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13430070 No.13430070 [Reply] [Original]

Why do non Americans wear cowboy hats to be fashionable?

Do you realize what a stupid effete LARPer you look like?

>> No.13430314
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>tfw Stetson literally doesn't make a hat big enough for you

>> No.13430401

Absolutely. Relevant Tom Segura bit.


>> No.13430405

I dunno. I live in Arizona, and I almost never see cowboy hats. When I do it's usually on a middle-aged LARPER or someone that is actually pretty cowboy.

>> No.13430629

I live in the south and see them daily on old men or younger dudes who actually do blue collar shit

Seeing them on some little fashion chink teen makes me cringe lol

>> No.13430633
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>muh cant wear vans if you're not a skater logic

>> No.13430648

vans and cowboy hats are not comparable at all lmao, anyone can pick up a fucking skateboard and skate but that isn’t even the point. vans knows they make shoes for fashion and fashion alone, cowboy hats are a symbol of the old west and blue collar workers. you can’t just pick up a fucking saddle and be a cowboy one day lol

Besides even if you disagree society doesn’t and will laugh at you, fuck off cringey LARPer

>> No.13430668

Agreed. I honestly really like the wide brim Jennings style hat. They would actually serve a purpose here in the desert, since the real way to beat the heat in 110F+ and 0% humidity is to cover every inch of your body. Too bad rappers memed them to death.

>> No.13430676
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>the gatekeeper

>> No.13430681


>> No.13430683

Spam 4chan memes all you want, everyone is laughing at the baby faced, softhanded, milquetoast little fashion pussy wearing the cowboy hat lmao

>> No.13430686

Also keep in mind I’m not saying you aren’t ALLOWED to do shit, wear whatever you want, but you’re just gonna look like a white bitch in a qipao if you’re a chink in a cowboy hat

>> No.13430693
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Ironically society actually cringes at cunts like you who care way too much about shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.13430709

Get normal, non-hypebeast opinions on your sweet fucking cowboy hat and see how everyone laughs at you yourself then, you don’t have to take my word for it

>> No.13430792


Anyway I'm off to cop some stupid t-shirt with Japanese letters all over it

>> No.13430797

Would anyone explain to me how the fuck this became a trend?

>> No.13430833

Why non cowboys wear denim, what a bunch of fucking imposter civilization

>> No.13430843

Errolson is from Edmonton which is like the Dallas of Canada. It probably makes more sense for him to wear a Cowboy hat than anyone from a state like Hawaii or New Hampshire.

>> No.13430850

>taking fashion advice from autist
lol, next you're gonna tell me to wear some shitty sweatshirt with some k pop band and chinese text with old japanese cum stains on it

>> No.13431023

asian weeaboos who got into fashion because face is important in asian culture started that trend

asians are the fucking cancer of fashion, they can't design shit and they're just little chinky consumerist drones for either shit like gucci or the latest hypebeast trends. when they start trends you get garbage like that. same with blacks. blacks are the reason true religion still exists.

>> No.13431055

This guy works out at the library.

>> No.13431140

Why cowboy hats ONLY look good when tilted? I've never seen a cowboy hat worn the way it's supposed to be and have it actually match the outfit.

>> No.13431182

He is Jamaican actually.

>> No.13431184

>muh heritage

>> No.13431204

You know the "cowboy" image is completely made up and has shit-all to do with actual working cowboys, right? Nashville ain't exactly a ranching town.

>> No.13431307

>and has shit-all to do with actual working cowboys, right?
right, it's become a symbol of the blue collar working class

>> No.13431355

you do realize that cowboys came from mexico, right?? specifically northern mexico. they're called vaqueros and are still very much a thing.

i do think it's a little weird seeing anybody outside of north america wearing cowboy hats

>> No.13431387

yes vaqueros existed, no they did not "come from" mexico, mexico did not invent the practice of herding livestock

vaqueros (buckaroos) are just the mexican version of cowboys but are essentially the same, they just operated on the other side of the rio grande. yes america had plenty of non mexican cowboys and yes we still have them, though we really just call them ranchers now

point is, if you're not an american or mexican blue collar type and you wear a cowboy hat it looks costumey so yeah we agree on that

>> No.13431417

I stopped in Arizona once, in the summer. Stepping outside felt like walking into a fucking oven.
Wide brim hats should be acceptable any time there is a lot of sun.
I agree that for most people it's larping but I would ask: should it be?
Most of the details on our clothes probably have their origins in military uniforms and workwear but we're not expected to be in the military or blue collar jobs to wear those.
Something as practical as cowboy hats ought to be made mainstream.

>> No.13431426

Nigga, mexicans have been wearing cow boy hats before america even exsisted

>> No.13431430

Spanish cowherds wore hats with wide brims and tall crowns, and brought them to Mexico, and Texas was part of Mexico.

It's just a style of hat, with many variations, that makes sense for anyone who's out in the sun a lot.

For someone NOT out in the sun, then it's larping.

>> No.13432207 [DELETED] 

WGAF? Live.

>> No.13432320

Yep. It's fucked here. I'm outside doing yardwork today, and it's gonna hit 110F.

>> No.13432367

I like to wear one as a britbong and I live in London.
I've been walkin' these streets so long
Singin' the same old song
I know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Broadway

>> No.13432599

fuck up chinkoid

>> No.13432660

Sun kills your skin. So wear hats and use uv protection cream

>> No.13432677

this isn't about wide brim hats, it's about cowboy hats

>> No.13432709 [DELETED] 

You keep your mouth shut already, you pussy. fuckin herd boy

>> No.13432724

The point was that many cowboy hats are wide brim and serve a function in the southwest.

>> No.13432740
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If you aren't a middle-aged white dad, you can't wear ugly chunky sneakers and fanny packs!!

>> No.13433721


timestamp 19:30-ish

>> No.13433734


No he's not. His parents are ethnic Chinese born and raised in Jamaica, who then emigrated to Canada before having him. He's Canadian and ethnically Chinese. Only his parents are Jamaican nationals.

>> No.13434007

neck yourself fucking mongrel Amerimutt, its you subhuman la creaturas who cant design shit

>> No.13434418
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>doesnt know about paniolos