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File: 129 KB, 750x750, 1503935265207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13508685 No.13508685 [Reply] [Original]

Im black and fucking hate my current hair/all forms of afros, I used to have dreads but cut them so no dreads pls. Wtf do I get, im desperate im even willing to straighten my hair or do a perm or some shit, NO LIMITS

>> No.13508689

Just go short hair, it looks good on anyone with a nice jawline

>> No.13508718

or box braid

>> No.13508722
File: 80 KB, 469x622, 03655B10-83FD-4095-9D22-B42ECA002573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love long hair, absolutely love it, pic related is my dream look if I could be white

>> No.13508763

Glad I ain't black. but seriously, stop being a faggot, man up and just accept your hair you dumb nigger. you're never going to get nice blonde straight hair and don't you dare think about getting a perm. just cut it. blacks usually look fine being bald.

>> No.13508826
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you are pathetic. seriously. Play the cards you were dealt. Personally Im gonna tell you to not get a perm, but really its your life.

learn to love yourself. be confident with how you look. youll never be white. Know that.

>> No.13508872
File: 88 KB, 720x720, E85950AE-9B3B-4D54-9B43-D13706FD857B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga please
Corn rows
Dread locks
Yall got it all. Remove the hate and go do something with your hair or like it as it is

>> No.13508886

Do a Katt Williams FABU baby

>> No.13508887
File: 182 KB, 423x463, CF5E4996-914C-43FA-9786-CC24CEA64066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing pic related I am convinced there is nothing they cannot pull off

>> No.13508891
File: 328 KB, 500x566, adasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining your hair doesn't go full kazoo kid by default
>complaining that you can easily do pic related
>complaining your hair is practically sculptable foam

fuck i wish i was black, gonna move to fucking greenland so i don't get skin cancer

>> No.13508919

op is just some self hating nigga with no creativity. Freeforming is gods gift to black hair

>> No.13508931
File: 29 KB, 500x500, asap-rocky-straight-hair-instagram-feb-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13509054

Nigger you ARE black, and if you did move to greenland you would die of vitamin D deficiency, not to mention there's no welfare and central heating there

>> No.13509228

Post face so we can see what would work for you

>> No.13509253

I hope you like yourself or get a look you like soon!

>> No.13509257

Gerald from hey arnold

>> No.13509280
File: 87 KB, 1024x618, Jimmy-Butler[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have a strong jaw get jimmy butlers hairstyle

>> No.13509365

Broccoli core

>> No.13509382

Most white people have very shitty hair genetics. For every guy with such hair, 9 others look like greasy metalheads with 0 volume.
Be glad you don't have a 90% of going bald before age 30.
t. white

>> No.13509859

>mfw the majority of welfare recipients in the United States are white.

the absolute state of your education.

>> No.13509874

Unfortunately that's because there's more white people.

It doesn't mean per capita more white people are on welfare. Still, I'm not saying this to be racist -- white people have been afforded all types of stupid privilege in this society, so white people being on welfare is especially annoying.

>> No.13509893

this guy is actually kinda weird looking from a front view

>> No.13509896

>mfw the majority of people killed by police are white
do you not know how proportions work?

>> No.13509949

w2c cap?

>> No.13510260

Make up for that by being muscular with your genetics nigga

>> No.13510414

there are few things more insufferable and pathetic than a self hating black man. Grow up you fucking pussy.

>> No.13510567

get a 30s style hard part low afro

>> No.13510600
File: 55 KB, 720x864, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13510610

single mother on welfare core

>> No.13510747

Looks like when you sleep with half your hair pressing down on your pillow and you wake up without checking your hair kek used to happen to me as a kid

>> No.13510820

Get an afro or be stuck with the rest of the cheeto hair mongs.

>> No.13510857

Just pull a Mdou Moctar


>> No.13511347


uhh dude if this isn't bait i think you have a lot of internalized self hate, just saying as a fellow black person.

what's wrong with being seen as black ?

>> No.13511900
File: 67 KB, 675x500, greathairwill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flattop if you're real

>> No.13513336

Bleach and dye it silver and straighten it or maybe get a anti-perm. Looks unbelievably good on black people. I'm white and have long dark blonde hair and would 100% do that if I were black

>> No.13513911

Get a conk my guy, be James Brown.

>> No.13513962
File: 293 KB, 700x700, the-glamorous-temp-fade-with-waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was black I'd do something like this

>> No.13514205

not all black people have hair like that.

>> No.13514279

>t. insecure black boi

>> No.13514352

holy shit i was just about to go in and get this cut, and probably bleach it too

>> No.13514375

Oh gtfo with that privilege bullshit

>> No.13514465

>the only way a black man won't abandon his kid is if he LARPs as a black mom

>> No.13514479

he's extremely lightskin

>> No.13514489
File: 129 KB, 1572x596, e57dec79-0a05-49d7-a27a-74d0011e9f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not black but my hair is and this is the shit i deal with

>> No.13514595

You've spent too much time on 4chan, go outside.
If you're gonna be black and post on 4chan you have to have thick skin and be old enough to not let memes on an anime discussion board get to you.
This is why we have a fucking Age restriction that no one obeys.
Because kids like you come here and have your perspectives on reality altered so easily by shitposting.

Do whatever the fuck you want with your hair, no one cares unless it looks great.

>> No.13514599

I think some can use gels and stuff to get a similar look.
Curls have been popular for a few years now.

>> No.13514603

probably how you brush.
You need to brush in different directions to figure out which ones work best with different spots on your head.

>> No.13514719
File: 31 KB, 340x300, wonder smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol whats wrong can't handle the truth.

>> No.13514801

Dude you're not white. So don't try to be.
Rock what you're given.

Looks pretty cool

>> No.13514821

go for tommy wright look

>> No.13515426

You can be light skinned and fully black but he doesn't have 100% black hair for sure he looks part half spanish ot white

>> No.13515449

Flat tops can look pretty cool on some

>> No.13515459
File: 133 KB, 640x960, 640px-Lexington_Steele_2014[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not go for the Mandingo look?

>> No.13515467

>You can be light skinned and fully black
Who told you that? In general if someone is quite light skinned there's a fat chance they are mixed, but often this doesn't show since their parents and grandparents are mixed too.
'fully black' people from Africa are quite black. It doesn't compare to 99% of Afro-Americans nor Caribbeans at all.

>> No.13515494
File: 31 KB, 500x750, 847e2b5d2456d0cd5889c6411fcff1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was black i would 100% have a hairstyle like this.

None of those ugly straight edge shaves on the side though, keep it looking natural. None of those gay shapes shaved into your head either

>> No.13515501

So welfare is only for black people? Do you realize how fucking dumb of an argument is? Welfare is for POOR people, regardless of race you prejudiced bitch.

Have you seen methed out white people? They truly are trash. What privelages are their children getting?

>> No.13515885

They are light skinned Africans too though sure if you live in America a light skinned person has a pretty good chance at being mixed. But there are a bunch of light skinned Africans you dont gotta be don cheadle to be black me being one of them.

>> No.13515951

i love this wholesome reply

>> No.13516358

rocky is the prettiest man black or white lol not even some women can surpass that

>> No.13516364

im surprised nobodys posted any pics of ecco2k. yes he does have long hair but it looks cool. if u wanna bleach it go full cisqo

>> No.13516816

>i'm not black but

hate to break it to you but

>> No.13516918

OP here, seems like you fags refuse to listen. I have done dreads, I have done cornrows, I have done a generic Afro, I have done a generic fade, I personally love long hair, long flowing hair. People keep recommending me dreads or some version of dreads with shaved sides, etc but ive done it for 10 years+.

I just want long hair like dreads that doesnt limit my life as hard

>> No.13517355

you are black, you wil never get white genetics
why americans are so insecure about race

>> No.13517435

Hair relaxer?
Thats all I can think of.

>> No.13518913

My grandmother is extremely light skinned, but she is very much black.

>> No.13519333

calm down fag

>> No.13520178

projecting much?

>> No.13520295
File: 222 KB, 814x548, Screenshot_Lightning_20180716-010522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13520297
File: 260 KB, 1756x1352, IMG_20180702_141316019~01~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice being Jewish and not a fucken nigger.

>> No.13520298

get the DROGBA

>> No.13520300

>90% of going bald before age 30
Those burgerland genes sure are something.