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File: 5 KB, 299x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13426759 No.13426759 [Reply] [Original]

You don't ACTUALLY use a disposable or electric razor. Do you /fa/?

>> No.13426782

Started using a safety razor about a year ago it's great. Shaving soap leaves my face feeling so nice and soft afterwards

>> No.13426791

*tips fedora*
No, sir!

>> No.13426802

I use a disposable cause I don't really care
often I don't even use shaving cream because it's so much of a bother
sometimes i'll wet my hands and press them to my face where i want to shave

>> No.13426935
File: 476 KB, 930x1139, Braun Series 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the actual practical benefits of using these vs. electric shaver (like pic related)??

>> No.13426951

i used to use a single blade but i switched to disposable. anybody who thinks old razor = good and new razor = bad is a faggot. no point unless you're into shaving as a hobby or you have a beard and you're shaving your neck

>> No.13427025


>> No.13427036
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The shave is much, MUCH a closer, and it doesn’t leave red bumps the way electrics do.

That said, I’ll often use my electric during the workweek, since it gets the jobs done about 100x faster and I value my sleep.

>> No.13427055

it's literally the opposite of what neckbeards think

>> No.13427065

Currently trying to revamp my safety razor shave and get better at it, since I've been cutting myself a lot. Gonna start experimenting with new blades and a different brush. Also ordered a bunch of save soap samples (with one being inspired by Terre d Hermes)

Must say, anybody who doesn't at least use shave soap is a fool. I did that when i used cartridge even and it is night and day. I do love double edge shaving though, i like the act of treating shaving as an experience rather than just grooming alone.

>> No.13427072

multi-blade cartridges cause irritation and bumps for a lot of people.

>> No.13427076

>old razor = good and new razor = bad
This is literally how it is though. Maybe you should try it instead of falling for the cartridge meme

>> No.13427100
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I use no lube but prep using a steam room. Yes I'm that guy at the gym.

>> No.13427146

A few things I've picked up:
Don't over-wet your brush,you want a nice creamy lather
Pay attention to the direction your hair grows on your neck, if you shave it straight down you will probably get irritation or cuts

>> No.13427185
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My prep is usually just showers. I used proraso preshave at one point in my life, but it really didn't do much for me. I do love a good hot towel, though.

Yeah I think I've been using too much cream while still overwetting it in some cases, so I'm gonna first make sure my lather isn't shit. Really, I only struggle to shave my chin and the underside of my chin up to m crab apple. It's really curvy, so I end up butchering myself trying to get close on that, and I can't really go across the grain on it easily, so I've just been struggling with it.

Got my neck down pretty well though, which is what I always got razor burn on. So not too bad.

>> No.13427677
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I get a straight razor wet shave and a haircut everyweek. A time to relax. If you havent ever done it before its worth your while and you wont regret it.

>> No.13427699

>You don't use a disposable razor do you
>posts a picture with the first disposable razor ever produced.

>> No.13427704

fuck off, i use a disposable/throwaway razors once per shave and I get pretty good/painless shave, not irritating my skin
1.5euro per 12 pack as well
so you can suck my cock you boat shoe wearing fag

>> No.13427712

>against the grain

>> No.13427744


>> No.13427787
File: 96 KB, 640x786, 1527252236164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have lip and chin shadow when I shave with my Mekor 34D. I do 3 passes with grain then left and right of it.

Is it just angling/shaving technique is slightly wrong or genetics? I don't even grow much hair.

>> No.13427821

I have a similar problem. I have to do an against the brain pass. If your technique is solid, you could look into a little more of an aggressive razor, depending on your skin. I've been told that can help with against the grain and across the grain passes.

>> No.13427835

Cartridge and disposable were a last ditch attempt by gillette to keep their profits after wilkinson sword and personna made stainless DE blades.
Basically carbon steel blades costed the same per shave as gillette fusion. while now even weaboos that like feather and kai pay less than that.

also Injector >>> any DE but Gillette Tech

>> No.13427956

I like the Silver Blues

>> No.13428120

This is what I use to shave

>Gillette (the best a man can get) Mach 3 Disposable
>Barbasol with Aloe
>Nivea Cooling post shave Balm because it feels and smells nice
Never had a problem with this setup. Barbasol cans last me about 3 months and cost less than a pack of bubble gum. Mach 3s are about five bucks and I usually toss one after a couple weeks. Nivea Balm lasts about 3 months and costs as much as a gallon of gas.

Tell me spending $100 on boutique hipster doofus shaving stuff is worth it. I want to believe.

>> No.13428213

Well it's never gonna convince you because you clearly don't care but just so you know, i only spent 40 bucks as an initial investment and i buy a bit pack of 100 blades every once in a while for twenty bucks and that's that.

>> No.13428434

Tell me more. I'm genuinely curious about this. Just a little skeptical.

>> No.13428452
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>Maybe you should try it instead of falling for the cartridge meme
did you read the first sentence of my post

>> No.13428461

So i used to shave with a three and a five blade razor in my past life. My neck ALWAYS got razor burn when in high school and it was generally awful. I have a sandpaper face. Until i started using dollar shave club, it was also expensive. I tried shave soap i got from Walmart and honestly it was an insanely smooth shave, but i still got some irritation, so i tried double edge.

Now, i can make a few passes and its like night and day. No razor burn and i get a pretty smooth shave. The real reason imo to switch is blades are dirt cheap. No more putting up with an uncomfortable shave because i can't afford to buy a new pack, or having to wait for my next order of blades. One blade will give me at LEAST 2 shaves always. That means i only buy blades every few months for twenty bucks. I also get more control since there are a bunch of blades.

Overall, i think double edge razors are a pinch meme. If what works for you is fine, i can't see why I'd switch either. Cost can be a major factor though. If you don't get caught in the hobby, it's just much cheaper. I do think shave soap is worthwhile though. I feel that it always gives me a better shave then any cream or gel.

>> No.13428469

please dont shave against your brain anon

>> No.13428474

Hm. What are the products you're using? Walmart has shave soap? I've looked before at my local Wallyworld and didn't see anything.

>> No.13428495
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Sorry I've been mobile posting lately, make a typo every post now.

Mine actually sold something like this. I've since switched to Proraso and use a boar brush, but i had zero problems with it. Great little set. It was years ago though, so idk

>> No.13428503

I'll look for that and give it a shot, see if it does me better than good ol' Barbasol. Thanks anon!

>> No.13428581

do you not shave against the grain? What are you a pubescent teen with sensitive skin riddled with acne?

>> No.13428596

You ever read the ingredients on barbasol? It's got butane in it, dried out my skin like crazy

>> No.13428634

>tfw my local drug stores/grocers/supermarkets don't sell shaving soap
how the hell am i suppose to try that shit out?

>> No.13428640

these things don't work on negroid facial hairs. Pissed me off, what a waste of money.

>> No.13428653

>against the grain
Except he isnt shaving against the grain on that part of the neck...

>> No.13429324


>> No.13429334

Did you have any difficulty with it when you started? I want to make the shift but I'm a bit nervous.

>> No.13429342

you have to keep the cutting angle, some razors have narrower angle.

don't push the razor against the skin, think of it as a white board marker compared to chalk (carts and disposables)

>> No.13429385

For me the only way to get a baby smooth shave is going against the grain but that ALWAYS result in bumps/pimples.

So theres always a slight hint of darkness

Im asian too. So it's only the mustache area and chin thats dark.


>> No.13429389

what razor do you use?

>> No.13429563

so how steep of a learning curve is involved when switching from disposable or is it mostly a matter of more prep involved?

>> No.13429585

Use a safety ravor, but replace soap with olive oil, it's great.

>> No.13429702

Does this fuck your face up/clog pores?

>> No.13430110

use a straight razor and do 3 passes and you won't have this problem no mo

>> No.13430113

Yes, it will, this is a retarded idea. Use a bar of soap and lather it onto your face, offers protection & makes the blade glide across your face.

>> No.13430164

obviously not

>> No.13430394

that's fucking dumb

>> No.13430489

>Letting someone hold a deadly razorblade to your throat

>> No.13430983

Actually I've done that and the lady kinda butchered me when i got it. I have pretty coarse facial hair though, so i can't REALLY blame her but never doing that with that particular one again

>> No.13432049

I'd probably Sweeny Todd myself

>> No.13432141

i have the 7 series and it's by far the most useful thing i've ever stolen

>> No.13432225

TBW I am more interested in using a normal razor because 1) I am starting to hate plastic 2) I feel that I am being too wasteful with the packaging and the razors themselves. I really dislike disposable culture but the whole *tips fedora* is keeping me away from that, specially since I don't grow much facial hair to begin with. With that said, what little I grow grows in a very large area.

>> No.13432485

Not him but I found using a safety razor to be the easiest thing in the world. Never once cut myself with it and have cut my face before with regular commercial razors.

>> No.13433254
File: 474 KB, 2000x2000, 34C-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to get into these razors but don't know what to get. Are Merkurs any good? What else do I need?

>> No.13433287

How do I shave my ass and pubic area without getting those disgusting red bumps the next day? Do I need a certain razor or technique?

>> No.13433316

Razor, Blades, Shaving Cream or soap go nuts. I got a Merkur 23c, it's probably the best one out there.

>> No.13433323

Almost zero learning curve for safety razor, you just have to do 3 passes to get that baby smooth finish. One with the grain and two across. Otherwise, how much prep you want to put in is up to you. You can still use your foam barbasol, or upgrade to a shaving soap. Don't forget a nice after shave balm and some good face lotion. I use Cerave since it works best for me.

Straight razor might take some practice to get the technique down. Plus you'll have to sharpen and strop it. A little bit more maintenance, but still usable

>> No.13433349
File: 970 KB, 1500x1000, halftime razor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I use to shave my head anon? Youtube suggested pic related

>> No.13433357

What the fuck is that

>> No.13433429

Why do they all look exactly the same

>> No.13433709

Just don't be that guy that never shuts the fuck up about how superior your gentlemanly classic shave is and no one will lump you in with the fedora crowd.

>> No.13433735

then just don't buy "artisan" shit.
1 soap or cream is enough until you run out of it, same with aftershave.
pre shave products are a scam just use hot water to hydrate the hairs and open up the pores.

>> No.13433745

Just use a pink Daisy razor.

>> No.13433760

anything works anon, i currently use a Injector Razor, but i have done with DEs.

>> No.13434473

post your setup lads
>Parker 24C
>Dr Jon's flowers in the dark soap
>Thayers witch hazel lavender
>some Omega synthetic

>> No.13434490
File: 183 KB, 800x1307, 1468023542513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently experimenting right now with my Merkur 34c since I haven't been doing a great job at shaving. I can build good lather, but when I go to put it on my face, it doesn't really go on smoothly. It's like the brush just holds on to it all. Which surprises me, because I've been using this boar brush for a while. Ordered a synthetic to maybe try something else.

>Merkur 34c
>Blue box Astra's (experimenting)
>Badger & Blade's boar brush
>Proraso green + red
>Nivea aftershave (the best)

>> No.13434818
File: 71 KB, 798x800, italian barber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434985

If you're having trouble, forget the brush. I find I don't need one personally. Just dap some onto your face and lather it on your face using your hands. It wont be as thick, but it'll still get the job done.

>Muhle R41
>almond oil as pre-shave oil
>Edwin Jagger shaving cream (got it for free with the razor, just using it temporarily)
>argan oil for post-shave

Oils are underrated, especially if you have dry skin like mine. With my previous safety razor, I skipped cream or soap entirely and just shaved with almond oil and never had any issues, but with the more aggressive R41 that seems unwise until I have more experience with it. So far so good with it though. The R41 gives a great shave and honestly isn't as scary as people say, assuming it isn't your first safety razor.

Another bonus of oil is the stuff lasts forever, so if you're a cheapskate then you can skip most of the extra shit wet shavers peddle.

>> No.13435004

good luck if you're a burger

>> No.13435638
File: 67 KB, 970x1170, 1527759914155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here fuck with different shave soaps? Just ordered a bunch of samples from maggard

>> No.13435942

>merkur 23c
>astra platinum
>cremo sandalwood
>nivea post shave balm cooling
>cerave lotion

>> No.13435951

I was going to get the variety pack of Col. Conk, but decided I'd just rather use up the stuff I got already before I get more. I don't wanna go too deep down this rabbit hole, yet.

>> No.13437092

Yeah that's fair. I'm a /frag/ lurker and it's easy to get out of control with this kind of stuff, especially if it smells good.

>> No.13437110

we get it, you're underage

>> No.13437524
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1040, eastern promises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting another man hold a razor knife to your throat

>> No.13437540

>using foams and soaps and other products on your face before shaving
what the fuck how do you guys do this shit
all my life i've just shaven with some warm water and a razor (straight or disposable cartridge)
what the fuck do you put all this shit on your face for?

>> No.13437690

makes shaving easier and smoother, good for your skin if you use non shitty shave soap/cream, smells good.

>> No.13437720

nah. I don't shave against the grain because if I did, I would be riddled with acne. I'm not because I don't

Some people have sensitive skin fuccboi, count your blessings.

>> No.13437722

lubricates your skin, gets you a closer shave with less effort. Did nobody teach you the ins and outs of shaving?

>> No.13437965
File: 6 KB, 300x300, bic 1 blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically shave with this and no water. I have used a box cutter blade to shave too...

it really makes no difference to me

>> No.13437978


>> No.13439029


>> No.13439831

Somewhat agree.

Most of what makes a cutthroat good is technique and the extras. Manipulating the skin, shaving wtg, steam, soap, lather, etc. All of this can be applied to disposables.

In my experience disposables are always faster than cutthroats, even if the shave isn't as good (I'm pretty sure all things equal they are the same) it's so much faster.

If you want to spend 15 minutes having an artisan shave and just enjoying the experience, great, that's what I do, but it's a hobby. If you shave daily for work, just use disposables. Unless you are an early riser and like to have that meditation, the warm steam, the scented lather, the aesthetic of the razor.

t. shaved with a cutthroat for the last 10 years

>> No.13440409

I get a closer shave with a double edge. Which means i shave less often (every third or fourth day is honestly fine)

>> No.13440420

I don't see why a double edge would shave closer than other methods, are you sure you aren't just using different techniques?

Good for you finding something that words though.

>> No.13440460
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Is an asymmetrical face grain common? I swear that the left side of my neck, the grain grows upward, but begins to turn and grow right as you move towards the right of my neck

>> No.13440478

I've never used shaving cream in my life, genuinely curious why do people use it?

>> No.13440486

makes less of a mess compared to oil, while still lubricating you really don't want a sharp razor tugging (multi blades are incredibly dull blades)

>> No.13440545

Is an electric shaver actually worth it? Have been using mach 3 disposables my whole life and was thinking of trying something different.

>> No.13440612
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1528589678274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I switched from disposables/electric to safety razor about a year ago now. It's like night and day for me. I've got normal skin and slightly coarse hair, don't do beards. But just getting an actual smooth face and zero razor bumps or burn (which I would always get before) is great. That said my hair grows quickly so the amount of times I have to shave hasn't really changed at all.

I feel kind of bad for believing it to be a fad, could've avoidded minor shaving problems if I had switched earlier. Was also really worried about cuts but man I can count on my hands the number of times I've actually cut myself shaving with a safety razor.

On the other hand I haven't gone in deep. Made one big purchase last year and nothing has really run out yet. Merkur 34c, Personna blades, Proraso shaving cream and brush, proraso aftershave and an alum stick just in case. See no point in a lot of these other things like pre-shave and such that people wanna peddle though.

>> No.13441431

Yeah, hair follicles can have different directions, so rub your face to see what direction it goes

>> No.13441489
File: 67 KB, 650x600, Mitchell’s-Wool-Fat-Shaving-Soap-in-Dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single soap/cream/foam/gel makes my face red and hot and irritated. The only way I can shave regularly is using Cetaphil gentle cleanser and a Mach 3. I still get BBS in 2-3 mins but I'd like the option of having fancy soaps and smelling nice and stuff.

I want to try pic related but I bet it smells like sheep's arse

>> No.13441854

what's the point of shaving in prison?

>> No.13442191

Unironically a much better razor than multiblade shit. Used to use a Bic prior to getting my DE. Works well for head/ass shaving too.

>> No.13442239
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20180614_02_13_06_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the only way to get the stubble look im after

>> No.13442289

Getting semen in your beard sucks

>> No.13442431

are these good to use for balls shaving?

>> No.13442478

DE razor sure, SE is you like taking risks

>> No.13442486

dude you look like shit. go to the gym.

>> No.13442491

Not having a nuBeard

>> No.13442503

I can't even grow facial hair in first place

>> No.13443985

>page 11
gookmoot strikes again

>> No.13443997

I use DE for this, not gonna lie, have cut myself a few times, nothing bad, and its probably no worse than multiple blade at least.

>> No.13444161
File: 23 KB, 572x511, 1478448627704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. So whenever I make a lather in the bowl and go to put it on my face, it never goes on consistently. The brush ends up taking it off, and it all ends up in the middle of the brush.

How do I prevent this?

>> No.13444245

Never trust a women to do a good job of anything

>> No.13444247

Rockwell 6c

>> No.13444263

first ask in your family, Vintage DEs have nothing to envy from the modern ones.

>> No.13444886


>> No.13444938

What kind of razor would you recommend for a chinaman who only gets short af fuzz?

>> No.13444963


>> No.13446400

yeah I agree
I have a shavette with good blades but most of the time I don't even bother and I use those orange cunt