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[ERROR] No.13492613 [Reply] [Original]

I have $800 and need to buy a suit. Where should I be shopping?

>> No.13492653

Do you need everything or just the jacket and pants?

>> No.13492717

Jacket and pants only. I already have shoes.

>> No.13492867

so you still need a shirt, belt, tie, watch, and possibly cufflinks.

So you're left with around $600 after all that. You can get a good-quality MTM suit for $600. Don't waste your money on department store off-the-rack shit.

>> No.13492907

Sure, but where should I be shopping for an MTM suit?

>> No.13492915


Indochino, Suitsupply, Blacklapel, google if you can't find something you like from any of them.

Turnaround time is usually 3-4 weeks and be prepared to need minor adjustments from a local tailor

>> No.13492984

>watch, and possibly cufflinks
t. boomer

>> No.13493023
File: 44 KB, 600x350, LIKE_MAH_STATUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying MTM over the internet

>> No.13493045

>he thinks MTM over the internet is bad

Is it really that fucking hard to measure yourself?

>> No.13493060

You're not supposed to wear a belt with a suit.

>> No.13493068

Yes you are

>> No.13493095

>that 32-year-old zoomer that wears a belt with his suit
The point of a suit's matching jacket and trousers is that the eye travels up and down the person's form without stopping, giving the illusion of height. Wearing a belt ruins this illusion because a fucking buckle is bulging out from under your jacket and destroying the visual flow of the suit.

>> No.13493128

Not necessarily. Build quality on high end rtw/otr can be much better than online or cheap made to measure.
OP, you should check out suitsupply or wherever you can access. It could even be worth a look in thrift places near you.
If you can find an off the rack suit that fits you in across the shoulders and the back on the jacket, and the waist in the trousers, you can keep a hundred to get it adjusted.
Made to measure often means cheap finishing and build quality but better fit as a trade off, so it's up to you. If you find a suit off the rack that works well for you, and you can keep a hundy back to get it hemmed in the sleeves and adjusted in the waist /back of the jacket you might find you're better served OP.
Unless you have a deadline event, this suit might be the only one you need for years, so put time into getting it right.
Suit and tie 101

>> No.13493142


Whatever you do, make sure it fits well.

The suit in your pic is way too big for him - It's a shame the wardrobe people were fucking retarded and didn't tailor it to him

>> No.13493157

What socks do i wear with a dark charcoal shit? I'm thinking dark grey, especially because my shoes are black.

Is there something wrong with cufflinks?

>> No.13493180

Ideally your sock color should match, or mostly match, your trouser color, so dark grey socks would be good.

Cufflinks are fine, but both your cuffs and cufflinks need to be the right size. Nothing looks dumber than giant floppy cuffs or grape-sized cufflinks.

>> No.13493189

>Suit in pic is ill fitting

You are literally retarded.

>> No.13493202

>The suit in your pic is way too big for him - It's a shame the wardrobe people were fucking retarded and didn't tailor it to him

His character carries a fucking gun which makes a difference in the cut of the suit which looks fine.

>> No.13493208

>an actor is wearing it so is good
*merican logic.

>> No.13493232


Here were go:

>shoulders too wide - you can see this in the creases in the top of the arm
>sleaves are fucking huge - you should have about a cm/half an inch or so of shirt showing in well fitted suit
>way too long - top button placement should be just above/at the belly-button, his is lower
>whole jacket is in general way too big. you should be able to lay your hand flat against your breast when buttoned and have a bit of room to move, but not too much

That being said, it looks like the collar fits will around his neck and his pants aren't bad

Do yourselves a favour and actually read up on this shit - There's a lot more to a fitting suit than you think.

>> No.13493243
File: 80 KB, 392x594, faggot cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought celebs dressed boring and shit. this is bretty good. buy hugo boss tho

>> No.13493259


Is there something wrong with Hugo Boss?

>> No.13493274

>$200 spent on shirt, tie, cufflinks and watch? Each of those items individually, with the exception of perhaps tie, should cost more than $200.

>> No.13493301

most michael mann movies have good suit game desu

>> No.13493324

When will they learn

>> No.13493428

The suit is longer and looser than because he is packing concealed. Look at Secret Service, they are suited up the same way

>> No.13493473

they are decent for what they are

>> No.13493480

Gucci make suits at the price range think its worth is forever color is great go with red or not fun blue

>> No.13493556
File: 8 KB, 260x194, It was the style at the time....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are forgetting. This film came out in 2004, which likely means they were filming in 2003. Suits back then hadn't gotten to the slim fit that we see from around 2008 onwards...they were still seen as slimmer compared with the 80's box that lingered into the 90's.

This kind of suit was fine, for that time. But for today, it seems like there's far too much excess material and crunch. Yes, arms were that wide, and yes, legs were that trunkified. It's not only because he was packing...it was the style at the time.

For OP. Is there a Hugo Boss outlet near you? I always buy my suits there...damn good prices, and you can get something really new or a few seasons old, depending on how long you want it to last in terms of 'look'. Consider it.

>> No.13494224


>the fucking break on those pants

I know the guy is short, but did they really need to make him look like he's wearing pants meant for a taller man?

>> No.13494243

You need to learn not to state controversial opinions as though they're established fashion doctrine. "You don't wear a belt with a tux" - that's just established fact, backed up by the fact that tuxes don't have belt loops. "Don't wear a belt with a suit" - that's sometimes good advice, sometimes not, depends on the suit and the context, the look you're going for.

If your suit is tailored and fits you perfectly, and I do mean perfectly, AND it has no belt loops (e.g. because you got them removed), then you should not wear it with a belt. If both of those conditions are not met, sure there are still people who'll tell you to skip the belt, but it's not the majority position.

>> No.13495584

>manlets can't even wear belts anymore

>> No.13495605


>> No.13496362

>needing the illusion of height
Fucking manlets, when will you learn?

>> No.13496766

No but there's a lot more that goes into a zoot than measurements. Some things that can only be adjusted in person.

>> No.13496784

get a $20 suit from goodwill and then take it to a tailor

>> No.13496801

Get something cheap. If you only have $800 you need to save up and not buy the most expensive suit you're only going to wear once.

>> No.13496834

I don't understand this message at all. It's pretty terrible advice.

Only $800? You can get a suit of perfectly decent quality for $500 or even less and then get it tailored for less than $100. Obviously there's no upper limit but there is really no need for most people to spend upwards of $800 on a suit.

>> No.13496851

Maybe I misunderstood, but it sounded like OP was tight on money. It sounds like he doesn't already have a suit, so I'm guessing this is his first. That sort of leads me to believe this is for a job interview or something. He would be better off buying something cheap since they aren't going to be evaluating his clothes that hard on a job interview. Unless he's trying to get hired at Gucci. Obviously $800 will get you a decent suit, but if you only have $801 then you probably shouldn't spend it all on a suit.

>> No.13496984

I see where you're coming from, yeah. Wasn't trying to be a dick.

I interpreted his message as "I have $800 TO SPEND ON A SUIT" - obviously if he means he literally just has $800 in his checking account, period, then of course he should buy something cheaper. If his budget is that tight, though, then frankly if at all possible I'd suggest he forego the suit and buy something on the nicer end of business casual - despite being less formal, in my opinion a combo of really nice chinos/dress shirt/blazer comes across a lot better than a so-so suit, unless a suit really is mandatory.

>> No.13498172
File: 558 KB, 1280x1622, 1528122994142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to have loose comfy suits like pic related.Which brand should i look for without selling my kidneys please..I live in Western europe btw