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/fa/ - Fashion

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13507266 No.13507266 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most /fa/ and un/fa/ facial characteristics?

>> No.13507293

jawline, hooded eyes, nose

>> No.13507319

image in OP is a good example of someone with a low IQ who has been browsing lookism

>> No.13507330


>> No.13507333

negative canthal tilt is only considered bad because it usually occurs when the eye lacks support, both from the orbital bones and the cheek bones. This is not always the case though, hence why some people still look good with nct.

Look, I won't say its a positive, and usually a neutral tilt will improve appearance, but to call it a deathblow to an average person is stupid, as are most blanket statements that come from that community.

>> No.13507334

>objectively one of the most beautiful women in the world

Why would you read past that?

>> No.13507367

>hence why some people still look good with nct.
Got any photos you can give as an example?

>> No.13507375

james franco, steven kelly off the top of my head.
as long the orbital bones are strong, with cheekbone support, its fine.
As I said, these guys would probably look better with neutral, but its not a death sentence.

If you have bug eyes, with no brow, no orbital support, recessed cheekbones, AND negative tilt, then you're trouble sure.

>> No.13507391

This is a stupid.

> I have rotated the eyes a little
> look how ugly she is now!!!1!!

>> No.13507399
File: 70 KB, 760x793, 1489396735728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That screencap.

There are no objective 10/10s and even with the negative candal tilt she looks good. Thanks op: Threads succ as this gem show me how picky and retarded social media, porn and this fagbunch of a fashion board can make you.

>> No.13507402

Literally OP's picture: Implying she doesn't beat 90% of the female /fa/gs woth ease.

>> No.13507416

Negative Canthalt Tilt can look plenty attractive on the right person. You can't just rotate a random person's eyes and say "see, she looks worse now!!!" when her overall facial aesthetic obviously doesn't support it.

>> No.13507419
File: 939 KB, 918x1016, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 10.52.51 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your face when Adriana Lima's bf/husband has negative canthal tilt.

lookism posters would've told this guy to LDAR

>> No.13507437

Steven Kelly looks like shit though imo, mostly because of his eyes. I personally dislike the rest of his features, but I think the eyes really detract from the rest of the face.

James Franco has nice, friendly eyes that go with his face, and the tilt is very minimal.

>> No.13507457
File: 1.97 MB, 1104x1204, Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 11.22.52 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does steven kelly look like shit to you?
either way, he has 500k followers and an IMG modelling contract, so enough other people think he looks good

>> No.13507551

>Being this fucking picky

Get off this board, social media, porn, the internet in general. That shit spoiled your brain.

>> No.13507587

One of my eyes is both lower than the other and tilted.
Fucking kill me. I literally never noticed this until two weeks ago when a friend pointed it. How the fuck do I recover

>> No.13507598
File: 24 KB, 600x451, b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lookism community comes from a generation of men born to parents in their 40s. Hence why they're so fuck-ugly and low-test.

>> No.13507602

An extreme NCT is negative surely (most features when taken to extremes tend to be), but I also feel that NCT is generally more masculine.

>> No.13507665

if you honestly think he looks "like shit" you need your eyes checked man.

>> No.13507671

He didnt just increase negative tilt, he also made her eyes asymmetrical.
13 degrees tilt is also unrealistic af. Canthal tilt is not that important, that guy is a mong

>> No.13507679

I have an ugly scar in the middle of my forehead. You'll live.

>> No.13507702

Not op, but imo he looks pretty boring

>> No.13507760

honestly bug eyes are the biggest blow.

i have a *some* cheekbones (ie my cheeks dip in), hooded brows, high, thin nose, square chin and a jawline but despite that my massive bug eyes forever make me look young, naive and ‘nice’

one day i’ll get surgery to make them appear thinner

>> No.13507767

How old are you? My eyes were uneven as a teenager but evened out when I was 20 ish

>> No.13507768

That doesn't mean he looks bad.

>> No.13507819

I'm literally better looking this guy, just a little short and cameras hate me.

>> No.13507826

>cameras hate me
can you cope any harder ? just admit this guy is better looking and dont fool yourself
i bet im taking the piss though and youre trolling

>> No.13507845

Sure man

>> No.13508169

Personality, faggot

>> No.13508195

Then you're fucked. Unlucky.

Now is when you tell me how dope your life is, how happy you are with yourself, how much you fuck, and how much you hate arthoes.

>> No.13508201

u just a bitch

>> No.13508207

OK, Mr. Personality.

>> No.13508209

ok bitchmade slave

>> No.13508211

>thin lips
>long face
>hook nose

>big forehead/balding
>weak jaw

>> No.13508550

Stay in your arthoe thread, king charisma.

>> No.13508663

>tfw nose
feels good man

>> No.13508669

t. "redpilled"

>> No.13508683

Am not!

>> No.13508713

>t. ugly faggot

>> No.13508726
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>black hair/eyebrows
>strong jaw
>(relatively small) moles
good shit

>> No.13508759
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>> No.13508776

>Tfw when man with button nose.
It's my least favorite part of my face.

>> No.13508822
File: 160 KB, 680x850, sylvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative tilt = master race

>> No.13508839
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>> No.13508877

You know he’s supposed to look like he gets punched in the face for a living right?

>> No.13508883
File: 193 KB, 1080x1350, 1531361810127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Positive canthal tilt master race

>> No.13508896

what are hooded eyes?

>> No.13508938 [DELETED] 

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA, you will always look better in the mirror than you actually do to other people because your brain has learned to ignore asymetries and minor defects, youre ugly asf dude

>> No.13508940

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA, you will always look better in the mirror than you actually do to other people because your brain has learned to ignore asymetries and minor defects, youre ugly asf dude

>> No.13508992

Means you have no upper eyelid exposure like me

>> No.13509017


—high cheek bones
—eyes: heterochromatic, limbal rings, anything other than dark brown
—chiseled contour lines
—proper proportions
—big lips
—pronounced jawline (and chin, esp. for men)
—nostrils visible from profile
—bottom of nose: either upturned slightly or perpendicular to face
—white, straight teeth
—expressive eyebrows
—not having a huge birthmark or scar on your face

>> No.13509067

>t. 40yr old whiteboy who regularly says nigga and faggot to teenagers on the internet.

Keep crushing it!

>> No.13509086

looks like her skin was stretched over a bad taxidermy mold

>> No.13509121

seems like a really weird thing to obsess about

>> No.13509578
File: 38 KB, 596x829, dca4dd7206122bb660ffd6e8eba9bc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neutral Canthal Tilt>Positive Canthal Tilt>Negative Canthal Tilt

>> No.13509592


>> No.13509807

>posts a good-looking guy with a negative canthal tilt

What did it mean by this?

>> No.13510438

this is the type of shit that ruins this board. its full of people obsessing over facial structures while we should just work with what we got. its full of depressed, insecure people boasting about one of their features in one thread while losing themselves in self doubt in another thread. being /fa/ is not about having everything on the model checklist. its a progress towards finding ones personal style and that process is only slow down through this amount of insecurity.

>> No.13510444


>> No.13510447

nigga i stay crushing

thats life when you aint a faggot

>> No.13510528

>and cameras hate me.

They don't. 99% of all faces are asymmetrical and since mirrors flip our image and a cam doesn't we get scared easily when a photo has been shot.

>> No.13511436
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>>big forehead/balding
>>weak jaw

>> No.13511604
File: 50 KB, 778x512, C913E345-65AA-4003-8511-F3489EA1ABBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream girl

>> No.13511726

it's literally the most important factor when talking about attractiveness

>> No.13511734


>> No.13511739


>> No.13511798

with males it is. post a 9+/10 male and i can almost guarantee he has hooded eyes. i'm not saying people without hooded eyes can't be attractive, but having them is super important

>> No.13511818
File: 40 KB, 700x700, 800FF580-55DE-4E06-B2B5-C5B964054E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13511825

hooded. are you trying to prove my point?

>> No.13511829

>low IQ
The quality of that writing demonstrates extraordinarily high IQ. It's the reasoning that's poor, but poor reasoning =/= low IQ.

>> No.13511848

Show me non hooded

>> No.13511860
File: 106 KB, 736x736, gandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is hooded, right is not

>> No.13511883
File: 43 KB, 320x286, A668E254-D189-4DBC-9621-18101EC65B0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hooded but low self esteem
Hold me bro

>> No.13511893

Also explain why she is hot despite >>13508839

>> No.13511894

Did you write it?

>> No.13511907

she is objectively ugly, you have some weird fetish

show that pic to 100 average dudes and 99 would agree with me

>> No.13511916

underrated post

>> No.13511919

nigger faggot

>> No.13511922

>tfw strong jaw and slight negative canthal tilt as a female.

how much is jaw shaving surgery?

>> No.13511933

prob not even that much considering how common it is in korea

>> No.13511949

If she is so ugly why so many ig followers? She’s beautiful

>> No.13511958

Post that shovel

>> No.13511990

you swallowed the "objective beauty" pill too hard

seek help

>> No.13511996

what sort of retarded reasoning is this? any ugly idiot can get followers

you're delusional

>> No.13512008

no, you're delusional. You sit on the computer and keep reinforcing your thoery of beauty while society functions entirely differently. And I'm not even saying beauty isn't objective. There absolutely is an objective element to it. But though that chick has an unconventional face, it's not at all a stretch to see it as beautiful.
It's absurdly immature to unconditionally limit beauty with your semi-arbitrary rules

>> No.13512012

keep talking, and when you're done you're gonna go outside, ask 100 guys to rate her and then you're gonna report back here. you know i'm right, bitch is ugly as fuck

>> No.13512014

Objective beauty doesn't really matter in females. There's a lot of horny/insecure guys with loose standards, some of them even good looking. That creates a dynamic where even ugly women get attention from the chad that's trying to screw everything. But women that are horny/insecure with loose standards are very very rare, so only objectively good looking men are sucessful in the sexual market. Especially if you want a stacy you need to be good looking these days, not even a lot of money can save you.

>> No.13512028

Tinder really fucked the game up. I tried to talk to this ugly Mexican girl today and she looked at me like I was crazy. Funny thing is I tried talking to a gorgeous woman the other week and although she was ‘out of my league’ she turned down my advance in a very amicable fashion, we had a pleasant brief conversation shook hands and parted. I’m pretty autistic too, I led with
>hey, I was wondering if I could get your number
Attractive people on average have better personality I think.

>> No.13512072

lol I know her. She doesn't have negative tilt that's just a picture from a low angle plus bleached eyebrows.

>> No.13512075

What is she like, anon?

>> No.13512082

She's alright. Kind of gossipy but enjoyable to talk to. I liked taking breaks from schoolwork to chat with her at her desk when we were in college.

>> No.13512107

What did she study