if you want but don't go full dose right away, take 1 ephedrine and some coffee just to see how you react initially, some people are fine with 1 or 2 doses a day just keep in mind 8e is essentially nothing and you will need at least 16 for it to actually do anything.

The mental stimulant effect went away after my first week, it actually disappoints me because it was awesome feeling that energized, you can take a week off to reset a bit which is what I'm planning after this week. The effect on your body will stay as long as you keep dosing even if you don't feel it.

You will sweat noticably more and you may have problems eating the portion sizes you're used to so eat smaller meals spread out, it really completely kills any physical symptoms of hunger and appetite.

Also idk if it matters but I and many other people are convinced it's better to take a dose on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before eating. You might need melatonin to get to sleep depending on how late your final dose of the day is.

Also no heavy duty intense cardio, your BP will skyrocket, stick to light jogging or biking, weightlifting is probably fine.

Good luck, I'll be around if you have any more questions

>> No.13522985

Thanks, will look into it.

>> No.13523104
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How does /thinspo/ avoid binging when breaking a fast?

I'm trying to get back into IF, but whenever I eat dinner after fasting all day I just lose all restraint and end up overeating.

>> No.13523509
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>> No.13523558

No idea how because from experience you don't really feel like food after a fast, maybe it wasn't long enough, if it's like 8 hours then ya wasting your time

>> No.13523564

Also have a very small meal, don't just go back to eating normally cause then literally nothing has changed and you lose 0 weight

>> No.13523626

when do i stop shaking

>> No.13523642

Just don't shake

>> No.13523650

i ate an apple and i feel better now

>> No.13523704
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How do I learn to accept being hungry?

>tfw just ate 600 calories for breakfast.

>> No.13523709
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>> No.13523721
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Why do women become anorexic? Serious answers only please.

>> No.13523748

once you arms get chubby it feels impossible to get them thin again

>> No.13523780

it sure seems that way. look at teens versus girls in their 20s. the arms are like the first thing to go.

>> No.13523785

Are you fasting? Then reccomend a small amount of orange juice because more than likely its just your sugar levels getting low

>> No.13523793

god she is so cute

>> No.13523807

kekd, i thought of the same pic thanks anon

>> No.13523854

yup and they never seem to return unless they go full blown anorexia

>> No.13523862

why is that? hormones?

>> No.13523879

Getting fatter and not bothering to maintain weight with age

>> No.13523886

i have no clue really, i feel it is the same way with calfs too

it one of those body parts you can't win with. obviously a lack of muscle will keep them flabby looking and building muscle will make them bigger. a lose lose situation if you just want cute thin arms you can wrap your index finger and thumb around.

when i see young thin girls (no pedo, i am a girl) i think its simply because they haven't even been alive long enough to eat so much stuff to make them slightly chubby yet especially if they're active. combine that with a young fast metabolism and a growing body... so compared to my 23 year old self that has had access to whatever food i want for about 6 years it makes sense...

some people just naturally have thin arms and calfs because of genetics and how their fat distributions.

with young thin girls you start to see them get a little plump around college when they have freedom to do as they please

>> No.13523888

They wanna be thin

>> No.13523904

Yeah I think college + work lifestyle plays into that. You are out of school now? What do you do?

I have a soul draining wageslave job where I sit at a desk all day and it makes it really hard to not snack. Especially when my boss yells at me and then I get stressed and eat more.

>> No.13523908
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I know that, but what separates a girl who just watches what she eats from an anorexic one? What's the psychological separation?

>> No.13523928

They both watch what they eat, just 1 follows some bs diets and stays fat whereas the other actually looks on how it affects her body and finds out what works best for her, no one is the same

>> No.13523929

Make exact portions
Drink a large glass of water before your meal, and more during your meal
Start with the greens, or eat a salad before your meal (20 min before is good)
Don't eat while watching tv
Use more than 20 mins to eat (It takes approximately 20 min to feel full)
Have a large (and delishous) salad that you CAN binge on beside your meal

>> No.13523945

No PE in school
No organised sport after school.
They can eat whatever they want so they eat unhealthy
Too much driving cars and too little walking

>> No.13523956
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>i think its simply because they haven't even been alive long enough to eat so much stuff
Probably not so much this. I agree with the rest of the stuff you’re saying though

>> No.13523967

According to the DSM-5 criteria, to be diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa a person must display:

Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to significantly low body weight (in context of what is minimally expected for age, sex, developmental trajectory, and physical health) .
Either an intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat, or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain (even though significantly low weight).
Disturbance in the way one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body shape and weight on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of recognition of the seriousness of the current low body weight.

>> No.13523970

Yeah once I went to college I gained like 10lbs the first year between pizza, beer, beer and beer. Got that freshman soft belly pouch.

>> No.13523976

It becomes an obsession and they'll make huge sacrifices to obtain it. They'll be tired all day, feel faint and sick, never eat anything they like, all to be exceptionally thin.

>> No.13523977

It’s called the freshman 10 isn't it?
Happened to me in high school when I got money too, luckily I got back on track though

>> No.13523985

What is everyone's end goal? Once you get to your desired weight what then? Aren't you going to go back to eating normally again?

>> No.13523993

Got news for you. You can never eat normally again. I'm just maintaining and I'm starving as fuck all the time.

>> No.13524027

need to fool a weigh in, any tips for adding weight? I can wear a bra and panties, they'll be smart enough to check those for weight though.

>> No.13524030

You can't go back to "normal eating"
Losing the weight is 10x easier than maintaining it

>> No.13524042

What? I’ve never had this problem.
Once my weight stabilised I more or less got stuck on that low weight.

>> No.13524044

nope im still in school (cs major) 2 semester left after a few financial set backs. i work at a bakery part time so im on hard mode every day at work constantly teased by cookies and sweets. we have so much shrink (food they throw out) and it's tempting to eat it. but i've built up pretty good restraint after seeing the working conditions there ( flies are fucking everywhere) it's pretty gross and i don't crave things as much now.

wage slaving sucks but i can't wait to get out of retail and get a comfy desk job.

yeah i definitely remember fat girls from school and desu it's their parents fault. and usually their parents are fat too.

>> No.13524046

DELET THIS. I'm always hungry.

I find watching fat people eat motivates me, so maybe a bakery would be good in that respect, but I can't imagine how hard it is being around all those treats. I love little cookies and cakes and bullshit like that.

>> No.13524049

Put a weight in your vagina.

>> No.13524051

Depends if that "low weight" is actually low or just average, it's harder to maintain what's considered "underweight"

>> No.13524058

For some reason when hungry watch competitive eaters like matt stonie thay eat a ton, then feel fine after

>> No.13524062


>> No.13524066
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I tried that. I can't get anything to hold without a lot of effort. It drops out.

I'm never put anything up my butt before but I think my butt could hold some weight... Maybe a butt plug or something that is heavier. I only need like 4lbs.

Seriously fuck my life.

>> No.13524067

Eat as much as possible beforehand and purge after is a option

>> No.13524068

Maybe as a CS major you'll get to one of the cool companies that have like activity rooms and comfy chairs and stuff. I work in a fluorescent hell hole as an engineer. This is far from Google.

>> No.13524071

>I find watching fat people eat motivates me
their entire existence motivates me. but what motivates me more is average boarder line chubby girls because becoming them is more realistic. i look at their thighs a lot as they rub against each other while they walk. fuck im at least 40 pounds away from that being me if i don't get my shit together

>> No.13524074

Yeah I'm all over the salt and going to eat pizza the night before which always makes me blimp up. I've actually never been able to purge. I can't get myself to gag.

>> No.13524076

sounds like the dream. working at some trendy start up and living in a comfy loft space in a relevant city would leave me content. but i'll settle for anything related in my field once i graduate. the job market is too rough to be picky right now.

>> No.13524080

yeah the vagina thing didn't work for me either. imagine getting on the scale and all the sudden a condom full of quarters drops

>> No.13524085

Job market should be pretty primed. We can't find anyone unemployment is so low. Have to pay even junior engineers a bunch.

>> No.13524088

As a already graduated one, extremely good luck, they outsource to other countries for code etc thats cheaper from people with many years more experience

>> No.13524089
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did you try door number two?

>> No.13524091
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>cs major
Tranny detected.

>> No.13524093

Cs major and engineer major are 2 massively separate things

>> No.13524095

that's where i'm at :o( i've never put anything up my butt.

>> No.13524098

Well I wish you luck. Seems like everyone is struggling to hire across industries from the booming economy sucking up all the useful people. The 2% still unemployed or whatever it is are just unemployable.

>> No.13524110

I'm employed, and know from other businesses and companies if you need anyone for a cs type job, you can easily get one with 10 years experience, no point getting someone who just graduated

>> No.13524113

im not worried too much my area just kinda sucks for CS but i'll relocate if i have to for more job opportunities

>> No.13524117

What area are you in?

>> No.13524118
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>> No.13524119

just get a small buttplug to start. the metal ones could easily add a few lbs.

>> No.13524120

upstate NY

>> No.13524123

I gotta figure there is lots of work in NY. Otherwise Colorado or California.

>> No.13524128

Drink loads of water

>> No.13524131

what do you think about portland? it seems like a nice city with decent cost of living outside of the downtown area. I was also considering relocating to maybe philly or outside of seattle. my end goal is to live in NYC though but im not even going to attempt that until i have enough experience to land me a solid job there

>> No.13524144

I don't know, I'm the engineering guy. I'm just going off of what I have heard spending way too much time on /g/. Seattle sucks. I can tell you to avoid that. I had a project out there and the traffic was absolutely awful and the weather is soul crushing.

>> No.13524168

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.13524169


>> No.13524175

Put in a weight and then block it with paper. The dryness creates a seal

>> No.13524180

I don't follow?

>> No.13524202

binged about 500 cals yesterday, something i never do (those goddamn japanese ice cream festival fishes), woke up to a whoosh this morning, now im going to go for a run and im restricting extra the rest of the week and its going to be fine. r-right

i live in seattle. please don't move here, we can't handle the increasing population as it is, and both these things are true
also tfw i grew up with this weather and while it's not less depressing, it's what im used to, and experiencing weather in other places for long periods of time drives me insane

>> No.13524214

ok cool thanks consider Seattle off the list for me then, i've heard about the weather already seems dreary

>> No.13524229

move to florida. help raise my property values. :o)

>> No.13524240
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>"Giving the people something they didn't ask for"

>> No.13524245

> japanese ice cream festival fishes

ughhh the red bean ones i buy from the asian market are so good i just ate my last one last night. delectable.
you couldn't pay me to live there. i heard too many horror stories.

every time something despicable on the news happens it's always "florida man ____ "

>> No.13524256

i probably could, miami beach isn't too bad. not saying it's perfect down here, but that's more northern florida where you get the meth'd out crazy stories.

not really lots of cs jobs down here though, unless you want to work for mindgeek who have offices here on the beach.

>> No.13524337

Why are you getting weighed? Are you actually so anorexic that they're forcing you on a scale?

Maybe it's time to eat again.

>> No.13524343

Ok instead you should put something in your mouth that you can swallow down. If you hide enough stuff in your stomach than you'll fool the scale.

>> No.13524366

Are you allowed to be thinspo if you’re over 20 bmi?

>> No.13524367

My end goal is being a light nimble pretty skelly that needs fewer amounts of alcohol and drugs as to save money (and also save money by buying less food)
My eating habits have already changed, I'm losing weight, and eating my favourite food once every half year or year makes it taste even better than it would had I continued eating it every few months

>> No.13524384

How is sweet is black coffee supposed to taste? I've been fasting for a week now and I decided to drink black coffee this morning without sugar or anything. My mom made it and it tasted kind of sweet? Still bitter but sweeter than I would've expected. I couldn't see any sugar in it. I asked her and she says she didn't put any in but I think she was lying...

>> No.13524394


already on that. I think I've maxed out what is possible there.

>> No.13524397

usually black coffee doesn't taste sweet it just tastes kind of bitter.

>> No.13524417

Don't hide it and let them intubate you. You clearly can't control yourself at this point.

>> No.13524423

ffuuuccckkk that.

>> No.13524426

She broke your fast by adding a crap ton of sugar

>> No.13524433

That fucking bitch, i'm going to swap her laxatives out with Imodium.

>> No.13524445

cute but if you don’t already know how to fake weight you’re a larper—enjoy your ana roleplay

>> No.13524452

i've already maxed out the obvious answers, i have 4lbs to go after i've already binged, had a bunch of salt, worn heavy clothing, etc.

>> No.13524461

I feel too fucked up giving you any real advice due to the possibility that ur actually not just playing pretend; also because you’re probably underage, your best bet is to just get fucked by the weigh in, go to treatment, get weight restored quickly so you can get out and decide if you want to go back to starving yourself or try recovery. You probably already know, but the older you get the worse this shit gets. Good luck.

>> No.13524462

i'm leveling out i haven't lost any weight in two weeks. if I get through a few weighings I'm in the clear. can you just help me out?

>> No.13524466

I fear that my mom also sabotages my food sometimes desu, I make my own coffee and watch while the food is being cooked/participate in the cooking and eat it before its refrigerated, never ask anyone to prep it for me. Also on my 6th cup of black coffee today c:

>> No.13524467

If you haven't gotten a buttplug yet I'm not helping you out. There is no dedication. You don't REALLY want to pass the weigh in if you haven't added the easiest pound possible yet.

>> No.13524477

i'm really trying to avoid the whole buttplug thing. looking at weights they seem to add like 1-1.5lbs best case scenario but i'm hoping some genius has a better solution. I guess the good thing about a butt plug is no one is going to check that.

>> No.13524484

Drink 1L of water before getting on as well, this adds a solid full KG
You could also take some fiber/muscle relaxant/imodium to slow down you digestive system causing waste building for a day or 2 and that adds a but as well

>> No.13524496

imodium is a good idea, thanks. yeah I've already got the liter of water planned.

>> No.13524504

Keep in mind that you do need to process some food to turn it into waste material
Think high fiber low cal foods.
Also as someone who has played around with plugs small sized glass/metal ones are quite heavy, try walking around with one all day

>> No.13524508

>I fear that my mom also sabotages my food sometimes desu

I've become increasingly paranoid about this too recently. I've stopped going to my parent's house for any meals even though they are constantly insisting on it because I just don't trust them not to be stuffing me full of calories.

>> No.13524521

thanks. yeah i'm shifting around on amazon looking at buttplugs. lol.

>> No.13524547

Oh I also just remembered, wear dense clothes (if they dont make you take them off) like some knit sweaters are heavy af obviously dont wear it as a jacket but as your shirt and some heavy jogging pants, I managed to add about a pound of clothes with some very heavy denim pants.

>> No.13524553

Try hiding some weight in your stomach by eating. I bet they'll never check there.

>> No.13524568

Bmi isn’t an exact science. If you’re very tall/muscular/large framed you can probably be thinspo at that bmi.
Mostly not though, most people will be lean/fitspo or just normal. Especially if female.

>> No.13524573

Everything will taste sweet if you’re dehydrated, even water.
I guess the same goes for fasting?

>> No.13524574

You clearly don't know what it's like to have food literally shoved down your throat, I was almost hospitalized and tubed for being at a 19BMI and 45 resting bpm when I was obviously fine and just sleepy/tired. I was even threatened to be hospitalised at a BMI of 20 which is pretty bullshit, some doctors are too extreme about if.

>> No.13524576

they make me wear a gown :/ . I can keep panties and bra on, so only so much room to play with there. they watch you change too so i can't get too creative under the gown. for example the buttplug would need to be in before i got there.

>> No.13524583

Do heavy weight lifting with muscle groups you rarely use 1-2 days before.
It can add up to 5-6 kg of water weight as your body restores. Usually 3 for me.

>> No.13524623

thanks i'm walking a fine line in how much exercise i can tolerate lately. I sometimes get light headed.

>> No.13524627

Did any of you see the Louis Theroux programme about anorexia?

>> No.13524647

I downloaded it but haven't watched it. I'm behind on my kino. I saw another anon say that the only tip she got was jumping jacks.

>> No.13524655

Ow, didn’t think about that
What’s your stats anyway?

>> No.13524659

114 5' 9"

>> No.13524669

you aren't even that thin!

>> No.13524671


>> No.13524673

thighs, i want small thighs. even though skinny jeans are a dead trend i want to look good in them.

>> No.13524697
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>skinny jeans are a dead trend
even on women?

>> No.13524708

Uh that’s the same as me and my doctor thinks it’s fine.
I guess it depends on your behaviour though. People die from starvation at bmis of 20 too...

>> No.13524719

i used to be 101 and set off a bunch of alarms, that's why i get watched. i went back up on my own and i'm supposed to be 125 which is just disgusting i'm not doing it, so i stayed at 125 for like four months and now i've been losing again. so now when i go to weigh in it's gunna be interesting...

>> No.13524722

Seriously...? 20? Thats pretty high af

>> No.13524725
File: 91 KB, 672x960, 20620896_108170723203910_3095616592016102983_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats ur ig ill giv u myne

>> No.13524728
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>caring about trends and not what you like and look good in or the look that you are interested in

yeah i think im gonna get off this board

>> No.13524730

I just like looking at qts in skinny jeans.

>> No.13524731

Yeah, it’s the malnutrition, laxative abuse, extreme exercise etc that kills them, not the weight

>> No.13524810

i like oatmeal
can i keep eating it or are the carbs detrimental to getting /thin/

>> No.13524837

if you are doing IF like a good little slut it shouldn't be a problem if you have some oatmeal within your eating window.

>> No.13524848

>binging on meth
>ain't ate today, ain't ate yesterday two nights without sleep son
>gonna get them meth gains(losses?)
>only have one dose left
>but also been starting to feel a little weird
>not sure what's scarier: taking it or just letting the binge end and coping with the come down
>and maximising weight loss is weirdly a significant factor in my contemplation of this
What do yall think

You can eat carbs and lose weight.

>> No.13524852

The come down is just being grumpy, hungry and sleepy. You hope the sleepy part hits you before the hungry part.

>> No.13524884

How do I prevent binging after a fast or period of heavy restriction?

>> No.13524964

Surely the time ive spent not eating + the metabolism boost makes up for any hunger, especially if I use willpower to just not eat.

>> No.13524970

I'm not fat but my hips are quite wide. They're wider than most men's. I'm only 30inch waist too

>> No.13525074

uwu okay frens

>> No.13525107

I'm just under bmi 20 and I can assuredly tell you, absolutely not.

>> No.13525113

im a retard and tried making pizza and use straight tomato paste instead of water and paste

how bad did i fuck up? lmao

>> No.13525123

did you eat it

>> No.13525124

not yet it's in the oven

i might buy more store bought dough and try again later if it comes out terrible

>> No.13525158

ok i fucked up big time gonna try again with store bought marinara sauce

>> No.13525262

0 way, not even close by a mile

>> No.13525271

ya weight 2 of me and im taller and not thinspo at all...

>> No.13525272

you mean kg or stone?

>> No.13525276

at 18.5 and still skinny fat as fk, what you on about

>> No.13525426

my plate app sucks ass it won't let me add food anymore

going back to my fitness pal i guess. i hate the ugly interface but at least theres a desktop version

>> No.13525530

19 bmi and can relate, being skinnyfat sucks. Been on a bit of a binge phase for the last 2 days. Did better today though.

>> No.13525538


>> No.13525540

wristlets are adorable desu, just get smaller bracelets

>> No.13525543

theres no way you weigh 60 pounds at 5'10+

>> No.13525549

prob a retard yuropoor thinking in kg. As if a 114 kg whale would be in this general...

>> No.13525551

can i get a re inv, drunk af rn ngl, its boi, fasting and alcohol not a good idea

>> No.13525562

bad idea insue : (

>> No.13525567

>re inv
what did he mean by this

>> No.13525572

its boi, left the discord cause autism and anxiety

>> No.13525585

I'm not in the discord, you must be really drunk

>> No.13525595

anyone who know i was "boi" in the discord dm me or something, had a smal breakdown and want to change

>> No.13525623

Going to the gym to do an hour of cardio despite being 1000 calories below my tree today because I hate myself and my existence

>> No.13525624


>> No.13525660

For the people on ec stack, what is your workout regimen like?

>> No.13525758
File: 462 KB, 1015x1024, __nachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nagisa_moa__f8bf432ebb71d3452411e9f1b2ffa739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aim for about 16-18 hours on my fast days.


>> No.13525844

Medium intensity cardio, pace slow enough to keep heartrate and blood pressure from getting too high, longer lower intensity is better

>> No.13525870

Drink a lot of water. A gallon of water is about 8 pounds or 4 kilograms.

>> No.13525995

Fuck off

>> No.13526197
File: 16 KB, 175x480, med_gallery_163925_14275_347325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if you get skinny, nobody is going to love you if you don't have a nice face

>> No.13526202
File: 49 KB, 604x489, uoXKzwZX1dY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it easy on yourself and only eat one meal a day- fast the rest of the day. It's really helped me, I eat about 350-450 a day and have not binged once in over three months. Fasting for most of the day will help you loose faster given if you drink enough water.

>> No.13526208

Just man up pussy. Have some self control.

>> No.13526455

What did they do to illicit this response?

>> No.13526510

Update on what happened with the weigh in!? Wish you the best thinanon

>> No.13526532

it's on monday, i'll check back in with results, thanks! i pass this one i'm in the clear

>> No.13526740

How long have you been doing this, and how much have you lost?

>> No.13526745

>my plate is acting weird
>my fitness pal says my email is invalid

>> No.13526753

>ruining your life with meth because you're that desperate for weight loss
Baka desu