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/fa/ - Fashion

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13455199 No.13455199 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever worn in public?

>> No.13455204
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>> No.13455240

woodland BDUs and an orange Hawaiian shirt, while high on DXM.

>> No.13456175

A micro skirt, lace up panties, thigh high socks, garters.

Yes I’m a boy.

>> No.13456192

>woodland BDUs and an orange hawaiian shirt

You seem like the right kind of guy to ask about DXM. I have a baggie with 5g of it sitting in my freezer alongside ten-odd anabolics, viagra, and a 400g tub of phenibut

Yet I haven't tried any of it because I was working my way through a bag of 4-MAR first. Is it comparable to ketamine? If so, what's a good dosage for a similar experience? I usually dose light on everything as too much is vastly overwhelming for me, with anything, and gives me a giant fucking panic induced breakdown

>and now for something completely relevant
A home-made ab-cutout shirt with 'glory hole' written in sparkle pen; from that same old /fit/ meme that gets posted every new year

>> No.13456197

A spaceman costume.

>> No.13456280

A full neon pink tracksuit

>> No.13456286

An engagement ring.

>> No.13456327

300-400mg for a dxm trip. If you want substantial disassociative effects, you would have to dose higher than that

>> No.13456340

apceний, пoшeл нaхyй oтcюдa

>> No.13456343

At least you aren't one of those freaks who gets a tattoo of a wedding ring

jfc how horrifying

thanks m8, I was planning to start at about 5mg/kg bodyweight based on shit online and at 168lbs that's about spot on anyway.

>> No.13457565

>tattoo of a wedding ring
yo FUCK that

>> No.13457579

Read some William Gibson on your way up, listen to some sick electronic music like the crystal method, and be ready to be rather disfunctional for about 4 hours.
Maybe watch fight club, or apocalypse now ;)

>> No.13457582

>Read some William Gibson on your way up, listen to some sick electronic music like the crystal method, and be ready to be rather disfunctional for about 4 hours.

Do we know each other?

>> No.13457619
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>> No.13457626

boots make him look like a child on HGH

>> No.13457666

> high

dumbest shit I have read in a long time

>> No.13457670

> trip

nvm this is the dumbest shit

>> No.13457680

thought full yohji was a good idea back when i was starting to get into fashion
looked like an absolute retard
btw avant fags, your clothes do not look good stop wearing it

>> No.13457855

Yohji looks great, you probably just had no clue about style

>> No.13457925

Post pictures


>> No.13457946
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>> No.13457966

The key to that one is confidence

>> No.13457978

Maid dress.

>> No.13457982


>> No.13458118

Apocalypse now running in the background while reading Neuromancer sounds like a breddy good afternoon

am I lucid enough to write while on it? Or would it just be garbled shit that sounds enlightened while high as fuck. But if that's not the case working more on my book might be interesting

y anon, I mean sure pure ketamine is better but at least it's higher on the totem pole than something like memantine, and I can order it in bulk for dirt cheap and the same store I get my test/tren from. Other true dissociatives are too goddamn loopy outside of those two imo

>> No.13458134

No, but if we did we would probably be friends.

I've never had much luck with writing on DXM. It usually comes out looking like
"... Objects have form, but rely on humans be to give them meaning...



>> No.13458915
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>> No.13458940


>> No.13458944

Sounds gay, anon.


>> No.13458950


>> No.13458954


>> No.13458960


>> No.13458962

hot if male, thot if girl




>> No.13458966

w2c that skirt plox

>> No.13458973 [DELETED] 

yoooouuuuuuu delivered!

i really admire this, in a way...

>> No.13458980

yooouuuuuuu delivered!

i really admire this, in a way...

>> No.13459035


You mean the location or the outfit?

It’s a fetish for the location.

Also this was when I was just starting HRT.

Yandy I think? Don’t remember.

I started pushing myself to do super dumb(risky?) exciting shit at that age.

>> No.13459105

Oh I know you. Didn't know you browsed /fa/ though. Lookin good!

>> No.13459112


I shitpost across ALL boards. :3

>> No.13459114

i like u anon

>> No.13459119

when I was 10 I walked around in full camouflage and a do-rag for a week.

>> No.13459185

you gays are nasty as hell

>> No.13459196
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OP started it.

>> No.13459199

So hot!

>> No.13459202


>> No.13459286


>> No.13459289
File: 2.00 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20170122_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you soon

I hate this color combination.

>> No.13459401

Surface level weeb shit like this is trash.

>> No.13459419
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>> No.13459491

More please

>> No.13459586


>> No.13459598
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>tfw i have that same shirt

>> No.13459604

Op is a final fantasy side character

>> No.13459644
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i was about to save this picture but then i read

>> No.13459652
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just a rick cardigan and a thermal l/s
I think april 77 skinny jeans
undercover shades

this was almost 3 years ago

>> No.13459661

Holy shit it's an ectomorph

>> No.13459795

If you are the guy with the FRS/BRZ, please drink gravel.

>> No.13459801
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>> No.13459826
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I got a list, but I'd say this was the most fun.

>> No.13459833

A thong, probably, but only as underwear and not as outerwear. I'm boy(male).

>> No.13460294

If it feels good, do it.

>> No.13461369
