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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 78 KB, 900x600, XXXTentacion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13508818 No.13508818 [Reply] [Original]

Are face tats /fa/? I'm thinking of getting some to look harder and add some edge to my look.

>> No.13508821

do you do some type of art? if not, dont. your lack of employment will only drive you to a depression or towards some dumb shit.

>> No.13508841

I don't care about money I want bitches when I move into my college dorm. I wanna be known as the hard motherfucker. I was thinking of some tear drop tattoos and maybe a cross or a skull.

>> No.13508846

dont live for your college days, anon.
even if you end up being the coolest guy in college it wont last when you are out of it. do you want to end up being that guy living in the past, telling you all about how he was the shit? nobody cares about that guy.
but this is b8 anyway so yeah, why did i type this out?

>> No.13508857

Anon tat a penis on your face. Itll show everyone whos the boss at college

>> No.13508862

please yes get all the face tats you can, copy lil peep and x and more shit rappers. just go for it. also fuck off you're trying too hard.

>> No.13508865

This. Penis tats are in for 2018

>> No.13508870

Do you know what a cargo cult is? Back during WW2 the Allies built air strips in the Pacific Theater and the natives observed that planes would come down and bring them all sorts of goodies.
The natives thought this was some kind of magic ritual and that if they built something that looked like air strips with control towers - the planes would appear and give them shit too.

You are talking about doing the same thing as what those natives did.

Instead of getting tattoos you ought to lift up to maybe 1/2/3/4 and work up to being able to do at least five unbroken minutes of fast jump rope. Then go and do some boxing, wrestling, even karate and judo. Anything where you're sparring with other people is better than nothing.

>> No.13508875

But you know what's even better and not overplayed yet?
Scars, get as many as you can
Screenshot this

>> No.13508876

>I don't care about money

You will when you need it to live lol.

>> No.13508878

I know this is bait but if you get a tear drop without at least trying to kill somebody, you'll likely get beat up by someone in a gang.

>> No.13508879

you are unironically a buffoon and clearly underage

a tear drop or a skull guarantees nobody talks to you you fucking weirdo deluisonal psycho. if you must get a nice sized neck tat it conveys the samething without telling everyone to stay away from this nutjob

>> No.13508901

It is bait but the thing is people are down-low posting this kind of thing on /fa/ every single day.
>how do i get x girlfriend?!
All the same principles apply.

>> No.13509071

>guarantees nobody talks to you
People gonna respect the dude with a face tat. It would make me look more interesting. Great conversation starter with the ladies as a bonus. They don't want nice men.

"She don't like flowers or movie dates"
"She like my dick in her mouth and gun on my waist"
-Troy Ave

Anyway, since when did /fa/ get filled with a bunch of faggots who care so much about what normies think?

>> No.13509080

You must be retarded or baiting if you think that anyone even remotely thinks you’re hard for having a face tattoo. Back when tattoos were legitimately only had by bikers and outlaws, one would get nervous if they saw a face tattoo, and think “wow that’s a thug, better keep clear.” Now a days tattoos, and face tats are incredibly common, and you’ll only ruin any future employment possibilities for the sake of MAYBE some mid tier pussy from some goofy 4/10 flyover girl who’s had too much bud light.
That being said, if you do get one, post pics. We’d love to see how it came out :)

>> No.13509259

that's some REALLY good bait

>> No.13509574

Face tats are not common and I'll still look like a thug. Girls like thugs. And why is everyone hating me for trying to be more /fa/? I just have the balls to go all out with my fashion.

>> No.13509596

Seriously get them, and post them here.

>> No.13509616

Go ahead I’m sure real gangsters will understand that you’re trying to be fashionable

>> No.13509651

yes do it, don't listen to what people say just go right now and DO IT PUSSY

>> No.13509652

I want one so bad. I'm planning on becoming psychologist. It shouldn't be a problem, right?

Is laser removal efficient?

>> No.13509673

>People gonna respect the dude with a face tat.
Until they talk to you and realize you're just as boring as everyone else, but worse, trying to be tough when you're not.

>> No.13509709

low iq

>> No.13509714

yes, get one, it is a great idea

>> No.13509716

>I don't care about money I want bitches when I move into my college dorm. I wanna be known as the hard motherfucker. I was thinking of some tear drop tattoos and maybe a cross or a skull.

Yes, do it please. It will be amazing to see you get beat up by real gangster Chads when they see you are faking it

>> No.13509770
File: 106 KB, 900x900, 306cc4dec8557916f8a98de7cd3dd00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a beauty mark faggot, that's minimal and natural. Post your face after it's done

>> No.13509783

people respect badasses with face tattoos not milky bar kids who even know what /fa/ is.

>> No.13509786

>Anyway, since when did /fa/ get filled with a bunch of faggots who care so much about what normies think?

you obviously care what normies thing that is why you are getting tattoos in the first place

>> No.13510557

I'm not stupid. I still have over a month before I head to college. This gives me time to think about if I want it, where on my face I want it, how many I want, and what I want.
I've read the 48 Laws of Power. The more you say about yourself the higher the chance you have to look stupid. If I don't speak to real gangsters they won't know that I'm a "fake". Also, I plan on faking it till I make it.

>> No.13510580


>> No.13510584


>> No.13510590

read the 48 laws of pimping, bitch nigga

get back to me when you done

>> No.13510593

Just get a tear drop and shut up. The biggest shock will be when you figure out no one actually gives a shit in college. I've been in the same class as officers and convicts. No one will talk to you, except other trash with face tattoos. Good luck I guess. If that's the crowd you want to spend your life around, no one can stop you.

>> No.13510617

Unless you’re a rapper, work security, work as a bouncer, are a mercenary, are in a gang, or plan to work under the table forever then dont do it.

>> No.13510625


Depends. Personally I like them, but I have decided against getting one (for now at least).

I have a few tats on both my hands and neck, but I got them after starting my career so they didn't hinder me in my pursuit of a job. However I'm a designer so as a creative I guess I get more leeway than others. I own my own studio now and frequently meet with clients (the kind that wear suits and shit) and I've never had any comments, frowns or bad looks. However, a face tat would probably be too much for most people in a professional setting, and I don't think a tattoo is worth potentially derailing your career early on in your life.

Always remember that tattoos only feel new and cool for about a year, after that it's like a birthmark you don't give a shit about. If it might detract from you attaining your future goals, then don't do it.

>> No.13510627
File: 134 KB, 749x936, qS9griabxIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13510632

nobody wants a thug after the age of 22. And as soon as you hit 25, you don't ever want to get with a girl under 22, so don't bother with the tattoos.

>> No.13511833

There's no point for girls over 22.

>> No.13511841

Not that anon but 21-24, anything else isn't worth it unless you're a stupid kid still (obviously you are)

>> No.13511865

>wants face tattoos
>uses nigger quotes to justify his choice

>> No.13511870

>nobody wants a thug after the age of 22
You're dreaming.
>And as soon as you hit 25, you don't ever want to get with a girl under 22
Absolutely dreaming.

Women, unfortunately, love getting the D from badboys all the way to menopause.
You might find a 21 year old girl to be horrible, you're right most of them are, but a girl with a high partner count is also a high divorce risk.
Absolute best girl is a teenage virgin Christian that wants a family.

>> No.13511914

>I want to make people think I'm hard
>So I'll make a costly, hard to reverse decision that will immediately make everyone think I'm a fucking retard just so I can get the attention of women because I'm a fucking bore
sounds good anon

>> No.13511945

Look dude if u really wanna get the reputation as the tough guy in the dorms, you gotta do something wild and edgy like punch a hole in your wall on the first day. Then everyone will know how tough you are.

>> No.13512174

yes, you are right on all of that and have been reading TRP obviously, but there is a little problem:

- you are a loser
- you look beta
- you look weak
- you don't know how to fight
- you are not aggressive
- you can't kick ass
- you are high inhibition (because asking this question on /fa/)
- you are a nerd (because knowing what 4chan is)
- you are most likely quite ugly
- you are most likely a manlet

Get some gangster tattoos and people will see you as fake tryhard and gangsters will kick your ass.

Please do it.

Make it obnoxious, too. Chad's don't give a shit about refined, deep tattoos. If you want to look like a dark triad criminal Chad slayer just get a swastika on your cheek or something.

>> No.13512185

Why do you think you're talking to OP? I am gay.
I had to look up TRP. Are you talking about this plebbit group? I guess I can very precisely tell you to get back to plebbit.
Had to change some words here because something was triggering the spam filter.

>> No.13512189
File: 1.19 MB, 1036x804, Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at 11.20.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read the 48 Laws of Power. The more you say about yourself the higher the chance you have to look stupid. If I don't speak to real gangsters they won't know that I'm a "fake". Also, I plan on faking it till I make it.

>reading nerd jews theory book on "power"

LOOOOL, hahahaha typical TRP overcompensating fool.

Listen boyo, you do realise that hard ass niggers who can do some tough shit won't be ever reading some nerd theory books like 48 Laws of Power, right? I mean, you do realise that at this point you are being such a tryhard it is actually becoming laughable.

>I'm not stupid. I still have over a month before I head to college. This gives me time to think about if I want it, where on my face I want it, how many I want, and what I want.

If you were not stupid you would have realised by now that well placed facial scar over the eye would give you much more edge than a dumb tattoo, because of many reasons:

1) Shows you have survived a knife attack to the face (alpha genes)

2) Shows you are masculine, aggressive, edgy (most likely got into fights)

3) You can always say "I don't want to talk about it"

4) You are not an idiot who went out of his way to get his face tattooed.

5) Gives you a mysterious aura.

A cool facial scar will achieve all the positive results of having badass tattoos and without any negative ones.

If a tattoo implies you want to portray a "hard" personality and could be "fake" which you are, then a facial scar shows that you have actually been into some TOUGH ASS SHIT. It is a proof right there.

If you were truly intelligent as you say you are, you would have realised this by now and would be sporting something like pic related instead of contemplating dumb tattoos.

>> No.13512801

yeah but if i get the letters "6 9" on my forehead itl look cool inni

>> No.13512843

Face tats are degenerate and make you look like you should be reconsidering your life choices.

>> No.13512850

is this copy pasta? seen the same shit minus the end word for word on /biz/

>> No.13512859

You uh bitch, don’t fake it till you make it because when someone real tests you, you wont be able to play the part. What if someone does question you? If you cant give straight answers or try to play it off they’ll test you.

>> No.13514267

Yeah but how the fuck could you get a scar without actually getting in a knife fight?

>> No.13514275

I actually am quite hard irl, I'm just too smart to actually join a gang or anything. I'm one of those slick street smart guys. But don't get this wrong. If someone brings things to it, I would not be afraid to kill someone. And it would be bloody. I can promise you that.

>> No.13514283

I think my total time on /biz/ is about three minutes near when it began. Maybe that guy paraphrased me.

>> No.13514299


>> No.13514301

>Unless you’re a rapper
Even if you're a rapper it's stupid. X actually had some nice features, especially for a nigger. His face tats just damaged his face (probably on purpose because he was depressed as shit). 6ix9ine did it for the fame and the rest aren't even worth mentioning.

>> No.13514316

the edgiest guy ever if this was not fake. if it is real, lmao at ur life bro

>> No.13514689
File: 259 KB, 500x980, dong derailer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit thread

>> No.13514700

I wouldnt unless you really have the personality to fit the tattoo. Even though XXX was a great song writer he looked terrible in person and had a boring/cringy personality on stage, interviews etc. Good luck

>> No.13514825

i know you're baiting but on the off chance you're serious don't do it you jackass

>> No.13515097

You can do it manually stupid brainlet. And you can practice first on your hand to see how it will look, then do it on your face when confident in abilities to create a nice looking scar.

Scars on men > tattoos on men in terms of sex appeal

>> No.13515100

>I actually am quite hard irl

In your fantasies maybe. If you were "hard irl" you would not be asking about face tattoos on numale basedboy nerds on /fa/ of all places.

>I'm just too smart to actually join a gang or anything.

Nice copout. And people who are smart don't say they are smart.

> I'm one of those slick street smart guys.

Again, if you were, you would not be talking about it.

>If someone brings things to it, I would not be afraid to kill someone. And it would be bloody. I can promise you that.

You can't do it. You are a bitch. You have never been tested in your life. Just watched too many movies, listened to rap and watch Naruto or some shit. Pathetic. Typical online edgelord.

>> No.13516222

>i don't care about money
>Is in College
Don't waste your parent's money. College does not last forever

>> No.13516226

obvious fucking b8