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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 281 KB, 367x482, Dress9923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13433737 No.13433737 [Reply] [Original]

Has a complete stranger ever bought you a piece of clothing? Apparently, it happens. So don't worry, that you can't afford some shirt or dress you really wanted. Someone might just see you wearing it, and anonymously buy it for you.

>> No.13433749

all you need is a vagina and attractive face

>> No.13433797

>Batman shirt
>As the cashier clarified, the man is a DC Comics writer who has worked on a couple of the new Marvel films.


I've considered using one of those crowd funding sites promising pictures to pay for autistic stuff I want to make her wear but I've always held back because of how many creepers it would attract.

>> No.13433918

jesus do fucking beta men piss me off

>> No.13433998

If you needed another daily reminder that desperate mid tier men are ruining things for everyone else

>> No.13434008 [DELETED] 

My last GF was spoiled rich and arabic. Money out the ass. I believe that in the six - 8 months I was able to cope with her presence, I scored 5500 in designer threads. And a LOT of 3 star restaurants.

Fuck yeah

>> No.13434019

>complete /pol/ tier tripfag name
>"yeah man I dated a rich arab I swear I'm not some white basement dwelling loser"

>> No.13434025

What are you talking about, /pol/ love fascism
more like youtube tier

>> No.13434033

I had a sort of sugar momma in japan. I was a 20 year old Marine and she was a pharmaceutical business women. She basically would take me shopping and she would pick what i wore for the date/event.We'd bang and she would drop me off in the morning for work.

>> No.13434039

>too expensive

>> No.13434041 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 2592x1552, IMAG0255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus god you have a really boring life, huh?

I'm sick of posting us because of this universal expectation you loser tier kids hold on to so tight.

GUESS WHAT? I fuck this, then it buys me a 400 dollar dinner. 4-5 times a week. It also pays for everything, because it's dripping cash.

It's a tricky thing to maintain tho - you have to like, be a man. In the traditional sense. You have reach out and take things, you have to hold on to the things you want to keep. You have to be SOCIALLY ADEPT.

And that's the nail in your coffin. That's why your life is gonna be shiiiiiiiiit for most of the years it spans. Because you're a pussy who settles, who takes what he's given.
There's no place for your faggotry in a world where people with actual cojones get the best life has to offer on a silver platter.

They get to make art, they get to experience physical pleasure, they get the money. They win. It's sad because most people just aren't wired like that. They're wired like you.

Cowards for life. Average souls. Bred to die and consume. God I'm lucky not to be like you

>> No.13434857

that's really cute. jealous.

>> No.13434991

It is considering how fucking ugly that dress is.

>> No.13435051

I'm a guy who makes fetish content for gay men, so this happens pretty frequently. I have wishlists and I often send people receipts of expenses for them to reimburse. Giving money as a submissive act is a much more common kink than you would expect. A friend of mine was a gay prostitute when we were in school, and he had lots of guys taking him out to meals and stuff like that

>all you need is an attractive face

>> No.13435150

And then what happened

>> No.13436088

It was pretty cool.

Family pressured here to find an actual husband her age. Not some 23 year old marine. And, well, my time was up i got orders to go home. I had done my time, served my country. It was time for me to go home. We had a very emotional last night and went our separate ways.

>> No.13436177

How did you two meet?How old was she?

>> No.13436227

How do you get into doing this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.13436518
File: 74 KB, 400x387, 1478307610985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am proud of you

>> No.13436544

>the man is a DC Comics writer who has worked on a couple of the new Marvel films.
Christopher Yost?

>> No.13436561

We met at a bar. It was kind of a slow weekend. Not much partying just kind of enjoying the sights kind of weekend. Me and my friend went to our favorite beach cafe and she was sitting alone. Friend made me a bet. If you get her to sit with us and invite a friend, ill cover your whole meal even if you order a shitton of drinks. She never did invite another firend but at least i spoke to her and we just hit it off from there. She was 28 when i met her.

It was tough and i think about her often. I was probably truly in love or something but too young to realize it at the time. Oh well.

>> No.13436835

Do your own research and develop a niche. Find the places online where this is done and start taking attractive photos of yourself in the nude. Be very careful how you accept money, because selling fetish content is against the TOS of all of the major online payment systems. If you must use them, transfer all of the money to your bank or withdraw to cash immediately