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/fa/ - Fashion

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13442863 No.13442863 [Reply] [Original]

What are you planning on doing when buying shoes and clothes no longer fills the void?

>> No.13442867

face tattoos

>> No.13442876

I don't really know man, nothing really does it for me anymore, so much things we could do with our life and we are slaves of stability and comfort, I could be free but that won't keep me a float, nothing makes feel any thing anymore.

>> No.13442937

it never did. time for suicide.

>> No.13443114


>> No.13443127

get a productive hobby nerd

>> No.13443152

>implying this isn’t just a huge distraction
>implying anything can fill the void

Maybe I’ll get a pc who knows bro

>> No.13443191

Becoming devoutly religious and going /monkcore/ until I fucking die.

>> No.13443198

nothing fills the void anymore. i just rotate between fashion, music, and interior design. when i get tired of buying useless shit for my body i move onto useless shit for my house, and so on and so forth

>> No.13443220

being free in the 21st century is a complete myth, unless you have a net worth of 8 figures. Live is for the rich people, and we're all just slaves working for them, waiting to die.

>> No.13443405

I got into high end car audio shit
Sounds nice now, fashion is boring

>> No.13443604
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>> No.13443606

Fashion has been boring to me for a few years now, so I got into watches. Wish I never had because it is so much more expensive than clothes ever were.

>> No.13443633

I like camping. I'm probably going to do a long through-hike.

>> No.13443641
File: 102 KB, 334x334, 6A68174F-5B63-4EDB-A62A-B50EC027ACE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been into fashion since I was 18 and been stocking up designer clothes (mostly SLP) for a while now but never really got the chance to wear them because I never leave my room, but recently I've started going to parties and wearing my clothes and holy shit, people always compliment my outfits and girls want to dance with me and stuff. I'm not even attractive, it's so weird.

>> No.13443725
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this not a joke, but i "made it" thanks to hedi

>see wyatt boots somewhere
>"woah pretty cool desu, what is this saing laurang"
>end up watching the fw17 palladium show on youtube
>"what is this sorcery, i thought you had to be some ripped sports chad to be 'cool', these mofos weight 100lbs on a good day and i can see their small penises through their way-too-tight -tier skinny jeans", yet they somehow seemed way cooler than anything id seen before
>watch more shows, learn more about the whole hedi era slp aesthetic. actually really enjoy the music in the shows, i start listening to them
>guitar plays a large part in most of the songs, end up watching guitar videos on youtube
>i quickly realize the real musicians are way cooler than slp models, who try to look like rock stars or whatever. i still really liked slp, it's great but the real musicians just felt more authentic
>really enjoy watching guitar related things, end up buying a guitar despite having 0 experience with music at 22yo (pic related)
>end up learning the basics, i'm still shit to this day but it honestly doesn't take long to get the basics down. you can do a lot with basic chords, especially when you're drunk
>adopt slp'ish style, but because i'm a brokeboy mostly thrifted or stuff of sales. but to be honest, it's pretty easy to pull of the slp look even with cheap clothing. obviously won't look as good, but you can get the same vibe with a budget
>find peace when it comes to my body, senpai hedi teached me it's ok to be a scrawny. no need to feel insecure about not having muscles etc. anymore
>start studying at a new school

cont. next post

>> No.13443728


>lots of parties at the beginning
>one night some guy has a guitar with him, im piss drunk so of course i get the sudden urge to play some metallica riffs i had just learned (not even kidding, open e, a7, d5, e6, e5, a7 you know if you know)
>thankfully not too many people around so i dont embarrass myself completely
>however, one qt artsy chick, few years younger than me definitely mirring
>starts talking to me later that night and we get along really well
>end up together
>she's really into painting, architechture etc. fancy things i was never introduced to because im from a poor family
>a whole new world opens to me, as she teaches me about all these new things
>genuinely enjoy life, can't remember the last time i sat on my computer for over 12 hours a day, like i used to do almost everyday, doing something braindead like training agility on runescape and watching twitch streams at the same time. no offense if you still do this, just not worth it imo

so thanks Hedi. started saving money the second i heard about céline move. going to cop a pair of boots and probably never wear them, i'm just gonna treat them as a totem. #hedicult

>> No.13444040


>> No.13444258

drugs & eating disorders

>> No.13444273

Same thing I always do. Chain smoke and hope it one day kills me.

>> No.13444314

>I hereby declare this an endgame thread

I have a dream car that I plan on importing in a few years when it's legal to.
I'll drive around for a few years while doing the normal gig like everyone else and when the time is right I'll understeer off a cliff.
I either hope it kills me or puts me into a coma.
Either I dream or die and I hope it's like dreaming.

>> No.13444330

After fashion comes
>a nice two seater ricer car from Japan
>more travelling internationally
>furnishing my room
>learning to cook
There's tons of shit to get into, and if your style is all you can really identify yourself by, then you're a lot shallower than you think.

>> No.13444336

You're fucking pathetic

>> No.13444362

listen to depressive classical music while reading josei manga

>> No.13444366

>What are you planning on doing when buying shoes and clothes no longer fills the void?


>> No.13444367

can confirm that SLP gets you attention from on girls. Also a brokeboi though and mostly buy vintage stuff that fits the same look.

>> No.13444687

Buy cufflinks and ties

>> No.13444697

have you gotten laid from it?

>> No.13444704

>fashion as a hobby and not a form of expression

>> No.13444717

saving money for fast car and look mom im smokey nagataing
t. browsed /o/ pretty often past year

>> No.13444732 [DELETED] 

going to bomb a preschool

>> No.13444778


>> No.13444780


>> No.13444794

This girls love the Jackets and boots.

>> No.13444799

Goddamn why can't I just be fine with my hobby without you cunts coming on here with your problems annoying the fuck out of me talk to a therapist instead of wasting money if you care that much leave me alone with my interest don't bring your problems to me. I hate this new age of people who have issues and there's no one out there that's just fine and content with what they're doing and dealing with. Sort of makes you feel like you have to be depressed or you have to be unhappy or you have to be anxious, just fuck off with that, it's a toxic mindset and attitude. This whole melodramatic attitude towards your problems isn't going to fix them.

>> No.13444859

Everything falls to the void

>> No.13445549

Buying guns instead

>> No.13446845

Retard. Do freelance work or start your own business. The slavery your described is a choice

>> No.13446898
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Nothing. Because this shit was never supposed to fill any void.

If you buy shit to stave off existential horror, you're doing it WRONG.

>> No.13447789

Fuck off Marx

Wholesome, good for you anon

This, if you derive your happiness from commercialism, you're probably always going to feel empty

>> No.13448079
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Same. Not many things make me feel better than driving hard on a canyon road with the top down. It's a pretty fulfilling hobby if you have some extra cash to repair and upgrade your car. Pic related is my current auto

>> No.13448160
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cybernetic augmentations, probably

>> No.13448171
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This. This is actually "making it". I'm happy for you anon.

I'll make it one day too, I'm sure of it. No, really, I am ;__;

>> No.13448349




>> No.13448418
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hopefully have kids but that's a whole new set of problems that will arise.

>> No.13448506
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>> No.13449056

gang weeders rise up

>> No.13449269


Moving onto a bodybuilding obsession to fill that void in my never-ending narcissistic pursuit.

>> No.13449433


>> No.13449445

post fit

>> No.13449460

Absolutely this. Could I make it in Tibet?