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/fa/ - Fashion

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13439117 No.13439117 [Reply] [Original]

what's your daily routine /fa/? how stylish is your ~lifestyle~
there must be something other than coffee and cigarettes holding that life together

>> No.13439124

>coffee 4x expresso
>glass of water
>cereal or peanut butter
>sometimes nothing
>wash teeth
>spend remaining 15 minutes on youtube/4chan
>dress up
>leave at 6:00

>> No.13439127

lifting weights
law school
flirting with qts

life's not bad

>> No.13439128

>wake up at 5am
>brush teeth, drink a nuun, stretch
>run 2-3mi, go to gym for 30 mins (under an hour)
>shit, shower, shave, whatever
>on public trans for ~20 mins, at work by 730
>work until 7-730pm, get lunch at some point (salad, sushi, whatever)
>get home around 8-830
>read, go to a bar/show nearby, work on a project, drive out of the city for errands, veg out, play CS:S, stay over gf's, whatever
>rinse and repeat

Pretty monotonous and vanilla; probably why I'm going to therapy.

>> No.13439159

>Wake up
>Feel like p Diddy
>Grab a bottle of jack
>Time to hit the city

>> No.13439163

shut up you stupid fucking teenager

>> No.13439165


>> No.13439178


>> No.13439185

>wash teeth

>> No.13439195

You’re living a good life dude, why do you want to change?

>> No.13439197

How do i into waking up early

>> No.13439209

>4:30 am
>grind beans and put a kettle on for coffee
>check surf cams
>chia seed pudding or oatmeal
>stop off at scenic point to snap a pic of the sunrise if it's rising already
>arrive at surf spot 5:30-6am
>wax up and get ready
>surf till 9-10am
>protein recovery post surf lunch
>nap and play with cat
>paint watercolor or digital
>go back out for another surf if there's waves
>protein recovery supper with complex carbs if I'm surfing tomorrow
>anime and manga or shitpost until I pass out

It's not v effay I admit but wouldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.13439213

>12am-8:30am snoozing
>8:30am breakfast (oatmeal, fruit, coffee, orange juice, adderall, another coffee this time with whisky)
>9am housework, laundry, misc stuff
>9:30am flexibility, bodyweight, and some dumbell stuff
>10am shower
>11am-3pm work on my advisor's shit
>3pm have tea and a snack. in the summer, fresh beans, peas or peppers i pick from my garden in the morning. in the winter, usually almonds or cashews or something
>3:30pm-6pm work on my thesis
>6:15pm cycle to GF's
>6:30pm hang out with gf, eat dinner, watch a show or talk about stuff. never sex, i'm not degenerate
>by 9pm i've cycled home
>shitpost, work on my thesis or my pet open source project
>bed by midnight

i'm literally a god

>> No.13439226

>Drink buttered coffee with milk
>Drink tea
>Eat 3~4 boiled eggs

You should stretch after your workout, not before. Just do some light warmup instead.

That's a good life, anon.

>> No.13439264

What do you do for work how can you afford a lifestyle like that

>> No.13439269

Where do you go to law school?

>> No.13439275

>wake up
>around 12 shower
>maybe some work for half an hour
>3-4 pm
>gf wakes up
>hang out
>do art
>work on gf's book together
>cook some dinner

>> No.13439282


>> No.13439296

>7am alarm goes off
>8am get out of bed and take my sister to school
>9am back in the house and have breakfast
>9.30am shower
>10am leave for work
>2pm lunch
>6pm go home
>7pm lie on my bed until I'm tired enough to sleep

wash, rinse, repeat. Am I depressed?

>> No.13439305

Fuckin kek

>> No.13439307

There is such a thing as rich people's kids and I think that's one of em.(Or probably a LARP because it's the Taiwanese Car Engineering Forum)

>> No.13439343

It's not really sustainable. Sure, it's a "good habit" and checks boxes for whatever you're supposed to be doing in your twenties, but I just feel bored and complacent.

Discipline, mostly. Have to give yourself a reason to wake up early; mine's is to run through the city when everyone else is asleep. Also, try using Sleep Cycle; it'll ease you into waking up early better.

I kind of do both, pre-run is just the legs and my lower back because it's shit.

>> No.13439346

When the fuck do you shower?
Please don't tell me you shower in the night. Please.

>> No.13439356

Trust fund kid plus property management/investment plus lucrative furry hentai commissions.

>> No.13439367
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Do you unironically need an alarm to remind you to drink coffee after waking up?

>> No.13439370

Didn't think I'd meet Richard Spencer on this board but he's style could have only been forged by fa

>> No.13439382

>wakes up at 7am
>am i depressed
No, or at least not clinically

>> No.13439403

In the evening.
I go to bed clean, I wake up clean, also I don't have time to let my long hair dry in the morning.
I lift after school, so its pointless to shower in the morning.
Do you have an objective reason why I or anyone should shower in the morning?

>> No.13439524

Leave your alarm as far away from your bed as possible. If you can work out in the morning, leave your gym clothes on top of it.

>> No.13439536

>I don't sweat at night

good 4 u

>> No.13439553

This doesn’t work if you’re depressed.

>> No.13439608

>wake up 6:45
>shower, shave, brush teeth, get dressed
>breakfast 7:45, normally cereal
>leave for work 8:15
>arrive at work 9:25
>leave work 6:00
>home 7:05
>eat dinner
>shitpost/play video games/fap
>bed 11pm

>> No.13439645

In between jobs right now so my days are less structured but here's what today looks like:
>wake up around 8:15
>wash face and get dressed
>leave home around 8:45
>walk to the lake with iced coffee I bought on the way and listen to a podcast
>spin at 9:30
>walk home and shower and get dressed again
>spend about two hours at the public library, responding to emails, reading the news, practicing Illustrator
>errands (buying some stuff for my home and my bicycle and tidying up my apartment)
>shower again
>meet a friend for shopping and dinner
>might go to yoga if I can make it to an 8pm class, but it's not a priority. otherwise I'll do do a quick home practice at the gym in my condo
>shower and get dressed to see a friend djing
>bike home
>go to sleep around 2

>> No.13439651

Anyone else just jealously reading through these lives that have structure and purpose?

>> No.13439762

Yeah kinda, it's sounds nice having a daily routine, or at least it does to someone that has been waking up at noon or later for the past few weeks. At least tomorrow I have to wake up early (7:30).

>> No.13439889


>> No.13439899

haha no way bro

>> No.13439916

>wake up at 4-5pm
>have breakfast (banana, nuts, square of chocolate, biscuits and veggies with cheese or hummus)
>wash some salad for dinner
>browse internet til 7-8pm
>make and eat dinner
>workout if i feel like it
>more internet
>bed at 5-6am

>> No.13439936

What kind of a faggot do you have to be to not own a car? Are you a meth addict or something? Actually fuck even the addicts have cars. What's legitimately wrong with you?

>> No.13439938

>wake up at 6 am
>breakfast while stressing and checking when my bus leaves
>always late so run to the bus stop
>change to train and then to the metro
>spend 1 hour and 15 min on public transport
>be unproductive
>go home and spend another hour and 15 min in publix transport
>walk the dog and grab some lunch
>study + vidya combo
>go to sleep at 2 - 3 am

>> No.13439943

>everyone has money for a car

>> No.13439957

Public transport is free in my country and is actually decent.

>> No.13439959

>wake up at 5:00
>go to gym in building for an hour
>coffee + catch up on overnight/asia markets news flow
>shower, shave, brush teeth, etc.
>train ride to work ~40 mins
>walk from train station to office; arrive by 8am usually
>sit on my ass in front of the computer all day unless i'm out with clients
>typically out of office by 8pm; walk to train station
>train ride home ~40 mins, catch up on personal email/messages
>gym again for an hour
>shower, etc.
>play video games + whatever else
>typically asleep by 1:00

>> No.13439963
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I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this.

>> No.13439965


>> No.13439966

Jesus christ whats with the vitriol? Dad owns stock in ford?

>> No.13439973

for backup, i'm gonna be a freshmen in an out of state college. so this summer i'm basically working full time at my shitty mcdonald's job so i'm in less debt.
>wake up late morning
>take antidepressant
>fuck around on the internet till antidepressant kicks in and i wanna do shit
>get ready for work
>work from like 2pm-10pm (lobby closing shift)
>get home
>fuck around till 2am

>> No.13439979

>Get up
>Take long shower, think about killing myself.
>Shave, floss, brush
>Laze around on phone
>Go to gym
>Destroy my fucking body
>Finish workout, take quick shower
>Breakfest at Dorm
>Two eggs and four turkey bacons
>"Sorry sir, we can only give you two turkey bacons but you can always come back to get more."
>Two eggs and two turkey bacons
>Grab tea bag, milk + sweetener.
>Read book
>Go to work to slave away.

>> No.13439984

>Two eggs and four turkey bacons
>"Sorry sir, we can only give you two turkey bacons but you can always come back to get more."
>Two eggs and two turkey bacons


>> No.13439987

Every morning I always ask for four. Sometimes they give it, sometimes they don't. Going to be honest and say that it does annoy me.

>> No.13439990

It's summer right now and I've been too lazy and anxious to apply for jobs. I don't even know what to apply for, on one hand I feel like I should do an internship that would look good on grad school apps but I also am really strapped for cash so should probably do just whatever labor will get me paid.
>get up between 10 and noon
>make breakfast
>lie on the couch with cat all day
>eat dinner
>lie around more
>go run for 4 miles or so
>stay up late either talking with friends or listening to music until 3 am
I'm trying so hard to get out of this slump by just running until I feel good but it's not working. Everything blows right now, /fa/m
Caught me

>> No.13440191
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>wake up around 9
>shower, shave, smoke a bowl
>bicycle to work (coffee shop)
>cold brew + around 50 oz of water
>work until whenever, usually around 3
>kale smoothie w spirulina on my bike ride home
>smoke another bowl
>head to library or local spot and read
>yoga before bed with gf
pretty simple + comfy summer routine

>> No.13440204
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I have a car (Volvo S60R),, but I don't drive to work because I street park and transit is easier. Fuck off back to whatever fly-over state you were inbred in.

>> No.13440215

>wake up at ~2 pm
>breakfast, shower, brush etc., commute to job if it's a work day
>work and commute back until about 1 or 2 am
>eat something, generally yoghurt or something that would work as breakfast as well.
>if it's not a workout day, chill out for a bit, catch up on YT subscribtions, browse internet for a bit, maybe play a little vidya.
>practice piano for about an hour at ~3 am
>brush, prepare for bed etc.

if it's not a work day you can swap out working for hanging out with friends and working to elevate my photography to a fulltime job.

it's not ideal, i hate the hours i work at right now as they force me into a routine that's out of whack with the general population, but that's good motivation to work hard i guess.

also, i'm not calling anyone out in particular, maybe it's just coincidence but i feel like the group of people that wakes up at 5-6 am and is super productive in the morning is overrepresented in this thread in comparison to real life, so to anyone that actually lies to anonymous people on the internet: who are you really lying to my dude?

>> No.13440440

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look at my post number. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me. Only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our life styles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

>> No.13440546

>wake at 0800,0801,0802, etc.
>honey, coffee and nicotine
>feels like a train hit my face, wonder if I have cancer
>therapy at 11
>work for unpaid internship
>play music, workout, write some
>hug gf
>fall asleep
Life’s weird

>> No.13440685


>> No.13440689

why dont you people just use the snooze button

>> No.13441691
File: 52 KB, 500x749, EF2258DC-4E1B-4C76-9357-2FC46F1F8D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5:30 am
>wake up
>get dressed
>black coffee and protein shake
>skincare routine + makeup
>go to work

>11:30 am
>lunch break
>black coffee

>3:00 pm
>off work
>go home
>watch tv

>6:00 pm
>shower + shave + skincare routine
>eat a small dinner
>drink some coconut rum and Diet Coke

>9:00 pm

>replace work with watch tv + chores + read
>grindr hookup every few weeks

>> No.13441695

i feel like you and i would get along.

>> No.13441700



>> No.13441707


So are the cigarettes an addiction you can't break or do you actually get satisfaction from smoking them? Does your work or hobbies not involve using your voice or your appearance?

Im just curious what drives someone to chain smoke

>> No.13441724

Addiction and hunger suppression. I work in a very busy restaurant and have bad anxiety, so it can stress me out and drives me to smoke more.

As for my voice, it’s not raspy or anything. And my appearance is fine?

I don’t have any hobbies or social life either way. Aside from passionless hookups, I haven’t hung out with anyone in over six months.

So it’s mostly addiction. Nicotine withdrawal causes anxiety, so when I get really anxious about work I go for a smoke and it pretend helps it. Eating makes me feel awful about myself, so I just go out and smoke until I’m not hungry during the day. And I’m so fucking lonely it’s just an excuse to go outside for 5 minutes.

I don’t recommend it.

>> No.13441750

My days aren't as structured, but i'll try and make it general

>wake up, bout 8:30
>make breakfast and pourover coffee
>fuck around on laptop/phone for a bit
>gym till around midday
>go to work, probs till about 7pm
>cook dinner
>leisure time (video games, writing, reading, ceramics, etc.)
>bed time

It changes a lot, but that would be a typical example of a work day

>> No.13441776

That sounds rough man. Have you thought about meds/therapy to help with the anxiety?

>> No.13441782

I take meds but I can’t say they do much, therapy I just can’t afford.

I haven’t had any full on attacks in a while at least.

>> No.13441786

Isn't vaping less cancerous than nicotine?

>> No.13441802

No tar from smoke so yeah, but it still has nicotine.

I’ve tried it but it really just doesn’t scratch the itch for me. I’ve tried the Juul which is high in nicotine, it worked for a bit but I didn’t like any of the flavours and I can only get the pods from one store in my country. So when I would try to get a refill and it ends up on back order I just bought a pack of smokes.

>> No.13441803

>04:55 alarm
>cuddle gf for 5 minutes
>throw on some clothes/wellies and take labrador for a walk through fields and woods
>back to house around 06:15
>cup of tea and bowl of Alpen with some extra fruit
>make up lunch,flask of coffee and bottle of water
> 06:45 get changed
>brush teeth and stuff
>leave the house at 07:05 for a 10/15 minutebike ride to work
>throw chainsaw around till 17:00 and head home

>> No.13441894

>11 am
>glass of water
>can of sardines w/ some tomatoes
>often, no food
>5 minute lukewarm shower
>spend the next 12 hours on my PC
>occasional breaks for pushups & guitar
>repeat most days, with 1 day a week dedicated to cycling through a forested area

this has been my life for about 6 months now.
I am just waiting for college to start. Tuition is free, and I have enough money for living so I need no job.
I live in a very poor rust belt area & I despise most of my IRL friends so I don't really go out, except alone. No siblings or close family either.

this is my nearly autistic life. I am happy this way, though.

>> No.13442029

>6:30 alarm
>double espresso
>breakfast (eggs and toast) + more coffee
>Take train to work at 7:30
>usually skip lunch, occasionally go out with coworkers and I'll have a salad
>Finish work at 6-6:30
>Go out drinking / smoke weed with friends sometimes, most nights just stay home and read/watch films/play music
>Sleep at 1:00-1:30
>rinse repeat

It's okay. I wish I didn't hate my job but most everyone does.