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13461919 No.13461919 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more try-hard than tattoos? It's like wearing your favorite t-shirt forever.

>> No.13461925

stop spending so much time hating people. maybe you have a reason but what does it do for you.

>> No.13461928

who is this queen

>> No.13461929
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>> No.13461949

ive seen this woman so many fucking times, where are yall sourcing these images from

>> No.13462005

her insta she's some german chick

>> No.13462021

I love you

>> No.13462024

what about ancient people who got tattoos for religious purposes

>> No.13462131

The Emperor Qin consumed mercury because he believed it would extend his life.
In Victorian times people would swallow lead pellets to give themselves a cleanse.
So, I think you should drink mercury and eat lead today.

>> No.13462154

They also spoke to eachother, so thats gotta be bad for me, right

>> No.13462159

If i had to guess, probably posting about how much you hate them here is a worse character trait, but you do you

>> No.13462188


>> No.13462203

they were all tryhards

>> No.13462208
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Not really no. Shouts out Telny for making me think "hey if Telny can do a nipple tat I can too"

>> No.13462210

My point is the superstitions of prehistoric savages are a pretty fucking silly way to justify your tattoos today, dude.

>> No.13462427
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>> No.13462432

wearing supreme

>> No.13462441

That Anon really didn't imply that people getting tattoos in ancient times justifies tattoos today, hes just saying RussCandy is being insane.

>> No.13462465

>i got a tattoo of some roses because my dead great aunt who i never met liked roses
>this one is a skull it represents the skeleton inside us all
I hate tats
>mfw its literally impossible to meet a girl my age without flower tattoos on her arms
Is this a thing anywhere else? Every girl around here i kid you not...

>> No.13462479

Anya Bashilova
vk /id121159406

>> No.13462480

If Telny wasn't so fat I'd assume he has GRID. Worst faggot on this board

>> No.13462484

>Бaшилoвa Aннa Гeннaдьeвнa. PФ. Гopoд Mocквa
german, right

>> No.13462486

What shitty tumblr-esque degenerate place you live in??

>> No.13462487

why are you so... disconnected from reality in every post

>> No.13462489

lol he’s scared of needles

>> No.13462507


>> No.13462511

imagine being this insecure holy shit hahahaha OP you and the rest of these faggots must be really ugly I'm sorry for you virgins

>> No.13462567

Walking downtown is irl tumblr.
Oh and tons of chinks.

>> No.13462593

Someone always brings up ancient people getting them, though.

>> No.13462606

She's actually really cool

>> No.13462744

No problem with you wearing your favorite t shirt as long as you clean it. What that problem is, or whi actually, are the people who judge you. Kinda reminds you of something doesnt it? :)

>> No.13462751

>it's other people that are the problem!

"Hey, maybe don't walk home drunk at 3am through that park in the dangerous area."
>no problem with walking through that park, the problem is the rapist murderers, so i'll just take my walk you judgemental pleb. :)

>> No.13462871

Literally they would be the problem you idiot. If you took them out you would be safe.

>> No.13462874

If I put a cigarette out in the back of her neck, would she fall in love with me?

>> No.13462884
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>> No.13462894
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Why's she so cute bros

>> No.13462895
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>> No.13462899
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>> No.13462906
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>> No.13462907
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>> No.13462910
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>> No.13462913
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was she better before the tats /b/ros?

>> No.13462918


>> No.13462927
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>> No.13462932

this but unironically

>> No.13462937
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>> No.13462971

A thousand times this

>> No.13462973

Tattoos/piercing = fucked up person
avoid contact

>> No.13462974

Tragedy if true

>> No.13462990

not her

>> No.13462993

It's so cringey try-hard that she began getting them removed. She realized what a mistake it was when the nazi skinhead bois made her their queen, and she freaked out. It was bad for her career.

>> No.13462995

yeah, it is

>> No.13462998

Anyone know what the one on her neck says?

>> No.13463000

my oneitis has three stars tatted on her hand. does she have an STD?

>> No.13463217

Face tattoos look like absolute trash. They make people with them look like absolute trash. That's reality.

>> No.13463268


>> No.13463470

more like kitty

>> No.13464108

epitome of a sheltered life

>> No.13464112

he is trying to build a wacky internet persona around all caps on a website that is the opposite of a good place to do so. what do you expect, honestly?

>> No.13464119

>So degenerated that they think their degeneration is the norm, and can't conceive of something else.

>> No.13464123

But if its that fringe, then your focus on it is pedantic and invalid

>> No.13464131

>But if its that fringe

But it isn't, idiot.

>> No.13464270

Then it is a norm, you retarded faggot.


>> No.13464295

Sure, but what are you going to do about it?

Get your face tattoo and then bitch on twitter about how anyone who is judgy about a swastika on the forehead needs their mom to come tell them what's what?

That is literally the solution that Feminists have to rape and murder. Do you think it will work for face tats too?

Yes, they are the problem, but you need to take some responsibility for your actions.

>> No.13464309


>> No.13464345

>Literally they would be the problem you idiot. If you took them out you would be safe.

What I was trying to get at is fashion is not actually a solitary pursuit as much as you retard nu/fa/ people make out that it is.
Fashion is about you AND the people that can see you.

>> No.13464436




>> No.13464442
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you should be carful with face and neck tattoos, because they stick out much more

but a rather spend life with body pic releted than not having any tattoos

also dumping

>> No.13464446
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>> No.13464450
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>> No.13464451
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>> No.13464454
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>> No.13464456
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reply if i should post more, i have much more full upper body styles

>> No.13464457
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>> No.13464459

>poppy plant
>barbed wire
>manson tattoo
yea shes a outta jail heroin addict

>> No.13464709

post samoan/yakuza

>> No.13464740

sheesh man what happened

>> No.13464758

what is this type of style called? also any artists that do this well that you know of?

>> No.13464767

>all those righ wingers so salty because this beautiful white lady get a literally nazi tatoo
lmao get over it cucks

>> No.13464784

You people who dislike tattoos sure spend a lot of time hating on people who get tattoos. Is your time so invaluable that you can afford to use it to hate on people?

>> No.13464832

>get a literally nazi tatoo
~~With her being hype hoe I'd think it is rather intended to be buddhism symbol or smth.~~
Nevermind, she's even dumber than that. Her own explanation was "I wanted to have swastika on my forehead, that's all"

>> No.13464850


>> No.13465199


>> No.13465931

man you're fucking disgusting thats a cave rat

>> No.13465939

This girl fills me with sadness.

>> No.13466031

I could be wrong but face tattoos used to be something only real badasses would get. Like, ice cold actual murderers. It really meant something. Now I just assume these people live off of their parents money and post about it on instagram. They are just taking the whole rich goth/punk kid thing a step further. I have tremendous respect for criminals who can be successful at what they do. But these little shits just want to look like that without getting their hands dirty. It's like getting gang tats without being in a gang, or military tattoos without being in the military. It's the stolen valor of the underworld. They're just rich kids who can afford to throw away their career opportunities because they don't need a career.

>> No.13466071

What kind of issues do you think she has?

>> No.13466690

isnt like using the same T shirt every day is more like trying to get some attention and show to the people how "different" you are causeall the shit that you put on your skin have a "meaning" when the truth is that you put it there cause you just liked it and you regret in secret

>> No.13466792
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>> No.13466793
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>> No.13466941

post'em boy

>> No.13466962

ooh its that gril from st peterburg!, i love her
russians do tattoos best

>> No.13467027

I had the guy blocked for something over a year ago, don't remember, but he's 100% correct here

>> No.13467072

I agree

also MOST (not all) tatted people I know = complete douchebags, loud, obnoxious with few exceptions

generally, the rule of thumb that works for me 80-90% of the time
>the more visible/loud the tats the more of an annoying cunt the person wearing them is

Sorry, that's my personal experience. I do however try to not be prejudiced and give people the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.13467400


>> No.13467445

>that pencil neck

She needs to do neck bridges ASAP

>> No.13467560 [DELETED] 
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